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Allen, Tammy, O'Loughlin, Mary, and Croker, Felicity (2022) Teaching health promotion competencies in undergraduate dentistry training: A unique pedagogical approach. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33 (S1). pp. 35-38.

Ab Kadir, Akshir (2018) An inquiry into critical thinking in the Australian curriculum: examining its conceptual understandings and their implications on developing critical thinking as a “general capability” on teachers’ practice and knowledge. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38 (4). pp. 533-549.

Acton, Renae, Salter, Peta, Lenoy, Maxwell, and Stevenson, Robert (Bob) (2017) Conversations on cultural sustainability: stimuli for embedding Indigenous knowledges and ways of being into curriculum. Higher Education Research & Development, 36 (7). pp. 1311-1325.

Ab Kadir, Akshir (2017) Critical thinking and learner diversity in the Australian Curriculum: implications and epistemological tensions. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 11 (3). pp. 225-237.

Ab Kadir, Akshir (2016) Developing critical thinking citizens through Civics and Citizenship: pedagogical implications. The Social Educator, 34 (1). pp. 4-15.


Bhati, Abhishek, and Fink, Esther (2023) Navigating Digital Environments One Step at a Time During COVID-19. In: Wai-Cook, Misty So-Sum, Saleh, Amany, and Bista, Krishna, (eds.) Online Teaching and Learning in Asian Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland AG, pp. 209-217.

Barker, Ruth, Chamberlain-Salaun, Jennifer, Harrison, Helena, Nash, Robyn, Nielsen, Ilsa, Harvey, Desley, Sim, Jenny, Ciccone, Natalie, Carr, Jennifer, Bird, Katrina, Palermo, Claire, and Devine, Sue (2021) Evaluation of the Allied Health Rural Generalist Program 2017-2019. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29 (2). pp. 158-171.

Bandaranaike, Suniti, and Gurtner, Yetta (2016) Integrating cross cultural sensitivity in the workplace: developing globally proficient professionals. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education. pp. 13-21. From: 2nd International Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, 12-15 June 2016 , Victoria, Canada.


Carrington, Ann, Croker, Felicity, Lee-Ross, Amanda, Keogh, Sandra, and Dewar, Simone (2023) Critical reflections on an interprofessional collaboration to develop domestic violence curriculum in an undergraduate dentistry program. Reflective Practice, 24 (2). pp. 183-196.

Cavalieri, John, Dowling, Bradley, Foyle, Leo, Godfrey, Craig, Lloyd, Janice, Penny, Josephine, Tranter, William, Watts, Sally, Wearn, Jamie, and Willis, Graham (2023) Guidelines for the use and reuse of animals for teaching within veterinary medical education programs. Clinical Theriogenology, 15. pp. 29-37.

Choate, Julia, Vojisavljevic, Danica, Carroll, Fiona Y., Carroll, David, Filby, Caitlin E., and Dichtl, Bernhard (2022) Recommendations for a ‘Wellbeing Curriculum’ to Mitigate Undergraduate Psychological Distress Associated with Lack of Careers Confidence and Poor University Engagement. Higher Education Studies, 12 (4). pp. 92-103.

Chaw, Lee Yen, and Tang, Chun Meng (2021) Exploring the fit between learner characteristics and learning environments. In: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on e-Learning. pp. 89-97. From: ECEL 2021: 20th European Conference on e-Learning, 28-29 October 2021, Berlin, Germany.

Caltabiano, Marie, Errington, Ed, Ireland, Lynette, Sorin, Reesa, and Nickson, Amanda (2018) The potential of role play in undergraduate psychology training. Asian Journal of University Education, 14 (1). pp. 1-14.

Collins, Teresa, Cornish, Amelia, Hood, Jennifer, Degeling, Christopher, Fisher, Andrew D., Freire, Rafael, Hazel, Susan J., Johnson, Jane, Lloyd, Janice K.F., Philips, Clive J., Tzioumis, Vicky, and Mcgreevy, Paul D. (2018) Importance of welfare and ethics competence regarding animals kept for scientific purposes to veterinary students in Australia and New Zealand. Veterinary Sciences, 5 (3). 66.

Cornish, Amelia, Fisher, Andrew D., Collins, Teresa, Degeling, Christopher, Freire, Rafael, Hazel, Susan J., Hood, Jennifer, Lloyd, Janice K.F., Philips, Clive J.C., Stafford, Kevin J., Tzioumis, Vicky, and McGreevy, Paul D. (2018) Ranking of production animal welfare and ethics issues in Australia and New Zealand by veterinary students. Veterinary Sciences, 5 (3). 65.

Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, and Grigg, Brendan (2017) Effective Legal Writing: a practical guide. LexisNexis Butterworths, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Croaker, Sandra, Gurtner, Yetta, and Bandaranaike, Suniti (2017) Identifying student work skills and personal values for work-integrated learning: a host organisation perspective. In: Refereed Proceedings of the 20th WACE World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education. pp. 65-70. From: 20th WACE World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5-8 June 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Cornish, Amelia R., Caspar, Georgina L., Collins, Teresa, Degeling, Christopher, Fawcett, Anne, Fisher, Andrew D., Freire, Rafael, Hazel, Susan J., Hood, Jennifer, Johnson, A. Jane, Lloyd, Janice, Phillips, Clive J.C., Stafford, Kevin, Tzioumis, Vicky, and McGreevy, Paul D. (2016) Career preferences and opinions on animal welfare and ethics: a survey of veterinary students in Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 43 (3). pp. 310-320.


Dale, Allan, and Dale, Michele (2022) Chapter 31: Strengthening national governance systems to support local self-reliance. In: Dale, Allan, Curnow, Jayne, Campbell, Andrew, and Seigel, Michael, (eds.) Building global sustainability through local self-reliance: Lessons from landcare. ACIAR monograph series . Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia, pp. 379-388.

Doyle, Tanya, Evans, Neus, and Salter, Peta (2021) Opportunities and tensions in the experiences of collaborative professionalism during the enactment of the GTPA. In: Wyatt-Smith, Claire, and Nuttal, Joice, (eds.) Teaching Performance Assessment as a Cultural Disruptor in Initial Teacher Education: Standards, Evidence and Collaboration. Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability . Springer, Singapore, pp. 81-94.

Degeling, C., Fawcett, A., Collins, T., Hazel, D., Johnson, J., Lloyd, J., Phillips, C.J.C., Stafford, K., Tzioumis, V., and Mcgreevy, P. (2017) Students’ opinions on welfare and ethics issues for companion animals in Australian and New Zealand veterinary schools. Australian Veterinary Journal, 95 (6). pp. 189-193.


Fielder, Katherine, Krause, Amanda, and Miller, Daniel (2024) Asking students how to best teach statistics virtually: results of focus group discussions. Australian Journal of Psychology, 76 (1). 2347628.

Floyd, Louise (2021) Celebrating Brisbane State High School's Centenary 1921-2021. Eckersley Print Group, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Fawcett, Anne, Hazel, Susan, Collins, Teresa, Degeling, Christopher, Fisher, Andrew, Freire, Rafael, Hood, Jeni, Johnson, Jane, Lloyd, Janice, Phillips, Clive, Stafford, Kevin, Tzioumis, Vicky, and McGreevy, Paul (2019) Australian and New Zealand veterinary students’ opinions on animal welfare and ethical issues concerning animal use within sport, recreation, and display. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 46 (2). pp. 264-272.

Freire, Rafael, Phillips, Clive J.C., Verrinder, Joy M., Collins, Teresa, Degeling, Chris, Fawcett, Anne, Fisher, Andrew D., Hazel, Susan, Hood, Jennifer, Johnson, Jane, Lloyd, Janice K.F., Stafford, Kevin, Tzioumis, Vicky, and McGreevy, Paul D. (2017) The importance of animal welfare science and ethics to veterinary students in Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44 (2). pp. 208-216.


Gasson, Susan, Blacker, Jillian, Stoodley, Ian, Winter, Abbe, and Bruce, Christine (2023) Confident Supervisors: Creating Independent Researchers. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Guirguis, Frederick (2020) Andragogy - the art and science of teaching adults: a personal study of occupational health and safety education in South Korean shipyards. Professional Doctorate (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Gyuris, Emma (2018) Evaluating the effectiveness of postgraduate research skills training and its alignment with the Research Skill Development framework. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 15 (4). 5.

Gyuris, Emma (2017) Evaluating the alignment between the RSD framework and the effectiveness of 'bolted on' research skills training. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching. From: I-MELT: International Conference on Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching, 11-13 December 2017, Adelaide, SA, Australia.


Harerimana, Alexis, Wicking, Kristin, Biedermann, Narelle, and Yates, Karen (2023) Ready, Set, Go! Fostering nursing informatics integration into our curricula. In: Abstracts from the National Nursing Forum (NNF) 2023. From: National Nursing Forum, 9-11 August 2023, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia.

Harerimana, Alexis, Wicking, Kristin, Biedermann, Narelle, and Yates, Karen (2021) Integrating nursing informatics into undergraduate nursing education in Africa. In: [Presented at the Townsville Health Research Showcase 2021]. From: Townsville Health Research Showcase 2021, 11-13 Oct 2021, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Halbert, Kelsey, and Salter, Peta (2019) Decentring the 'places' of citizens in national curriculum: the Australian history curriculum. The Curriculum Journal, 30 (1). pp. 8-23.

