Items where Subject is "06 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 0604 Genetics > 060411 Population, Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics"
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- 060411 Population, Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics (387)
- 0604 Genetics (876)
Blair, David (2018) Use of molecular data in species-level taxonomy of parasites: a commentary. Parasitology International, 67 (2). pp. 188-189.
Johansen, J.L., He, S., Pappas, M.K., Berumen, M.L., Frank, G., and Hoey, A.S. (2017) Hybridization between damselfishes Dascyllus aruanus and D. reticulatus on the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 36 (3). p. 717.
Hill, Erin, Linacre, Adrian M.T., Toop, Simon, Murphy, Nicholas P., and Strugnell, Jan M. (2017) The complete mitochondrial genome of Axis porcinus (Mammalia: Cervidae) from Victoria, Australia, using MiSeq sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 2 (2). pp. 453-454.
Silva, Catarina N.S., and Gardner, Jonathan P.A. (2015) Emerging patterns of genetic variation in the New Zealand endemic scallop Pecten novaezelandiae. Molecular Ecology, 24 (21). pp. 5379-5393.
Harrison, Hugo B., Saenz-Agudelo, Pablo, Al-Salamah, Manalle, Messmer, Vanessa, Pratchett, Morgan S., and Berumen, Michael L. (2015) Microsatellite multiplex assay for the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster cf. planci. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7 (3). pp. 627-630.
Rueger, Theresa, Harrison, Hugo B., Jones, Geoffrey P., Mansour, Hicham, and Berumen, Michael L. (2015) Resolving genealogical relationships in the Pyjama cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera (Apogonidae) with 23 novel microsatellite markers. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7 (3). pp. 623-626.
Momigliano, Paolo, Harcourt, Robert, Robbins, William D., and Stow, Adam (2015) Connectivity in grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) determined using empirical and simulated genetic data. Scientific Reports, 5. 13229.
Van den Broeck, Frederik, Maes, Gregory E., Larmuseau, Maarten H.D., Rollinson, David, Sy, Ibrahima, Faye, Djibril, Volckaert, Filip A.M., Polman, Katja, and Huyse, Tine (2015) Reconstructing colonization dynamics of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni following anthropogenic environmental changes in northwest Senegal. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (8). e0003998. pp. 1-21.
Trapnell, Dorset W., Beasley, Rochelle R., Lance, Stacey L., Field, Ashley, and Jones, Kenneth L. (2015) Characterization of microsatellite loci for an Australian epiphytic orchid, Dendrobium calamiforme, using illumina sequencing. Applications in Plant Sciences, 3 (6). 1500016. pp. 1-4.
Hodge, Jennifer, and Bellwood, David R. (2015) On the relationship between species age and geographical range in reef fishes: are widespread species older than they seem? Global Ecology and Biogeography , 24 (4). pp. 495-505.
Gainsford, A., Van Herwerden, L., and Jones, G.P. (2015) Hierarchical behaviour, habitat use and species size differences shape evolutionary outcomes of hybridization in a coral reef fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28 (1). pp. 205-222.
Chapman, Phoebe A., Cribb, Thomas H., Blair, David, Traub, Rebecca J., Kyaw-Tanner, Myat T., Flint, Mark, and Mills, Paul C. (2015) Molecular analysis of the genera Hapalotrema Looss, 1899 and Learedius Price, 1934 (Digenea: Spirorchiidae) reveals potential cryptic species, with comments on the validity of the genus Learedius. Systematic Parasitology, 90 (1). pp. 67-79.
Salles, Océane C., Maynard, Jeffrey A., Joannides, Marc, Barbu, Corentin M., Saenz-Agudelo, Pablo, Almany, Glenn R., Berumen, Michael L., Thorrold, Simon R., Jones, Geoffrey P., and Planes, Serge (2015) Coral reef fish populations can persist without immigration. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 282 (1819). pp. 1-9.
Hill, Erin, Ingram, Brett A., Rourke, Meaghan, Mitchell, John, and Strugnell, Jan M. (2015) Genetic diversity and population structure of the threatened freshwater catfish, Tandanus tandanus, in Victoria, Australia. Conservation Genetics, 16 (2). pp. 317-329.
Nguyen, Thao T.B., Arimatsu, Yuji, Hong, Sung-Jong, Brindley, Paul J., Blair, David, Laha, Thewarach, and Sripa, Banchob (2015) Genome-wide characterization of microsatellites and marker development in the carcinogenic liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis. Parasitology Research, 114 (6). pp. 2263-2272.
