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Wronska-Friend, Maria (2019) Batik of West Bengal: the legacy of Rabindranath Tagore. Textiles Asia, 10 (3). pp. 7-12.

Gabriel, Jennifer (2019) Book review of "Connecting the Links Between Tourism, Protected Areas and Wellbeing" by I. Azara et al. Oxfordshire, UK, CABI, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-78639-131-5. Tourism Geographies, 21 (2). pp. 355-358.

Addison, Jane (2019) Comments on "Comparative study of pastoral property regimes in Africa offers no support for economic defensibility model". Current Anthropology, 60 (5). pp. 623-624.

Hughes, Geoffrey, Mehtta, Megnaa, Bresciani, Chiara, and Strange, Stuart (2019) Introduction. Cambridge Journal Of Anthropology, 37 (2).

Lundberg, Anita, Ancuta, Katarzyna, and Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, Agnieszka (2019) Tropical Gothic: arts, humanities and social sciences. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 18 (1). 3685. pp. 1-11.

Vavrova, Daniela (2018) Film review of "Long Story Short" directed by N. Bookchin. Icarus Films, USA, 2016. Urbanities, 8 (1). pp. 96-97.

Lundberg, Anita (2018) Living cities: tropical imaginaries. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 17 (1). 3638. pp. 1-5.

Fowler, Madeline (2017) Book review of "Maritime Heritage in Crisis: Indigenous landscapes and global ecological breakdown" by Richard M. Hutchings. New York, Routledge, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-62958-8. Heritage & Society, 10 (1). pp. 96-98.

Vavrova, Daniela (2017) Review of "River Nomads" by Eric Komlavi Hahonou. Komlavi Consult, 2016. Global Ethnographic, May (1). pp. 1-3.

Lundberg, Anita, and Geerlings, Lennie (2017) Tropical liminal: urban vampires and other blood-sucking monstrosities. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 16 (1). pp. 1-4.

Deger, Jennifer (2017) Book review of "The Voice and Its Doubles: media and music in Northern Australia" by D. Fisher. Durham, NC, USA, Duke University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-0-8223-6120-6. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 28. pp. 375-376.

Hayes, Anna (2017) Book review of" "Oil and Water: Being Han in Xinjiang" by Tom Cliff. Chicago, USA, University of Chicago Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-0226360133. American Anthropologist, 119 (3). pp. 550-551.

Laligant, Sophie, and Le Roux, Geraldine (2017) Comparer l’incomparable: considérations autour de la notion de monnaie / Compare the incomparable: considerations around the notion of currency. Cargo, 5. pp. 7-25.

Lundberg, Anita (2016) Introduction: a tropical lens. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 15 (2). pp. 1-4.

Greer, Shelley, Henry, Rosita, McGregor, Russell, and Wood, Michael (2016) Aboriginal artefacts, collectors and the wet tropics: an introduction. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, Cultural Heritage Series, 10. pp. 1-7.

Otto, Ton, and Dalsgaard, Steffen (2016) Alternative valuations. Valuation Studies, 4 (1). pp. 1-9.

Fuary, Maureen (2016) Book review of "Encounters With Indigeneity: writing about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples" by J.Beckett. Canberra, ACT, Aboriginal Studies Press. 2014. ISBN 978-1-922059-77-2. Oceania, 86 (2). pp. 208-209.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2016) Book review of "Tracing the Melanesian Person: emotions and relationships in Lihir" by S.R. Hemer, Adelaide, SA, University of Adelaide Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-922064-44-8. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 17 (1). pp. 87-88.

Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, and Deger, Jennifer (2016) Mobile phone remix: Miyarrka Media. Artlink, 36 (2). pp. 85-87.

Fuary, Maureen (2016) Review of "12" by G. Semu and "Re-Imagining Papua New Guinea" by J. Morrison, Cairns Regional Gallery, 2016. Artink, 5 May 2016.

Mcintyre-Tamwoy, Susan, Greer, Shelley, and Henry, Rosita (2015) Last days on Pabaju: a stone arrangement on Albany Island Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia. Quaternary International, 385. pp. 79-87.

Henry, Rosita (2015) Double displacement: Indigenous Australians and artefacts of the Wet Tropics. Anthropological Forum, 25 (4). pp. 370-383.

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2015) From shells to ceramic: colonial replicas of indigenous valuables. Journal of Museum Ethnography, 28. pp. 50-69.

Roberts, Nicholas (2015) The cultural and natural heritage of caves in the Lao PDR: prospects and challenges related to their use, management and conservation. Journal of Lao Studies, Special Issue 1. pp. 113-139.

Lundberg, Anita, and Glowczewski, Barbara (2015) Behind the scenes: transversality of invisible lines and knowledges. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 14 (2). pp. 1-10.

Vavrova, Daniela (2015) Book review of "Transcultural Montage" by Suhr, Christian and Rane Willersley (eds.). New York, Berghahn Books, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-8574-5964-0. Anthropological Notebooks, 21 (1). pp. 152-153.

Henry, Rosita, and Foana'ota, Lawrence (2015) Heritage transactions at the Festival of Pacific Arts. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21 (2). pp. 133-152.

Yankowski, Andrea, Kerdsap, Puangtip, and Chang, Nigel (2015) "Please pass the salt" – an ethnoarchaeological study of salt and salt fermented fish production, use and trade in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology, 37. pp. 4-13.

Otto, Ton (2015) Transformations of cultural heritage in Melanesia: from kastam to kalsa. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21 (2). pp. 117-132.

Gillespie, Kirsty, and Lilley, Ian (2015) Transformations, transactions and technologies: new directions in Pacific heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21 (2). pp. 115-116.

Fabinyi, Michael, and Liu, Neng (2014) The Chinese policy and governance context for global fisheries. Ocean & Coastal Management, 96. pp. 198-202.

Telban, Borut, and Vávrová, Daniela (2014) Ringing the living and the dead: mobile phones in a Sepik society. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 25 (2). pp. 223-238.

Singh, Sarinda (2014) Borderland practices and narratives: illegal cross-border logging in northeastern Cambodia. Ethnography, 15 (2). pp. 135-159.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2014) Book review of "Andrew Goldie in New Guinea 1875-1879: Memoir of a natural history collector" by S. Mullins, M. Bellamy and C. Moore (eds), in Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Culture 6. Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Queensland Museum, 2012. ISSN: 1-4404-788. Queensland Review, 21 (1). pp. 114-115.

Vávrová, Daniela (2014) Cinema in the bush. Visual Anthropology, 27 (1-2). pp. 25-44.

Aaberge, Bård, Barnard, Trish, Greer, Shelley, and Henry, Rosita (2014) Designs on the future: Aboriginal painted shields and baskets of tropical North Queensland, Australia. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 13 (2). pp. 56-74.

Pattiselanno, Freddy, and Lubis, Muhammad Irfansyah (2014) Hunting at the Abun regional marine protected areas: a link between wildmeat and food security. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 21 (4). pp. 180-186.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2014) Mining and language change in the Lihir Islands. Language and Linguistics in Melanesia, 32 (2). pp. 110-117.

Geerlings, Lennie, Thompson, Claire L., and Lundberg, Anita (2014) Psychology and culture: exploring clinical psychology in Australia and the Malay Archipelago. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 4. pp. 1-12.

Fabinyi, Michael, and Liu, Neng (2014) Seafood banquets in Beijing: consumer perspectives and implications for environmental sustainability. Conservation and Society, 12 (2). pp. 218-228.

Fabinyi, Michael, and Liu, Neng (2014) Social trust and luxury seafood banquets in contemporary Beijing. Asian Anthropology, 13 (2). pp. 92-105.

Fabinyi, Michael, Evans, Louisa, and Foale, Simon J. (2014) Social-ecological systems, social diversity, and power: insights from anthropology and political ecology. Ecology and Society, 19 (4). 28.

Kamble, Zilmiyah, and Bouchon, Frederic (2014) Tourism planning and a nation's vision: a review of the tourism policy of Sri Lanka. Procedia: social and behavioral sciences, 144. pp. 229-236.

Dalsgaard, Steffen, and Otto, Ton (2014) Value, transvaluation and globalization. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 13 (2). pp. 1-6.

Gillespie, Kirsty, and Hoenigman, Darja (2013) Laments and relational personhood: case studies from Duna and Awiakay societies of Papua New Guinea. Humanities Research, 19 (3). pp. 97-110.

Lundberg, Anita (2013) TransOceanik links: research networks and the space-place of colloquia. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (1). pp. 1-21.

Foale, Simon (2013) "Fish and people": an innovative fisheries science learning tool for the Pacific. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 31. pp. 21-24.

Yankowski, Andrea, and Kerdsap, Puangtip (2013) Salt-making in Northeast Thailand: an ethnoarchaeological study in Tambon Phan Song Khram, Nakhon Rachasima Province, Northeast Thailand. Silapakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, 13 (1). pp. 231-252.

