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Amirabdollahian, Mahsa, and Datta, Bithin (2015) Reliability evaluation of groundwater contamination source characterization under uncertain flow field. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6 (7). pp. 512-518.

Jha, Manish, and Datta, Bithin (2015) Application of dedicated monitoring: network design for unknown pollutant-source identification based on dynamic time warping. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141 (11). 04015022. pp. 1-13.

Esfahani, Hamed Koohpayehzadeh, and Datta, Bithin (2015) Simulation of reactive geochemical transport processes in contaminated aquifers using surrogate models. International Journal of Geomate, 8 (15). pp. 1190-1196.

Jha, Manish, and Datta, Bithin (2015) Application of unknown groundwater pollution source release history estimation methodology to distributed sources incorporating surface-groundwater interactions. Environmental Forensics, 16 (2). pp. 143-162.

Shukla, Shraddhanand, Steinemann, Anne, Iacobellis, Sam F., and Cayan, Daniel R. (2015) Full access annual drought in California: association with monthly precipitation and climate phases. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54 (11). pp. 2273-2281.

Prakash, Om, and Datta, Bithin (2015) Optimal characterization of pollutant sources in contaminated aquifers by integrating sequential-monitoring-network design and source identification: methodology and an application in Australia. Hydrogeology Journal, 23 (6). pp. 1089-1107.

Amirabdollahian, Masha, and Mokhtari, Morteza (2015) Optimal design of pumped water distribution networks with storage under uncertain hydraulic constraints. Water Resources Management, 29. pp. 2637-2653.

Datta, Bithin, and Kourakos, George (2015) Preface: Optimization for groundwater characterization and management. Hydrogeology Journal, 23 (6). pp. 1043-1049.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2015) Review: simulation-optimization models for the management and monitoring of coastal aquifers. Hydrogeology Journal, 23. pp. 1155-1166.

Datta, Bithin, Prakash, Om, Cassou, Pauline, and Valetaud, Mathieu (2014) Optimal unknown pollution source characterization in a contaminated groundwater aquifer: evaluation of a developed dedicated software tool. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2 (5). pp. 41-51.

Jha, Manish Kumar, and Datta, Bithin (2014) Linked simulation-optimization based dedicated monitoring network design for unknown pollutant source identification using dynamic time warping distance. Water Resources Management, 28 (12). pp. 4161-4182.

Datta, Bithin, and Singh, Deepesh (2014) Optimal groundwater monitoring network design for pollution plume estimation with active sources. International Journal of Geomate, 6 (2). pp. 864-869.

Prakash, Om, and Datta, Bithin (2014) Characterization of groundwater pollution sources with unknown release time history. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 6 (4). pp. 337-350.

Amirabdollahian, Mahsa, and Datta, Bithin (2014) Identification of pollutant source characteristics under uncertainty in contaminated water resources systems using adaptive Simulated Anealing and fuzzy logic. International Journal of Geomate, 6 (1). pp. 757-762.

Prakash, Om, and Datta, Bithin (2014) Optimal monitoring network design for efficient identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources. International Journal of Geomate, 6 (1). pp. 785-790.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2014) Design of an optimal compliance monitoring network and feedback information for adaptive management of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140 (10). 04014026. pp. 1-10.

Prakash, Om, and Datta, Bithin (2014) Encapsulating the role of solution response space roughness on global optimal solution: application in identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources. Open Journal of Optimization, 3. pp. 26-41.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2014) Stochastic and robust multi-objective optimal management of pumping from coastal aquifers under parameter uncertainty. Water Resources Management, 28 (7). pp. 2005-2019.

Datta, Bithin, Prakash, Om, Campbell, Sean, and Escalada, Gerry (2013) Efficient identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources using linked simulation-optimization incorporating monitoring location impact factor and frequency factor. Water Resources Management, 27 (14). pp. 4959-4976.

Prakash, Om, and Datta, Bithin (2013) Sequential optimal monitoring network design and iterative spatial estimation of pollutant concentration for identification of unknown groundwater pollution source locations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185 (7). pp. 5611-5626.

Amirabdollahian, Mahsa, and Datta, Bithin (2013) Identification of contaminant source characteristics and monitoring network design in groundwater aquifers: an overview. Journal of Environmental Protection, 4 (5A). pp. 26-41.

