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Holland, Claire (2020) Learn how to manage emotions. Townsville Bulletin, January 03. p. 34.

Holland, Claire, and Hoyer, Tina (2020) A case for coaching: influencing cultural change at the ATO. Dispute Resolution Review, 1.

Holland, Claire, and Mo, Amaya (2019) Creating the leaders of the future – we need to broaden our focus on soft skill development in order to achieve organisational success. Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network, 27 September 2019.

Holland, Claire, and Carpenter, Rosie (2019) Mediators Beyond Borders International: peacebuilders in a world of conflict. Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network, 13 September 2019.

Hoyer, Tina, and Holland, Claire (2019) A case for coaching: influencing cultural change at the ATO. Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network, 06 September 2019.

Moston, Stephen, and Engelberg, Terry (2016) The McLaren report and Russia's participation at Rio. World Sports Law Report, 14 (8). pp. 3-6.

Davies, Chris (2015) Match and spot-fixing: the challenges for the International Cricket Council. Sports Law ejournal, 2015. 30. pp. 1-9.

Dunbar, Neil (2015) The Union of European Football Association's club licensing and financial fair play regulations: are they working? Sports Law ejournal, 2015. 27. pp. 1-10.

Galloway, Kate (2015) And now for something completely different: statutory interpretation. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 31 March 2015.

Davies, Chris (2015) Copyright and sport broadcasting in Australia and England. Sports Law ejournal, 2015. 26. pp. 1-10.

Davies, Chris (2015) Maintaining the integrity of the AFL's draft and salary cap systems. Sports Law ejournal, 2015. 22. pp. 1-8.

Woellner, Robin (2015) ATO access powers: another lost opportunity. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, 8 (1-2). pp. 119-128.

Davies, Chris (2015) Competition parity and the Australian Football League 2000-10. Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation, 11 (1). pp. 36-48.

Galloway, Kate (2014) Educating the legal profession about gender. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 1 June 2014.

Loban, Heron, Ciccotosto, Susan, Pryce, Josephine, and Chaiechi, Taha (2014) Indigenous people and research collaboration: a journey across cultural and disciplinary bounds. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 13 (1). pp. 16-24.

Galloway, Kathrine (2013) The perils of individualism and our dystopian present. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 22 December 2013.

Galloway, Kathrine (2013) A sense of entitlement? The (gender) subtext of 'lifters not leaners'. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 15 September 2013.

Galloway, Kate (2013) Paid parental leave and the possibility of structural change. Open Forum, 26 August 2013.

Galloway, Kate (2013) Gender is never off the agenda while denigration of women is a national pastime. Open Forum, 17 June 2013.

Davies, Chris, and Cook, Justin (2013) Free agency and the Australian Football League. Bond Law Review, 24 (2). 2. pp. 64-100.

Galloway, Kate, Greaves, Kristoffer, and Castan, Melissa (2013) Gatecrashing the research paradigm: effective integration of online technologies in maximising research impact and engagement in legal education. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, 6 (1&2). pp. 83-91.

Galloway, Kate (2012) Respect mah authoritah! Amicae Curiae, 15 December 2011.

Galloway, Kathrine (2012) Is my body my own? Curl: Property Law, Women, Contemporary Legal Issues, 15 November 2012. pp. 1-3.

Carruthers, Penny, Skead, Natalie, and Galloway, Kate (2012) Teaching property law in Australia in the twenty-first century: what we do now, what should we do in the future? Australian Property Law Journal, 21 (1). pp. 57-76.

Galloway, Kathrine (2012) Anglican marriage changes: why asking wife to 'submit' over 'obey' is a dangerous development. Women's Agenda, 27 August 2012.

Galloway, Kate (2012) What's so hard about consensual sex? Amicae Curiae, 22 August 2012.

Galloway, Kate (2012) Women in Queensland: back to the future. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 5 August 2012.

