Items where Subject is "52 PSYCHOLOGY > 5205 Social and personality psychology > 520501 Community psychology"

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Abdullah, Alhassan, Emery, Clifton R., Dwumah, Peter, and Jordan, Lucy P. (2023) Towards a normative change approach in child labour: A theoretical analysis and empirical exploration of the constituted and constitutive procedural social norms. New Ideas in Psychology, 70. 101032.

Abdullah, Alhassan, Jordan, Lucy P., and Emery, Clifton R. (2023) The protective effects of the collective cultural value of abiriwatia against child neglect: Results from a nationally representative survey. Child Abuse and Neglect, 138. 106068.


Chan, Xi Wen, Kalliath, Thomas, Brough, Paula, Siu, Oi-ling, and Timms, Carolyn (2022) Examining the mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between perceived organizational support and work–family enrichment. International Journal of Stress Management, 29 (3). pp. 281-291.

Chew, Peter K.H. (2018) Racism in Singapore: a review and recommendations for future research. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 12. e5.


Demutska, Alla, and Kiropoulos, Litza (2021) Depression and anxiety symptoms in Russian-speaking skilled immigrants living in Australia: a comparison with Anglo-Australians and Russian-speaking non-immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 84. pp. 1-11.


Gurney, Georgina G., Blythe, Jessica, Adams, Helen, Adger, W. Neil, Curnock, Matthew, Faulkner, Lucy, James, Thomas, and Marshall, Nadine A. (2017) Redefining community based on place attachment in a connected world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (38). pp. 10077-10082.


Hamilton, Kyra, Keech, Jacob J., Peden, Amy E., and Hagger, Martin S. (2023) Beliefs and attitudes of Australian learner drivers toward driving and avoiding driving through floodwater. Transportation Research. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 94. pp. 492-503.

Hamilton, Kyra, Keech, Jacob J., Willcox - Pidgeon, Stacey, and Peden, Amy E. (2022) An evaluation of a video-based intervention targeting alcohol consumption during aquatic activities. Australian Journal of Psychology, 74 (1). 2029221.

Hodgetts, Darrin, Sonn, Christopher, Li, Wendy, and Groot, Shiloh (2020) What does Theory & Psychology have to offer community-orientated psychologists? Theory & Psychology, 30 (6). pp. 852-863.

Hawkins, Russell, and McWaters, Samuel C. (2018) Asylum seekers prejudice: tertiary education, the media, and the government. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3 (4). pp. 13-29.


Krause, Amanda E., Lloyd-Smith, Anya, and Hajek, John (2020) The role of community language radio for understanding creativity and wellbeing in migrant communities in Australia. International Journal of Wellbeing, 10 (5). pp. 83-99.

Kanakis, K., McShane, C.J., Kilcullen, M.L., and Swinbourne, A.L. (2019) "It's the people that keep me here": exploring the role of community attachment in increasing length of residency. Journal of Rural Studies, 70. pp. 19-25.

Kanakis, Katerina, McShane, Connar Jo, Kilcullen, Meegan Lesley, and Swinbourne, Anne Louise (2018) A review of the impact of mining activity through a community capital framework. International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social, and Cultural Context, 14 (1).

Kanakis, Katerina, and McShane, Connar (2016) Preparing for disaster: preparedness in a flood and cyclone prone community. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 31 (2). pp. 18-24.


Law, Kwok Hong, Jackson, Ben, Guelfi, Kym, Nguyen, Thinh, Bennett, Elaine, Tan, Xuan Hui, Muller, Jessica, Sharouni, Taylor-Jane, Barkin, Jennifer, and Dimmock, James (2022) Characteristics of effective peer mentorship for primiparous mothers: Qualitative findings from a peer support program. In: [Presented at the Psychological Science and Wellbeing Conference 2022]. From: Psychological Science and Wellbeing Conference 2022, 4-5 March 2022, Singapore and Online.

Li, Wendy, Hung, Mee-Lynd, and Hodgetts, Darrin (2021) From a stranger to a 'one-of-us' ally: a new Confucian approach to community allyship. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 18 (4). pp. 550-570.

Law, K.H., Dimmock, J.A., Guelfi, K.J., Nguyen, T., Bennett, E., Gibson, L., Tan, X.H., and Jackson, B. (2021) A peer support intervention for first-time mothers: feasibility and 2 preliminary efficacy of the mummy buddy program. Women and Birth, 34 (6). pp. 593-605.