Jha, Manish, and Datta, Bithin (2013) Three-dimensional groundwater contamination source identification using adaptive simulated annealing. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 18 (3). pp. 307-317.

Verrall, D.P., and Read, W.W. (2012) Predicting diffusion in aquifers beneath saline ponds. Journal of Hydrology, 475. pp. 150-157.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2012) Comment on "Artificial neural network model as a potential alternative for groundwater salinity forecasting" by Pallavi Banerjee et al. [J. Hydrol. 398 (2011) 212–220]. Journal of Hydrology, 420-421. pp. 419-420.

Chadalavada, Sreenivasulu, Datta, Bithin, and Naidu, Ravi (2012) Optimal identification of groundwater pollution sources using feedback monitoring information: a case study. Environmental Forensics, 13 (2). pp. 140-153.

Sreekanth, J., Datta, Bithin, and Mohapatra, Pranab K. (2012) Optimal short-term reservoir operation with integrated long-term goals. Water Resources Management, 26 (10). pp. 2833-2850.

Jha, Manish K., and Datta, Bithin (2011) Simulated annealing based simulation-optimization approach for identification of unknown contaminant sources in groundwater aquifers. Desalination and Water Treatment, 32 (1-3). pp. 79-85.

Saeed, Tanveer, and Sun, Guangzhi (2011) Kinetic modelling of nitrogen and organics removal in vertical and horizontal flow wetlands. Water Research, 45 (10). pp. 3137-3152.

Datta, Bithin, Chakrabarty, Dibakar, and Dhar, Anirban (2011) Identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources using classical optimization with linked simulation. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 5 (1). pp. 25-36.

Saeed, Tanveer, and Sun, Guangzhi (2011) The removal of nitrogen and organics in vertical flow wetland reactors: predictive models. Bioresource Technology, 102 (2). pp. 1205-1213.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2011) Comparative evaluation of genetic programming and neural network as potential surrogate models for coastal aquifer management. Water Resource Management, 25 (13). pp. 3201-3218.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2011) Coupled simulation-optimization model for coastal aquifer management using genetic programming-based ensemble surrogate models and multiple-realization optimization. Water Resources Research, 47. W04516. pp. 1-17.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2011) Optimal combined operation of production and barrier wells for the control of saltwater intrusion in coastal groundwater well fields. Desalination and Water Treatment, 32 (1-3). pp. 72-78.

Chadalavada, Sreenivasulu, Datta, Bithin, and Naidu, Ravi (2011) Optimisation approach for pollution source identification in groundwater: an overview. International of Environment and Waste Management, 8 (1-2). pp. 40-61.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2010) Multi-objective management of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers using genetic programming and modular neural network based surrogate models. Journal of Hydrology, 393 (3-4). pp. 245-256.

Dhar, Anirban, and Datta, Bithin (2010) Logic-based design of groundwater monitoring network for redundancy reduction. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136 (1). pp. 88-94.

Chadalavada, Sreenivasulu, Datta, Bithin, and Naidu, Ravi (2010) Uncertainty based optimal monitoring network design for a chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminated site. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 173 (1-4). pp. 929-940.

Dhar, Anirban, and Datta, Bithin (2009) Saltwater intrusion management of coastal aquifers I: linked simulation-optimization. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 14 (12). pp. 1263-1272.

Dhar, Anirban , and Datta, Bithin (2009) Saltwater intrusion management of coastal aquifers. II: operation uncertainty and monitoring. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 14 (12). pp. 1273-1282.

Goudie, Douglas (2009) The emergent science of engineering a sustainable urban environment. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: focus, 9 (5). pp. 469-484.

Su, Ninghu (2009) Equations of anomalous absorption onto swelling porous media. Materials Letters, 63 (28). pp. 2483-2485.

Dhar, Anirban, and Datta, Bithin (2009) Global optimal design of ground water monitoring network using embedded kriging. Ground Water, 47 (6). pp. 806-815.

Datta, Bithin, Vennalakanti, Harikrishna, and Dhar, Anirban (2009) Modeling and control of saltwater intrusion in a coastal aquifer of Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 3 (3). pp. 148-159.