Haring, Ute, Sorin, Reesa, and Caltabiano, Nerina J. (2019) Reflecting on childhood and child agency in history. Palgrave Communications, 5. 52.

Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, Saleem, Muhammad Abid, Vandommele, Lisa, and Li, Siqiwen (2019) Student perceptions and trust of sustainability information. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20 (4). pp. 726-746.

Holmes, David, and Lasen, Michelle (2017) Explicitly teaching teamwork and written communication within a problem based curriculum: development of a generalised framework. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education. pp. 448-455. From: 287th AAEE Conference 2017: Integrated Engineering, 10-13 December 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Haring, Ute, Sorin, Reesa, and Caltabiano, Nerina (2017) To teach and how to teach the Holocaust: that is the question. International Journal of Humanities Education, 15 (1). pp. 19-28.

Haring, Ute, Sorin, Reesa, and Caltabiano, Nerina (2017) Living in the liminal space of dream and reality: children's drawings of the holocaust. The International Journal of Arts Theory and History, 13 (1).


Jones, Karina, Miller, Dan J., and Noble, Prisca (2024) Did the Rapid Transition to Online Learning in Response to COVID-19 Impact Students' Cognitive Load and Performance in Veterinary Anatomy? Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. e20230135. (In Press)

Johnson, Claudia, Boon, Helen, and Dinan Thompson, Maree (2022) Cognitive demands of the reformed Queensland physics, chemistry and biology syllabus: an analysis framed by the New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Research in Science Education, 52. pp. 1603-1622.


Kuilboer, Alf, Murphy, Laurie, and Lynch, Karina (2018) How do final year business students perceive that ePortfolios enable employability? In: 2018 ePortfolio Forum eBook of Short Papers. From: 2018 ePortfolio Australia Forum, 9-10 October 2018, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Konovalov, Elena, Sealey, Rebecca, and Munns, Suzanne (2017) A cohesive Student Support model provides integrated support to at risk students at a regional Australian university. In: Proceedings of the Students Transitions Achievement Retention and Success Conference. pp. 1-10. From: STARS 2017: Students Transitions Achievement Retention and Success Conference, 2-5 July 2017, Adelaide, SA, Australia.


Lloyd, Janice K.F., Collins, Teresa, Cornish, Amelia R., Degeling, Christopher, Fawcett, Anne, Fisher, Andrew D., Freire, Rafael, Hazel, Susan J., Hood, Jennifer, Johnson, Jane, Philips, Clive J.C., Stafford, Kevin J., Tzioumis, Vicky, and McGreevy, Paul D. (2020) Australian and New Zealand veterinary students’ ranking of issues in aquatic animal welfare and ethics. Anthrozoos, 33 (3). pp. 325-337.

Lloyd, Janice, Tzioumis, Vicky, Freire, Rafael, Hood, Jeni, Philips, Clive J.C., Johnson, A. Jane, and McGreevy, Paul D. (2018) Educators' perspectives on animal welfare and ethics in the Australian and New Zealand veterinary curricula. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 45 (4). pp. 448-463.


Mackey-Smith, Kerrie (2019) Teaching for reconciliation in a multiracial classroom. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 42 (2). pp. 103-115.

Mackey-Smith, Kerrie, and Banfield, Grant (2018) "Changing worlds" through intentional dialogic engagements. In: Johnston, Kim A., and Taylor, Maureen, (eds.) The Handbook of Communication Engagement. Handbooks in Communication and Media . Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 397-407.

McNulty, Yvonne, and Carter, Margaret Anne (2018) Do international school staff receive professional development training about third culture kids (TCKs)? Perspectives from faculty and parents. In: Kennedy, Kerry J., and Lee, John Chi-Kin, (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 280-292.

Mo, Amaya E., Holland, Claire, and Rafferty, Judith (2018) Enhancing the student experience through the creation and use of authentic and accessible conflict scenarios. Australian Journal of Clinical Education, 4 (1). pp. 1-17.

Miller, Emily, Ziaian, Tahereh, and Esterman, Adrian (2017) Australian school practices and the education experiences of students with a refugee background: a review of the literature. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22 (4). pp. 339-359.


Ng-A-Fook, Nicholas, and Smith, Bryan (2017) Doing oral history education toward reconciliation. In: Llewellyn, Kristina R., and Ng-A-Fook, Nicholas, (eds.) Oral History and Education: theories, dilemmas, and practices. Palgrave Studies in Oral History . Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, USA, pp. 65-86.


Orih, Dominic (2022) Can There Be a Recourse to a Philosophy of Love? A Confronting Question at the Heart of a Poor Pedagogy. Interchange, 55. pp. 599-617.