Yin, Mingbo, Li, Hongyan, McManus, Donald P., Blair, David, Su, Jing, Yang, Zhong, Xu, Bin, Feng, Zheng, and Hu, Wei (2015) Geographical genetic structure of Schistosoma japonicum revealed by analysis of mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers. Parasites & Vectors, 8 (150). pp. 1-9.
Saenz-agudelo, Pablo, Jones, Geoffrey P., Thorrold, Simon R., and Planes, Serge (2015) Mothers matter: contribution to local replenishment is linked to female size, mate replacement and fecundity in a fish metapopulation. Marine Biology, 162 (1). pp. 3-14.
van der Meer, M.H., Berumen, M.L., Hobbs, J.-P.A., and van Herwerden, L. (2015) Population connectivity and the effectiveness of marine protected areas to protect vulnerable, exploited and endemic coral reef fishes at an endemic hotspot. Coral Reefs, 34 (2). pp. 393-402.
Oellermann, Michael, Strugnell, Jan M., Lieb, Bernhard, and Mark, Felix C. (2015) Positive selection in octopus haemocyanin indicates functional links to temperature adaptation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15 (133). pp. 1-18.
Saenz-Agudelo, Pablo, Dibattista, Joseph D., Piatek, Marek J., Gaither, Michelle R., Harrison, Hugo B., Nanninga, Gerrit B., and Berumen, Michael L. (2015) Seascape genetics along environmental gradients in the Arabian Peninsula: insights from ddRAD sequencing of anemonefishes. Molecular Ecology, 24 (24). pp. 6241-6255.
Ovenden, J.R., Macbeth, G.M., Pope, L., Thuesen, P., Street, R., and Broderick, D. (2015) Translocation between freshwater catchments has facilitated the spread of tilapia in eastern Australia. Biological Invasions, 17 (2). pp. 637-650.
Vilas, Román, Vandamme, Sara G., Vera, Manuel, Bouza, Carmen, Maes, Gregory E., Volckaert, Filip A.P., and Martínez, Paulino (2015) A genome scan for candidate genes involved in the adaptation of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Marine Genomics, 23. pp. 77-86.
Justine, Jean-Lou, Winsor, Leigh, Barriére, Patrick, Fanai, Crispus, Gey, Delphine, Han, Andrew Wee Kien, La Quay-Velázquez, Giomara, Lee, Benjamin Paul Yi-Hann, Lefevre, Jean-Marc, Meyer, Jean-Yves, Philippart, David, Robinson, David G., Thévenot, Jessica, and Tsatsia, Francis (2015) The invasive land planarian Platydemus manokwari (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae): records from six new localities, including the first in the USA. PeerJ, 3. e1037. pp. 1-20.
van Oppen, Madeleine J.H ., Lukoschek, Vimoksalehi, Berkelmans, Ray, Peplow, Lesa M., and Jones, Alison M. (2015) A population genetic assessment of coral recovery on highly disturbed reefs of the Keppel Island archipelago in the southern Great Barrier Reef. PeerJ, 3. e1092. pp. 1-17.
Trieu, Nancy, Cutmore, Scott C., Miller, Terrence L., and Cribb, Thomas H. (2015) A species pair of Bivesicula Yamaguti, 1934 (Trematoda: Bivesiculidae) in unrelated Great Barrier Reef fishes: implications for the basis of speciation in coral reef fish trematodes. Systematic Parasitology, 91 (3). pp. 231-239.
Li, Juan, Chen, Fen, Sugiyama, Hiromu, Blair, David, Lin, Rui-Qing, and Zhu, Xing-Quan (2015) A specific indel marker for the Philippines Schistosoma japonicum revealed by analysis of mitochondrial genome sequences. Parasitology Research, 114 (7). pp. 2697-2704.
Harrison, Hugo B., Feldheim, Kevin A., Jones, Geoffrey P., Mansour, Hicham, Perumal, Sadhasivam, Williamson, David H., and Berumen, Michael L. (2014) Validation of microsatellite multiplexes for parentage analysis in a coral reef fish (Lutjanus carponotatus, Lutjanidae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 6 (4). pp. 803-806.
Hodge, Jennifer R., Van Herwerden, Lynne , and Bellwood, David R. (2014) Temporal evolution of coral reef fishes: global patterns and disparity in isolated locations. Journal of Biogeography, 41 (11). pp. 2115-2127.