Datta, Bithin, Chakrabarty, Dibakar, and Dhar, Anirban (2009) Simultaneous identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources and estimation of aquifer parameters. Journal of Hydrology, 376 (1-2). pp. 48-57.

Bhattacharja, Rajib Kumar, and Datta, Bithin (2009) ANN-GA-based model for multiple objective management of coastal aquifers. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 135 (5). pp. 314-322.

Datta, Bithin, Chakrabarty, Dibakar, and Dhar, Anirban (2009) Optimal dynamic monitoring network design and identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources. Water Resources Management, 23 (10). pp. 2031-2049.

Bhattacharjya, Rajib Kumar, Datta, Bithin, and Satish, Mysore G. (2009) Performance of an artificial neural network model for simulating saltwater intrusion process in coastal aquifers when training with noisy data. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 205-215.

Verrall, D.P., Read, W.W., and Narayan, K.A. (2009) Computational aspects of accurately modelling salt advection beneath aquaculture ponds. ANZIAM Journal, 48. C1075-C1089.

Verrall, D.P., Read, W.W., and Narayan, K.A. (2009) Predicting salt advection in groundwater from saline aquaculture ponds. Journal of Hydrology, 364 (3-4). pp. 201-206.

Dhar , Anirban, and Datta, Bithin (2008) Optimal operation of reservoirs for downstream water quality control using linked simulation optimization. Hydrological Processes, 22 (6). pp. 842-853.

Dhar, Anirban, and Datta, Bithin (2007) Multiobjective design of dynamic monitoring networks for detection of groundwater pollution. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 133 (4). pp. 329-338.

Chadalavada, Sreenivasulu, and Datta, Bithin (2007) Dynamic optimal monitoring network design for transient transport of pollutants in groundwater aquifers. Water Resources Management, 22 (6). pp. 651-670.

Bhattacharjya, Rajib Kumar, Datta, Bithin, and Satish, Mysore (2007) Artificial neural networks approximation of density dependent saltwater intrusion process in coastal aquifers. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 12 (3). pp. 273-282.

Dhar, A., and Datta, B. (2006) Chance constrained water quality management model for reservoir systems. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 12 (3). pp. 39-48.

Singh, Raj Mohan, and Datta, Bithin (2006) Identification of groundwater pollution sources using GA-based linked simulation optimization model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 11 (2). pp. 101-109.

Bhattacharjya, Rajib Kumar, and Datta, Bithin (2005) Optimal management of coastal aquifers using linked simulation optimization approach. Water Resource Management, 19 (3). pp. 295-320.

Singh, Raj Mohan, Datta, Bithin, and Jain, Ashu (2004) Identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources using artificial neural networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 130 (6). pp. 506-514.

Singj, Raj Mohan, and Datta, Bithin (2004) Groundwater pollution source identification and simultaneous parameter estimation using pattern matching by artificial neural network. Enviromental Forensics, 5. pp. 143-153.

Datta, Bithin (2002) Discussion of :identification of contaminant source location and release history in aquifers" by Mustafa M. Aral, Jiabao Guan, and Morris L. Maslia. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 7 (5). pp. 399-400.

Das, Amlan, and Datta, Bithin (2001) Application of optimisation techniques in groundwater quantity and quality management. Sadhana, 26 (4). pp. 293-316.

Das, Amlan, and Datta, Bithin (2001) Simulation of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers: Some typical responses. Sadhana, 26 (4). pp. 317-352.

Mahar, Pooran Singh, and Datta, Bithin (2001) Optimal identification of ground-water pollution sources and parameter estimation. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 127 (1). pp. 20-29.

Mahar, Pooran S., and Datta, Bithin (2000) Identification of pollution sources in transient groundwater systems. Water Resources Management, 14 (3). pp. 209-227.

Ramesh, R., Datta, Bithin, Bhallamudi, S. Murty, and Narayana, A. (2000) Optimal estimation of roughness in open-channel flows. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 126 (4). pp. 299-303.

Das, Amlan, and Datta, Bithin (1999) Development of management models for sustainable use of coastal aquifers. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering , 125 (3). pp. 112-121.

Das, Amlan, and Datta, Bithin (1999) Development of multiobjective management models for coastal aquifers. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 125 (2). pp. 76-87.