Otto, Ton (2013) Back to the village: return migrants and the changing discourse of tradition in Manus, Papua New Guinea. Anthropological Forum, 23 (4). pp. 428-440.

Deger, Jennifer (2013) Book review of "Michael Riley: sights unseen". Edited by Brenda Croft. National Gallery of Australia. 2007. Oceania, 78 (2). pp. 238-240.

Morgan, Rhian (2013) Death in space and the piracy debate: negotiating ethics and ontology in Entropia Universe. Global Media Journal: Australian Edition, 7 (1). pp. 1-16.

Henry, Rosita, Otto, Ton, and Wood, Michael (2013) Ethnographic artifacts and value transformations. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3 (2). pp. 33-51.

Otto, Ton (2013) Ethnographic film as exchange. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 14 (2). pp. 195-205.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2013) Ethnomusicology and the mining industry: a case study from Lihir, Papua New Guinea. Musicology Australia, 35 (2). pp. 178-190.

Otto, Ton, and Willerslev, Rane (2013) Introduction: "value as theory": comparison, cultural critique, and guerilla ethnographic theory. HAU: journal of ethnographic theory, 3 (1). pp. 1-20.

Wood, Michael (2013) Mesede and the limits of reciprocity in fieldwork at Kamusi, Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 14 (2). pp. 126-135.

Otto, Ton, and Willerslev, Rane (2013) Prologue: value as theory: value, action, and critique. HAU: journal of ethnographic theory, 3 (2). pp. 1-10.

Glowczewski, Barbara, Henry, Rosita, and Otto, Ton (2013) Relations and products: dilemmas of reciprocity in fieldwork. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 14 (2). pp. 113-125.

MacIntyre, Martha, and Foale, Simon (2013) Science, traditional ecological knowledge, and anthropology: managing the impacts of mining in Papua New Guinea. Collaborative Anthropologies, 6. pp. 399-418.

Honey, Tania, and Morgan, Rhian (2013) Technology and community: the changing face of identity. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (1). pp. 64-72.

Otto, Ton (2013) Times of the other: the temporalities of ethnographic fieldwork. Social Analysis, 57 (1). pp. 64-79.

Lundberg, Anita (2013) TransOceanik: academic research & public domains. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (1). p. 1.

Mills, Morena, Pressey, Robert L., Ban, Natalie C., Foale, Simon, Aswani, Shankar, and Knight, Andrew T. (2013) Understanding characteristics that define the feasibility of conservation actions in a common pool marine resource governance system. Conservation Letters, 6 (6). pp. 418-429.

McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan, Fuary, Maureen, and Buhrich, Alice (2013) Understanding climate, adapting to change: indigenous cultural values and climate change impacts in North Queensland. Local Environment, 18 (1). pp. 91-109.

Deger, Jennifer (2013) The jolt of the new: making video art in Arnhem Land. Culture Theory & Critique, 54 (3). pp. 355-371.

Telban, Borut (2013) The power of place: spatio-temporality of a Melanesian religious movement. Anthropological Notebooks, 19 (3). pp. 81-100.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2012) From academic heritage to Aboriginal priorities: anthropological responsibilities. Revista de Antropologia da UFSCar, 4 (2). pp. 6-19.

Madden, Dianna, Cadet-James, Yvonne, Watkin-Lui, Felecia, and Atkinson, Ian (2012) Healing through ICT: enhancing wellbeing in an Aboriginal community. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 2. e6. pp. 1-9.

Petray, Theresa L. (2012) A walk in the park: political emotions and ethnographic vacillation in activist research. Qualitative Research, 12 (5). pp. 554-564.

Pam, Christine, and Henry, Rosita (2012) Risky places: climate change discourse and the transformation of place on Moch (Federated States of Micronesia). Shima, 6 (1). 8. pp. 30-47.

Singh, Sarinda (2012) Book review of "Beyond the sacred forest: Complicating conservation in Southeast Asia" [978-0-8223-4796-5] edited by Michael R. Dove, Percy E. Sajise and Amity A. Doolittle, Duke University Press, United Kingdom. Anthropological Forum, 22 (3). pp. 318-320.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2012) Book review of "Songs from the Second Float: a musical ethnography of Taku Atoll, Papua New Guinea" by R. Moyle. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-8248-3175-2. The World of Music, 1 (1). pp. 147-148.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2012) Book review of "The Tuma Underworld of Love: erotic and other narrative songs of the Trobriand Islanders and their spirits of the dead" by G. Senft. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing company, 2011. IBSN 978-90-272-0287-1. Journal of Polynesian Society, 121 (1). pp. 93-95.

Gillespie, Kirsty, and Bainton, Nicholas A. (2012) Coming out of the stone: dangerous heritage and the death of the Twinhox band. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 44. pp. 71-86.

Henry, Rosita (2012) Gifts of grief: performative ethnography and the revelatory potential of emotion. Qualitative Research, 12 (5). 528-539.

Bainton, Nicholas A., Ballard, Chris, and Gillespie, Kirsty (2012) The end of the beginning? Mining, sacred geographies, memory and performance in Lihir. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 23. pp. 22-49.

Morgan, Rhian (2011) Ethnography on the cyberian frontier. LiNQ, 38. pp. 117-130.

Mills, Morena, Jupiter, Stacy, Pressey, Bob, Ban, Natalie, and Comley, James (2011) Incorporating effectiveness of community-based management in a National Marine Gap Analysis for Fiji. Conservation Biology, 25 (6). pp. 1155-1164.

Petray, Theresa (2011) Review of The Challenge of Indigenous Peoples. LiNQ, 38. pp. 176-179.

Foale, Simon, Cohen, Philippa, Januchowski-Hartley, Stephanie, Wenger, Amelia, and Macintyre, Martha (2011) Tenure and taboos: origins and implications for fisheries in the Pacific. Fish and Fisheries, 12 (4). pp. 357-369.

Petray, Theresa Lynn (2011) Protest 2.0: online interactions and Aboriginal activists. Media, Culture and Society, 33 (6). pp. 923-940.

Osbaldiston, Nick, and Petray, Theresa (2011) The role of horror and dread in the sacred experience. Tourist Studies, 11 (2). pp. 175-190.

Wood, Michael (2011) Book review of "Society of Others: Kinship and Mourning in a West Papuan Place" by R. Stasch, University of California Press, 2009. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 22 (1). pp. 143-145.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2011) Book review of "Recounting Knowledge in Song: change reflected in Kaulong music" by B. Drüppel. Boroko, Port Moresby, Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, 2009. ISBN: 978-9980680426. Oceania, 81 (1). pp. 110-111.

Singh, Sarinda (2011) Bureaucratic migrants and the power of prosperity in upland Laos. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 41 (2). pp. 211-231.

Deger, Jennifer (2011) Constellations of us: backstories to a bark TV. Journal of Australian Studies, 35 (2). pp. 219-234.

Wood, Michael (2011) Initiating God's word into the Kamula's recent past. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 12 (1). pp. 74-90.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2011) Multimedia review of "Music of the ancestors: a study of the traditional instrumental music of the Iatmul of Papua New Guinea" by G. Spearritt. Brisbane, Australia, Gordon Spearritt, 2009. ISBN 978-0-646-52536-5. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 43. pp. 274-275.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2011) Music review of "Songs from the Second Float: music from the island of Taku" by R. Moyle, Ode Music, 2005. Journal of American Folklore, 124 (491). pp. 97-98.

Bainton, Nicholas A., Ballard, Chris, Gillespie, Kirsty, and Hall, Nicholas (2011) Stepping stones across the Lihir Islands: developing cultural heritage management in the context of a gold mining operation. International Journal of Cultural Property, 18 (1). pp. 81-110.

Rodd, Robin, and Sumabila, Arelis (2011) Yopo, ethnicity and social change: a comparative analysis of Piaroa and Cuiva Yopo use. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 43 (1). pp. 36-45.

Erckenbrecht, Corinna, Fuary, Maureen, Greer, Shelley, Henry, Rosita, McGregor, Russell, and Wood, Michael (2010) Artefacts and collectors in the tropics of North Queensland. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 21 (3). pp. 350-366.

Popovici, Jean, Moreira, Luciano A., Poinsignon, Anne, Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Inaki, McNaughton, Darlene, and O’Neill, Scott L. (2010) Assessing key safety concerns of a Wolbachia-based strategy to control dengue transmission by Aedes mosquitoes. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro. Memorias, 105 (8). pp. 957-964.

Barber, Marcus (2010) Coastal conflicts and reciprocal relations: encounters between Yolngu people and commercial fishermen in Blue Mud Bay, north-east Arnhem Land. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 21 (3). pp. 298-314.

Fuary, Maureen (2010) Book Review of "Mortality, Mourning and Mortuary Practices in Indigenous Australia" Edited by Katie Glaskin, Myrna Tonkinson, Yasmine Musharbash and Victoria Burbank. Pacific Affairs, 83 (3). pp. 649-650.

