Items where Subject is "08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing > 080106 Image Processing"
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- Fields of Research (57778)
- 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (303)
- 080106 Image Processing (47)
- 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (303)
Uddamvathanak, Rom, Chawla, Shailey, and Feng, Yang (2019) Three-stage ensemble of image net pre-trained networks for pneumonia detection. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, 7 (7). pp. 24-28.
Rahimzadegan, Majid, Sadeghi, Behnam, Masoumi, Manuchehr, and Ghalehjoghi, Siamak Taghizadeh (2015) Application of target detection algorithms to identification of iron oxides using ASTER images: a case study in the North of Semnan province, Iran. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8 (9). pp. 7321-7331.
Possemiers, Aidan L., and Lee, Ickjai (2015) Fast OBJ file importing and parsing in CUDA. Computational Visual Media, 1 (3). pp. 229-238.
Nguwi, Yok-Yen (2014) Facial emotion ranking under imbalanced conditions. International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 3 (5). 7. pp. 340-348.
Cahya Prihandoko, Antonius, Ghodosi, Hossein, and Litow, Bruce (2014) Blind image watermarking based on chaotic maps. IT in Industry, 2 (2). pp. 44-50.
Lee, Ickjai, Lee, Kyungmi, and Torpelund-Bruin, Christopher (2009) Voronoi image segmentation and its applications to geoinformatics. Journal of Computers, 4 (11). pp. 1101-1108.
Pham, Tuan D., Tran, Dat T., and Zhou, Xiaobo (2007) Fuzzy information fusion of classification models for high-throughput image screening of cancer cells in time-lapse microscopy. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, 11 (4). pp. 237-246.
Yu, Donggang, Pham, Tuan D., Yan, Hong, Zhang, Bailing, and Crane, Denis I. (2007) Segmentation of cultured neurons using logical analysis of grey and distance difference. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 166 (1). pp. 125-137.
Pham, Tuan D. (2007) Spectral distortion measures for biological sequence comparisons and database searching. Pattern Recognition, 40 (2). pp. 516-529.
Pham, Tuan D. (2007) Matching and fusing signal-estimation errors for similarity-based pattern classification. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 6 (1). pp. 125-132.
Pham, Tuan D., Tran, Dat T., Zhou, X., and Wong, Stephen T.C. (2007) A microscopic image classification system for high-throughput cell-cycle screening. International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing, 1 (1). pp. 67-77.
Tomovich, S.J., and Peng, Z. (2005) Optimised relfection imaging for surface roughness analysis using confocal laser scanning microscopy and height encoded image processing. Journal of Physics: conference series, 13. pp. 426-429.
Book Chapter
Yu, Donggang, Pham, Tuan D., and Zhou, Xiaobo (2007) Analysis and recognition of touching cell images based on morphological structures. In: Apolloni, Bruno, Howlett, Robert J., and Jain, Lakhmi, (eds.) Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4692 . Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 439-446.
Zhang, Bailing, Pham, Tuan D., and Zhang, Yanchun (2007) Bagging support vector machine for classification of SELDI-TOF mass spectra of ovarian cancer serum samples. In: Orgun, Mehmet A., and Thornton, John, (eds.) AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4830 . Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 820-826.
Pham, Tuan D. (2007) Geo-thresholding for segmentation of fluorescent microscopic cell images. In: Perner, Petra, and Salvetti, Ovidio, (eds.) Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Medicine, Biotechnology and Chemistry. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4826 . Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 15-26.
Pham, Tuan D. (2007) Mass spectrometry based cancer classification using fuzzy fractal dimensions. In: Rueda, Luis, Mery, Domingo, and Kittler, Josef, (eds.) Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4756 . Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 614-623.
Tran, Dat T., Pham, Tuan D., Zhou, Xiaobo, and Wong, Stephen T.C. (2007) Modeling methods for cell phase classification. In: Pham, Tuan D., Yan, Hong, and Crane, Denis I., (eds.) Advanced Computational Methods for Biocomputing and Bioimaging. Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, pp. 143-166.