Galloway, Kate (2012) Thinking like a lawyer: the good the bad and the ugly. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 12 June 2012.

Galloway, Kate (2012) Networking supports legal education. Campus Review, 2012 (May). pp. 1-2.

Leggett, Christopher (2012) Book review of "International employment and labour laws" by Jean-Michel Servais, Kluwer Law International. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 1 (1-2). pp. 153-156.

Davies, Chris (2012) Competition from all sides: the year ahead for the NRL. The Conversation, 24 February 2012.

Day, Andrew, Casey, Sharon, Vess, Jim, and Huisy, Gina (2012) Assessing the therapeutic climate of prisons. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39 (2). pp. 156-168.

Galloway, Kate (2012) Professionalism and sustainability in lawyering. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 23 January 2012.

Galloway, Kathrine, Carruthers, Penny, and Skead, Natalie (2012) Assessment in the law school: contemporary approaches of Australian property law teachers. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, 5 (1&2). pp. 1-14.

Davies, Chris (2012) Australian sport and the Commonwealth constitution. Sports Law ejournal. pp. 1-8.

Davies, Chris (2012) Expert evidence and the Court of Arbitration for sport: a question of weight. International Sports Law Review, 12. pp. 25-31.

Davies, Chris (2012) Labour market controls in sport in light of UEFA's Financial Fair Play Regulations. European Competition Law Review, 33 (10). pp. 435-444.

Engelberg-Moston, Terry, Moston, Stephen, and Skinner, James (2012) Public perception of sport anti-doping policy in Australia. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 19 (1). pp. 84-87.

Carruthers, Penny, Skead, Natalie, and Galloway, Kate (2012) Teaching skills and outcomes in Australian property law units: a survey of current approaches. QUT Law and Justice Journal, 12 (2). pp. 66-84.

Galloway, Kathrine (2012) Thinking like a lawyer. Alternative Law Journal, 37 (4). p. 298.

Galloway, Kate, Shircore, Mandy, Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, and Bradshaw, Rachel (2012) Using sustainability to inform renewal of the LLB foundation curriculum: knowledge skills and attitudes for the future. Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, 12 (1). pp. 1-20.

Davies, Chris (2012) The 'comfortable satisfaction' standard of proof: applied by the court of arbitration for sport in drug-related cases. University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review (UNDALR), 14. pp. 1-24.

Kozar, Christina J., and Day, Andrew (2012) The therapeutic alliance in offending behavior programs: a necessary and sufficient condition for change? Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17 (5). pp. 482-487.

Galloway, Kathrine, Bradshaw, Rachel, Dunbar, Neil, and Fellows, Jamie (2011) Approaches to student support in the first year of law school. Legal Education Review, 21 (1-2). 235-249 .

Baldry, Eileen, Brown, David, Brown, Mark, Cunneen, Chris, Schwartz, Melanie, and Steel, Alex (2011) Imprisoning rationalities. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 44 (1). pp. 24-40.

Galloway, Kathrine (2011) Refreshed in the tropics: developing curriculum using a thematic lens. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, 4 (1-2). pp. 119-128.

Davies, Chris (2009) Labour market controls in sport: soccer's transfer system post-Bosman. ANZSLA Commentator, 78. - .

Davies, Chris (2009) The Court of Arbitration for Sport: D'arcy V Australian Olympic Committee; Jongewarrd V Australian Olympic Committee. The Commentator, 76. - .

Davies, Chris (2009) The gender divide: women, sport and the law. The Verdict, 3. - .

Davies, Chris (2009) A storm drifting by? Defamation law and sport in Australia and New Zealand. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 40 (3). pp. 669-693.

Spencer, David, and Hardy, Samantha (2008) Deal or no deal: teaching on-line negotiation to law students. Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, 8 (1). pp. 93-117.

Davies, Chris (2008) Green V Country Rugby League [2008] NSWSC 26. ANZSLA Commentator, 74 (2). pp. 1-2.