Mills, Morena, Pressey, Robert L., Weeks, Rebecca, Foale, Simon, and Ban, Natalie C. (2010) A mismatch of scales: challenges in planning for implementation of marine protected areas in the Coral Triangle. Conservation Letters, 3 (5). pp. 291-303.

Henry, Rosita (2010) Book Review of "Rumba Rules: the politics of dance music in Mobutu’s Zaire" by B. W. White, Duke University Press, Durham, NC. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 21 (2). pp. 273-275.

Morrison, Michael, McNaughton, Darlene, and Shiner, Justin (2010) Mission-based indigenous production at the Weipa Presbyterian Mission, Western Cape York Peninsula (1932–66). International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 14 (1). pp. 86-111.

Telban, Borut, and Vávrová, Daniela (2010) Places and spirits in a Sepik society. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 11 (1). pp. 17-33.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2010) Book review of "Recounting Knowledge in Song: change reflected in Kaulong music" by B. Drüppel, Boroko, Papua New Guinea, Institute of Papua New Guinea, 2009. ISBN: 9789980680426. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 42. pp. 203-204.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2010) Giving women a voice: Christian songs and female expression at Kopiago, Papua New Guinea. Perfect Beat, 11 (1). pp. 7-24.

Henry, Rosita (2010) Landscapes of memory: Tjapukai Dance Theatre and Laura Festival. Queensland Historical Atlas, 1.

Vavrova, Daniela Rachel (2010) Review article of "Cinema: a visual antrhopology" by G. Gray. Oxford, UK, Berg, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-84520-794-6 and "Observational cinema: anthropology, film, and the exploration of social life" by A. Grimshaw and A. Ravetz. Bloomington, Indiana University Press. ISBN: 978-0-253-22158-2. Berg & Grimshaw, Anna and Amanda Ravetz. 2009. Observational Cinema. Anthropology, Film, and the Exploration of Social Life. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Anthropological Notebooks, 16 (3). pp. 147-150.

Henry, Rosita (2010) Skyrail Cairns. Queensland Historical Atlas, 1.

Wood, Michael (2009) Customary land tenure and registration in Australia and Papua New Guinea: anthropological perspectives. Anthropological Forum, 19 (2). pp. 232-234.

Fuary, Maureen (2009) Reading and riding the waves: the sea as known universe in Torres Strait. Historic Environment, 22 (1). pp. 32-37.

Deger, Jennifer (2009) Visual Anthropology and the cinema of Robert Gardner: Review of Ilisa Barbash and Lucien Taylor (eds) The Cinema of Robert Gardner. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 10 (1). pp. 46-49.

Fuary, Maureen (2009) Book Review - Life B'Long Ali Drummond: a Life in the Torres Strait; by Samantha Faulkner, 2007, Aboriginal Studies Press. Aboriginal History, 33. pp. 294-298.

Otto, Ton (2009) Exchange and inequality, time and personhood: comments on A Papuan Plutocracy: ranked exchange on Rossel Island. Suomen Antropologi, 34 (4). pp. 91-99.

Taylor, Timothy D., and Gillespie, Kirsty (2009) On identity – contemporary music research in the Asia-Pacific region: introduction. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 10 (2). pp. 75-79.

Deger, Jennifer (2009) Review of "Fragments of the Owl's Egg" directed by Kim McKenzie, 38 mins., produced by Warddeken Productions, 2006. Visual Anthropology, 23 (1). pp. 62-64.

Wood, Michael (2009) The Severed Snake: matrilineages, making place, and a Melanesian Christianity in southeast Solomon Islands. Journal of Anthropological Research, 65 (4). pp. 686-687.

Bulloch, Hannah, and Fabinyi, Michael (2009) Transnational Relationships, Transforming Selves: Filipinas Seeking Husbands Abroad. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 10 (2). pp. 129-142.

Otto, Ton (2009) What happened to cargo cults? Material religions in Melanesia and the West. Social Analysis, 53 (1). pp. 82-102.

Miles, Douglas (2008) Afternoon light on the Thailand controversy: an afterword. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (3). pp. 253-262.

Henry, Rosita (2008) 'A tulip in lotus land': history and agency in colonial Sri Lanka. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (3). pp. 210-218.

Lundberg, Anita (2008) Material poetics of a Malay house. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 19 (1). pp. 1-16.

Henry, Rosita (2008) Book review of "Dancing from Past to Present: nation, culture, identities" by Theresa Jill Buckland, University of Wisconsin Press, USA. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 19 (2). pp. 245-247.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2008) Book review of "Na Kkai Taku: Taku’s musical fables" by R. Moyle, Boroka, Papua New Guinea, Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, 2003. ISBN: 9789980680433 and "Guitar Style, Open Tunings, and Stringband Music in Papua New Guinea" by D. Crowdy, Boroko, Papua New Guinea, Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, 2005. ISBN: 9789980680501. Ethnomusicology, 52 (1). pp. 125-129.

Alexander, Jennifer, Henry, Rosita, and Robinson, Kathryn (2008) Connecting the Miles: introduction. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (3). pp. 175-176.

Deger, Jennifer (2008) Imprinting on the heart: photography and contemporary Yolngu mournings. Visual Anthropology, 21 (4). pp. 292-309.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2008) Music review of "Dema - Music of the Marind Anim: the Verschueren Collection, 1962" by F. Gales and R. Spoorman, Amsterdam, Netherlands, PAN Records, 2008. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 40. pp. 196-197.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2008) Music review of "Songs of the Volcano: Papua New Guinea stringbands" by B. Brozman, Sydney, Australia, Bob Brozman, 2005. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (2). pp. 173-174.

Otto, Ton (2008) Review of "Fracturing resemblances: identity and mimetic conflict in Melanesia and the West" by Simon Harrison, Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (4). pp. 374-377.

Henry, Rosita , and Jeffery, William (2008) Waterworld: the heritage dimensions of climate change in the Pacific. Historic Environment, 21 (1). pp. 12-18.

Stanger, Ross, and Roe, David (2007) Geophysical surveys at the West End cemetery, Townsville: an application of three techniques. Australian Archaeology, 65. pp. 44-50.

Deger, Jennifer (2007) Koriam's law: film, ethnography and irreconcilable accountings. [Review of "Koriam's Law - and the dead who govern"]. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 18 (2). pp. 249-252.

MacIntyre, Martha, and Foale, Simon (2007) Land and marine tenure, ownership and new forms of entitlement on Lihir: changing notions of property in the context of a goldmining project. Human Organization, 66 (1). pp. 49-59.

Babidge, Sally, Greer, Shelley, Henry, Rosita, and Pam, Christine (2007) Management Speak: Indigenous knowledge and bureaucratic engagement. Social Analysis, 51 (3). pp. 148-164.

Deger, Jennifer (2007) Seeing the invisible: Yolngu video as revelatory ritual. Visual Anthropology, 20 (2-3). pp. 103-121.

Deger, Jennifer (2006) Book Review: "Anthropologists in the Field: cases in participant observation" edited by L. Hume and J. Mulcock. New York, Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0-231-13005-8. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 17 (3). pp. 364-366.

Sabetian, Armagan, and Foale, Simon (2006) Evolution of the artisanal fisher: case studies from Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 20. pp. 3-10.

Friend, Maria (2006) Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, the elusive goddess of Java. TAASA Review, 15 (4). pp. 14-15.

McNaughton, Darlene (2006) The 'Host' as uninvited 'Guest': hospitality, violence and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 33 (3). pp. 645-665.

Babidge, Sally (2006) Bodily connections and practising relatedness: Aboriginal family and funerals in rural North Queensland. Anthropological Forum, 16 (1). pp. 55-71.

Wood, Michael (2006) Kamula accounts of Rambo and the state of Papua New Guinea. Oceania, 76 (1). pp. 61-82.

Rodd, Robin (2006) Piaroa sorcery and the navigation of negative affect: to be aware, to turn away. Anthropology of Consciousness, 17 (1). pp. 35-64.

Deger, Jennifer (2006) [Review of:] Media Nomads: the Thaiday brothers. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 7 (1). pp. 117-118.

Henry, Rosita (2005) 'Smoke in the hills, gunfire in the valley': war and peace in Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Oceania, 75 (4). pp. 431-443.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2005) Lines and criss-crossings: hyperlinks in Australian indigenous narratives. Media International Australia, 116. pp. 24-35.

Lundberg, Anita (2005) A gift of whale meat: on the flesh of the no-thing. Cultural Dynamics, 17 (1). pp. 33-50.

Deger, Jennifer (2005) Book Review: "Timothy Asch and Ethnographic Film" edited by E. Lewis, London and New York, Routledge, 2004. ISBN: 0-415-32774-1. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 16 (2). pp. 266-268.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2005) Book review of "Bright Balkan Morning: Romani lives and the power of music in Greek Macedonia" by Blau et al. Middletown, CT, Wesleyan University Press. IBSN: 978-0-8195-6488-7. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 6 (2). pp. 181-183.