Pham, Tuan D., Tran, Dat T., Zhou, Xiaobo, and Wong, Stephen T.C. (2006) Classification of cell phases in time-lapse images by vector quantization and markov models. In: Grier, Erik V., (ed.) Neural Stem Cell Research. Nova Science, New York, USA, pp. 155-174.
Conference Item
Engelbrecht, Chris, Kgoadi, Refilwe, and Frescura, Fabio (2017) A search for low-metallicity pulsating B stars. In: EPJ Web of Conferences (152) From: 22nd Los Alamos Stellar Pulsation Conference, 28 November - 2 December 2016, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
Suwanwiwat, Hemmaphan, Blumenstein, Michael, and Pal, Umapada (2015) A complete automatic short answer assessment system with student identification. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. pp. 611-615. From: ICDAR 2015: 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 23-26 August 2015, Nancy, France.
Suwanwiwat, Hemmaphan, Blumenstein, Michael, and Pal, Umapada (2015) Short answer question examination using an automatic off-line handwriting recognition system and a novel combined feature. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. pp. 1-8. From: IJCNN 2015: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 12-17 July 2015, Killarney, Ireland.
Olsen, Alex, Han, Sunghyu, Calvert, Brendan, Ridd, Peter, and Kenny, Owen (2015) In situ leaf classification using histograms of oriented gradients. In: Proceedings of the lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications. pp. 441-448. From: DICTA 2015: lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications, 23-25 Nov 2015, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Possemiers, Aidan L., and Lee, Ickjai (2015) Parallel importing of OBJ meshes in CUDA. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications. pp. 65-70. From: PG2015: 23rd Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 7-9 October 2015, Beijing, China.
Suwanwiwat, Hemmaphan, Nguyen, Vu, Blumenstein, Michael, and Pal, Umapada (2014) Off-line handwritten Thai name recognition for student identification in an automated assessment system. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. pp. 2347-2353. From: IJCNN 2014: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 6-11 July 2014, Beijing, China.
Suwanwiwat, Hemmaphan, Nguyen, Vu, Blumenstein, Michael, and Pal, Umapada (2014) Off-line handwritten bilingual name recognition for student identification in an automated assessment system. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition. pp. 271-276. From: ICFHR 2014: 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 1-4 September 2014, Hersonisson, Greece.
Marchant, Ross, and Jackway, Paul (2013) Local feature analysis using a sinusoidal signal model derived from higher-order Riesz transforms. In: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. pp. 3489-3493. From: ICIP 2013: 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 15-18 September 2013, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Suwanwiwat, Hemmaphan, Nguyen, Vu, and Blumenstein, Michael (2013) Off-line restricted-set handwritten word recognition for student identification in a short answer question automated assessment system. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. pp. 167-172. From: HIS 2012: 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 4-7 December 2012, Pune, India.
Marchant, Ross, and Jackway, Paul (2013) Modelling line and edge features using higher-order Riesz transforms. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8192) pp. 438-449. From: ACIVS 2013: 15th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 28-31 October 2013, Poznań, Poland.
Marchant, R., and Jackway, P. (2013) Using super-resolution methods to solve a novel multi-sinusoidal signal model. In: Proceedings of the lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications. pp. 485-492. From: DICTA 2013: lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications, Hobart, TAS. Australia, 26-28 November 2013.
Mathiesen, Dylan, Myers, Trina, Atkinson, Ian, and Trevathan, Jarrod (2012) Geological visualisation with augmented reality. In: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems. pp. 172-179. From: NBiS 2012 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 26-28 September 2012, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Rahman, Atiqur Shah, Song, I., and Leung, M.K.H. (2012) Negative space template: a novel feature to describe activities in video. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 6252666. pp. 1-7. From: 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 10-15 June 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
Marchant, Ross, and Jackway, Paul (2012) Feature detection from the maximal response to a spherical quadrature filter set. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications. pp. 1-8. From: 2012 International Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, 3-5 December 2012, Fremantle, WA, Australia.
