Items where Subject is "20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2005 Literary Studies > 200503 British and Irish Literature"
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- 2005 Literary Studies (312)
- 200503 British and Irish Literature (71)
- 2005 Literary Studies (312)
Adam, Brenda (2016) Cosmic warfare: changing models of the universe and C.S. Lewis's defence of truth and meaning. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Ackland, Michael (2011) Towards rehabilitating 'the long blighted tree of knowledge': Mary Shelly's revolutionary concept of self-governance and dominion in The Last Man. In: Cousins, A. D., Napton, Dani, and Russo, Stephanie, (eds.) The French Revolution and the British Novel in the Romantic Period. Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature, 112 . Peter Lang Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 153-177.
Ackland, Michael (2009) Modern biographies of Sir Thomas More. In: Cousins, A.D., and Grace, Damian, (eds.) A Companion to Thomas More. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Cranbury, NJ, USA, pp. 39-52.
Ahmed, Soheil (2002) Textual revision and the historicity of the self: some factual inaccuracies in The Prelude. Romanticism on the Net, 28. 10.7202/007204ar.
Ahmed, Soheil (2001) Metaphoric transition as a resistance to the literalization of writing. English Language Notes, 39 (2). pp. 28-45.
Ahmed, Soheil (2001) Figures of revision in Wordsworth's critical arguments. Romanticism on the Net, 24. 10.7202/005995ar.
Garvey, Nathan (2014) "Folkalising" convicts: a "Botany Bay" ballad and its cultural contexts. Journal of Australian Studies, 38 (1). pp. 32-51.
Gallagher, Donat (2012) Five editions of Evelyn Waugh's Edmund Campion. The Book Collector, 61 (4). pp. 531-549.
Gallagher, Donat (2011) England's merry martyr. Quadrant, 55 (5). pp. 99-101.
Gallagher, Donat (2011) 1066 and all that? History in Evelyn Waugh's Edmund Campion. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 42 (1). pp. 1-5.
Gallagher, Donat (2011) Guy Crouchback's disillusion: Crete, Beevor, and the Soviet alliance in Sword of Honour. In: Gallagher, Donat, Slater, Ann Pasternak, and Wilson, John Howard, (eds.) A Handful of Mischief: new essays on Evelyn Waugh. Farileigh Dickinson University Press. Co-published with Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Plymoutn, UK, pp. 172-219.
Gallagher, Donat, Slater, Ann Pasternak, and Wilson, John Howard (2011) A Handful of Mischief: new essays on Evelyn Waugh. Farileigh Dickinson University Press. Co-published with Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Plymouth, UK .
Gallagher, Donat (2011) Was Evelyn Waugh in danger of being shot by his men? Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 41 (3). pp. 13-16.
Gallagher, Donat (2010) The Lygons, the Flytes and Evelyn Waugh. Quadrant, 54 (3). pp. 96-99.
Gallagher, Donatus (2010) Evelyn Waugh's Edmund Campion and "Lady Southwell's Letter". Connotations, 20 (1). pp. 80-107.
Gallagher, Donatus (2010) 'I am Trimmer, you know...' Lord Lovat in Evelyn Waugh's Sword of Honour. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 41 (2). pp. 2-6.
Gallagher, Donat (2009) Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh. Defendant: newsletter of the Australian Chesterton Society, 16 (4:63). pp. 7-8.
Gallagher, Donatus (2009) Court of inquiry: additional Waugh bibliography. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 40 (2).
Gallagher, Donat (2009) What's That You Say, Mr Robinson? Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 39 (3). - .
Gallagher, Donat (2008) Telling it like it wasn't. Quadrant, 52 (12). pp. 101-105.
Gallagher, Donat (2008) "Beefsteak Mind" and "Greatest Sonneteer since Shakespeare": Evelyn Waugh, Marie Stopes and Lord Alfred Douglas. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 39 (1). - .
Gallagher, Donat (2007) Additional Waugh bibliography. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 38 (2). - .
Gallagher, Donat (2007) Inventing invention: Alan Munton, sword of honour and the invention of disillusion. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 37 (3). - .
Gallagher, Donat (2005) The humanizing factor: Evelyn Waugh's very personal view of providence. In: Villa Flor, Carlos, and Davis, Robert Murray, (eds.) Waugh without End: new trends in Evelyn Waugh studies. Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 21-36.
Gallagher, Donat (2000) Sir Robert Laycock, Antony Beevor and the evacuation of Crete from Sphakia. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 78 (313). pp. 38-55.
Hansen, Claire (2019) Book review of "Witchcraft, the Devil, and Emotions in Early Modern England" by Charlotte-Rose Millar, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017. ISBN 9781472485496. Parergon, 36 (2). pp. 233-234.
Hansen, Claire (2019) Tropic of Shakespeare: what studying Macbeth in Queensland could teach us about place and shipwrecks. The Conversation, 11 October 2019.
Hansen, Claire (2017) Vivacious and unapologetic, The Rover's 17th-century feminism is painfully pertinent. The Conversation, 6 July 2017.
Hansen, Claire (2015) Review: The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare’s comedy of cruelty. The Conversation, 25 May 2015.
Hansen, Claire (2015) Bell Shakespeare’s Hamlet reviewed: the same great themes in some strange new haunts. The Conversation, 9 November 2015.
Hansen, Claire Gwendoline (2015) The complexity of dance in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Early Modern Literary Studies, 18 (1 & 2).
Hansen, Claire (2014) Henry V meets the London Blitz and brings the house down. The Conversation, 16 June 2014.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Review: love and war in All’s Well That Ends Well. The Conversation, 01 April 2014.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Complexity theory. Shakespeare Reloaded.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Creativity through complexity: identifying and using shadow networks in teaching The Merchant of Venice. English in Education, 48 (2). pp. 112-127.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Ecocritical pedagogy. Shakespeare Reloaded.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Hugo Weaving reveals Macbeth's weakness – and his unhappiness. The Conversation, 30 July 2014.