Mahar, Pooran Singh, and Datta, Bithin (1997) Optimal monitoring network and ground-water-pollution source identification. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 123 (4). pp. 199-207.

Keshari, Ashok K., and Datta, Bithin (1996) Multiobjective management of a contaminated aquifer for agricultural use. Water Resource Management, 10 (5). pp. 373-395.

Datta, Bithin, and Dhiman, Sanjay D. (1996) Chance-constrained optimal monitoring network design for pollutants in ground water. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 122 (3). pp. 180-188.

Keshari, Ashok K., and Datta, Bithin (1996) Integrated optimal management of ground-water pollution and withdrawal. Ground Water, 34 (1). pp. 104-113.

Peralta, Richard C., and Datta, Bithin (1990) Reconnaissance-level alternative optimal ground-water use starategies. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 116 (5). pp. 676-692.

Datta, Bithin, and Peralta, Richard C. (1986) Interactive computer graphics-based multiobjective decision-making for regional groundwater management. Agricultural Water Management, 11 (2). pp. 91-116.

Datta, Bithin, and Lettenmaier, Dennis P. (1985) A nonlinear time-variant constrained model for rainfall-runoff. Journal of Hydrology, 77 (1-4). pp. 1-18.

Datta, Bithin, and Burges, Stephen J. (1984) Short-term, single, multiple-purpose reservoir operation: importance of loss functions and forecast errors. Water Resources Research, 20 (9). pp. 1167-1176.

Datta, Bithin, and Houck, Mark H. (1984) A stochastic optimization model for real-time operation of reservoirs using uncertain forecasts. Water Resources Research, 20 (8). pp. 1039-1046.

Houck , Mark H., and Datta, Bithin (1981) Performance evaluation of a stochastic optimization model for reservoir design and management with explicit reliability criteria. Water Resources Research, 17 (4). pp. 827-832.

Book Chapter

Esfahani, Hamed Koohpayehzadeh, and Datta, Bithin (2015) Use of genetic programming based surrogate models to simulate complex geochemical transport processes in contaminated mine sites. In: Gandomi, Amir H., Alavi, Amir H., and Ryan, Conor, (eds.) Handbook of Genetic Programming Applications. Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 359-379.

Datta, Bithin, Prakash, Om, and Sreekanth, Janardhanan (2014) Application of genetic programming models incorporated in optimization models for contaminated groundwater systems management. In: Tantar, Alexandru-Adrian, Tantar, Emilia, Sun, Jian-Qiao, Zhang, Wei, Ding, Qian, Schütze, Oliver, Emmerich, Michael, Legrand, Pierrick, Del Moral, Pierre, and Coello Coello, Carlos A., (eds.) EVOLVE: a bridge between probability, set oriented numerics, and evolutionary computation V. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 288 . Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 183-199.

Jha, Manish, and Datta, Bithin (2012) Application of simulated annealing in water resources management: optional solution of groundwater contamination source characterization problem and monitoring network design problems. In: Sales Guera Tsuzuki, Marcos de, (ed.) Simulated Annealing- Single and Multiple Objective Problems. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 157-174.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2012) Genetic programming: efficient modeling tool in hydrology and groundwater management. In: Ventura, Sebastian, (ed.) New Genetic Programming- New Approaches and Successful Applications. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 227-240.

Datta, Bithin, and Dhar, Anirban (2011) Density dependent flows, saltwater intrusion and management. In: Aral, Mustafa M., and Taylor, Stewart W., (eds.) Groundwater Quantity and Quality Management. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA, pp. 394-429.

Steicke, C.R., Jegatheesan, V., and Zeng, C. (2009) Recirculating aquaculture systems - a review. In: Vigneswaran, S., (ed.) Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems , 1-2 . EOLSS, Oxford, UK, pp. 1-25.