Wood, Michael (2005) Book review of "Ethnographies of conservation: Environmentalism and the distribution of privilege" by David G. Anderson & Eeva Berglund, Berghahn Books, New York, USA. Anthropological Forum, 15 (1). pp. 109-111.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2005) Book review of "Na Kkai Taku: Taku’s musical fables" by R.M. Moyle, Boroko, Papua New Guinea, Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, 2003. ISBN: 9980-68-043-1. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 6 (3). pp. 272-274.

Wood, Michael (2005) Book review of "People and Things: Social Mediations in Oceania" by N.C. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, North Carolina, USA. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 16 (2). pp. 264-266.

Otto, Ton (2005) Concerns, norms and social action: notes on Fredrik Barth's analytical model. Folk, 46/47. pp. 143-157.

Bastin, Rohan (2005) Hindu temples in the Sri Lankan ethnic conflict: capture and excess. Social Analysis, 49 (1). pp. 45-66.

Wood, Michael (2004) Place, loss and logging among the Kamula. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 5 (3). pp. 245-256.

Wood, Michael (2004) A question of ownership. Cultural Survival Quarterly, 26 (3). pp. 245-248.

Deger, Jennifer (2004) Book Review: "Media Worlds: anthropology on new terrain" edited by F. Ginsburg, L. Abu-Lughod and B. Larkin. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA. University of California Press, 2002. ISBN: 0-5202-3231-3. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 15 (2). pp. 231-232.

Bastin, Rohan (2004) Death of the Indian social. Social Analysis, 48 (3). pp. 205-213.

Lundberg, Anita (2003) Time travels in whaling boats. Journal of Social Archaeology, 3 (3). pp. 312-333.

Lundberg, Anita (2003) Voyage of the ancestors. Cultural Geographies, 10 (1). pp. 64-83.

Wood, Michael (2003) Encompassing others: the magic of modernity in Melanesia. Oceania, 73 (3). p. 233.

Bastin, Rohan, and Morris, Barry (2003) Introduction. Social Analysis, 47 (1). pp. 77-83.

Rodd, Robin (2003) Märipa: to know everything. The experience of power as knowledge derived from the integrative mode of consciousness. Anthropology of Consciousness, 14 (2). pp. 60-88.

Bastin, Rohan (2003) Surrender to the market: thoughts on anthropology the body shop, and intellectuals. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 14 (1). pp. 19-38.

Lu, Tianqiao (2002) Lubricants in the ethnic relations in our country. Minzu shehuixue yanjiu tongxun (Sociology of Ethnicity), 27. pp. 30-32.

Fuary, Maureen (2002) Book review of "Perplexities of Identification: anthropological studies in cultural differentiation and the use of resources" by Henk Driessen & Ton Otto(Eds) Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, Denmark. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 3 (1). pp. 134-136.

Henry, Rosita (2002) Dancing into connection: the Laura Aboriginal Dance and Cultural Festival. Poligrafi, 27-28 (7). pp. 31-48.

Kapferer, Bruce (2002) Ethnicity, nationalism and the culture of the state: the 17th Edvard Westermarck Memorial Lecture. Suomen Antropologi, 27 (2). pp. 4-23.

Rodd, Robin (2002) Märipa Teui: a radical empiricist approach to Piaroa shamanic training and initiation. Antropológica, 96 (2001-2002). pp. 53-82.

Rodd, Robin (2002) Snuff synergy: preparation, use and pharmacology of yopo and Banisteriopsis caapi among the Piaroa of southern Venezuela. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 34 (3). pp. 273-280.

Bastin, Rohan (2002) Sorcerous technologies and religious innovation in Sri Lanka. Social Analysis, 46 (3). pp. 155-174.

Kapferer, Bruce (2002) Sorcery, modernity and the constitutive imaginary: hybridising continuities. Social Analysis, 46 (3). pp. 105-128.

Kapferer, Bruce (2002) The World Trade Center and global crisis: some critical perspectives. Social Analysis, 46 (1). pp. 92-94.

Bastin, Rohan (2001) Ritual games for the goddess Pattini. Social Analysis, 45 (2). pp. 120-142.

Lundberg, Anita (2001) Being lost at sea: ontology, epistemology and a whale hunt. Ethnography, 2 (4). pp. 533-556.

Deger, Jennifer (2001) Book Review: "Radio Happy Isles: media and politics at play in the Pacific" by R. Seward. Honolulu, USA, University of Hawaii Press, 1999. ISBN: 978-0-8248-2106-7. Oceania, 72 (1). pp. 84-85.

Henry, Rosita, and Daly, Ann (2001) Indigenous families and the welfare system: the Kuranda community case study, Stage Two. CAEPR Discussion Paper, 216. pp. 1-33.

Henry, Rosita, Magowan, Fiona, and Murray, David (2000) Introduction. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 11 (2). pp. 253-260.

Lundberg, Anita (2000) Journeying between desire and anthropology: a story in suspense. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 11 (1). pp. 24-41.

Henry, Rosita (2000) Dancing into being: the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park and the Laura Dance Festival. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 11 (2). pp. 322-332.

Kapferer, Bruce (2000) Sexuality and the art of seduction in Sinhalese exorcism. Ethnos, 65 (1). pp. 5-32.

Kapferer, Bruce (2000) Starwars: about anthropology, culture and globalisation. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 11 (3). pp. 174-198.

Fuary, Maureen (2000) Torres Strait and Dawdhay: dimensions of self and otherness on Yam Island. Oceania, 70 (3). pp. 219-230.

Kapferer, Bruce (2000) The sorcery of consciousness: a Sinhala Buddhist discourse on the dynamics of consciousness. Communication and Cognition, 33 (1). pp. 97-120.

Wood, Michael (1998) Logging, women and submarines: some changes in Kamula men's access to transformative power. Oceania, 68 (4). pp. 228-248.

Deger, Jennifer (1996) Book Review: "Bad Aboriginal Art: tradition, media and technological horizons" by E. Michaels. Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1994. ISBN: 9-781-8-63735-759. Oceania, 66 (4). pp. 332-333.

Rodd, Robin (1996) The fascist essence: now as then. Arena Journal, 6. pp. 25-33.

Fuary, Maureen M. (1983) Book review of "The Affinal Relationship System: a new approach to kinship and marriage among the Australian Aborigines at Port Keats" by Aslaug Falkenberg and Johannes Falkenberg, Oslo Studies in Social Anthropology No. 1. Ethnographic Museum, University of Oslo, Norway. Mankind, 14 (2). pp. 148-149.

Book Chapter

Henry, Rosita, and Erckenbrecht, Corinna (2019) Anthropomorphic Fire-Makers from North Queensland. In: Edenheiser, Iris, and Förster, Larissa, (eds.) Museumsethnologie Eine Einfurung. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 300-301.

Deger, Jennifer (2018) Gardner, Robert (1925-2014). In: Callan, Hilary, (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 1-3.

Deger, Jennifer (2018) Shimmer. In: Callan, Hilary, (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 1-3.

Gillespie, Kirsty, Treloyn, Sally, and Niles, Don (2017) Festschrift background and contents. In: Gillespie, Kirsty, Treloyn, Sally, and Niles, Don, (eds.) A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Wild. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 31-38.

Gillespie, Kirsty, Treloyn, Sally, Woo, Kim, and Niles, Don (2017) Stephen A. Wild: a distinctive voice in the antipodes. In: Gillespie, Kirsty, Treloyn, Sally, and Niles, Don, (eds.) A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Wild. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 1-30.

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2017) The early production of Javanese batik imitations in Europe (1813-1840). In: Jenny, Daniel, (ed.) Glarner Tuch Gespräche. Comptoir-Blatter, 10-11 . Comptoir von Daniel Jenny & Cie, Glarus, Switzerland, pp. 49-58.

Le Roux, Geraldine (2016) L'Art des ghostnets: vingt mille filets autour de la mer / Ghostnet art: twenty thousand nets around the sea. In: Jacob, Stéphane, (ed.) L’art des ghostnets: vingt mille filets autour de la mer / Ghostnet art: twenty thousand nets around the sea. Éditions Arts d’Australie, Paris, France, pp. 9-33.

Otto, Ton (2016) Times of the other: the temporalities of ethnographic fieldwork. In: Dalsgaard, Steffen, and Nielsen, Morten, (eds.) Time and the Field. Berghahn Books, New York, NY, USA, pp. 64-79.

Scuro, Juan, and Rodd, Robin (2015) Neo-shamanism. In: Gooren, Henri, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions. Religions of the World . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-6.

Henry, Rosita (2015) State effects and festival performances: Indigenous Australian participation in the Festival of Pacific Arts. In: Hviding, Edvard, and White , Geoffrey, (eds.) Pacific Alternatives: cultural politics in contemporary Oceania. Sean Kingston Publishing, Canon Pyon, UK, pp. 27-45.

