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Number of items at this level: 54.


Tan, Kim-Lim, Hii, Ivy S.H., Lim, Xin-Jean, and Wong, Caroline Y.L. (2024) Enhancing purchase intentions among young consumers in a live-streaming shopping environment using relational bonds: are there differences between "buyers" and "non-buyers"? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 36 (1). pp. 48-65.

Lim, Xin-Jean, Luo, Xi, Cheah, Jun-Hwa, Tan, Kim-Lim, and Hall, C. Michael (2024) Unveiling impulse buying patterns in travel live-streaming through the lens of social cognitive theory. Journal of Vacation Marketing. (In Press)

Chaichi, Kamelia, Trupp, Alexander, Ranjanthran, Mageswari, and Thirumaran, K. (2023) Robotic life of casino employees: exploring well-being dimensions in the gambling industry in Malaysia. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 42 (4). pp. 512-529.

Scott, Jennifer, Pryce, Josephine, Reinke, Nicole B., Li, Dongmei, Shuker, Mary-Ann, Singleton, Rachelle, Tsai, Angela, and Parkinson, Ann L. (2023) Towards a 'Community for Practice'—A Narrative Analysis of the Evolution of Higher Education Scholars. Education Science, 13 (12). 1239.

Brown, Melanie, Nomikoudis, Milton, Bouilheres, Frederique, Nkhoma, Clara, and Akbari, Mohammadreza (2022) Implementing a strategic campus-wide approach to authentic assessment: considerations and recommendations for implementation. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 12 (5). pp. 914-927.

Yekini, Kemi C., Omoteso, Kamil, and Adegbite, Emmanuel (2021) CSR communication research: a theoretical-cum methodological perspective from semiotics. Business & Society, 60 (4). pp. 876-908.

Dang, Duy Pham Thien, Nguyen, Long, Hoang, Ai Phoung, Pittayachawan, Siddhi, Akbari, Mohammadreza, and Nkhoma, Methews Zanda (2021) Categorizing young Facebook users based on their differential preference of social media heuristics: a Q-methodology approach. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 13 (1). 3. pp. 71-96.

Cheok, Thai-Shawn, Quek, Yuan-Sheng, Choo, Bryan Jun-Keat, and Gan, Samuel Ken-En (2020) What makes one civil?: the associations between civility scores, gender, rational-experiential processing styles, self-consciousness and socioeconomic factors in Singapore. APD Trove Journal, 3 (3).

Raar, Jean, Barut, Meropy, and Azim, Mohammad (2020) The challenge: Re-steering accountability concepts to incorporate biodiversity management and reporting. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11 (1). pp. 1-30.

Nguyen, Quan Hong, Dalrymple, John, and Azim, Mohammad (2019) Efficiency assessment of state-owned financial institutions using data envelopment analysis: the case of Vietnam. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 29 (3). pp. 815-830.

Chowdhury, Leena Afroz MOstofa, Rana, Tareq, and Azim, Mohammad (2019) Intellectual capital efficiency and organisational performance. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 20 (6). pp. 784-806.

Azim, Mohammad I., and Kluvers, Ron (2019) Resisting Corruption in Grameen Bank. Journal of Business Ethics, 156 (3). pp. 591-604.

McCarthy, Breda, and Schurmann, Andrea (2018) Risky business: growers' perceptions of organic and biodynamic farming in the tropics. Rural Society, 27 (3).

Bhati, Abhishek, Thu, Yein Tun, Woon, Sai Khun Htun, Lynn, Mon Mon, and Phuong, Le lan (2017) E-commerce usage and user perspectives in Myanmar: an exploratory study. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (1). pp. 519-523.

Azim, Mohammad, Sheng, Kuang, and Barut, Meropy (2017) Combating corruption in a microfinance institution. Managerial Auditing Journal, 32 (4). pp. 445-462.

Bhati, Abhishek, Hansen, Michael, and Chan, Ching Man (2017) Energy conservation through smart homes in a smart city: A lesson for Singapore households. Energy Policy, 104. pp. 230-239.

Thirumaran, K., and Raghav, Mohit (2017) Luxury tourism, emerging destinations: research review and trajectories. Asian Journal of Tourism Research, 2 (2). 137 -159.

Barut, Meropy, Raar, Jean, and Azim, Mohammad (2016) Biodiversity and local government: a reporting and accountability perspective. Managerial Auditing Journal, 31 (2). pp. 197-227.

Seny Kan, Anderson Konan, Adegbite, Emmanuel, El Omari, Sami, and Abdellatif, Mahamat (2016) On the use of qualitative comparative analysis in management. Journal of Business Research, 69 (4). pp. 1458-1463.