Marchant, R., and Jackway, P. (2011) Generalised Hilbert transforms for the estimation of growth direction in coral cores. In: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: techniques and applications. pp. 660-665. From: DICTA 2011 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: techniques and applications, 6-8 December 2011, Noosa, QLD, Australia.
Teoh, Teik Toe, and Nguwi, Yok Yen (2010) Emotion indexing using Hidden Markov Expert Rule Model (HMER) for autism children. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics and Vision. pp. 668-672. From: 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics and Vision (ICARV 2010), 7-10 December 2010, Singapore.
Torpelund-Bruin, Christopher, and Lee, Ickjai (2009) A Voronoi-based model for emergency planning using sequential-scan algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. pp. 83-88. From: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 8-11 June 2009, Texas, USA.
Pham, Tuan D. (2007) Double adaptive filtering of Gaussian noise degraded images. In: Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian Conference 2007 (4522) pp. 848-857. From: 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 2007, 10-14 June 2007, Aalborg, Denmark.
Pham, Tuan (2007) Fractal characteristics of mass spectrometry based cancer data. In: Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (BIO '07). pp. 30-35. From: 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (BIO '07), 26-28 Aug 2007, Athens, Greece.
Zhang, Bailing, Pham, Tuan D., and Zhang, Yanchun (2007) Ovarian cancer identification from mass spectra by Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences (952) pp. 187-196. From: Computational Models for Life Sciences (CMLS '07) 2007 International Symposium, 17-19 December 2007, Queensland, Australia.
Pham, Tuan (2007) Predictive modeling in proteomics-based disease detection. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. pp. 3308-3311. From: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 23-26 August 2007, Lyon, France.
Yu, Donggang, Pham, Tuan D., Yan, Hong, Lai, Wei, and Crane, Denis I. (2007) Segmentation and reconstruction of cultured neuron skeleton. In: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium of Computational Models for Life Sciences (952) pp. 21-30. From: Computational Models for Life Sciences - CMLS '07: 2007 International Symposium, 17-19 December 2007, Queensland, Australia.
Yu, Donggang, Pham, Tuan D., Zhou, Xiaobo, and Wong, Stephen T.C. (2007) Segmentation, recognition and tracing analysis for high-content cell-cycle screening. In: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences (952) pp. 66-75. From: Computational Models for Life Sciences (CMLS '07) 2007 International Symposium, 17-19 December 2007, Queensland, Australia.
Yu, Donggang, Pham, Tuan, and Zhou, Xiaobo (2007) Tracing and recognition of cell phases. In: Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (BIO '07). pp. 36-41. From: 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (BIO '07), 26-28 Aug 2007, Athens, Greece.
Pham, Tuan D., and Zhou, Xiaobo (2007) A novel image feature for nuclear-phase classification in high content screening. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology and Chemistry (4826) pp. 84-93. From: International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Medicine, Biotechnology and Chemistry, 18 July 2007, Leipzig, Germany.
Yu, Donggang, Pham, Tuan D., and Crane, Denis I. (2007) A region analysis approach for segmenting neural-cell images. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. pp. 5529-5532. From: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 23-26 August 2007, Lyon, France.
Coath, Genevieve, and Musumeci, Phillip (2003) Adaptive arc fitting for ball detection in RoboCup. In: APRS Workshop on Digital Image Computing. pp. 63-68. From: APRS Workshop on Digital Image Computing, 2003, 7 February 2003, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Marchant, Ross Glenn Raymond (2016) Local feature analysis using higher-order Riesz transforms. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Britton, Paul Falcon (2003) Application of image measurement and continuum mechanics to measuring the large-strain kinematic behaviour of prepared sugar cane and bagasse. PhD thesis, James Cook University.