Hansen, Claire (2014) To b-day, or not to b-day: what a piece of work is Shakespeare. The Conversation, 23 April 2014.
Hansen, Claire (2013) "Who taught thee this?" Female agency and experiential learning in Marlowe's Tamburlaine, The Jew of Malta, and Edward the Second. Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, 60 (3). pp. 157-177.
Jericho, Greg (2000) Orwell's autobiography: The road to Wigan Pier: outsider looking in. LiNQ, 27 (2). pp. 38-45.
Kuttainen, Victoria (2016) Book review of 'Transitions in Middlebrow Writing, 1880-1930' by McDonald, K. and Singer, C. (eds). London, UK, Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-137-48677-6. SHARP news, 25 (2).
Kuttainen, Victoria (2013) Book review of "The Modernist Party" by Kate McLoughlin (ed). Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh University Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-4744-0141-8. James Joyce Quarterly, 51 (1). 6. pp. 232-236.
Lansdown, Richard (2017) Literature and truth: imaginative writing as a medium for ideas. Costerus New Series . Brill-Rodopi, Leiden, Netherlands.
Lansdown, Richard (2015) Byron's Letters and Journals: a new selection. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Lansdown, Richard (2014) Prospects of Europe: the first iteration of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Keats-Shelley Review, 28 (1). pp. 37-48.
Lansdown, Richard (2014) James Montgomery's Pelican Island: imagination, religion, evolution. Wordsworth Circle, 45 (1). pp. 39-48.
Lansdown, Richard (2014) Politics and art: James Kelman's 'Not Not While the Giro'. Scottish Literary Review, 6 (2). pp. 67-92.
Lansdown, Richard (2013) Coralline Geohistory in James Montgomery's 'Pelican Island'. In: Selected Papers from the Wordsworth Summer Conference at Rydal Hall. pp. 158-174. From: Grasmere 2013: 42nd Wordsworth Summer Conference, 5-15 August 2013, Rydal, Cumbria, UK.
Lansdown, Richard (2013) 'Natural chronometers': coral islands and the discovery of time, from Buffon to Darwin. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (2). pp. 220-229.
Lansdown, Richard (2013) Opening The Woodlanders: The Road in Thomas Hardy, as tragic and evolutionary convergence. Thomas Hardy Journal, 29. pp. 29-52.
Lansdown, Richard, and Speck, W. A. (2012) Byron and Disraeli: The Mediterranean Tours. Wordsworth Circle, 43 (2). pp. 106-113.
Lansdown, Richard (2012) The Cambridge Introduction to Byron. Cambridge Introduction to Literature . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Lansdown, Richard (2011) Guilt, wilderness, desert islands: the Romantic Pacific. In: Meyer, Michael, (ed.) Romantic explorations: selected papers from the Koblenz Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism. Studien zur englischen Romantik (Vol. 8). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, Trier, Germany, pp. 137-148.
Lansdown, Richard, and Reichardt, Dosia (2007) "Almost as far as Petersburg": Byron and the Russians. Keats-Shelley Journal, 56. pp. 52-77.
Lansdown, Richard (2006) Strangers in the South Seas: the idea of the Pacific in western thought. University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Lansdown, Richard (2006) Our fault not theirs: the future of the humanities. Profession, 2006. pp. 119-128.
Lansdown, Richard (2004) Rare in Burlesque: Northanger Abbey. Philological Quarterly, 83 (1). pp. 61-81.
Lansdown, Richard (2002) Transitional objects: the spots of time in the prelude of 1799. Critical Review, 42. pp. 14-34.
Lansdown, R.D. (2001) The Byronic hero and the Victorian heroine. Critical Review, 41. pp. 105-116.
Lansdown, Richard (2000) 'An instinct for truth': Darwin on Galapagos. Critical Review, 40. pp. 109-122.
Myers, Benjamin (2004) The theology of freedom in Paradise Lost. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Osborne, Roger, and Eggert, Paul (2013) Under Western Eyes [by Joseph Conrad]. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad, 14 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Reichardt, Dosia (2006) Another look at 'Amyntor's Grove': pastoral and patronage in Lovelace's poem. Early Modern Literary Studies, 11 (3). 5. - .
Reichardt, Dosia (2006) Marvell's 'Interior Paramour': Clora meets the Cavaliers in 'The Gallery'. Parergon, 23 (2). pp. 97-118.
Reichardt, Dosia (2006) The constitution of narrative identity in seventeenth-century prison writing. In: Bedford, Ronald, Davis, Lloyd, and Kelly, Philippa, (eds.) Early Modern Autobiography: theories, genres, practices. University of Michigan Press, Michigan, USA, pp. 115-129.
Reichardt, Dosia (2003) 'At my grates no Althea': Prison Poetry and the Consolations of Sack in the Interregnum. Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 20 (1). pp. 139-161.
Reichardt, Dosia (2003) Looking for Lovelace: identity, style and inheritance in the poetry of the interregnum. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Reichardt, Dosia (2002) Some unnoticed Lovelace manuscripts. Notes and Queries, 247 (3). pp. 336-338.
Smith, Lenore (2005) An exhumation : poetry of Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes: disinterred ancient texts. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Taylor, Cheryl (2006) The Cloud-authors' remaking of the Pseudo-Dionysius' mystical theology. Medium Aevum, 75 (2). pp. 202-218.
Taylor, Cheryl (2002) A contemplative community? the cloud texts and scale 2 in dialogue. Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 19 (2). pp. 81-100.