Items where Subject is "07 AGRICULTURAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES > 0704 Fisheries Sciences > 070404 Fish Pests and Diseases"
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- 0704 Fisheries Sciences (1131)
- 070404 Fish Pests and Diseases (90)
- 0704 Fisheries Sciences (1131)
Bochow, Shaun, Condon, Kelly, Elliman, Jennifer, and Owens, Leigh (2015) First complete genome of an Ambidensovirus; Cherax quadricarinatus densovirus, from freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Marine Genomics, 24 (3). pp. 305-312.
Elliott, Lisa, and Owens, Leigh (2015) CART analysis of environmental factors, biomarkers and gill-associated virus to predict production outcomes for farmed Penaeus monodon. Aquaculture, 448. pp. 298-305.
Jaroenram, Wansadaj, Chaivisuthangkura, Parin, and Owens, Leigh (2015) One base pair deletion and high rate of evolution: keys to viral accommodation of Australian Penaeus stylirostris densovirus. Aquaculture, 443. pp. 40-48.
Chotnipat, Soranot, Miller, Terrence L., Knuckey, Richard M., and Hutson, Kate S. (2015) Molecular and morphological evidence for the widespread distribution of Laticola paralatesi infecting wild and farmed Lates calcarifer in Australia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 113 (3). pp. 195-205.
Adlard, Robert D., Miller, Terrence L., and Smit, Nico J. (2015) The butterfly effect: parasite diversity, environment, and emerging disease in aquatic wildlife. Trends in Parasitology, 31 (4). pp. 160-166.
Rusaini, and Owens, Leigh (2015) Expressed genes in the lymphoid organ of broodstock banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis) using suppression subtractive hybridization. Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 2 (1). 00016. pp. 1-9.
Owens, Leigh, and Malham, Shelagh (2015) Review of the RNA interference pathway in molluscs including some possibilities for use in bivalves in aquaculture. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 87-99.
Militz, Thane A., and Hutson, Kate S. (2015) Beyond symbiosis: cleaner shrimp clean up in culture. PLoS ONE, 10 (2). e0117723. pp. 1-11.
Brazenor, Alexander K., and Hutson, Kate S. (2015) Effects of temperature and salinity on the life cycle of Neobenedenia sp. (Monogenea: Capsalidae) infecting farmed barramundi (Lates calcarifer ). Parasitology Research, 114 (5). pp. 1875-1886.
Owens, Leigh, Condon, Kelly, Rai, Praveen, and Karunasagar, Indrani (2015) Diet-delivery of therapeutic RNA interference in live Escherichia coli against pre-existing Penaeus merguiensis hepandensovirus in Penaeus merguiensis. Aquaculture, 437. pp. 360-365.
Cano-Gomez, Ana, Høj, Lone, Owens, Leigh, Baillie, Brett K., and Andreakis, Nikos (2015) A multiplex PCR-based protocol for identification and quantification of Vibrio harveyi-related species. Aquaculture, 437. pp. 195-200.
Akhila, Dharnappa Sannejal, Mani, Madhu K., Rai, Praveen, Condon, Kelly, Owens, Leigh, and Karunasagar, Indrani (2015) Antisense RNA mediated protection from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection in Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture, 435. pp. 306-309.
Trujillo-González, A., Johnson, L.K., Constantinoiu, C.C., and Hutson, K.S. (2015) Histopathology associated with haptor attachment of the ectoparasitic monogenean Neobenedenia sp. (Capsalidae) to barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Journal of Fish Diseases, 38 (12). pp. 1063-1067.
Mohr, Peter G., Moody, Nicholas J.G., Hoad, John, Williams, Lynette M., Bowater, Rachel O., Cummins, David M., Cowley, Jeff A., and Crane, Mark StJ. (2015) New yellow head virus genotype (YHV7) in giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon indigenous to northern Australia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 115. pp. 263-268.
Trujillo González, Alejandro, Constantinoiu, Constantin C., Rowe, Richard, and Hutson, Kate S. (2015) Tracking transparent monogenean parasites on fish from infection to maturity. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 4 (3). pp. 316-322.
