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Liu, Li Xian, Sun, Zhiyue, Xu, Kunpeng, and Chen, Chao (2024) AI-Driven Financial Analysis: Exploring ChatGPT’s Capabilities and Challenges. International Journal of Financial Studies, 12 (3). 60.

Ahern, Tracey, Gooding, Tracey, and Biedermann, Narelle (2024) CONNECT:a framework to enhance student connection to their course content, peers, and teaching staff in online learning environments. Teaching and learning in nursing, 19 (2). e243-e248.

Ng, Da Xuan, Chao, Wei Jun Marc, and Chan, Kai Qin (2024) Creating a Dot-Counting Single-Subject Design Tutorial. Psychology Learning and Teaching. (In Press)

Daniel, Ryan (2024) Creativity and the doctor of philosophy: the case for creativity education within doctoral programs. Creativity Studies, 17 (1). pp. 165-177.

Chaw, Lee Yen, and Tang, Chun Meng (2024) Exploring the relationship between digital competence proficiency and student learning performance. European Journal of Education, 59 (1). e12593.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2024) Translanguaging as a transformative act in a reading classroom: perspectives from a Bangladeshi private university. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. (In Press)

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2024) A pedagogical perspective on the connection between translingual practices and transcultural dispositions in an Anthropology classroom in Bangladesh. International Journal of Multilingualism, 21 (1). pp. 236-257.

McDowall, Ailie, Hardy, Dianna, Backhaus, Vincent, Mills, Kyly, and Watkin Lui, Felecia (2023) Growing learning dispositions in Indigenous studies. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 52 (2).

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2023) Blending translanguaging and CLIL: pedagogical benefits and ideological challenges in a Bangladeshi classroom. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 20 (1). pp. 20-45.

Smith, Bryan, and Neoh, Jia Ying (2023) Framing the global: Assessing the purpose of global citizenship education in primary geography. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 18 (3). pp. 313-329.

Chaw, Lee, and Tang, Chun Meng (2022) Exploring the role of learner characteristics in learners’ learning environment preferences. International Journal of Educational Management, 37 (1). pp. 37-54.

Tomas, Louisa, Mills, Reece, and Gibson, Fiona (2022) “It’s kind of like a cut and paste of the syllabus”: a teacher’s experience of enacting the Queensland Earth and Environmental Science syllabus, and implications for education for sustainable development. Australian Educational Researcher, 49. pp. 445-461.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2022) Linguistic ecology of Bangladeshi higher education: a translanguaging perspective. Teaching in Higher Education, 27 (4). pp. 512-529.

Morgan, Anne-Marie (2021) International perspectives on trends in languages learning in the 2020s: part one: profiling the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Babel, 55 (3). pp. 4-33.

Memon, Tayab D., Jurin, Monica, Kwan, Paul, Jan, Tony, Sidnal, Nandini, and Nafi, Nazmus (2021) Studying learner’s perception of attaining graduate attributes in capstone project units using online flipped classroom. Education Sciences, 11 (11). 698.

Morgan, Anne-Marie (2020) Australian perspectives on trends in languages learning internationally, 1969 and 2019: a comparative sonata form case study. Babel, 55 (1-2). pp. 5-21.

Delante, Nimrod L. (2020) Challenges, paradigm shift and theoretical underpinnings of learning advising in higher education: the case of an Australian university in Singapore. Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching, 3 (1). pp. 51-64.

Giselsson, Kristi (2020) Critical thinking and critical literacy: mutually exclusive? International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14 (1). 5.

Salter, Peta, and Maxwell, Jacinta (2020) Cross curriculum priorities and geography. Geographical Education, 33. pp. 5-7.

Johnson, Claudia Elisabeth, Boon, Helen J., and Dinan Thompson, Maree (2020) Curriculum alignment after reforms: a systematic review with considerations for Queensland pre- and in-service teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45 (11). 3.

Tomas, Louisa, Mills, Reece, Rigano, Donna, and Sandhu, Maryam (2020) Education for sustainable development in the senior Earth and Environmental Science syllabus in Queensland, Australia. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 36 (1). pp. 44-62.

