Items where Subject is "31 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 3104 Evolutionary biology > 310411 Plant and fungus systematics and taxonomy"
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- Fields of Research (57778)
- 3104 Evolutionary biology (639)
- 310411 Plant and fungus systematics and taxonomy (122)
- 3104 Evolutionary biology (639)
Antonelli, A., Fry, C., Smith, R.J., Eden, J., Govaerts, R.H.A., Kersey, P., Nic Lughadha, E., Onstein, R. E., Simmonds, M.S.J., Zizka, A., Ackerman, J.D., Adams, V.M., Ainsworth, A.M., Albouy, C., Allen, A.P., Allen, S.P., Allio, R., Auld, T.D., Bachman, S.P., Baker, W.J., Barrett, R. L., Beaulieu, J.M., Bellot, S., Black, N., Boehnisch, G., Bogarín, D., Boyko, J.D., Brown, M.J.M., Budden, A., Bureš, P., Butt, N., Cabral, A., Cai, L., Aguilar-Cano, J.A., Chang, Y., Charitonidou, M., Chau, J.H., Cheek, M., Chomicki, G., Coiro, M., Colli-Silva, M., Condamine, F. L., Crayn, D., Cribb, P., Cuervo-Robayo, A.P., Dahlberg, A., Deklerck, V., Denelle, P., Dhanjal-Adams, K.L., Druzhinina, I., Eiserhardt, W.L., Elliott, T.L., Enquist, B. J., Escudero, M., Espinosa-Ruiz, S., Fay, M F., Fernández, M., Flanagan, N.S., Forest, F., Fowler, R.M., Freiberg, M., Gallagher, R.V., Gaya, E., Gehrke, B., Gelwick, K., Grace, O.M., Granados Mendoza, C., Grenié, M., Groom, Q.J., Hackel, J., Hagen, E.R., Hágsater, E., Halley, J.M., Hu, A.Q., Jaramillo, C., Kattge, J., Keith, D.A., Kirk, P., Kissling, W.D., Knapp, S., Kreft, H., Kuhnhäuser, B.G., Larridon, I., Leão, T.C.C., Leitch, I.J., Liimatainen, K., Lim, J.Y., Lucas, E., Lücking, R., Luján, M., Luo, A., Magallón, S., Maitner, B., Márquez-Corro, J. I., Martín-Bravo, S., Martins-Cunha, K., Mashau, A.C., Mauad, A.V., Maurin, O., Medina Lemos, R., Nargar, K., Negrão, R., Nicolson, N., Niskanen, T., Oliveira Andrino, C., Olmstead, R.G., Ondo, I., Oses, L., Parra-Sánchez, E., Paton, A.J., Pellicer, J., Pellissier, L., Pennington, T.D., Pérez-Escobar, O.A., Phillips, C., Pironon, S., Possingham, H., Prance, G., Przelomska, N.A.S., Ramírez-Barahona, S.A., Renner, S.S., Rincon, M., Rivers, M.C., Rojas Andrés, B.M., Romero-Soler, K.J., Roque, N., Rzedowski, J., Sanmartín, I., Santamaría-Aguilar, D., Schellenberger Costa, D., Serpell, E., Seyfullah, L.J., Shah, T., Shen, X., Silvestro, D., Simpson, D.A., Šmarda, P., Šmerda, J., Smidt, E., Smith, S.A., Solano-Gomez, R., Sothers, C., Soto Gomez, M., Spalink, D., Sperotto, P., Sun, M., Suz, L.M., Svenning, J.C., Taylor, A., Tedersoo, L., Tietje, M., Trekels, M., Tremblay, R.L., Turner, R., Vasconcelos, T., Veselý, P., Villanueva, B.S., Villaverde, T., Vorontsova, M.S., Walker, B.E., Wang, Z., Watson, M., Weigelt, P., Wenk, E.H., Westrip, J.R.S., Wilkinson, T., Willett, S.D., Wilson, K.L., Winter, M., Wirth, C., Wölke, F.J.R., Wright, I.J., Zedek, F., Zhigila, D.A., Zimmermann, N.E., Zuluaga, A., and Zuntini, A.R. (2023) State of the World's Plants and Fungi, 2023: tacking the nature emergency: evidence gaps and priorities. Report. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
Appelhans, Marc S., Wen, Jun, Duretto, Marco, Crayn, Darren, and Wagner, Warren L. (2018) Historical biogeography of Melicope (Rutaceae) and its close relatives with a special emphasis on Pacific dispersals. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 56 (6). pp. 576-599.