Otto, Ton (2015) Towards a theory of tradition and agency. In: Picht, Laura, Schmidt, Katharina, Schmitz, Geraldine, and Wiggering, Lukas, (eds.) The Limits of Change: was ist der Wert der beständigen dinge? Neofelis Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 31-54.

Deger, Jennifer (2014) Call-and-Response. In: Deger, Jennifer, (ed.) Gapuwiyak calling: phone-made media from Arnhem Land. UQ Anthropology Museum, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Høiris, Ole, Otto, Ton, and Bonde Rolsted, Ane (2014) De levende dør: men de døde lever videre / The living die, but the dead live on. In: Høiris, Ole, Otto, Ton, and Bonde Rolsted, Ane, (eds.) De Dødes Liv. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Denmark, pp. 9-15.

Krull, Hans, and Otto, Ton (2014) Englen med kun een vinge / The angel with just one wing. In: Høiris, Ole, Otto, Ton, and Bonde Rolsted, Ane, (eds.) De Dødes Liv. Aarhus Universitetsforlag (Aarhus University Press), Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 136-143.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2014) Garamut. In: Libin, Laurence, (ed.) The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, p. 394.

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2014) Henry van de Velde and Javanese batik. In: Föhl, Thomas, and Neumann, Antje, (eds.) Henry van de Velde: interior design and decorative arts: a catalogue raisonné in six volumes: volume 2: textiles. Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 371-397.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2014) Karkaripaluok. In: Libin, Laurence, (ed.) The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, p. 115.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2014) Kundu. In: Libin, Laurence, (ed.) The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, p. 230.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2014) Pilipe. In: Libin, Laurence, (ed.) The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, p. 110.

Otto, Ton (2014) Samvær og samtale med forfædrene på Manus: hvordan jeg genopdagede de dødes ånder / Living and talking with ancestors in Manus: how I rediscovered the spirits of the dead. In: Høiris, Ole, Otto, Ton, and Bonde Rolsted, Ane, (eds.) De Dødes Liv. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 79-85.

Niles, Don, and Gillespie, Kirsty (2014) Taur. In: Libin, Laurence, (ed.) The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, p. 722.

Otto, Ton, and Smith, Rachel Charlotte (2013) Design anthropology: a distinct style of knowing. In: Gunn, Wendy, Otto, Ton, and Smith, Rachel Charlotte, (eds.) Design Anthropology: theory and practice. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK, pp. 1-29.

Henry, Rosita (2013) Being and belonging: exchange, value, and land ownership in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. In: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y., and Dixon, R.M.W., (eds.) Possession and Ownership: a cross-linguistic typology. Explorations in Linguistic Typology . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 274-290.

Deger, Jennifer (2013) In-between. In: Schneider, Arnd, and Wright, Christopher, (eds.) Anthropology and Art Practice. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 105-113.

Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. (2013) Possession and Ownership: a cross linguistic perspective. In: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y, and Dixon, R.M.W., (eds.) Possession and Ownership: a cross-linguistic typology. Explorations in Linguistic Typology . Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 1-64.

Wood, Michael (2013) Spirits of the Forest, the Wind, and New Wealth: defining some of the possibilities, and limits, of Kamalu possession. In: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y, and Dixon, R. M. W., (eds.) Possession and Ownership: a cross-linguistic typology. Explorations in Linguistic Typology . Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 261-273.

Kjærsgaard, Mette, and Otto, Ton (2012) Anthropological fieldwork and designing potentials. In: Gunn, Wendy, and Donovan, Jared, (eds.) Design and Anthropology. Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception . Ashgate, Surrey, UK, pp. 177-191.

Deger, Jennifer (2012) Art + emergence. In: Gilchrist, Stephen, (ed.) Crossing Cultures: the Owen and Wagner collection of contemporary Aboriginal Australian art at the Hood Museum of Art. Hood Museum of Art, Hanover, NH, USA, pp. 74-81.

Singh, Sarinda (2012) Bureaucratic migrants and the potential of prosperity in upland Laos. In: Chua, Liana, Cook, Joanna, Long, Nicholas, and Wilson, Lee, (eds.) Southeast Asian Perspectives on Power. Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia, 1 . Taylor & Francis, Oxon, RN, pp. 119-134.

Otto, Ton (2011) Inventing traditions and remembering the past in Manus. In: Hermann, Elfriede, (ed.) Changing Contexts, Shifting Meanings: transformations of cultural traditions in Oceania. University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, USA, pp. 157-173.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2011) Between spectacle and politics: Indigenous singularities. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) The Challenge of Indigenous Peoples: spectacle or politics? Bardwell Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 1-23.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2011) Breaking the tikol?: code-switching, cassette culture and a Lihirian song form. In: Abels, Birgit, (ed.) Austronesian Soundscapes: Performing arts in Oceania and South-East Asia. University of Amsterdam Press, Amsterdam, pp. 193-204.

Henry, Rosita (2011) Creative networks: the poetic politics of indigeneity. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) The Challenge of Indigenous Peoples: spectacle or politics? The Bardwell Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 245-256.

Henry, Rosita (2011) Dancing Diplomacy: performance and the politics of protocol in Australia. In: Hviding, Edvard, and Rio, Knut M., (eds.) Made in Oceania: social movements, cultural heritage and the state in the Pacific. Sean Kingston Publishing , Wantage, UK, pp. 179-193.

Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita (2011) Dancing with the flow: political undercurrents at the 9th Festival of Pacific Arts, Palau 2004. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) The Challenge of Indigenous Peoples: spectacle or politics? Bardwell Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 159-175.

Dalsgaard, Steffen, and Otto, Ton (2011) From kastam to kulsa? leadership, cultural heritage and modernization in Manus Province, Papua New Guinea. In: Hviding, Edvard, and Rio, Knut M., (eds.) Made in Oceania: social movements, cultural heritage, and the state in the Pacific. Sean Kingston Publishing, Wantage, UK, pp. 141-160.

Gillispie, Kirsty, and San Roque, Lila (2011) Music and language in Duna 'pikono'. In: Rumsey, Alan, and Niles, Don, (eds.) Sung tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands: Studies in form, meaning, and sociocultural context. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 49-63.

Deger, Jennifer (2011) Participatory vision: watching movies with Yolngu. In: Nightingale, Virginia, (ed.) The Handbook of Media Audiences. Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research . Wiley-Blackwell, London, UK, pp. 459-471.

Bubandt, Nils, and Otto, Ton (2010) Anthropology and the predicaments of holism. In: Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils, (eds.) Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, pp. 1-15.

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2010) Batik dress of Java. In: Dhamija, Jasleen, (ed.) South Asia and Southeast Asia. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, 4 . Berg, Oxford, UK, pp. 441-447.

Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils (2010) Beyond cultural wholes? Introduction to part 2. In: Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils, (eds.) Experiments in Holism: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, pp. 89-101.

Bubandt, Nils, and Otto, Ton (2010) Beyond social wholes? Introduction to part 4. In: Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils, (eds.) Experiments in Holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, pp. 251-261.

Bubandt, Nils, and Otto, Ton (2010) Beyond structural wholes? Introduction to part 3. In: Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils, (eds.) Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, pp. 177-186.

Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils (2010) Beyond the whole in ethnographic practice? Introduction to part 1. In: Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils, (eds.) Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, pp. 19-27.

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2010) Miao/Hmong in Australia. In: Dhamija, Jasleen, (ed.) South Asia and Southeast Asia. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, 4 . Berg, Oxford, UK, pp. 459-465.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2009) ‘Behind every tree’?: ethnomusicology in Papua New Guinea. In: Mackinlay, Elizabeth, Bartleet, Brydie-Leigh, and Barney, Katelyn, (eds.) Musical Islands: Exploring connections between music, place and research. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 20-32.

Bukulatjpi, David Gurrumburuwuy, Deger, Jennifer, and Marrawakamirr, Susan (2009) Djalkiri. In: Deger, Jennifer, (ed.) interventions: experiments between art and ethnography. Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 34-35.

Deger, Jennifer (2009) Making interventions. In: Deger, Jennifer, (ed.) Interventions: Experiments between art and ethnography. Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 1-9.

Otto, Ton (2009) War and trade in a Melanesian society before colonial pacification: the case of Manus, Papua New Guinea. In: Gnecchi Ruscone, Elisabetta , and Paini, Anna, (eds.) Antropologia dell'Oceania. Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, Italy, pp. 155-181.

Henry, Rosita (2008) Engaging with history by performing tradition: the poetic politics of Indigenous Australian festivals. In: Kapferer, Judith, (ed.) The State and the Arts: articulating power and subversion. Berghahn Books, New York, USA, pp. 52-69.