Nguyen, Diem-Trang, Giocanti-Auregan, Audrey, Benhatchi, Nassima, Greliche, Nicolas, Beaussier, Helene, Sustronck, Pierre, Hammoud, Sirine, Jeanteur, Marie-Nathalie, Kretz, Gilles, Abitbol, Olivia, and Lachkar, Yves (2020) Increased choroidal thickness in primary angle closure measured by swept-source optical coherence tomography in Caucasian population. International Ophthalmology, 40. pp. 195-203.

Evans, Neus (2020) Is this what good pedagogy looks like? Review essay of Diverse pedagogies of place: Educating students for local and global environments, edited by Peter Renshaw and Ron Tooth. Journal of Environmental Education, 51 (3). pp. 256-262.

Evans, Neus (Snowy), and Ferreira, Jo-Anne (2020) What does the research evidence base tell us about the use and impact of sustainability pedagogies in initial teacher education? Environmental Education Research, 26 (1). pp. 27-42.

Smith, Bryan (2020) A curriculum of migrant home: settler geographies, land and colonial place-making. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 12 (2). pp. 42-53.

McGreevy, Paul D., Fawcett, Anne, Johnson, Jane, Freire, Rafael, Collins, Teresa, Degeling, Chris, Fisher, Andrew D., Hazel, Susan J., Hood, Jennifer, Lloyd, Janice K.F., Phillips, Clive J.C., Stafford, Kevin, Hyde, Michelle L., Wilson, Bethany, and Tzioumis, Vicky (2020) The online One Welfare portal: shared curriculum resources for veterinary undergraduate learning and teaching in animal welfare and ethics. Animals, 10 (8). 1341.

Mylrea, Martina F., Sen Gupta, Tarun, and Glass, Beverley D. (2019) Design and evaluation of a novel professional identity development program for pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 83 (6). 6842. pp. 1320-1327.

Taylor, Neil, Quinn, Frances, Jenkins, Kathy, Miller-Brown, Helen, Rizk, Nadya, Prodromou, Theodosia, Serow, Penelope, and Taylor, Subhashni (2019) Education for sustainability in the secondary sector—a review. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 13 (1). pp. 102-122.

De Leon, John Angelo V., and Culala, Harold John D. (2019) Issues on sustainability in education: the Philippine basic education conundrum. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 17 (2). pp. 35-45.

Carter, Margaret Anne, Lundberg, Anita, Geerlings, Lennie R.C., and Bhati, Abhishek (2019) Shifting landscapes in higher education: a case study of transferable skills and a networked classroom in South-East Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 39 (4). pp. 436-450.

Mylrea, Martina F., Sen Gupta, Tarun, and Glass, Beverley D. (2019) Student perceptions of the white coat ceremony in a pharmacy program in Australia. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 49 (4). pp. 380-384.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) Book review of "Envisioning Futures for Environmental and Sustainability Education" by B. Corcoran et al. Netherlands, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. ISBN: 9789086868469. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34 (3). pp. 290-292.

Holland, Claire, and Taylor, Donnalee (2018) Hopeful perspectives: incorporating hope theory in Australian law students' academic experience. James Cook University Law Review, 24. pp. 47-60.

Morgan, Anne-Marie, and Scrimgeour, Andrew (2018) Progress on embedding an intercultural orientation to teaching languages and cultures: an update from Australia. New Zealand Language Teacher, 44. pp. 31-49.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) Questions of ecopedagogy in tropical oceanScapes in the age of coral ecocide: an autoethnographic description. Journal of Environmental Education, 49 (2). pp. 142-151.

Taylor, Donnalee B., and Harrison, Glenn J. (2018) Supporting biomedical students struggling with second-choice-syndrome to thrive rather than just survive first year. Journal of College Student Retention, 20 (2). pp. 176-196.

Shin, Gi-Hyun, and Hsieh, Jasper Kun-Ting (2018) Teaching Korean as a lingua franca: digital uplifting project at UNSW Sydney. International Review of Korean Studies, 15 (1). pp. 69-94.

Vallack, Jocene (2018) Theatre as research. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 16 (2). pp. 86-92.