Barrett, Russell L., and Barrett, Matthew D. (2022) Dianella lignosa (Asphodelaceae), a new species from the north-west Kimberley region of Western Australia. Telopea, 25. pp. 197-202.
Bowden, Bruce F., Brophy, Joseph J., and Jackes, Betsy R. (2022) Review of the Leaf Essential Oils of the Genus Backhousia Sens. Lat. and a Report on the Leaf Essential Oils of B. gundarara and B. tetraptera. Plants, 11 (9). 1231.
Barrett, Russell L., Barrett, Matthew D., and Clements, Mark A. (2022) A revision of Orchidaceae from the Kimberley region of Western Australia with new species of tropical Calochilus and Dipodium. Telopea, 25. pp. 203-270.
Bougher, Neale L., and Barrett, Matthew D. (2020) Fungi and slime moulds recorded in surveys at Kings Park and Bold Park – urban bushlands Perth, Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist, 31 (4). pp. 191-251.
Baba, Yumiko, Rossetto, Maurizio, and Crayn, Darren M. (2020) Identifying evolutionary lineages in the Elaeocarpus obovatus complex: population genetics and morphometric analyses support a new subspecies, Elaeocarpus obovatus subsp. umbratilis, from northern Queensland, Australia. Australian Systematic Botany, 33 (4). pp. 346-379.
Barrett, Matthew D. (2019) Triodia veniciae (Poaceae), a new species from the pilbara region, western Australia. Nuytsia, 30. pp. 221-228.
Badry, Mohamed O., Crayn, Darren M., and Tate, Jennifer A. (2017) Hibiscus diversifolius subsp. rivularis (Bremek. & Oberm.) Exell (Malvaceae) in Australia. Austrobaileya, 10 (1). pp. 113-120.
Brozynska, Marta, Copetti, Dario, Furtado, Agnelo, Wing, Rod, Crayn, Darren, Fox, Glen, Ishikawa, Ryuji, and Henry, Robert J. (2016) Sequencing of Australian wild rice genomes reveals ancestral relationships with domesticated rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 15 (6). pp. 765-774.
Cooper, Wendy, Zich, Frank, Nauheimer, Lars, Harrison, Melissa, and Crayn, Darren (2024) A revision of Derris and Brachypterum (Leguminosae subfamily Papilionoideae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany, 37. SB23030.
Cooper, W.E., Crayn, D.M., and Joyce, E.M. (2023) Aglaia fellii W.E.Cooper & Joyce (Meliaceae), a new species for Cape York Peninsula. Australian Journal of Taxonomy, 23.