Book Chapter

Hayshida-Boyles, Alana L., McCarthy, Breda, and Connell, Adam (2024) The ‘Greening’ of an Australian University: Onsite Composting of Residential Food Waste. In: Choudhury, Atun Roy, and Palani, Sankar Ganesh, (eds.) Material and Energy Recovery from Solid Waste for a Circular Economy. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. (In Press)

Wang, Pengji, Zhang, Huiping, and Wood, Jacob (2022) Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - A tropical region perspective. In: Wood, Jacob, Chaiechi, Taha, and Thirumaran, K., (eds.) Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 68-96.

Xuan Minh, Dam, and Thirumaran, K. (2022) Luxury Tourism in Vietnam: A Political Economy Analysis. In: Kotur, Anupama S., and Dixit, Saurabh Kumar, (eds.) The Emerald Handbook of Luxury Management for Hospitality and Tourism. Emerald Publisher, Bingley, UK, pp. 83-100.

Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison (2021) Embarking on the paradigm journey. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigms for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK, pp. 1-11.

Pryce, Josephine (2021) Into the future: moving forward with reflective practice on paradigms. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigms for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK, pp. 203-212.

Pryce, Josephine (2021) An autoethnographic chronicle on the ethnographic exploration of the nature of hotel work and hospitality in Far North Queensland. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigms for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK, pp. 97-111.

Cassidy, Leonie (2021) The design science research paradigm: an instantiation of website benchmarking. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigm Considerations for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, pp. 25-37.

Goh, Sandra, Sabharwal, Jagdeep Kaur, and Thirumaran, K. (2021) A paradigmatic shift in a hallmark event extending well-being to a non-host city: "One people one nation, one Singapore". In: Jepson, Allan Stewart, and Walters, Trudie, (eds.) Events and Well-being. Routledge Critical Event Studies Research Series . Taylor & Francis, London, UK, pp. 70-88.

Pryce, Josephine, and Cotter, Graeme (2020) Natural disasters and labour markets: impacts of cyclones on employment in northeast Australia. In: Chaiechi, Taha, (ed.) Economic Effects of Natural Disasters: theoretical foundations, methods, and tools. Elsevier, London, UK, pp. 35-54.

Pryce, Josephine (2020) Tracking to a pilgrim's beat: insights from a sabbatical journey. In: Liutikas, Darius, (ed.) Pilgrims: values and identities. Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Series . CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp. 212-223.

Pryce, Josephine, and Pryce, Hayley (2018) Utilising collaborative autoethnography in exploring affinity tourism: insights from experiences in the Field at Gardens by the Bay. In: Mura, Paolo, and Khoo-Lattimore, Catheryne, (eds.) Asian Qualitative Research in Tourism: Ontologies, Epistemologies, Methodologies, and Methods. Perspectives on Asian Tourism . Springer, Singapore, pp. 205-219.

Conference Item

Hamilton, John R., Tee, Sing What, and Maxwell, Stephen J. (2023) AI and Firm Competitiveness. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Electronic Business (23) pp. 17-24. From: ICEB 2023: 23rd International Conference on Electronic Business, 19-23 October 2023, Chiayi, Taiwan.

Thirumaran, Kailasam, Sabacan, Redeem Faith, Pourabedin, Zahra, Nguyen, Hong Hanh, Jang, Haejin, Atkinson, Benedict, and Wood, Jacob (2023) The Eurasian Economic Union and Silk Road Tourism: Qualifying Resources, Amplifying Messages. In: Cities' Vocabularies and the Sustainable Development of the Silkroads: proceedings of SRSTDCH 2021. pp. 265-271. From: SRSTDCH 2021: Cities' Vocabularies and the Sustainable Development of the Silkroads, 22-23 November 2021, Online.

Cassidy, Leonie, Pabel, Anja, and Li, En (2022) Fear of flying: can humour help? In: CAUTHE 2022 Conference: Handbook of Abstracts of the 32nd Annual Conference. p. 59. From: CAUTHE 2022: 32nd Annual CAUTHE Conference: Shaping the Next Normal in Tourism, Hospitality and Events, 7-9 Feb 2022, Online.

Pont, Suzie, Underdown, Michael, Hamilton, John R., Tee, Singwhat, and Maxwell, Stephen J. (2022) Fur babies, governance, and ability: Finding meaning in survey response rates. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Electronic Business (22) pp. 643-646. From: ICEB 2022: 22nd International Conference on Electronic Business, 13-17 October 2022, Bangkok, Thailand.

Ramanujam, R., Hamilton, J.R., and Tee, SingWhat (2019) Modelling Management Consulting in India: towards Management Consulting Theory. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Business. 27. pp. 285-299. From: ICEB 2019: 19th International Conference on Electronic Business, 8-12 December 2019, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.