Jaroenram, Wansadaj, and Owens, Leigh (2014) Recombinase polymerase amplification combined with a lateral flow dipstick for discriminating between infectious Penaeus stylirostris densovirus and virus-related sequences in shrimp genome. Journal of Virological Methods, 208. pp. 144-151.
McNamara, M.K.A., Miller, T.L., and Cribb, T.H. (2014) Evidence for extensive cryptic speciation in trematodes of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) of the tropical Indo-West Pacific. International Journal for Parasitology, 44 (1). pp. 37-48.
Nguyen, Kim Y., Sakuna, Kitikarn, Kinobe, Robert, and Owens, Leigh (2014) Ivermectin blocks the nuclear location signal of parvoviruses in crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus. Aquaculture, 420-421. pp. 288-294.
Dinh Hoai, Truong , and Hutson, Kate S. (2014) Reproductive strategies of the insidious fish ectoparasite, Neobenedenia sp. (Capsalidae: Monogenea). PLoS ONE, 9 (9). e108801. pp. 1-7.
Jaroenram, Wansadaj, and Owens, Leigh (2014) Separation of endogenous viral elements from infectious Penaeus stylirostris densovirus using recombinase polymerase amplification. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 28 (5-6). pp. 284-287.
Owens, Leigh (2013) Bioinformatical analysis of nuclear localisation sequences in penaeid densoviruses. Marine Genomics, 12. pp. 9-15.
Mata, Leonardo, Wright, Emily, Owens, Leigh, Paul, Nicholas, and de Nys, Rocky (2013) Water-soluble natural products from seaweed have limited potential in controlling bacterial pathogens in fish aquaculture. Journal of Applied Phycology, 25 (6). pp. 1963-1973.
Miller, Terrence L., Small, Hamish J., Peemoeller, Bhae-Jin, Gibbs, David A., and Shields, Jeffrey D. (2013) Experimental infections of Orchitophrya stellarum (Scuticociliata) in American blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) and fiddler crabs (Uca minax). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 114 (3). pp. 346-355.
Miller, Terrence L., and Cribb, Thomas H. (2013) Dramatic phenotypic plasticity within species of Siphomutabilus n. g. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) from Indo-Pacific caesionines (Perciformes: Lutjanidae). Systematic Parasitology, 86 (2). pp. 101-112.
Busico-Salcedo, Nancy, and Owens, Leigh (2013) Virulence changes to Harveyi clade bacteria infected with bacteriophage from Vibrio owensii. Indian Journal of Virology, 24 (2). pp. 180-187.
Yong, R.Q-Y., Cutmore, S.C., Miller, T.L., Adlard, R.D., and Cribb, T.H. (2013) The ghost of parasites past: eggs of the blood fluke Cardicola chaetodontis (Aporocotylidae) trapped in the heart and gills of butterflyfishes (Perciformes: Chaetodontidae) of the Great Barrier Reef. Parasitology, 140 (9). pp. 1186-1194.
Bott, Nathan J., Miller, Terrence L., and Cribb, Thomas H. (2013) Bucephalidae (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) of Plectropomus (Serranidae: Epinephelinae) in the tropical Pacific. Parasitology Research, 112 (7). pp. 2561-2584.
Rusaini, La Fauce, Kathy A., Elliman, Jennifer, Bowater, Rachel O., and Owens, Leigh (2013) Endogenous Brevidensovirus-like elements in Cherax quadricarinatus: friend or foe? Aquaculture, 396-399. pp. 136-145.
Wright, E.E., Elliman, J.R., and Owens, L. (2013) Induction and characterization of lysogenic bacteriophages from Streptococcus iniae. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 114 (6). pp. 1616-1624.
Rusaini, Ariel, Ellen, Burgess, Graham W., and Owens, Leigh (2013) Investigation of an idiopathic lesion in redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus using suppression subtractive hybridization. Journal of Virology & Microbiology, 2013. 569032. pp. 1-15.
Stride, M.C., Polkinghorne, A., Miller, T.L., Groff, J.M., LaPatra, S.E., and Nowak, B.F. (2013) Molecular characterization of "Candidatus Parilichlamydia carangidicola," a novel Chlamydia-like epitheliocystis agent in Yellowtail Kingfish, Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes), and the proposal of a new family, "Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae" fam. nov. (Order Chlamydiales). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79 (5). pp. 1590-1597.