Crous, P.W., Osieck, E.R., Shivas, R.G., Tan, Y.P., Bishop-Hurley, S.L., Esteve-Raventós, F., Larsson, E., Luangsa-Ard, J.J., Pancorbo, F., Balashov, S., Baseia, I.G., Boekhout, T., Chandranayaka, S., Cowan, D.A., Cruz, R.H.S.F., Czachura, P., De la Peña-Lastra, S., Dovana, F., Drury, B., Fell, J., Flakus, A., Fotedar, R., Jurjević, Z., Kolecka, A., Mack, J., Maggs-Kölling, G., Mahadevakumar, S., Mateos, A., Mongkolsamrit, S., Noisripoom, W., Plaza, M., Overy, D.P., Piątek, M., Sandoval-Denis, M., Vauras, J., Wingfield, M.J., Abell, S.E., Ahmadpour, A., Akulov, A., Alavi, F., Alavi, Z., Altés, A., Alvarado, P., Anand, G., Ashtekar, N., Assyov, B., Banc-Prandi, G., Barbosa, K.D., Barreto, G.G., Bellanger, J.-M., Bezerra, J.L., Bhat, D.J., Bilański, P., Bose, T., Bozok, F., Chaves, J., Costa-Rezende, D.H., Danteswari, C., Darmostuk, V., Delgado, G., Denman, S., Eichmeier, A., Etayo, J., Eyssartier, G., Faulwetter, S., Ganga, K.G.G., Ghosta, Y., Goh, J., Góis, J.S., Gramaje, D., Granit, L., Groenewald, M., Gulden, G., Gusmão, L.F.P., Hammerbacher, A, Heidarian, Z., Hywel-Jones, N., Jankowiak, R., Kaliyaperumal, M., Kaygusuz, O., Kezo, K., Khonsanit, A., Kumar, S., Kuo, C.H., Læssøe, T., Latha, K.P.D., Loizides, M., Luo, S.M., Maciá-Vicente, J.G., Manimohan, P., Marbach, P.A.S.., Marinho, P., Marney, T.S., Marques, G., Martín, M.P, Miller, A.N., Mondello, F., Moreno, G., Mufeeda, K.T., Mun, H.Y., Nau, T., Nkomo, T., Okrasińska, A., Oliveira, J.P.A.F., Oliveira, R.L., Ortiz, D.A., Pawłowska, J., Pérez-De-Gregorio, M.A., Podile, A.R., Portugal, A., Privitera, N., Rajeshkumar, K.C., Rauf, I., Rian, B., Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A., Rivas-Torres, G.F., Rodriguez-Flakus, P., Romero-Gordillo, M., Saar, I., Saba, M., Santos, C.D., Sarma, P.V.S.R.N., Siquier, J.L., Sleiman, S., Spetik, M., Sridhar, K.R., Stryjak-Bogacka, M., Szczepańska, K., Taşkın, H., Tennakoon, D.S., Thanakitpipattana, D., Trovão, J., Türkekul, I., van Iperen, A.L., van 't Hof, P., Vasquez, G., Visagie, C.M., Wingfield, B.D., Wong, P.T.W., Yang, W.X., Yarar, M., Yarden, O., Yilmaz, N., Zhang, N., Zhu, Y.N., and Groenewald, J.Z. (2023) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549. Persoonia, 50. pp. 158-310.
Crous, P.W., Costa, M.M., Kandemir, H., Vermaas, M., Vu, D., Zhao, L., Arumugam, E., Flakus, A., Jurjević, Z., Kaliyaperumal, M., Mahadevakumar, S., Murugadoss, R., Shivas, R.G., Tan, Y. P., Wingfield, M.J., Abell, S.E., Marney, T.S., Danteswari, C., Darmostuk, V., Denchev, C.M., Denchev, T.T., Etayo, J., Gené, J., Gunaseelan, S., Hubka, V., Illescas, T., Jansen, G.M., Kezo, K., Kumar, S., Larsson, E., Mufeeda, K.T., Piątek, M., Rodriguez-Flakus, P., Sarma, P., Stryjak-Bogacka, M., Torres-Garcia, D., Vauras, J., Acal, D.A., Akulov, A., Alhudaib, K., Asif, M., Balashov, S., Baral, H.O., Baturo-Cieśniewska, A., Begerow, D., Beja-Pereira, A., Bianchinotti, M.V., Bilański, P., Chandranayaka, S., Chellappan, N., Cowan, D.A., Custódio, F. A., Czachura, P., Delgado, G., De