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Number of items at this level: 31.


Stevens, Hallam, and Ruperti, Yvonne (2024) Smart food: novel foods, food security, and the Smart Nation in Singapore. Food, Culture and Society, 27 (3). pp. 754-774.

Marshall, Amber, Osman, Kim, Rogers, Jessa, Pham, Thu, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2023) Connecting in the Gulf: exploring digital inclusion for Indigenous families on Mornington Island. Information Communication and Society, 26 (12). pp. 2376-2397.

Stevens, Hallam (2023) Who really invented the thumb drive?: The Ubiquitous USB Gadget is the Brainchild of an Unsung Singapore Inventor. IEEE Spectrum, 60 (2). pp. 26-31.

Stevens, Hallam (2023) A mammoth meatball hints at a future of exotic lab-grown meats, but the reality will be far more boring, and rife with problems. The Conversation, 6 April 2023.

Drinkall, Jacquelene (2022) Capitalist Telepathics, Psychic Debt and the Search for Collective Intelligence. Topia, 45. pp. 133-164.

Addison, Courtney, and Stevens, Hallam (2022) Crowdfunding Conservation Science: Tracing the Participatory Dynamics of Native Parrot Genome Sequencing. Science, Technology & Human Values, 47 (3). pp. 568-596.

Stevens, Hallam (2022) When to stop learning from Singapore: data, surveillance and Australian business. New Mandala, 03 November 2022.

Jasanoff, Sheila, McGonigle, Ian, and Stevens, Hallam (2021) Science and Technology for Humanity: An STS View from Singapore. East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 15 (1). pp. 68-78.

Mak, Bonnie, and Stevens, Hallam (2021) The campus after COVID-19: infrastructures of “innovation” have produced new forms of surveillance and compliance that will refigure the post-pandemic campus. Public Seminar, 4 March 2021.

Ratan, Rabindra, Earle, Kelsey, Rosenthal, Sonny, Hua Chen, Vivian Hsueh, Gambino, Andrew, Goggin, Gerard, Stevens, Hallam, Li, Benjamin, and Lee, Kwan Min (2021) The (digital) medium of mobility is the message: examining the influence of e-scooter mobile app perceptions on e-scooter use intent. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3. 100076.

Stevens, Hallam, and Haines, Monamie Bhadra (2020) Trace together: Pandemic response, democracy, and technology. East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 14 (3). pp. 523-532.

Menadue, Christopher Benjamin, Giselsson, Kristi, and Guez, David (2020) An empirical revision of the definition of science fiction: it is all in the techne... SAGE Open, 10 (4).

Arora, Payal, and Stevens, Hallam (2019) Data-driven models of governance across borders: Datafication from the local to the global. First Monday, 24 (4).

Stevens, Hallam (2019) Open data, closed government: Unpacking First Monday, 24 (4).

Stevens, Hallam (2019) The Quotidian Labour of High Tech: Innovation and Ordinary Work in Shenzhen. Science, Technology & Society, 24 (2). pp. 218-236.

Wisnu, Wijaya Stevanus, Watson, Jason, and Bruce, Christine (2018) Understanding empowerment in a social media context: lessons from Indonesian migrant domestic workers. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 14 (2). pp. 172-195.

Stevens, Hallam (2018) Evidence-based medicine from a social science perspective. Australian Journal of General Practice, 47 (12). pp. 889-892.

Wong, Catherine Mei Ling, and Lockie, Stewart (2018) Sociology, risk and the environment: a material-semiotic approach. Journal of Risk Research, 21 (9). pp. 1077-1092.

Menadue, Christopher Benjamin, and Jacups, Susan (2018) Who reads science fiction and fantasy, and how do they feel about science? Preliminary findings from an online survey. SAGE Open, 8 (2).

Harrison, Helena, Birks, Melanie, Franklin, Richard, and Mills, Jane (2017) Case study research: foundations and methodological orientations. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 18 (1). 19. pp. 1-17.

Stevens, Hallam (2017) A feeling for the algorithm: Working knowledge and big data in biology. Osiris, 32 (1). pp. 151-174.

Wong, Catherine Mei Ling (2016) Assembling interdisciplinary energy research through an Actor Network Theory (ANT) frame. Energy Research & Social Science, 12. pp. 106-110.

Reardon, Jenny, Ankeny, Rachel A., Bangham, Jenny, Darling, Katherine W., Hilgartner, Stephen, Jones, Kathryn Maxson, Shapiro, Beth, Stevens, Hallam, Edmunds, Scott C., Harris-Wai, Julie, Haussler, David, and Waterston, Robert H. (2016) Bermuda 2.0: Reflections from Santa Cruz. GigaScience, 5 (1).

Stevens, Hallam (2016) Hadooping the genome: The impact of big data tools on biology. BioSocieties, 11. pp. 352-371.

Hofman, Peter S., and Elzen, Boelie (2010) Exploring system innovation in the electricity system through sociotechnical scenarios. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 22 (6). pp. 653-670.

Hofman, Peter S., Elzen, Boelie E., and Geels, Frank W. (2004) Sociotechnical scenarios as a new policy tool to explore system innovations: Co-evolution of technology and society in The Netherland’s electricity domain. Innovation: Organization & Management, 6 (2). pp. 344-360.

Book Chapter

Stevens, Hallam, and Chan, Jiahui (2022) Computing Nanyang: information technology in a developing Singapore, 1965-85. In: Dick, Stephanie, and Abbate, Janet, (eds.) Abstractions and Embodiments New Histories of Computing and Society. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 299-319.

Stevens, Hallam (2020) Transfish: The multiple origins of transgenic salmon. In: Kuzma, Jennifer, Trump, Benjamin D., Linkov, Igor, and Cummings, Christopher L., (eds.) Synthetic Biology 2020: Frontiers in risk analysis and governance. Risk, Systems and Decisions . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 51-64.

Lockie, Stewart, and Wong, Catherine Mei Ling (2017) Risk, sustainability and time: sociological perspectives. In: Schandl, Heinz, and Walker, Iain, (eds.) Social Science and Sustainability. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 187-198.

Elzen, Boelie, Geels, Frank W., Green, Ken, and Hofman, Peter S. (2004) Socio-technical Scenarios as a Tool for Transition Policy: An Example from the Traffic and Transport Domain. In: Elzen, Boelie, Geels, Frank W., and Green, Ken, (eds.) System Innovation and the Transition to Sustainability: Theory, Evidence and Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 251-281.


Stevens, Hallam (2016) Biotechnology and Society: An introduction. Chicago University Press, Chicago, IL, USA.

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