Stride, M.C., Polkinghorne, A., Miller, T.L., and Nowak, B.F. (2013) Molecular characterization of "Candidatus Similichlamydia latridicola" gen. nov., sp. nov. (Chlamydiales: "Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae"), a novel Chlamydia-like epitheliocystis agent in the Striped Trumpeter, Latris lineata (Forster). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79 (16). pp. 4914-4920.
Hayakijkosol, O., and Owens, L. (2013) Non-permissive C6/36 cell culture for the Australian isolate of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus. Journal of Fish Diseases, 36 (4). pp. 401-409.
La Fauce, Kathy, and Owens, Leigh (2013) Suppression of Penaeus merguiensis densovirus following oral delivery of live bacteria expressing dsRNA in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) model. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 112 (2). pp. 162-165.
Hutson, Kate S., Mata, Leonardo, Paul, Nicholas A., and De Nys, Rocky (2012) Seaweed extracts as a natural control against the monogenean ectoparasite, Neobenedenia sp., infecting farmed barramundi (Lates calcarifer). International Journal for Parasitology, 42 (13-14). pp. 1135-1141.
Bowater, R.O., Forbes-Faulkner, J., Anderson, I.G., Condon, K., Robinson, B., Kong, F., Gilbert, G.L., Reynolds, A., Hyland, S., McPherson, G., O'Brien, J., and Blyde, D. (2012) Natural outbreak of Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) infection in wild giant Queensland grouper, Epinephelus lanceolatus (Bloch), and other wild fish in northern Queensland, Australia. Journal of Fish Diseases, 35 (3). pp. 173-186.
Hayakijkosol, Orachun, and Owens, Leigh (2012) B2 or not B2: RNA interference reduces Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus replication in redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus). Aquaculture, 326-329. pp. 40-45.
Bochow, S., Elliman, J., and Owens, L. (2012) Bacteriophage adenine methyltransferase: a life cycle regulator? Modelled using Vibrio harveyi myovirus like. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 113 (5). pp. 1001-1013.
La Fauce, Kathy, and Owens, Leigh (2012) Dietary uptake of green fluorescent protein for delivery of dsRNA to induce RNA interference. Journal of Marine Science Research and Development, 2 (4). 1000114. pp. 1-5.
Sweet, Michael, Kirkham, Nigel, Bendall, Mark, Currey, Leanne, Bythell, John, and Heupel, Michelle (2012) Evidence of melanoma in wild marine fish populations. PLoS One, 7 (8). e41989. e41989.
Rai, Praveen, Safeena, Muhammed P., Krabsetsve, Kjersti, La Fauce, Kathy, Owens, Leigh, and Karunasagar, Indrani (2012) Genomics, molecular epidemiology and diagnostics of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus. Indian Journal of Virology, 23 (2). pp. 203-214.
La Fauce, K., Ariel, E., Munns, S., Rush, C., and Owens, L. (2012) Influence of temperature and exposure time on the infectivity of Bohle iridovirus, a ranavirus. Aquaculture, 354-355. pp. 64-67.
La Fauce, Kathy, and Owens, Leigh (2012) RNA interference with special reference to combating viruses of crustacea. Indian Journal of Virology, 23 (2). pp. 226-243.
Hayakijkosol, Orachun, Burgess, Graham, La Fauce, Kathy, and Owens, Leigh (2012) The complete sequence of the Australia recognizate of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus which causes white tail disease. Aquaculture, 366-367. pp. 98-104.
Moore, B.R., Stapley, J., Allsop, Q., Newman, S.J., Ballagh, A., Welch, D.J., and Lester, R.J.G. (2011) Stock structure of blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum across northern Australia, as indicated by parasites. Journal of Fish Biology, 78 (3). pp. 923-936.
Hutson, K.S., Brock, E.L., and Steer, M.A. (2011) Spatial variation in parasite abundance: evidence of geographical population structuring in southern garfish Hyporhamphus melanochir. Journal of Fish Biology, 78 (1). pp. 166-182.
Claydon, Kerry, Roper, Katrina G., and Owens, Leigh (2010) Attempts at producing a hybridised Penaeus mondon cell line by cellular fusion. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 29 (3). pp. 539-543.