Davies, Chris (2008) Match officials: a protected species in sport. ANZSLA Commentator, 75. pp. 1-2.

Crowley-Cyr, Lynda (2008) Reflexive professionals or disempowered technicians? A case study of the risks of 'McLearning' in a regional law school. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, 1 (1). pp. 299-311.

Davies, Chris (2008) A cautionary tale: Seven Network v News Ltd. James Cook University Law Review, 15. pp. 223-233.

Davies, Chris (2008) The internal policing of on-field indiscretions in Australian sport. Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation, 4 (1). pp. 47-61.

Fridman, Saul, Davies, Chris, and Amos, Anne (2007) Should athletes be tested for recreational drugs? Three sporting federations kick around the proverbial football. Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal, 2 (1). pp. 59-77.

Davies, Chris (2006) Draft systems in professional team sports and the restraint of trade doctrine: is the AFL draft distinguishable from the NSWRL draft? Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal, 1 (1). pp. 80-102.

Chiu, Man-Chung (2006) Negotiating Han-Chinese legal culture: post-colonial gender political discourse on Hong Kong's small house policy. King's College Law Journal, 17 (1). pp. 45-69.

Haigh, David (2005) Australian World Heritage, the constitution and international law. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 22 (5). pp. 385-396.

Dabner, Justin (2005) To join the international tax cartel or not? How should Asia respond to the OECD's harmful tax regimes project? New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy, 11 (3). pp. 299-313.

Middleton, Tom (2005) The High Court's decision in Rich v ASIC [2004] HCA 42 and its potential impact upon ASIC's disqualification orders, banning orders and oral examinations. Company and Securities Law Journal, 23 (4). pp. 248-263.

Bielefeld, Shelley, Higginson, Sue, Jackson, Jim, and Ricketts, Aidan (2005) Directors' duties to the company and minority shareholder environmental activism. Company and Securities Law Journal, 23 (1). pp. 28-49.

Secher, Ulla (2005) The Mabo decision - preserving the distinction between 'settled' and 'conquered or ceded' territories. University of Queensland Law Journal, 24 (1). pp. 35-71.

Jones, Craig (2004) The International Decade of the World's Indigenous People. Indigenous Law Bulletin, 6 (7). pp. 4-5.

Jones, Craig (2004) Is there a future for co-existence: a question of strategy? Indigenous Law Bulletin, 6 (5). pp. 15-18.

Dabner, Justin (2004) Responding to globalisation: are imputation systems up to the challenge? New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy, 10 (3). pp. 271-287.

Dabner, Justin (2004) Locational considerations in attracting multinational corporate regional headquarters: the relevance and role of tax law and tax incentives. Asia - Pacific Journal of Taxation, 8 (2). pp. 68-78.

Dabner, Justin (2004) Regime change: not as easy as it looks. The legacy of the OECD's harmful tax practices initiative: implications for Australia and Vanuatu. Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation, 8 (4). pp. 70-97.

O'Kelly, Caitriona M.E., Kebbell, Mark R., Hatton, Chris, and Johnson, Shane D. (2003) Judicial intervention in court cases involving witnesses with and without learning disabilities. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 8 (2). pp. 229-240.

Dabner, J.H., and Murai, T. (2003) A comparison of the Australian and Japanese corporations tax reorganization rules. Kansai University Review of Law and Politics, 24. pp. 15-26.

Stobbs, Georgina, and Kebbell, Mark Rhys (2003) Jurors' perception of witnesses with intellectual disabilities and the influence of expert evidence. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 16 (2). pp. 107-114.

Kebbell, Mark R., and O'Kelly, Caitriona M. E. (2003) Lawyers' perceptions of police officers' performance in court. Canadian Journal of Police and Security Services, 1 (3). pp. 185-192.

Clark, Geoff (2003) Mediation under the native title act 1993 (Cth): some structural considerations. James Cook University Law Review, 9 (1). pp. 74-107.