Maxwell, Jacinta, Lowe, Kevin, and Salter, Peta (2018) The re-creation and resolution of the 'problem' of Indigenous education in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-curriculum priority. Australian Educational Researcher, 45 (2). pp. 161-177.

Lewthwaite, Brian, and Connell, Mark (2018) The role of teacher education in decolonizing education in Canada's north: a Yukon teacher education case study. Education in the North, 25 (1-2). pp. 6-22.

Taylor, Donnalee, and Govan, Brenda (2017) STEM outreach in Northern Queensland: the importance of providing professional development and networking opportunities to educators. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 25 (5). pp. 57-68.

Taylor, Donnalee (2017) A chronicle of just-in-time information: the secret to building first year university student wellbeing and resilience based on a three year initiative. Student Success, 8 (1). pp. 35-47.

Reitano, Paul, and Winter, Satine (2017) Negotiating the teaching of history in times of curriculum reform: the narrative accounts of four Australian primary teachers. The Curriculum Journal, 28 (3). 7. pp. 403-420.

Smith, Bryan (2017) Cartographies of colonial commemoration: critical toponymy and historical geographies in Toronto. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 15 (2). pp. 34-47.

Lewthwaite, Brian, Wilson, Kimberley, Wallace, Valda, McGinty, Sue, and Swain, Luke (2017) Challenging normative assumptions regarding disengaged youth: a phenomenological perspective. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30 (4). pp. 388-405.

Salter, Peta, and Halbert, Kelsey (2017) Constructing the [parochial] global citizen. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15 (5). pp. 694-705.

Jacobs, George M., and Greliche, Nicolas (2017) Convincing students that their groupmates' success can increase, not diminish, their own success. Insight, 12. pp. 145-157.

Mylrea, Martina F., Sen Gupta, Tarun, and Glass, Beverley D. (2017) Developing professional identity in undergraduate pharmacy students: a role for self-determination theory. Pharmacy, 5 (2). 16.

Salter, Peta, and Maxwell, Jacinta (2017) Navigating the 'inter' in intercultural education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 39 (1). pp. 15-30.

Acton, Renae (2017) Place-people-practice-process: using sociomateriality in university physical spaces research. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49 (14). pp. 1441-1451.

Morgan, Anne-Marie, and Scrimgeour, Andrew (2017) Professional learning for languages educators: relating contemporary professional learning foci to teachers' evaluations of the 21st AFMLTA International Languages Conference 2017. Babel, 52 (2). pp. 46-52.

Smith, Gregory A., and Stevenson, Robert B. (2017) Sustaining education for sustainability in turbulent times. Journal of Environmental Education, 48 (2). pp. 79-95.

Jacobs, George M., and Renandya, Willy A. (2017) Using positive education to enliven the teaching of reading. RELC Journal, 47 (2). pp. 256-263.

Mylrea, Martina F., Sen Gupta, Tarun, and Glass, Beverley D. (2017) Validation of a motivation survey tool for pharmacy students: exploring a link to professional identity development. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 9 (5). pp. 763-769.

Oktadiana, Hera, and Chon, Kaye (2017) Vocational vs. academic debate on undergraduate education in hospitality and tourism: the case of Indonesia. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 29 (1). pp. 13-24.

Oktadiana, Hera, and Chon, Kaye (2017) Why do we teach what we teach? Perspectives from Asia's hospitality and tourism program directors. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 17 (4). pp. 281-299.

Evans, Neus (Snowy), Tomas, Louisa, and Woods, Cindy (2016) Impact of sustainability pedagogies on pre-service teachers' self-efficacy. The Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 10 (2). pp. 1-19.

Matthews, Kelly, Belward, Shaun, Coady, Carmel, Rylands, Leanne, and Simbag, Vilma (2016) Curriculum development for quantitative skills in degree programs: a cross-institutional study situated in the life sciences. Higher Education Research & Development, 35 (3). pp. 545-559.

Smith, Bryan (2016) Mobile applications and decolonization: cautionary notes about the curriculum of code. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 13 (2). pp. 144-163.

Farrell, Thomas S.C., and Jacobs, George M. (2016) Practicing what we preach: teacher reflection groups on cooperative learning. TESL-EJ, 19 (4). pp. 1-9.