Phillips, Louise, Ritchie, Jenny, and Adair, Jennifer Keys (2020) Young children’s citizenship membership and participation: comparing discourses in early childhood curricula of Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 50 (4). pp. 592-614.

Phillips, Louise, Ritchie, Jenny, Dynevor, Lavina, Lambert, Jared, and Moroney, Kerryn (2019) Young children’s community building in action: embodied, emplaced and relational citizenship. Contesting Early Childhood . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxford, GBR.

Phillips, Louise, and Moroney, Kerryn (2017) Civic action and learning with Aboriginal Australian young children. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42 (4). pp. 87-96.


Robinson, Carol, Phillips, Louise, and Quennerstedt, Ann (2020) Human rights education: developing a theoretical understanding of teachers' responsibilities. Educational Review, 72 (2). pp. 220-241.

Roy, Sherre, and Clark, Damien (2019) Digital badges, do they live up to the hype? British Journal of Educational Technology, 50 (5). pp. 2619-2636.

Reitano, Paul, and Winter, Satine (2017) Negotiating the teaching of history in times of curriculum reform: the narrative accounts of four Australian primary teachers. The Curriculum Journal, 28 (3). 7. pp. 403-420.


Syeda, Maisha, Woodend, Jon, Liu, Jingzhou, and Roy, Sylvie (2020) Ready to leave the nest? Education graduate students' voices on publishing. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 32 (1). pp. 107-116.

Smith, Bryan (2019) Doing social studies towards decolonisation: the necessary de-centring of history. The Social Educator, 37 (1). pp. 3-13.

Stafford, Kevin, Collins, Teresa, Degeling, Christopher, Freire, Rafael, Hazel, Susan, Johnson, Jane, Lloyd, Janice, Phillips, Clive, Fisher, Andrew, Tzioumis, Vicky, and Mcgreevy, Paul (2019) Veterinary students' opinions on their required competence in dealing with welfare and ethics issues pertaining to wildlife. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 50 (3). pp. 659-664.

Smith, Bryan (2018) Engaging geography at every street corner: using place-names as critical heuristic in social studies. The Social Studies, 109 (2). pp. 112-124.

Shvartsman, Rina, Fan, Liyuan, and Trieu, Van-Hau (2018) Encouraging engineering students' participation in face-to-face peer learning. In: Proceedings of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference. pp. 626-632. From: AAEE 2018: 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference, 9-12 December 2018, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Sims, Kearrin (2018) Teaching development studies in times of change. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 59 (2). pp. 147-158.

Smith, Bryan (2017) Cartographies of colonial commemoration: critical toponymy and historical geographies in Toronto. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 15 (2). pp. 34-47.

Smith, Bryan (2017) Methodologically historicizing social studies education: curricular filtering and historical thinking as social studies thinking. Canadian Journal of Education, 40 (2).

Smith, Bryan (2017) Reconsidering the summer residence: the city-text, historical commemoration and banal settler geography. Canadian Social Studies, 49 (1). pp. 24-29.


Tang, Chun Meng, and Chaw, Lee (2024) Public discussions about ChatGPT in Malaysian education during its initial launch: A qualitative content analysis of newspaper articles. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 22 (7). pp. 20-30.

Thomson, Peter (2023) Professional competences and the dental curriculum: a view from “Down Under”. Faculty Dental Journal, 14 (2). pp. 60-65.

Tomas, Louisa, Evans, Neus (Snowy), Doyle, Tanya, and Skamp, Keith (2019) Are first year students ready for a flipped classroom? A case for a flipped learning continuum. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16 (5).

Taylor, Donnalee (2016) iAspire Student Support: study groups - join one today. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Taylor, Donnalee (2016) iAspire Student Support: study strategies and habits for success. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Taylor, Donnalee (2016) iAspire Student Support: how to make, revise and condense lecture notes. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Walshe, Rachael, Evans, N.S. (Snowy), and Law, Lisa (2022) Mapping community gardens in the Australian National Curriculum: A curriculum analysis model. Issues in Educational Research, 32 (2). pp. 784-804.

Wong, Zi Yang, and Kaur, Divjyot (2018) The role of vocational identity development and motivational beliefs in undergraduates' student engagement. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 31 (3). pp. 294-316.

Whiteside, Mary, Bould, Emma, Tsey, Komla, Venville, Annie, Cadet-James, Yvonne, and Morris, Meg E. (2017) Promoting twenty-first-century student competencies: a wellbeing approach. Australian Social Work, 70. pp. 324-336.


Yan, Li, Yinghong, Yang, Lui, Carrie, Whiteside, Mary, and Tsey, Komla (2019) Teaching “soft skills” to university students in China: the feasibility of an Australian approach. Educational Studies, 45 (2). pp. 242-258.

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