Secher, U., and Amankwah, H.A. (2003) Native title, crown property and resources: Post-Mabo judicial interpretations of statutory declarations and statutory vesting provisions. James Cook University Law Review, 9. pp. 110-226.

Fairall, Paul Ames (2001) Asylum seekers and people smuggling - from St Louis to the Tampa. James Cook University Law Review, 8. pp. 18-25.

Crowley-Cyr, Lynda (2000) A century of remodelling: the law of abortion in review. Journal of Law and Medicine, 7 (3). pp. 252-266.

Book Chapter

Holland, Claire, and Taylor, Donnalee (2019) Hopeful perspectives: incorporating hope theory in Australian law students' academic experience. In: Marychurch, Judith, and Sifris, Adiva, (eds.) Wellness for Law: making wellness core business. LexisNexis.

Cunneen, Chris, and Russell, Sophie (2017) Social media, vigilantism and Indigenous people in Australia. In: Pontell, Henry N., (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford Research Encyclopedias . Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Collins, Pauline, Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, Galloway, Kate, Schillmoller, Anne, Shircore, Mandy, Thiriet, Dominique, and Bradshaw, Rachel (2014) Renewal of the LLB transition curriculum for the new quality regime. In: Wolff, Leon, and Nicolae, Maria, (eds.) The First-Year Law Experience: a new beginning. Halstead Press, Canberra, ACT, pp. 130-145.

Fischer, Wolfgang (2010) Hyperinflation in selected countries. In: Fischer, Wolfgang, (ed.) German Hyperinflation 1922/23: a law and economics approach. Josef EUL Verlag, Lohmar, Germany, pp. 91-100.

Thirumaran, K. (2009) Posadas de Puerto Rico v. Tourism Company of Puerto Rico. In: Schultz, David, (ed.) Encyclopedia of The United States Constitution. Infobase Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 560-562.

Fischer, Wolfgang Chr., and Gallagher, Michael M. (2007) Country of origin and moral suasion. In: Fischer, Wolfgang Chr., and Mwenda, Kenneth K., (eds.) Country of Origin: a law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. Josef Eul Verlag, Germany, pp. 21-29.

Fischer, Wolfgang (2007) Country of origin and quality guarantee. In: Fischer, Wolfgang Chr., and Mwenda, Kenneth K., (eds.) Country of Origin: a law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. Josef Eul Verlag, Germany, pp. 101-109.

Fischer, Wolfgang Chr. (2007) Globalisation and Australia's approach. In: Fischer, Wolfgang Chr., and Mwenda, Kenneth K., (eds.) Country of Origin:a law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. Josef Eul Verlag, Germany, pp. 3-9.

Fischer, Wolfgang, Intsch, Andrea, Knight, John, and Krausbeck, Erich (2007) Promotion campaigns in Canada, Germany, New Zealand and USA. In: Fischer, Wolfgang Chr., and Mwenda, Kenneth K., (eds.) Country of Origin: a law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. Josef Eul Verlag, Germany, pp. 31-42.

Fischer, Wolfgang (2007) Survey of traders' procurement policy in the Townsville north Queensland region. In: Fischer, Wolfgang Chr., and Mwenda, Kenneth K., (eds.) Country of Origin: a law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. Josef Eul Verlag, Germany, pp. 75-83.

McGivern, Brenda (2003) 'Therapeutic cloning': tortious risk management issues. In: Gunning, Jennifer, and Szoke, Helen, (eds.) The Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Ashgate Publishing, pp. 245-259.