Jacobs, George, and Power, Michael A (2016) Student centered learning: an approach to fostering democracy in schools. Beyond Words, 4 (2). pp. 79-87.

Salter, Peta, and Maxwell, Jacinta (2016) The inherent vulnerability of the Australian Curriculum's cross-curriculum priorities. Critical Studies in Education, 57 (3).

Taylor, Neil, Nathan, Subhashni, and Coll, Richard (2003) An evaluation of the 'Citizenship Education: the Global Dimension' teaching resource. Education Today, 53 (1). pp. 12-20.

Nathan, Subhashni, and Taylor, Neil (2001) Education for Sustainability: An appropriate concept for Pacific Island Schools? Pacific Curriculum Network, 10 (2). pp. 3-7.

Book Chapter

Scarinci, Janice, Pryce, Josephine, and Thirumaran, K. (2023) Informing the Curriculum: Graduate Employability Skills for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Australia During a Pandemic. In: Broadley, Tania, Cai, Yuzhuo, Firth, Miriam, Hunt, Emma, and Neugebauer, John, (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Graduate Employability. Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 250-300.

Morgan, Rhian, and Moody, Lisa (2023) Promoting Equity and Inclusion through Critical Resilience Pedagogy. In: Castillo Planas, Melissa, and Castillo, Debra A., (eds.) Scholars in Covid Times. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA, pp. 131-151.

Doyle, Tanya, Evans, Neus, and Salter, Peta (2021) Opportunities and tensions in the experiences of collaborative professionalism during the enactment of the GTPA. In: Wyatt-Smith, Claire, and Nuttal, Joice, (eds.) Teaching Performance Assessment as a Cultural Disruptor in Initial Teacher Education: Standards, Evidence and Collaboration. Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability . Springer, Singapore, pp. 81-94.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2021) Translanguaging and academic writing in English-only classrooms: a case-study from Bangladeshi higher education. In: Ordeman, W., (ed.) Creating a Transnational Space in First Year Writing Classroom. Series in Literary Studies . Vernon Press, Malaga, Spain, pp. 17-40.

Gorrie, Angus, and Udah, Hyacinth (2020) Loose parts in an outside-school-hours care setting. In: Cartmel, Jennifer, and Worch, Rick, (eds.) Playwork Practice at the Margins: research perspectives from diverse settings. Advances in Playwork Research . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 78 -88.

Boulard, Florence (2020) Transformative curriculum in the French language classroom. In: Austin, Gavin, and O'Neill, Shriley, (eds.) Stimulating Languages and Learning: global perspectives and community engagement. Deep University Press, Blue Mounds, WI, USA.

Oktadiana, Hera, and Chon, Kaye (2019) Differentiating academic and vocational hospitality and tourism education: the milieu of Indonesia. In: Liu, Claire, and Schänzel, Heike, (eds.) Tourism Education and Asia. Perspectives on Asian Tourism . Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 15-33.

Salter, Peta (2018) Spaces for variations in the Asia Literacy 'Policy Gap'. In: Soong, Hannah, and Cominos, Nayia, (eds.) Asia Literacy in a Global World: an Australian perspective. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: issues, concerns and prospects, 45 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 87-100.

Smith, Bryan, Ng-A-Fook, Nicholas, Radford, Linda, and Smitherman Pratt, Sarah (2018) Hacking education in the 21st century. In: Smith, Bryan, Ng-A-Fook, Nicholas, Radford, Linda, and Smitherman Pratt, Sarah, (eds.) Hacking Education in a Digital Age: teacher education, curriculum, and literacies. Contemporary Perspectives in Philosophy and Technology, Chalotte, NC, USA, ix-xxiv.

Salter, Peta, Halbert, Kelsey, Howard, Elise, Singh, Michael, Miles, Debra, Jones, Peter, Bhati, Abhishek, Wong, Caroline, and Han, Jinghe (2018) Local connections, global perspectives. In: Hall, Timothy, Gray, Tonia, Downey, Greg, and Singh, Michael, (eds.) The Globalisation of Higher Education: developing internationalised education in research and practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 61-78.