Otto, Ton (2008) Fieldwork in Manus, Papua New Guinea: on change, exchange and anthropological knowledge. In: Kommers, Jean, and Venbrux, Eric, (eds.) Cultural Styles of Knowledge Transmission: essays in honour of Ad Borsboom. Aksant, Amsterdam, pp. 102-107.

Glowczewski, Barbara M. (2008) Restitution de données anthropologiques en multimédia: défis pratiques, éthiques et scientifiques. In: Albaladejo, Christophe, Geslin, Philippe, Salembier, Pascal, and Magda, Daniele, (eds.) La mise a l'epreuve: le transfert des connaissances scientifiques en questions. Editions Quae, Versailles, France, pp. 69-85.

Barber, Marcus (2008) A place to rest: dying, residence, and community stability in remote Arnhem Land. In: Glaskin, Katie, Tonkinson, Myrna, Musharbash, Yasmine, and Burbank, Victoria, (eds.) Mortality, Mourning and Mortuary Practices in Indigenous Australia. Anthropology and Cultural History in Asia and the Indo-Pacific . Ashgate, Farnham, UK, pp. 153-169.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2007) Between spectacle and politics: indigenous singularities. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) Le Défi Indigène: entre spectacle et politique. Aux Lieux d'Etre, Paris, France, pp. 11-35.

Henry, Rosita (2007) Creative networks: the poetic politics of indigeneity. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) Le Défi Indigène : entre spectacle et politique. Aux Lieux d'Etre, Paris, France, pp. 301-319.

Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita (2007) Dancing with the current: ebb and flow at the 9th Festival of Pacific Arts, Palau 2004. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) Le Défi Indigène : entre spectacle et politique. Aux Lieux d'Etre, Paris, France, pp. 201-220.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2007) Laip senis: music and encounter in a Papua New Guinean community. In: Moyle, Richard, (ed.) Oceanic music encounters: The print resource and the human resource: Essays in honour of Mervyn McLean. Research in anthropology and linguistics (7). University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 69-80.

Otto, Ton (2007) Marshall Sahlins: historical metaphors and mythical realities: structure in the early history of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom. Ann Arbor 1981. Islands of History. Chicago & London 1985. In: Høiris, Ole , (ed.) Antropologiske Mesterværker. Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 289-301.

Otto, Ton (2007) Rethinking tradition: invention, cultural continuity and agency. In: Wassmann, Jürg , and Stockhaus, Katharina , (eds.) Experiencing New Worlds. Person, Space and Memory in the Contemporary Pacific, 1 . Berghahn Books, New York, NY, USA, pp. 36-57.

Otto, Ton (2006) Conceptions of warfare in Western thought and research: an introduction. In: Otto, Ton, Thrane, Henrik , and Vandkilde, Helle , (eds.) Warfare and society : archaeological and social anthropological perspectives. Aarhus Unversity Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 23-28.

Otto, Ton (2006) Ethnographic field research. In: Wester, Fred, Renckstorf, Karsten, and Scheepers, Peer, (eds.) Research types in communication science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Alphen aan den Rijn, NLD, pp. 461-485.

Otto, Ton (2006) Warfare and exchange in a Melanesian society before colonial pacification: the case of Manus, Papua New Guinea. In: Otto, Ton, Thrane, Henrik, and Vandkilde, Helle, (eds.) Warfare and society: archaeological and social anthropoligical perspectives. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 187-199.

Otto, Ton, Thrane, Henrik, and Vandkilde, Helle (2006) Warfare and society: archaeological and social anthropological perspectives. In: Otto, Ton, Thrane, Hendrik, and Vandkilde, Helle, (eds.) Warfare and society: archaeological and social anthropological perspectives. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 9-19.

Otto, Ton (2006) Warfare, discourse, and identity: an introduction. In: Otto, Ton, Thrane, Henrik, and Vandkilde, Helle, (eds.) Warfare and Society: archaeological and social anthropological perspectives. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 385-391.

Otto, Ton, and Pedersen, Poul (2005) Disentangling traditions: culture, agency and power. In: Otto, Ton, and Pedersen, Poul, (eds.) Tradition and agency: tracing cultural continuity and invention. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 11-49.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2005) In Australia, it's 'Aboriginal' with a capital 'A': Aboriginality, politics and identity. In: Tcherkezoff, Serge, and Douaire-Marsaudon, Francoise, (eds.) The changing South Pacific: identities and transformations. Pandanus Books, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 133-157.

Fuary, Maureen (2004) Cairns and Cambridge: an Australian anthropologist's view of the Cambridge Expedition's centenary. In: Davis, Richard, (ed.) Woven Histories, Dancing Lives: Torres Strait islander identity, culture, and history. Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 124-139.

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2004) Globalised threads: costumes of the Hmong community in north Queensland. In: Tapp, Nicholas, and Lee, Gary Yia, (eds.) The Hmong of Australia: culture and diaspora. Pandanus Books, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 97-122.

Bastin, Rohan, and Morris, Barry (2004) Introduction. In: Morris, B., and Bastin, R., (eds.) Expert Knowledge: first world peoples, consultancy and anthropology. Berghahn Books, New York, USA, pp. 1-11.

Pannell, Sandra (2003) Exploring the narrative terrains of terror and violence in the Spice Islands. In: Pannell, Sandra, (ed.) A State of Emergency: violence, society and the state in Eastern Indonesia. Northern Territory University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 77-103.

Kapferer, Bruce (2003) Introduction: Outside all reason - magic, sorcery and epistemology in anthropology. In: Kapferer, Bruce, (ed.) Beyond rationalism: rethinking magic, witchcraft and sorcery. Berghahn Books, New York, USA, pp. 1-30.

Bastin, R.N. (2003) Sorcerous technologies and religious innovation in Sri Lanka. In: Kapferer, Bruce, (ed.) Beyond Rationalism: rethinking magic, witchcraft and sorcery. Berghahn Books, New York, USA, pp. 155-174.

Kapferer, Bruce (2003) Sorcery, modernity and the constitutive imaginary: hybridising continuities. In: Kapferer, Bruce, (ed.) Beyond Rationalism: rethinking magic, witchcraft and sorcery. Berghahn Books, New York, USA, pp. 105-129.

Pannell, Sandra (2003) Violence, society and the State in Eastern Indonesia: context. In: Pannell, Sandra, (ed.) A State of Emergency: violence, society and the state in Eastern Indonesia. Northern Territory University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 11-36.

Henry, Rosita (2000) Festivals. In: Kleinert, S., and Neale, M., (eds.) The oxford companion to Aboriginal art and culture. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 286-287.

Deger, Jennifer (2000) Radio. In: Kleinert, Sylvia, Neale, Margo, and Bancroft, Robyne, (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 682-683.

Fuary, Maureen (2000) Tales of Torres Strait: the historical novel and localised memories. In: Kleinert , Sylvia, and Neale, Margo, (eds.) Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, pp. 444-447.

Deger, Jennifer (2000) Warrkwarrkbuynu media: Yolngu culture and Balanda. In: Kleinert, Sylvia, Neale, Margo, and Bancroft, Robyne, (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 306-309.

Fuary, Maureen (1998) Thinking Cairns and Cambridge: some aspects of the relationship between anthropology and Torres Strait. In: Mosby, Tom, and Robinson, Brian, (eds.) Ilan Pasin: this is our way. Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD, Australia, pp. 121-125.

Fuary, Maureen M. (1993) Torres Strait cultural history. In: Loos, Noel, and Osanai, Takeshi, (eds.) Indigenous Minorities and Education: Australian and Japanese perspectives on their Indigenous peoples, the Ainu, Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. Sanyusha, Tokyo, pp. 165-186.

Fuary, Maureen M. (1991) Fishing and its social significance on Yam Island. In: Johannes, R.E., and MacFarlane, J.W., (eds.) Traditional Fishing in the Torres Strait Islands. C.S.I.R.O., Hobart, TAS, pp. 144-156.


Gabriel, Jennifer, Specht, Jim, Leavesley, Matthew, Kelly, Matthew, Wood, Michael, Foale, Simon, Filer, Colin, McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan, Bourke, R. Michael, Gill, David, and Sounier, Jean-Paul (2018) The Nakanai Mountain Ranges of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Report. James Cook University, Cairns.

Gabriel, Jennifer, and Gorecki, Paul (2014) The 'Karawari Caves Precinct' of the Sepik River Basin, Papua New Guinea. Report. The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Stone-Jovicich, Samantha, Marshall, Nadine, Bohensky, Erin, Curnock, Matt, Goldberg, Jeremy, Gooch, Margaret, Pert, Petina, Scherl, Lea, Tobin, Renae, and Lankester, Allyson (2014) The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2013: commercial fishing in the Great Barrier Reef - a case study. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Foale, Simon, and Sullivan, Nancy (2012) Improving livelihoods of coastal artisanal fishing communities in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, through piloting alternative fishing methods. Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McNaughton, Darlene (2010) The importance of social research for public engagement in bio-control releases: the case of the Eliminate Dengue project. Report Section. World Health Organisation (WHO), Switzerland.