Silva, N.I., Dijksterhuis, J., Duenas, M., Eisvand, P., Fachada, V., Fournier, J., Fritsche, Y., Fuljer, F., Ganga, K.G.G., Guerra, M.P., Hansen, K., Hywel-Jones, N., Ismail, A.M., Jacobs, C.R., Jankowiak, R., Karich, A., Kemler, M., Kisło, K., Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Latha, K. P.D., Lebeuf, R., Lopes, M.E., Lumyong, S., Maciá-Vicente, J.G., Maggs-Kölling, G., Magistà, D., Manimohan, P., Martín, M.P., Mazur, E., Mehrabi-Koushki, M., Miller, A.N., Mombert, A., Ossowska, E.A., Patejuk, K., Pereira, O. L., Piskorski, S., Plaza, M., Podile, A.R., Polhorsky, A., Pusz, W., Raza, M., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska, M., Saba, M., Sánchez, R.M., Singh, R., Sliwa, L., Smith, M.E., Stefenon, V.M., Strašiftáková, D., Suwannarach, N., Szczepańska, K., Telleria, M.T., Tennakoon, D.S., Thines, M., Thorn, R.G., Urbaniak, J., van der Vegte, M., Vasan, V., Vila-Viçosa, C., Voglmayr, H., Wrzosek, M., Zappelini, J., and Groenewald, J.Z. (2023) Fungal planet description sheets: 1550-1613. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 51. pp. 280-417.
Crayn, Darren M., and Jago, Robert L. (2022) Banks and Solander search for plants in ‘New Holland’. In: Kirkpatrick, Rod, Kowland, Margaret, Kerr, Ruth, and Donovan, Val, (eds.) Captain Cook in Queensland. The Royal Historical Society of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, pp. 98-121.
Cooper, Wendy (2022) Diospyros venablesii W.E.Cooper (Ebenaceae), a new and endemic species from the Iron Range area, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Telopea, 25. pp. 75-79.
Crous, P.W., Boers, J., Holdom, D., Osieck, E.R., Steinrucken, T.V., Tan, Y.P., Vitelli, J.S., Shivas, R.G., Barrett, M., Boxshall, A.-G., Broadbridge, J., Larsson, E., Lebel, T., Pinruan, U., Sommai, S., Alvarado, P., Bonito, G., Decock, C.A., De la Peña-Lastra, S., Delgado, G., Houbraken, J., Maciá-Vicente, J.G., Raja, H.A., Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez, A., Wingfield, M.J., Adams, S.J., Akulov, A., AL-Hidmi, T., Antonín, V., Arauzo, S., Arenas, F., Armada, F., Aylward, J., Bellanger, J.-M., Berraf-Tebbal, A., Bidaud, A., Boccardo, F., Cabero, J., Calledda, F., Corriol, G., Crane, J.L., Dearnaley, J.D.W., Dima, B., Dovana, F., Eichmeier, A., Esteve-Raventós, F., Fine, M., Ganzert, L., García, D., Torres-Garcia, D., Gené, J., Gutiérrez, A., Iglesias, P., Istel, Ł., Jangsantear, P., Jansen, G.M., Jeppson, M., Karun, N.C., Karich, A., Khamsuntorn, P., Kokkonen, K., Kolařík, M., Kubátová, A., Labuda, R., Lagashetti, A.C., Lifshitz, N., Linde, C., Loizides, M., Luangsa-ard, J.J., Lueangjaroenkit, P., Mahadevakumar, S., Mahamedi, A.E., Malloch, D.W., Marincowitz, S., Mateos, A., Moreau, P.-A., Miller, A.N., Molia, A., Morte, A., Navarro-Ródenas, A., Nebesářová, J., Nigrone, E., Nuthan, B.R., Oberlies, N.H., Pepori, A.L., Rämä, T., Rapley, D., Reschke, K., Robicheau, B.M., Roets, F., Roux, J., Saavedra, M., Sakolrak, B., Santini, A., Ševčíková, H., Singh, P.N., Singh, S.K., Somrithipol, S., Spetik, M., Sridhar, K.R., Starink-Willemse, M., Taylor, V.A., van Iperen, A.L., Vauras, J., Walker, A.K., Wingfield, B.D., Yarden, O., Cooke, A.W., Manners, A.G., Pegg, K.G., and Groenewald, J.Z. (2022) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1383–1435. Persoonia, 48. pp. 261-371.