Hill, Angela, Salter, Peta, and Halbert, Kelsey (2018) The critical global citizen. In: Hall, Timothy, Gray, Tonia, Downey, Greg, and Singh, Michael, (eds.) The Globalisation of Higher Education: developing internationalised education in research and practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 103-116.

Vallack, Jocene (2017) Theatre-as-research: a dynamic methodology for arts-based inquiry. In: Remenyi, Dan, (ed.) Innovation in the Teaching of Research Methodology Excellence Awards: An Anthology of Case Histories 2017. Case Study Research: The Quick Guides Series . Academic Conferences and Publishing International, Sonning Common, UK, pp. 39-48.

Morgan, Rhian, Meldrum, Kathryn, Bryan, Sharon, Mathiesen, Bronwyn, Yakob, Nooraida, Esa, Norizan, and Ziden, Azidah Abu (2017) Embedding digital literacies in curricula: Australian and Malaysian experiences. In: Teh, Geok Bee, and Choy, Siew Chee, (eds.) Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning: selected papers from Tunku Abdul Rahman University College International Conference 2016. Springer, Singapore, pp. 11-19.

Thorne, Marcia, and MacGregor, Colin (2017) Pedagogy and learning for sustainability in a virtual world scaffold. In: Gregory, Sue, and Wood, Denise, (eds.) Authentic Virtual World Education: Facilitating Cultural Engagement and Creativity. Springer, Singapore, pp. 9-23.

Taylor, Pauline, and Patton, Narelle (2016) Practice communities and practice leaders. In: Higgs, Joy, and Trede, Franziska, (eds.) Professional Practice Marginalia. Sense Publishing, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Taylor, Pauline, and Sutton, Katelin (2016) Hearing the marginalised voices. In: Higgs, Joy, and Trede, Franziska, (eds.) Professional Practice Marginalia. Sense Publishing, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Wangchuk, Phurpa, Gyeltshen, Tempa, and Tobgay, Tashi (2016) Bhutanese Traditional Medical Education. In: Schuelka , Matthew J. , and Maxwell, T.W., (eds.) Education in Bhutan: culture, schooling, and gross national happiness. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: issues, concerns and prospects, 36 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 91-108.

Arumynathan, Pamela (2016) Educational Evolution: A Review of MOOCs in Institutes of Higher Education. In: Purnendu Mandal, Purnendu, and Vong, John, (eds.) Smart Technologies for Smart Nations: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region. Managing the Asian Century . Springer, Singapore, pp. 125-133.

Smith, Bryan (2016) Provoking digital common sense: Reddit, racialized language and the final vocabulary of race. In: Ng-A-Fook, Nicholas, Ibrahim, Awad, and Reis, Giuliano, (eds.) Provoking Curriculum Studies: Strong Poetry and the Arts of the Possible. Studies in Curriculum Theory Series . Routledge, New York, NY, USA, pp. 104-115.


Ab Kadir, M. Akshir, and Tay, Lee Yong (2021) A review of metacognition: implications for teaching and learning. Working Paper. National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.

Conference Item

Tang, Chun Meng, and Chaw, Lee Len (2024) Student learning performance evaluation: Mitigating the challenges of generative AI chatbot misuse in student assessments. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning (23) pp. 357-364. From: ECEL 20245: 23rd European Conference on e-Learning, 25-25 October 2024, Porto, Portugal.

Tang, Chun Meng, and Chaw, Lee (2023) What Have People Discussed about ChatGPT in Malaysian Education? A Qualitative Content Analysis of News Articles. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on e-Learning (22) pp. 314-321. From: ECEL 2023: 2nd European Conference on e-Learning, 26-27 October 2023, Pretoria, South Africa.

Bruce, Christine (2022) Information Literacy Ethics: Towards a Framework to Guide Professional Practices. In: [Presented at the Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom Symposium 2022]. From: Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom Symposium 2022, 12-14 July 2022, Online.

Chaw, Lee, and Tang, Chun Meng (2022) The Relative Importance of Digital Competences for Predicting Student Learning Performance: An Importance-Performance Map Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on e-Learning. pp. 61-70. From: ECEL 2022: 21st European Conference on e-Learning, 27-28 October 2022, Brighton, UK.