Foale, Simon (2009) A Review of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries within The Nature Conservancy’s Community Engagement Processes in Melanesia. Report. The Nature Conservancy, Online.

Gabriel, Jennifer (2007) Cooperative Conservation: beyond the rhetoric. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Foale, Simon (2007) Social and economic context of marine resource depletion in Gagil and Maap, Yap State, FSM. Report. Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Samoa.

Barber, Marcus (2004) Report of observation: Yilpara community and Blue Mud Bay from October 2000-November 2001 and June-December 2002. Working Paper. Marcus Barber, Canberra, Australia. (Unpublished)

Conference Item

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2019) Batik of Java: global inspiration. In: Proceedings of the Textile Society of America. From: 16th Biennial Symposium of the Textile Society of America, 19-23 September 2018, Vanvouver, Canada.

Newlands, Maxine, and Martin, Melusine (2018) Tweeting the reef revolution: an analysis of public debates on the Great Barrier Reef restoration. In: Abstracts from the Great Barrier Reef Restoration Symposium. p. 47. From: Great Barrier Reef Restoration Symposium, July 16-19 2018, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Graff, Stéphanie, and Le Queux, Stéphane (2016) Indigeneity, decolonization and the “politics of common destiny” in New Caledonia. In: Conference of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies. From: Tides of Transformation: Pacific Pasts, Pacific Futures. 6th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies, 1-3 April, 2016, Cairns. (Unpublished)

Lundberg, Anita (2015) Women's space: empowering networks. In: Proceedings of ICWS 2015. From: ICWS 2015: International Conference Women and Social Transformaton, 20-21 August 2015, Karaikudi, India.

Geerlings, Lennie R.C., and Lundberg, Anita (2014) Globalisation and deterritorialisation: an example of an academic discipline in the Malay Archipelago. In: Proceedings of the 37th HERDSA Annual International Conference (37) pp. 137-146. From: HERDSA 2014: 37th Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual International Conference, 7-10 July 2014, Hong Kong.

Otto, Ton (2014) Imagining possible futures: designing possible pasts? In: Papers from the Ethnographies of the Possible Seminar. pp. 1-11. From: Ethnographies of the Possible, 10 April 2014, Aarhus, Denmark.

Lundberg, Anita (2013) GET CONNECTED!: collaborative adventures in networked spaces of learning. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. pp. 1-27. From: 2nd International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, 26-28 November 2013, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Geerlings, Lennie, Thompson, Claire, and Lundberg, Anita (2013) Borderless psychology in South East Asia: history, current state and future directions. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. pp. 353-362. From: ICMAC 2013: International Conference on Managing the Asian Century, 11-13 July 2013, Singapore.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2013) Ethics of anthropological archives: academic heritage and Indigenous priorities. In: [Presented at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Seminar Series 2]. From: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Seminar Series 2, 12 August 2013, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2013) Re-visioning the impact of missions on music in Papua New Guinea. In: Proceedings of the New Zealand Musicological Society and the Musicological Society of Australia Joint Conference. pp. 98-104. From: Joint Conference of the New Zealand Musicological Society and the Musicological Society of Australia, 2-4 December 2010, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Greer, Shelley, Mcintyre-Tamwoy, Susan, and Henry, Rosita (2011) Sentinel sites in a cosmo-political seascape. In: Refereed Papers from the Seventh International Small Islands Cultures Conference. pp. 2-10. From: ISIC 7 - 2011 7th International Small Islands Conference, 12-15 June 2011, Airlie Beach, QLD, Australia.

Wrońska-Friend, Maria (2010) From sarong to kaba: Javanese batik and African garments. In: Proceedings of the ICOM Costume Committee: Costume and the Textile Trade. Textiles et Costumes, Echanges Commerciaux. pp. 110-117. From: ICOM Costume Committee: Costume and the Textile Trade. Textiles et Costumes, Echanges Commerciaux, 4 - 9 October 2009, Lyon, France.

Kuttainen, Victoria, Lundberg, Anita, Wight, Linda, and Chang, Nigel (2010) Honest reflections: big ideas and real life experiences of a new first year BA. In: Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education: International Conference. pp. 1-11. From: Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education: International Conference, 2-3 December 2010, Hong Kong.

Hardy, Dianna, Bidwell, Nicola, Cadet-James, Yvonne, and Atkinson, Ian (2007) Domesticating design by a disenfranchised community. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies. pp. 1-4. From: SIMTech Workshop 2008 International Workshop on Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies, 26-27 November 2007, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Deger, Jennifer (2006) Potent images: emergent practices and shifting attitudes towards photographs of the dead in Arnhem Land. In: [Presented at the 2006 Bilan du Film Ethnographique]. From: Bilan du Film Ethnographique: From Ethnological Films to Visual Anthropology, 1 March 2006, Paris, France.

Wood, Michael (2005) Forests, character and conscience: Lane Poole in Western Australia as recounted mainly by John Thomson. In: Proceedings of 6th National Conference of the Australian Forest History Society. pp. 161-170. From: 6th National Conference of the Australian Forest History Society, 12-17 September 2004, Augusta, WA, Australia.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2001) Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia: ‘this CD-ROM brings everybody to the mind’. In: Papers from AIATSIS Indigenous Studies Conference, September 2001. pp. 137-152. From: The power of knowledge, the resonance of tradition, 18-20 September 2001, Canberra, ACT, Australia.


Gillespie, Kirsty, Treloyn, Sally, and Niles, Don (2017) A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Wild. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Wronska-Friend, Maria (2016) Batik Jawa Bagi Dunia / Javanese Batik to the World. Komunitas Lintas Budaya Indonesia / Indonesian Cross-Cultural Community, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Smith, Rachel Charlotte, Vangkilde, Kasper Tang, Kjærsgaard, Mette Gislev, Otto, Ton, Halse, Joachim, and Binder, Thomas (2016) Design Anthropological Futures. Bloomsbury, London, UK.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2015) Totemic becomings: cosmopolitics of the Dreaming / Devires totêmicos: cosmopolítica do Sonho. n-1 Publications, Sao Paulo, BRA.

Høiris, Ole, Otto, Ton, and Bonde Rolsted, Ane (2014) De Dødes Liv / The Life of the Dead. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Denmark.

Gunn, Wendy, Otto, Ton, and Smith, Rachel Charlotte (2013) Design Anthropology: theory and practice. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK.

Singh, Sarinda (2012) Natural Potency and Political Power: forests and state authority in contemporary Laos. Southeast Asia: politics, meaning and memory . University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Henry, Rosita (2012) Performing Place, Practising Memories: Aboriginal Australians, hippies and the state. Space and Place, 7 . Berghahn Books, New York, USA.

Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita (2011) The Challenges of Indigenous Peoples: spectacle or politics? Bardwell Press, Oxford, UK.

Otto, Ton, and Bubandt, Nils (2010) Experiments in Holism: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK.

Gillespie, Kirsty (2010) Steep Slopes: music and change in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Deger, Jennifer (2009) interventions: experiments between art and ethnography. Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Glowczewski, Barbara (2008) Warriors for Peace: the political condition of the Aboriginal people as viewed from Palm Island. Indigene Editions, Montpellier, France, pp. 1-191.

Deger, Jennifer (2006) Shimmering Screens: making media in an Aboriginal community. Visible Evidence, 19 . University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Otto, Ton, Thrane, Henrik, and Vandkilde, Helle (2006) Warfare and Society: archaeological and social anthropological perspectives. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark.

Glowczewski, Barbara M., and de Largy Healy, Jessica (2005) Piste de Rêves: voyage en terres Aborigènes. Éditions de Chêne, Paris, France.

Otto, Ton, and Pedersen, Poul (2005) Tradition and Agency: tracing cultural continuity and invention. Aarhus University Press, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bastin, Rohan (2002) The Domain of Constant Excess: plural worship at the Munnesvaram temples in Sri Lanka. Berghahn Books, New York, NY, USA.