Saikim, Fiffy Hanisdah Binti, Hamilton, John R., and Tee, S. (2019) Tourist wildlife consumption qualitative considerations: Sabah, Malaysia. In: International Conference on Electronic Business. 43. pp. 466-478. From: ICEB 2019: 19th International Conference on Electronic Business, 8-12 December 2019, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.

Nazir, Mohamed, Hamilton, John, and Tee, Singwhat (2019) Virtual world platforms end-user motives. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Business. 45. pp. 485-492. From: ICEB 2019: 19th International Conference on Electronic Business, 8-12 December 2019, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.

Hamilton, John R., and Tee, SingWhat (2018) Big data values deliverance: OSS model. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electronic Business. pp. 154-162. From: ICEB 2018: 18th International Conference on Electronic Business, 2-6 December 2018, Guilin, China.

Hamilton, John, and Tee, SingWhat (2018) China's BRI expansion approach: culture. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on ISO & TQM. 4-4. From: 22nd International Conference on ISO & TQM, 2-4 April 2018, Beijing, China.

Kuilboer, Alf, Murphy, Laurie, and Lynch, Karina (2018) How do final year business students perceive that ePortfolios enable employability? In: 2018 ePortfolio Forum eBook of Short Papers. From: 2018 ePortfolio Australia Forum, 9-10 October 2018, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Ahmed, Rafiuddin, and Kannaiah, Desti (2018) Institutional theory based research for the study of management accounting change (2008-2018): A qualitative meta-synthesis. In: [Presented at the 48th International Business Research Conference]. From: 48th International Business Research Conference, 19-20 November 2018, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Russo, Kerry, Eagle, Lynne, Emtage, Nick, and Low, David (2018) Mind the Divide: digital fluency and disadvantage. In: Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. pp. 485-488. From: ANZMAC 2018: Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 3-5 December 2018, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Nazir, Mohamed, Hamilton, John, and Tee, Singwhat (2018) Social capital dimensions in virtual world platforms. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electronic Business (1) pp. 578-585. From: ICEB 2018: 18th International Conference on Electronic Business, 2-6 December 2018, Guilin, China.

Hamilton, John R., Holdsworth, Jason, Tee, SingWhat, and Alshomali, Mohammad Azeez (2018) A four (4) stage approach towards speeding GitHub OSS development. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electronic Business. pp. 28-35. From: ICEB 2018: 18th International Conference on Electronic Business, 2-6 December 2018, Guilin, China.

Abidin, Adam, Panchal, Jenny H., and K., Thirumaran (2017) Celebrity chefs and the enhancement of culinary tourism experiences in Singapore. In: Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations: Proceedings of the Tourism Outlook Conference 2015. pp. 109-115. From: Tourism Outlook Conference 2015, 29-31 July 2015, Lombok, Indonesia.

Prince, Kylie, Hamilton, John, and Tee, SingWhat (2016) Collective affective identity: a socio emotional engagement tool for inter-generational integration. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM. 3.5. From: 20 ICIT: 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM, 26-28 September 2016, Al Buraimi, Oman.

Hamilton, John, Tee, Singwhat, and Hamilton, Daynah (2016) Local resident knowledge regarding correct disposal of recyclables wastes. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM. 5.4. From: 20 ICIT: 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM, 26-28 September 2016, Al Buraimi, Oman.

Ramanujam, Rohit, Hamilton, John, and Tee, SingWhat (2016) Management consulting: delivering competitive business value within information technology firms in India. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM (1) 4.3. From: 20 ICIT: 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM, 26-28 September 2016, Al Buraimi, Oman.

Nazir, Mohamed, Hamilton, John, and Tee, Singwhat (2016) Virtual world as a new media for business and marketing. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM. 5.5. pp. 218-232. From: 20 ICIT: 20th International Conference on ISO & TQM, 26-28 September 2016, Al Buraimi, Oman.

McCarthy, B., Liu, H., and Schurmann, A. (2016) Household food waste and the green consumer. In: Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (1) pp. 113-120. From: ANZMAC 2016: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: marketing in a post-disciplinary era, 5-7 December 2016, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Hamilton, John R., Tee, Singwhat, and Prideaux, Murray C. (2016) Major sport event economic modelling at destination. In: 45th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute. From: WDSI 2016: 45th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, 5-9 April 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA.


Eijdenberg, Emiel L., K, Thirumaran, Wang, Pengji, and Wong, Caroline (2024) Indigenous entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Theoretical and Practical Implications. Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business . Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland.

Kostopoulou, Stella, Herrera-Franco, Gricelda, Wood, Jacob, and Al-Kodmany, Kheir (2023) Cities’ Vocabularies and the Sustainable Development of the Silkroads: proceedings of SRSTDCH 2021. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Thirumaran, K., Klimkeit, Dirk, and Tang, Chun Meng (2021) Service Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality: insights from Asia. Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management . Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

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