Cooper, Wendy, and Zich, Frank (2022) Reinstatement and revision of Kayea Wall. (Calophyllaceae) in Australia, including two new species from Queensland’s Wet Tropics bioregion. Austrobaileya, 12. pp. 1-13.
Cooper, Wendy (2022) Xylosma craynii (Salicaceae), a new and restricted species for Queensland's Wet Tropics Bioregion. Australian Journal of Taxonomy, 3.
Chen, C.-W., Perrie, L., Glenny, D., Chiou, W.-L., Fawcett, S., Smith, A.R., Parris, B.S., Ebihara, A., Ohlsen, D., Lehtonen, S., Dong, S.-Y., Lenhert, M., Field, Ashley, Chao, Y.-S., Murdock, A.G., and Sundue, M. (2022) An annotated checklist of lycophytes and ferns of the Solomon Islands. Fern Gazette, 21 (7). pp. 292-417.
Cooper, Wendy, and Forster, Paul (2021) Aglaia monticola W.E.Cooper & P.I.Forst. (Meliaceae), a new species for Queensland’s Wet Tropics. Austrobaileya, 11. pp. 80-86.
Crous, P.W., Wingfield, M.J., Chooi, Y.-H., Gilchrist, C.L.M., Lacey, E., Pitt, J.I., Roets, F., Swart, W.J., Cano-Lira, J.F., Valenzuela-Lopez, N., Hubka, V., Shivas, R.G., Stchigel, A.M., Holdom, D.G., Jurjević, Ž., Kachalkin, A.V., Lebel, T., Lock, C., Martín, M.P., Tan, Y.P., Tomashevskaya, M.A., Vitelli, J.S., Baseia, I.G., Bhatt, V.K., Brandrud, T.E., De Souza, J.T., Dima, B., Lacey, H.J., Lombard, L., Johnston, P.R., Morte, A., Papp, V., Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez-Andrade, E., Semwal, K.C., Tegart, L., Abad, Z.G., Akulov, A., Alvarado, P., Alves, A., Andrade, J.P., Arenas, F., Asenjo, C., Ballarà, J., Barrett, M.D., Berná, L.M., Berraf-Tebbal, A., Bianchinotti, M.V., Bransgrove, K., Burgess, T.I., Carmo, F.S., Chávez, R., Čmoková, A., Dearnaley, J.D.W., Santiago, A.L.C.M. de A., Freitas-Neto, J.F., Denman, S., Douglas, B., Dovana, F., Eichmeier, A., Esteve-Raventós, F., Farid, A., Fedosova, A.G., Ferisin, G., Ferreira, R.J., Ferrer, A., Figueiredo, C.N., Figueiredo, Y.F., Reinoso-Fuentealba, C.G., Garrido-Benavent, I., Cañete-Gibas, C.F., Gil-Durán, C., Glushakova, A.M., Gonçalves, M.F.M., González, M., Gorczak, M., Gorton, C., Guard, F.E., Guarnizo, A.L., Guarro, J., Gutiérrez, M., Hamal, P., Hien, L.T., Hocking, A.D., Houbraken, J., Hunter, G.C., Inácio, C.A., Jourdan, M., Kapitonov, V.I., Kelly, L., Khanh, T.N., Kisło, K., Kiss, L., Kiyashko, A., Kolařík, M., Kruse, J., Kubátová, A., Kučera, V., Kučerová, I., Kušan, I., Lee, H.B., Levicán, G., Lewis, A., Liem, N.V., Liimatainen, K., Lim, H.J., Lyons, M.N., Maciá-Vicente, J.G., Magaña-Dueñas, V., Mahiques, R., Malysheva, E.F., Marbach, P.A.S., Marinho, P., Matočec, N., McTaggart, A.R., Mešić, A., Morin, L., Muñoz-Mohedano, J.M., Navarro-Ródenas, A., Nicolli, C.P., Oliveira, R.L., Otsing, E., Ovrebo, C.L., Pankratov, T.A., Paños, A., Paz-Conde, A., Pérez-Sierra, A., Phosri, C., Pintos, Á., Pošta, A., Prencipe, S., Rubio, E., Saitta, A., Sales, L.S., Sanhueza, L., Shuttleworth, L.A., Smith, J., Smith, M.E., Spadaro, D., Spetik, M., Sochor, M., Sochorová, Z., Sousa, J.O., Suwannasai, N., Tedersoo, L., Thanh, H.M., Thao, L.D., Tkalčec, Z., Vaghefi, N., Venzhik, A.S., Verbeken, A., Vizzini, A., Voyron, S., Wainhouse, M., Whalley, A.J.S., Wrzosek, M., Zapata, M., Zeil-Rolfe, I., and Groenewald, J.Z. (2020) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042–1111. Persoonia, 44. pp. 301-459.
Crayn, Darren M., Hislop, Michael, and Puente-Lelièvre, Caroline (2020) A phylogenetic recircumscription of Styphelia (Ericaceae, Epacridoideae, Styphelieae). Australian Systematic Botany, 33 (2). pp. 137-168.
Crayn, Darren, Puente-Lelièvre, Caroline, and Jensen, Rigel (2019) Unusual new species of Styphelia (Ericaceae, Epacridoideae, Styphelieae) from north-eastern Australia. Australian Systematic Botany, 32 (3). pp. 216-227.
Cairns, Andi, Meagher, David, and Ramsay, Helen (2019) A revised checklist of the moss flora of the Australian Wet Tropics. Telopea, 22. pp. 1-30.
Clarke, Charles, Schlauer, Jan, Moran, Jonathan A., and Robinson, Alastair (2018) Systematics and evolution of Nepenthes. In: Ellison, Aaron M., and Adamec, Lubomír, (eds.) Carnivorous Plants: physiology, ecology, and evolution. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 58-69.
Cruz, Geyner A.S., Zizka, Georg, Silvestro, Daniele, Leme, Elton M.C., Schulte, Katharina, and Benko-Iseppon, Ana M. (2017) Molecular phylogeny, character evolution and historical biogeography of Cryptanthus Otto & A. Dietr. (Bromeliaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107. pp. 152-165.
Carter, A., Coles, R., McKenna, S., and Rasheed, M. (2017) Spatial management tools for coastal seagrasses in Queensland, Australia. In: Proceedings of the Australasian Coasts & Ports 2017 Conference. pp. 226-232. From: Proceedings of the Australasian Coasts & Ports 2017 Conference, 21-23 June 2017, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Cooper, Wendy (2017) Thismia hawkesii W.E.Cooper and T. lanternatus W.E.Cooper (Thismiaceae), two new fairy lantern species from the Wet Tropics Bioregion, Queensland, Australia. Austrobaileya, 10. pp. 130-138.
Cooper, W.E., Kudo, H., and Duke, Norman C. (2016) Bruguiera hainesii C.G.Rogers (Rhizophoraceae), an endangered species recently discovered in Australia. Austrobaileya, 9 (4). pp. 481-488.
Costion, Craig M., Lowe, Andrew J., Rossetto, Maurizio, Kooyman, Robert M., Breed, Martin F., Ford, Andrew, and Crayn, Darren M. (2016) Building a plant DNA barcode reference library for a diverse tropical flora: an example from Queensland, Australia. Diversity, 8 (1). pp. 1-5.