Conference Item

Esfahani, Hamed K., and Datta, Bithin (2015) Approximate simulation of complex geochemical transport processes by genetic programming based surrogate models with application to a closed down mine site in Queensland Australia. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IWA Malaysia Young Water Professionals Conference. From: 2nd IWA Malaysia Young Water Professionals Conference, 17-20 March 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Datta, Bithin, Prakash, Om, Amirabdollahian, Mahsa, Jha, Manish K., Esfahani, Hamed K., Hayford, Michael S., Screenivasulu, Chadalavada, and Naidu, Ravi (2015) Recent developments in identification of unknown contamination sources and monitoring network design for contaminated groundwater systems. In: Abstracts from the 6th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference. TA21. pp. 176-178. From: CleanUp 2015: 6th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, 13-16 September 2015, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Esfahani, Hamed, and Datta, Bithin (2015) Simulation of complex geochemical processes in contaminated aquifer sites using surrogate models as approximate simulators. In: Abstracts from the 6th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference. P5. pp. 456-457. From: CleanUp 2015: 6th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, 13-16 September 2015, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Sreekanth, J., and Datta, Bithin (2011) Wavelet and cross-wavelet analysis of groundwater quality signals of saltwater intruded coastal aquifers. In: Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (414) pp. 846-853. From: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability, 22-26 May 2011, Palm Springs, CA, USA.

Sreekanth, Janardhanan (2010) Monitoring feed-back based multi-objective management of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers using linked simulation-optimization. In: Engineers Australia Water Panel Presentations. From: Water Panel meeting, 21 April 2010, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Sreekanth, Janardhanan, and Datta, Bithin (2010) Multi-objective management models for optimal and sustainable use of coastal aquifers. In: Papers from Groundwater 2010. pp. 1-5. From: Groundwater 2010, 31 October - 4 November 2010, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Singh, Deepesh, and Datta, Bithin (2010) Sequential characterization of contaminant plumes using designed monitoring network. In: Proceedings of 17th IAHR-APD Congress 2010. pp. 1-8. From: 17th IAHR-APD Congress 2010, 22-24 February 2010, Auckland, New Zealand .

Craig, James R., and Read, W. Wayne (2010) The future of analytical solution methods for groundwater flow and transport simulation. In: Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Water Resources. pp. 1-8. From: CMWR 2010 XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, 21-24 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

Wong, Sanders, Craig, James R., and Read, W. Wayne (2010) An iterative series solution approach for solving the free-boundary condition in groundwater flow systems. In: Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Water Resources. pp. 1-8. From: CMWR 2010 XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, 21-24 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

Steicke, C., Jegatheesan, V., and Zeng, C. (2009) Performance of a recirculating tank-based system utilizing floating and submerged filters with a denitrification column for the culture of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (4) pp. 253-260. From: Fourth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, 6-8 December 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.

Arnold, Uwe, Datta, Bithin, and Haenscheid, Peter (1989) Intelligent geographic information systems (IGIS) and surface water modeling. In: IAHS Publications (181) pp. 407-416. From: Third Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences: New Directions for Surface Water Modeling, May 1989, Baltimore, MD, USA.


Tharumaratnam, Vythilingham, and Canyon, Deon V. (2008) Sustainable Water from Collector Well Systems and Sustainable Heating and Cooling from Ground-source Energy Systems in Sri Lanka. ILXIR Publishing, Pingelly, WA, Australia, pp. 1-129.


Lal, Alvin Abinesh (2019) Development of sustainable groundwater management methodologies to control saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers with application to a tropical Pacific island country. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Roy, Dilip Kumar (2018) Development of a sustainable groundwater management strategy and sequential compliance monitoring to control saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Hazrati Yadkoori, Shahrbanoo (2018) Optimal identification of unknown groundwater contaminant sources in conjunction with designed monitoring networks. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Al-Juboori, Muqdad Raoof Kareem (2018) Seepage criteria based optimal design of water retaining structures with reliability quantification utilizing surrogate model linked simulation-optimization approach. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Amir Abdollahian, Mahsa (2016) Development of integrated methodologies for optimal monitoring and source characterization in contaminated groundwater systems under uncertainty. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Verrall, Damien Paul (2015) Quasi-analytical modelling of advective-diffusive transport in porous media. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Prakash, Om (2014) Optimal monitoring network design and identification of unknown pollutant sources in polluted aquifers. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Janardhanan, Sreekanth (2012) Integrated multi-objective management of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers using coupled simulation-optimisation and monitoring feedback information. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Jha, Manish Kumar (2012) Linked simulation-optimization based methodologies for unknown groundwater pollutant source identification in managed and unmanaged contaminated sites. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Volker, Raymond Edward (1969) Numerical solutions to problems of nonlinear flow through porous materials. PhD thesis, University College of Townsville.

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