Ariel, Ellen, Holopainen, Riikka, Olesen, Niels Jørgen, and Tapiovaara, Hannele (2010) Comparative study of ranavirus isolates from cod (Gadus morhua) and turbot (Psetta maxima) with reference to other ranaviruses. Archives of Virology, 155 (8). pp. 1261-1271.
Crothers-Stomps, C., Høj, L., Bourne, D.G., Hall, M.R., and Owens, L. (2010) Isolation of lytic bacteriophage against Vibrio harveyi. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 108 (5). pp. 1744-1750.
Gadd, Tuija, Jakava-Viljanen, Miia, Einer-Jensen, Katja, Ariel, Ellen, Koski, Perttu, and Sihvonen, Liisa (2010) Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) genotype II isolated from European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis in Finland during surveillance from 1999 to 2008. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 88 (3). pp. 189-198.
Catalano, Sarah R., and Hutson, Kate S. (2010) Harmful parasitic crustaceans infecting wild arripids: A potential threat to southern Australian finfish aquaculture. Aquaculture, 303 (1-4). pp. 101-104.
Owens, L., Liessmann, L., La Fauce, K., Nyguyen, T., and Zeng, C. (2010) Intranuclear bacilliform virus and hepatopancreatic parvovirus (PmergDNV) in the mud crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) of Australia. Aquaculture, 310 (1-2). pp. 47-51.
Bromage, Erin, and Owens, Leigh (2009) Environmental factors affecting the susceptibility of barramundi to Streptococcus iniae. Aquaculture, 290 (3-4). pp. 224-228.
Cano-Gómez, Ana, Bourne, David G., Hall, Michael R., Owens, Leigh, and Høj, Lone (2009) Molecular identification, typing and tracking of Vibrio harveyi in aquaculture systems: current methods and future prospects. Aquaculture, 287 (1-2). pp. 1-10.
La Fauce, Kathy A., and Owens, Leigh (2009) RNA interference reduces PmergDNV expression and replication in an in vivo cricket model. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 100 (2). pp. 111-115.
Repullés-Albelda, Aigües, Montero, Francisco E., Holzer, Astrid S., Ogawa, Kazuo, Hutson, Kate S., and Raga, Juan A. (2008) Speciation of the Paradeontacylix spp. (Sanguinicolidae) of Seriola dumerili. Two new species of the genus Paradeontacylix from the Mediterranean. Parasitology International, 57 (3). pp. 405-414.
Hutson, K.S., Ernst, I., and Whittington, I.D. (2007) Risk assessment for metazoan parasites of yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi (Perciformes: Carangidae) in South Australian sea-cage aquaculture. Aquaculture, 271 (1-4). pp. 85-99.
Hutson, Kate S., Ernst, Ingo, Mooney, Allan J., and Whittington, Ian D. (2007) Metazoan parasite assemblages of wild Seriola lalandi (Carangidae) from eastern and southern Australia. Parasitology International, 56 (2). pp. 95-105.
Hutson, Kate S., and Whittington, Ian D. (2006) Paradeontacylix godfreyi n. sp. (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the heart of wild Seriola lalandi (Perciformes: Carangidae)in southern Australia. Zootaxa, 1151. pp. 55-68.
Shields, Jeffrey D., Taylor, David M., Sutton, Stephen G., O'Keefe, Paul G., Ings, Danny W., and Pardy, Amanda L. (2005) Epidemiology of bitter crab disease (Hematodinium sp.) in snow crabs Chionoecetes opilio from Newfoundland, Canada. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 64 (3). pp. 253-264.
Floerl, Oliver, and Inglis, Graeme J. (2003) Boat harbour design can exacerbate hull fouling. Austral Ecology, 28 (2). pp. 116-127.
Cullen, B.R., and Owens, L. (2002) Experimental challenge and clinical cases of Bohle iridovirus (BIV) in native Australian anurans. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 49 (2). pp. 83-92.
Tang, Kathy F.-J., Spann, Kirsten M., Owens, Leigh, and Lightner, Donald V. (2002) In situ detection of Australian gill-associated virus with a yellow head virus gene probe. Aquaculture, 205 (1-2). pp. 1-5.