Clarke, Charles, and Moran, Jonathan A. (2016) Climate, soils and vicariance: their roles in shaping the diversity and distribution of Nepenthes in Southeast Asia. Plant and Soil, 403 (1). pp. 37-51.
Costion, Craig, Kress, John, and Crayn, Darren (2016) DNA barcodes confirm the taxonomic and conservation status of a species of tree on the brink of extinction in the Pacific. PLoS ONE, 11 (6). e0155118. pp. 1-14.
Duke, Norman, and Lee, Shing Yip (2024) 2.4. The diversity of mangroves. Towards an authoritative list of the world’s mangrove plants. Report Section. Global Mangrove Alliance.
Duke, Norman C., Virly, Sabrina, and Tracey, Dieter (2023) New Caledonian mangroves: A treasure to protect. MangroveWatch Publications, Currumbin, Queensland, Australia.
Dowe, John, Venter, Fanie, UNSPECIFIED, and UNSPECIFIED (2023) Saribus pendulinus, a New Fan-Palm from New Guinea. Palms, 67 (1). pp. 13-25.
Dowe, John, and Hilje Quirós, Luko (2022) Las exploraciones botánicas de Hermann Wendland en Centroamérica (1856-1857) I. De Guatemala al Valle Central de Costa Rica / Hermann Wendland’s Botanical Explorations in Central America (1856-1857) I. From Guatemala to the Central Valley in Costa Rica. Revista Comunicación, 31 (43). pp. 61-93.
Dowe, John Leslie, and Schweizer, Ernest (2022) Livistona victoriae and the North Australian Exploring Expedition 1855–1856. Palms, 66 (2). pp. 90-102.
Dowe, John Leslie, and Yoxall, Helen (2022) William August Schipp (1891–1967): Commemorated in Schippia concolor and Chamaedorea schippii. Palms, 66 (3). pp. 109-125.
Dowe, John L., Appelhans, Marc S., Bräuchler, Christian, Hilje, Luko, and Schlumpberger, Boris O. (2022) The botanical expedition of Hermann Wendland in Central America: a nomenclatural study and travel report. Boissiera, 73. pp. 1-136.
Dowe, John Leslie, and Schlumpberger, Boris O. (2022) The uncertain history of an early illustration of Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti. Palms, 66 (1). pp. 33-40.
Dowe, John Leslie, and Hodel, Donald Robert (2021) Taxonomy and nomenclature of four unresolved names published by Udo Dammer in the genus Chamaedorea (Arecaceae). Candollea, 76 (1). pp. 93-98.
Dowe, John (2021) Udo Dammer (1860-1920): a palm specialist at Berlin Botanical Garden. Palms, 65 (2). pp. 67-79.
Dowe, John Leslie (2020) The Australian paintings of Marianne North, 1880–1881: landscapes ‘doomed shortly to disappear’. Cunninghamia, 20.
Dowe, John, Maroske, Sara, and May, Tom (2020) Flowers and fungi: illustrations by Ferdinand von Mueller’s nieces. Australian Garden History, 32. pp. 12-15.
Dowe, John, and Maroske, Sara (2020) John Dallachy (1804–71): collecting botanical specimens at Rockingham Bay. Historical Records of Australian Science, 31 (2). pp. 101-117.
Dowe, John, and Maroske, Sara (2020) John Dallachy (1804–71): from gardener to botanical collector. Historical Records of Australian Science, 31 (2). pp. 87-100.
Dowe, John Leslie, and Latifah, Dian (2020) Oranges or kings? The cryptic etymology of Zippelius’s Orania regalis. Palms, 64 (3). pp. 121-130.
Dowe, John, May, Tom W., Maroske, Sara, and Smith, Lucy T. (2020) The Wehl family of South Australia and their botanical connections with “Dear Uncle” Baron Ferdinand von Mueller. Swainsona, 34. pp. 1-79.
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