Fontaine, Charlotte, and Nicholson Perry, Kathryn (2022) Sustainability in helping professions: a common core unit across disciplines. In: Sustainability Symposium 2022: session abstracts. p. 4. From: Sustainability Symposium 2022: Front, Centre and Now: Sustainability as a Core Purpose of Higher Education, 29-30 March 2022, Virtual.

Addanki, Kranthi, Holdsworth, Jason, Hardy, Dianna, and Myers, Trina (2022) A preliminary study using academagogy to uncover the problems that block adult online learner engagement. In: Proceedings of the ACE '22: Australasian Computing Education Conference. pp. 95-104. From: ACE '22: Australasian Computing Education Conference, 14-18 February 2022, Virtual.

Chaw, Lee Yen, and Tang, Chun Meng (2021) Exploring the fit between learner characteristics and learning environments. In: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on e-Learning. pp. 89-97. From: ECEL 2021: 20th European Conference on e-Learning, 28-29 October 2021, Berlin, Germany.

Tang, Chun Meng, and Chaw, Lee Yen (2021) Media and public opinion about online learning during the Covid pandemic: a content analysis of newspaper articles. In: 20th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2021). pp. 471-479. From: ECEL 2021: 20th European Conference on e-Learning, 28-29 October 2021, Berlin, Germany.

Addanki, Kranthi, Holdsworth, Jason, Hardy, Dianna, and Myers, Trina (2020) Academagogy for enhancing adult online learner engagement in higher education. In: Proceedings of the 2020 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research. 12. pp. 132-143. From: AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research, 12-13 December 2020, Online Event.

Ware, Elizabeth (2020) Development of a rubric to assess student participation in an online discussion board. In: Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education. pp. 306-311. From: ASCILITE 2017: 37th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, 30 November - 1 December 2020, Virtual Conference.

Morgan, Rhian, and Moody, Lisa (2020) Pedagogy, technology, and pandemic: Embedding resilience in curriculum through an integrated design framework. In: Humanities in the Regions. From: Humanities in the Regions 2020, 5 May 2020, Townsville, Queensland.

Sheehan, Madoc (2019) Scaffolding curricula in chemical engineering degree programs in order to develop student’s awareness of sustainability. In: Chemeca 2019: chemical engineering megatrends and the elements. 167. From: Chemeca 2019: chemical engineering megatrends and the elements, 29 September - 2 October 2019, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Dobozy, Eva, Campbell, Chris, Cameron, Leanne, Vlachopoulos, Panos, and Agostinho, Shirley (2016) Learning design research in action. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. pp. 203-205. From: ASCILITE 2016: 33rd Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education: show me the learning, 27-30 November 2016, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Morgan, Rhian, Bryan, Sharon, Meldrum, Kathryn, Mathiesen, Bronwyn, and Hill, Angela (2016) Using an adaptive e-learning curriculum to enhance digital literacy: challenges and opportunities. In: Proceedings of the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference. From: AARE 2016: Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 27 November - 1 December 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Suluma, Wili (2008) Primary Science Curriculum. The constraints and limitations of learning and teaching on an 'over-stuffed' science curriculum: A case study from Fiji. In: Science Mathematics and Technology Education: Beyond Cultural Boundaries: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. pp. 502-508. From: Fifth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 16-19 January 2008, Udon Thani, Thailand.


Hébert, Cristyne, Ng-A-Fook, Nicholas, Ibrahim, Awad, and Smith, Bryan (2019) Internationalizing Curriculum Studies: Histories, Environments, and Critiques. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.


Addanki, Kranthi (2023) Enhancing learning management systems to support online learning using academagogy. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad (2022) Pedagogical benefits, ideological and practical challenges and implementational spaces of a translanguaging education policy: the case of Bangladeshi higher education. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Schulz, Kristie A. (2022) Transdisciplinary STEM curriculum enactment: an exploratory case study in the Queensland context. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Chinofunga, Musarurwa David (2022) An investigation into supporting the teaching of calculus-based senior mathematics in Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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