Roekring, Songsak, Nielsen, Linda, Owens, Leigh, Pattanakitsakul, Sa-nga, Malasit, Prida, and Flegel, T.W. (2002) Comparison of penaeid shrimp and insect parvoviruses suggests that viral transfers may occur between two distantly related arthropod groups. Virus Research, 87 (1). pp. 79-87.
Bromage, E.S., and Owens, L. (2002) Infection of barramundi Lates calcarifer with Streptococcus iniae: effects of different routes of exposure. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 52 (3). pp. 199-205.
Edgerton, Brett F., Evans, Louis H., Stephens, Frances J., and Overstreet, Robin M. (2002) Synopsis of freshwater crayfish diseases and commensal organisms. Aquaculture, 206 (1-2). pp. 57-135.
Oakey, H.J., Cullen, B.R., and Owens, L. (2002) The complete nucleotid sequence of the Vibrio harveyi bacteriophage VHML. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 93 (6). pp. 1089-1098.
Book Chapter
Hutson, Kate S., and Cain, Kenneth D. (2019) Pathogens and Parasites. In: Lucas, John S., and Southgate, Paul C., (eds.) Aquaculture: farming aquatic animals and plants. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 217-246.
Owens, Leigh (2012) Diseases. In: Lucas, John S., and Southgate, Paul C., (eds.) Aquaculture: farming aquatic animals and plants. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp. 214-228.
Owens, Leigh (2011) The viral ecology of aquatil crustaceans. In: Hurst, Christon J., (ed.) Studies in Viral Ecology; animal host systems. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 177-189.
Conference Item
Foyle, Leo (2005) Fin fish farming: significant diseases and trends. In: Proceedings of the Fish Vaccine Training Meeting for Assessors of Competent Authorities of the European Economic Area. pp. 5-7. From: Proceedings of the Fish Vaccine Training Meeting for Assessors of Competent Authorities of the European Economic Area, 21-22 September 2005, Dublin, Ireland.
Owens, Leigh (2006) Australian Prawn Farming Manual: health management for profit. Information series . Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Vaughan, David Brendan (2018) Cleaner shrimp as biocontrols in aquaculture. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Sakuna, Kitikarn (2018) Novel RNA viruses causing muscle lesions in red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Trujillo-González, Alejandro (2018) Parasite threats from the ornamental fish trade. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Noble, Tansyn Honi (2018) Selective breeding for tolerance to gill-associated virus in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Bastos Gomes, Giana (2017) Ecology and detection of harmful freshwater fish ciliate parasites Chilodonella spp. in aquaculture. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Malara, Danilo (2017) Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy for pathogenic vibrio control in prawn hatcheries. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Brazenor, Alexander Karlis (2017) The biology of the cosmopolitan fish parasite Neobenedenia girellae. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Trujillo González, Alejandro (2015) Behaviour, histopathology and immunobiology: interactions between the ectoparasite Neobenedenia (Monogenea: Capsalidae) and its host, Lates calcarifer (Perciformes: Latidae). Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Jaroenram, Wansadaj (2015) New insight into detection and evolution of Australian Penaeus stylirostris densovirus. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Powell, Sarah E. (2013) Comparative study of two Australian Coxiella species: Coxiella burnetii and nov. sp. Coxiella cheraxi (TO-98). Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Rusaini (2013) Suppression subtractive hybridization to investigate viruses in the lymphoid organ of Penaeus merguiensis and the gills of Cherax quadricarinatus. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Wright, Emily (2010) Bacteriophages and bacteriocins: agents for biocontrol of the fish pathogen Streptococcus iniae. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Claydon, Kerry (2009) Advances in crustacean cell culture. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
La Fauce, Kathy Ann (2008) RNA interference (RNAi) as an antiviral mechanism against Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Elliott, Elisabeth (2008) Role of shock protein 70 (hsp70), ubiquitin and gill-associated virus in loss of production on prawn farms. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Herbert, Brett (2005) Feeding and growth of golden perch (Macquaria ambigua), and assessment of its potential for aquaculture. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Liessmann, Laurence (2005) Investigation into the mortalities of larval mud crabs, Scylla serrata and methods of control. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Bromage, Erin (2004) The humoral immune response of Lates calcarifer to Streptococcus iniae. PhD thesis, James Cook University.