Conference Item

Holland, Claire (2019) Measuring hope: levels of hope in Australian law students experience. In: [Presented at the Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable]. From: Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable, 9-10 December 2019, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Holland, Claire, and Hoyer, Tina (2019) A case for coaching: how to measure the effectiveness of the ATO coaching model? In: [Presented at the Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable]. From: Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable, 9-10 December 2019, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Holland, Claire (2018) Benefits of a mediators' skill set. In: [Presented at Mediation Awareness Week]. From: Mediation Awareness Week: let's talk about dispute resolution, 18th October 2018, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Shircore, Mandy, and Townsville Community Legal Service (2018) How far that little candle throws his beams! The journey of regional law students after Clinical Legal Education. In: [Presented at the Australasian Law Teachers Association Annual Conference]. From: Australasian Law Teachers Association Annual Conference 2018, 4 -7 July 2018, Perth, WA, Australia.

Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola (2013) Creating 'movie magic' in first year skills subjects. In: Abstracts from the Australasian Law Teachers Assocation Annual Conference. From: ALTA 2013: Australasian Law Teachers Assocation Annual Conference: law teachers as gatekeepers, 29 September - 1 October 2013, Canberra, ACT, Australia. (Unpublished)

Dabner, Justin (2013) Observations of a Western educator in Japan: a clash of cultures rather than a culture of clashes. In: Papers from the 3rd Asian Conference on Asian Studies. From: ACAS 2013: Third Asian Conference on Asian Studies, 24-26 May 2013, Osaka, Japan. (Unpublished)

Dabner, Justin (2013) The end of the world is night! Will the new Australian carbon trading scheme make a difference and what does it mean for Japan? In: CPAS Presentation. From: Centre for Pacific and American Studies, Tokyo University, 22 January 2013, Tokyo, Japan. (Unpublished)

Carruthers, Penny, Skead, Natalie, and Galloway, Kate (2012) Teaching property law in the 21st century: what we do now, what should we do in the future? In: Presentations from the 11th Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference. p. 1. From: 11th Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference: teaching and researching property law in the twenty first century, 12-13 July 2012, Singapore.

Davies, Chris (2012) Negligence and risk management and sport. In: Legal Studies Students' Conference. pp. 1-5. From: 2012 Legal Studies Conference, Friday 20 April, James Cook Unviersity Cairns.

Dawes, Glenn, and Coventry, Garry (2012) A time to be heard: Sudanese Australian voices about criminal and social justice matters. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference. pp. 1-12. From: 5th Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference, 7 - 8 July 2011, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Collins, Pauline, Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, Galloway, Kathrine, Schillmoller, Anne, and Shircore, Mandy (2011) Benchmarking first year assessments and standards across three institutions in the first year of the law program. In: [Presented at] First Year Experience in Law School: a new beginning?. From: First Year Experience in Law School: a new beginning?, 2 July 2011, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)

Davies, Chris (2009) Standard playing contracts: the Brett Stewart case. In: Legal Studies Students Conference 2009. From: Legal Studies Students Conference 2009, 23 April 2009, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)

Bradshaw, Rachel (2008) Delivering justice for Darfur: is the ICC simply a significant step in the right direction? In: Australasian Law Teachers Association 63rd Annual Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?. p. 107. From: 2008 Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?, 6-9 July 2008, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Barrett, Malcolm (2008) Homicide and the excuse of accident: reform, abolish or retain? In: Australasian Law Teachers Association 63rd Annual Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?. p. 61. From: 2008 Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?, 6-9 July 2008, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Sungaila, Angela, and Sungaila, Helen (2008) On being the forensic, expert witness: an analysis of the medico-legal interface experience in the rape trial. In: Australasian Law Teachers Association 63rd Annual Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?. p. 87. From: 2008 Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?, 6-9 July 2008, Cairns, QLD, Australia.


Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, and Grigg, Brendan (2014) Effective Legal Writing: a practical guide. LexisNexis Butterworths, Chatswood, NSW, Australia.

Thorpe, David, Buti, Antonio, Davies, Chris, Fridman, Saul, and Jonson, Paul (2009) Sports Law. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.


Holland, Claire (2016) The Interfaith Project 2016 Conference handout. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

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