Li, Wendy, Hodgetts, Darrin, and Chhabra, Jasleen (2019) Intercultural psychology in the Asia-Pacific region: recounting the present and looking to the future. In: Li, Wendy, Hodgetts, Darrin, and Foo, Koong, (eds.) Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Intercultural Psychology. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 232-239.

Li, Wendy, and He, Ling (2019) Intercultural psychology in the greater China region. In: Li, Wendy, Hodgetts, Darrin, and Foo, Koong Hean, (eds.) Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Intercultural Psychology. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 8-31.

Li, Wendy, Hodgetts, Darrin, and Foo, Koong (2019) An intercultural approach to the psychology of culture. In: Li, Wendy, Hodgetts, Darrin, and Foo, Koong Hean, (eds.) Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Intercultural Psychology. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 1-7.

Li, Wendy, and Forbes, Amy (2018) Fang-tan in research among Chinese communities in New Zealand and Australia: a cultural approach to engagement. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 15 (4). pp. 472-488.

Li, Wendy (2017) Chinese Narrative: a method to explore problem gambling from a cultural perspective. In: Flett, Bronia, (ed.) SAGE Research Methods Cases. SAGE, London, UK, pp. 1-9.


McWaters, Samuel C., and Hawkins, Russell (2018) The imagined contact hypothesis: prejudice towards asylum seekers in Australia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3 (4). pp. 197-210.

McShane, Connar Jo, Turnour, Jim, Thompson, Michelle, Dale, Allan, Prideaux, Bruce, and Atkinson, Margaret (2016) Connections: the contribution of social capital to regional development. Rural Society, 25 (2). pp. 154-169.


Nomanbhoy, Alefiya, and Hawkins, Russell (2018) Parenting practices of Singaporean mothers of children with ADHD. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 27 (1). pp. 33-40.


Oliva, Jessica Lee, and Cobb, Mia L. (2024) Sniffing out what Australians know and believe about Drug Detector Dogs. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. pp. 1-15. (In Press)

Osbaldiston, Nick, McShane, Connar, and Oleszek, Raechel (2020) Examining Under/Non-Insurance Within the Community of the Cairns Local Government Area. Report. James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.


Papotto, Elisa Maria Concetta, and Oliva, Jessica Lee (2019) Paws for thought: the importance of dogs in a seniors social intervention. People and Animals, 2 (1). 5.

Peel, Raquel, Buckby, Beryl, and McBain, Kerry Anne (2017) Is awareness of suicide risk and intent culturally informed? A comparison between Australia and Brazil. In: Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Psychology. pp. 101-110. From: CBP 2017: 6th Annual International Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, 6-7 March 2017, Singapore.


Ramsay, Jonathan E., and Pang, Joyce S. (2017) Anti-immigrant prejudice in rising East Asia: a stereotype content and integrated threat analysis. Political Psychology, 38 (2). pp. 227-244.

Ramanathan, Rajini, and Fisher, Paul (2016) Singaporean caregivers' experiences of placing a relative into long term care. Clinical Gerontologist, 39 (3). pp. 167-189.


Seidu, Abdul-Aziz, Ahinkorah, Bright Opoku, Hagan, John Elvis, Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena, Abodey, Eric, Odoi, Amanda, Agbaglo, Ebenezer, Sambah, Francis, Tackie, Vivian, and Schack, Thomas (2020) Mass media exposure and women's household decision-making capacity in 30 sub-Saharan African countries: analysis of demographic and health surveys. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 581614.


Tan, Meridyn, and Singh, Smita (2022) Drivers of Prosocial Behavior: Exploring the Role of Mindset and Perceived Cost. Current Research in Social Psychology, 31 (3). pp. 28-38.

Teague, Samantha J., and Shatte, Adrian B.R. (2021) Peer support of fathers on Reddit: Quantifying the stressors, behaviors, and drivers. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 22 (4). pp. 757-766.

Townshend, Kishani, and Caltabiano, Nerina (2019) A conceptual and methodological exploration of the cognitive processes associated with mindful parenting: reflections on translating theory to practice. In: Blair, Sampson L., and Costa, Rosaline P., (eds.) Transitions into Parenthood: examining the complexities of childrearing. Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, 15 . Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK, pp. 123-148.


Van’T Noordende, Anna T., Pereira, Zoica Bakirtzief da Silva, Biswas, Pritha, Ilyas, Mohammed, Krishnan, Vijay, Parasa, Jayaram, and Kuipers, Pim (2021) Strengthening individual and family resilience against leprosy-related discrimination: a pilot intervention study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (4). e0009329.

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