Roberts, Nicholas (2019) Bridging the divide in heritage?: managing caves as heritage places within the Sepon Gold and Copper Mine, Lao PDR. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Neuendorf, Nalisa Fay Mavoho (2019) Luksave Em Bikpela Samting! Witnessing Violence In Papua New Guinea. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Tibbetts, David (2019) “Tobi (or Not) Tobi” Climate change, cultural heritage and community agency: an ethnographic case-study of Tobi Island in the Republic of Palau. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Van Dinther, Kristine (2018) Moral reasoning, death and the clinic: the ethics of end-of-life decisions. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Scotcher, Jacqueline (2018) Wayfaring: place and painting in the tropical far north. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Falck, Christiane (2016) Calling the dead: spirits, mobile phones, and the talk of God in a Sepik community (Papua New Guinea). PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Scott, Emma Louise (2016) Decolonisation, interculturality, and multiple epistemologies: Hiwi people in Bolivarian Venezuela. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Dyer, Michelle (2016) Men bathe upstream, women bathe downstream: gender, natural resource management and development in rural Solomon Islands. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Pam, Christine Ruth (2015) Coral, culture, and climate change: 'facts that matter' for the atoll island community of Moch, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Geerlings, Lennie Rosalinde Carina (2015) Cultural negotiations in transnational knowledge: cases of clinical psychology from the Malay Archipelago and beyond. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Pattiselanno, Freddy (2015) Wildlife hunting, alternative protein sources and biodiversity conservation on the Bird's Head Peninsula of West Papua, Indonesia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Islam, Md. Rafiul (2014) Culture, economy and identity: a study of the Oraon ethnic community in the Barind region of Bangladesh. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Vávrová, Daniela (2014) 'Skin has eyes and ears': audio-visual ethnography in a Sepik society. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Morgan, Rhian (2014) Virtual reality: an ethnographic study of sociality, being, and money in a multi-player online game-world. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Mobbs, Diane (2013) From a distant shore: practices of place-making and belonging among Tokelau migrants in North Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Garond, Lise (2011) Il y a beaucoup d'histoire ici: histoire, mémoire et subjectivité chez les habitants aborigènes de Palm Island (Australie). PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Glass, Rosalind Dawn (2011) "It's all about the blood": eating the head food: the cultural indebtedness of the North Fore. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Habashiani, Rasoul (2011) Qanat: a sustainable groundwater supply system. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

McBain-Rigg, Kristin Emma (2011) Who cares?: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care choices and access barriers in Mount Isa. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Petray, Theresa Lynn (2010) Actions, reactions, interactions: the Townsville Aboriginal movement and the Australian state. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Morgan, Rhian (2010) A critical analysis of the intercultural communication training industry. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Peckels, Alesha Jeanette (2008) Minnesota local history: a visual and personal narrative of home. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Colclough, Gillian (2008) The measure of the woman : eugenics and domestic science in the 1924 sociological survey of white women in North Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Croker, Felicity A. (2007) Perceptions, constraints and labour relations: health delivery services to birthing women in rural and remote areas of North Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Jeffery, William (2007) War graves, munition dumps and pleasure grounds: a postcolonial perspective of Chuuk Lagoon's submerged World War II sites. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Martin, Karen (2006) Please knock before you enter: an investigation of how rainforest Aboriginal people regulate outsiders and the implications for western research and researchers. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Jensen, Judith A (2006) Unpacking the travel writers' baggage: imperial rhetoric in travel literature of Australia 1813-1914. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Duncan, Brad G. (2006) The maritime archaeology and maritime cultural landscapes of Queenscliffe: a nineteenth century Australian coastal community. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Barber, Marcus (2005) Where the clouds stand: Australian Aboriginal relationships to water, place, and the marine environment in Blue Mud Bay, Northern Territory. PhD thesis, Australian National University.

Cinner, Joshua Eli (2005) The role of socioeconomic factors in customary coral reef management in Papua New Guinea. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

McGlusky, Narelle (2005) The willow and the palm : an exploration of the role of cricket in Fiji. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Harrington, Jane Therese (2004) 'Being here': heritage, belonging and place making: a study of community and identity formation at Avebury (England), Magnetic Island (Australia) and Ayutthaya (Thailand). PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Hardcastle, Mary-Ann Rose (2004) The dialectic of control: A critical ethnography of renal nurses’ decision-making. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Erskine, Nigel (2004) The historical archaeology of settlement at Pitcairn Island 1790-1856. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Patterson, Carol Breese (2003) Form follows function: a comparative analysis of the gestures depicted in anthropomorphic figures at selected rock art sites in Hawai'i and Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Lahn, Julie (2003) Past visions, present lives: sociality and locality in a Torres Strait community. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Hillman, Wendy (2003) 'Protectors and interpreters of the outback': a study of the emerging occupation of the Savannah Guide. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Pocock, Celmara Anne (2003) Romancing the Reef: history, heritage and the hyper-real. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

McNaughton, Darlene Ann (2003) Subalternity, itinerant trade and criminality: an ethnographic study of members of the Kathiawad Vaghri. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Henry, Rosita (1999) Practising place, performing memory: identity politics in an Australian town, the 'Village in the rainforest'. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Michaelis, Nancy (1997) Innovation and interpretation of spiritual imagery: children's art in the Wabag Diocese of the Catholic Church, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Gair, Susan (1996) Adoption: a different road to mothering: adoptive mothers' experiences of negotiating and maintaining the mothering role at significant points across the adoption life cycle. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Chalmers, Linda Louise (1993) Ikat sequences and social-cultural patterns: the impact of industrialization on the lives of Iban artisans in Sarawak. PhD thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland.

Fuary, Maureen Majella (1991) In so many words: an ethnography of life and identity on Yam Island, Torres Strait. PhD thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland.

Henry, Rosita Joan (1986) 'A tulip in Lotus Land': the rise and decline of Dutch burgher ethnicity in Sri Lanka. Masters (Research) thesis, Australian National University.

Creative Work

Vavrova, Daniela, Wojtylak, Katarzyna, and Lupinski, Thomas Zachary (2017) 'Life on the River' - Sepik and Amazon: Ambonwari and Murui. [Creative Work]

Otto, Ton (2015) The time travellers. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer, Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, and Mackenzie, David (2014) Blue skirt series [3 x videos: compass, what a feeling, sweet dreams]. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer, Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, and MacKenzie, David (2014) Christmas Birrimmbirr: julens ånd blandt aboriginere i Australien [Christmas Spirit among Aborigines in Australia]. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer, Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Gurruwiwi, Warren Balpatji, Ganambarr, James Bangaliwuy, Wunungmurra, Enid Gurungulmiwuy, Wanambi, Kayleen Djingadjingawuy, Wunungmurra, Meredith Balanydjarrk, and Wyatt, Evan (2014) Gapuwiyak Calling: phone-made media from Arnhem Land. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer (2014) Gapuwiyak calling: phone-made media from Arnhem Land [exhibition catalogue]. UQ Anthropology Museum, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Otto, Ton (2014) Lives of the dead. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer (2014) Om at dele julens ånd [Sharing Christmas Spirit]. [Creative Work]

Vavrova, Daniela (2014) 'Skin has eyes and ears': audio-visual ethnography in a Sepik society, Papua New Guinea. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer, and Marrawakamirr, Susan (2013) Christmas with Wawa. [Creative Work]

Marrawungu, Susan Marrawakamirr, Marrawungu, Dorothy Garraltjawuy , and Deger, Jennifer (2013) Susan Marrawakamirr Marrawungu and Dorothy Garraltjawuy Marrawungu. In: Pinchbeck, Cara, (ed.) Yirrkala Drawings. Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 78-79.

Foale, Simon, and Kelley, Russell (2012) Fish and people. [Creative Work]

Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Deger, Jennifer, Yangathu, Fiona, and Mackenzie, David (2012) Manapanmirr, in Christmas spirit. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer (2012) My red Yolngu heart. [Creative Work]

Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, Deger, Jennifer, and Mackenzie, David (2011) Christmas Birrimbirr (Christmas Spirit) [curated exhibition, Darwin 2011]. [Creative Work]

Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Wanambi, Fiona Y., Deger, Jennifer, and Mackenzie, David (2011) Christmas Birrimbirr: Christmas Spirit [exhibition catalogue]. Miyarrka Media and Chan Contemporary Art Space, Darwin, NT, Australia.

Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Wanambe, Fiona Y., Deger, Jennifer, and Mackenzie, David (2011) Christmas Birrimbirr: Christmas Spirit [installation artwork]. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer (2011) Gularri: that brings unity. [Creative Work]

Suhr, Christian, and Otto, Ton (2011) Unity through culture. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer, and Marrawungu, Susan (2010) Bol'ngu shooting star story. [Creative Work]

Deger, Jennifer (2009) Interventions: experiments between art and ethnography. [Creative Work]

Gurrumuruwuy, David Bukulatjpi, Deger, Jennifer, and Marrawakamirr, Susan (2009) Djalkiri #1 and #2. [Creative Work]

NTRO Portfolio

Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, Deger, Jennifer, and Mackenzie, David. (2011) Christmas Birrimbirr (Christmas Spirit)[portfolio]. [NTRO Portfolio]


Potter, Martin, White Building Collective, Sa Sa Projects, and Koam, Chanrasmey (2017) The White Building. Big Stories Co, VIC, Australia.

Castro-Koshy, Estelle, and Masson, Dominique (2014) Flora Aurima-Devatine, 5 Questions pour Île en île [Interview with Flora Aurima-Devatine]. Île en île.

Suhr, Christian, Otto, Ton, and Dalsgaard, Steffen (2009) Ngat is dead: studying mortuary traditions. Documentary Education Resources.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 22:42:56 2025 AEST.