Simpson, Stephen D., Harrison, Hugo B., Claereboudt, Michel R., and Planes, Serge (2014) Long-distance dispersal via ocean currents connects Omani clownfish populations throughout entire species range. PLoS ONE, 9 (9). e107610. pp. 1-7.
Van Dijk, Kor-Jent, Mellors, Jane, and Waycott, Michelle (2014) Development of multiplex microsatellite PCR panels for the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii (Hydrocharitaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 2 (11). 1400078. pp. 1-5.
Montanari, Stefano R., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., Pratchett, Morgan S., Bay, Line K., and Van Herwerden, Lynne (2014) Does genetic distance between parental species influence outcomes of hybridization among coral reef butterflyfishes? Molecular Ecology, 23 (11). pp. 2757-2770.
Bentley, B.P., Harvey, E.S., Newman, S.J., Welch, D.J., Smith, A.K., and Kennington, W.J. (2014) Local genetic patchiness but no regional differences between Indo-West Pacific populations of the dogtooth tuna Gymnosarda unicolor. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 506. pp. 267-277.
Pontasch, S., Scott, A., Hill, R., Bridge, T., Fisher, P.L., and Davy, S.K. (2014) Symbiodinium diversity in the sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor on the east Australian coast. Coral Reefs, 33 (2). pp. 537-542.
Harrison, Hugo B., Feldheim, Kevin A., Jones, Geoffrey P., Ma, Kayan, Mansour, Hicham, Perumal, Sadhasivan, Williamson, David H., and Berumen, Michael L. (2014) Validation of microsatellite multiplexes for parentage analysis and species discrimination in two hybridizing species of coral reef fish (Plectropomus spp., Serranidae). Ecology and Evolution, 4 (11). pp. 2046-2057.
Jackson, Jennifer A., Steel, Debbie J., Beerli, P., Congdon, Bradley C., Olavarría, Carlos, Leslie, Matthew S., Pomilla, Cristina, Rosenbaum, Howard, and Baker, C. Scott (2014) Global diversity and oceanic divergence of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 281 (1786). 20133222. pp. 1-10.
Pujolar, J.M., Jacobsen, M.W., Als, T.D., Frydenberg, J., Munch, K., Jónsson, B., Jian, J.B., Cheng, L., Maes, G.E., Bernatchez, L., and Hansen, M.M. (2014) Genome-wide single-generation signatures of local selection in the panmictic European eel. Molecular Ecology, 23 (10). pp. 2514-2528.
Lo, Eugenia Y.Y., Duke, Norman C., and Sun, Mei (2014) Phylogeographic pattern of Rhizophora (Rhizophoraceae) reveals the importance of both vicariance and long-distance oceanic dispersal to modern mangrove distribution. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14. 83. pp. 1-15.
Tang, Lei, Smith-Keune, Carolyn, Gardner, Michael G., and Hardesty, Britta Denise (2014) Development, characterisation and cross-species amplification of 16 novel microsatellite markers for the endangered Black-throated Finch (Poephila cincta) in Australia. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6 (1). pp. 143-146.
Eldridge, Mark D.B., Potter, Sally, Johnson, Christopher N., and Ritchie, Euan G. (2014) Differing impact of a major biogeographic barrier on genetic structure in two large kangaroos from the monsoon tropics of Northern Australia. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (5). pp. 554-567.
Strugnell, Jan M., Norman, Mark D., Vecchione, Michael, Guzik, Michelle, and Allcock, A. Louise (2014) The ink sac clouds octopod evolutionary history. Hydrobiologia, 725 (1). pp. 215-235.
Vandamme, S.G., Maes, G.E., Raeymaekers, J.A.M., Cottenie, K., Imsland, A.K., Hellemans, B., Lacroix, G., Mac Aoidh, E., Martinsohn, J.T., Martínez, P., Robbens, J., Vilas, R., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2014) Regional environmental pressure influences population differentiation in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Molecular Ecology, 23 (3). pp. 618-636.
Blair, David, McMahon, Adrian, McDonald, Brenda, Tikel, Daniela, Waycott, Michelle, and Marsh, Helene (2014) Pleistocene sea level fluctuations and the phylogeography of the dugong in Australian waters. Marine Mammal Science, 30 (1). pp. 104-121.
von der Heyden, Sophie, Beger, Maria, Toonen, Robert J., van Herwerden, Lynne, Juinio-Meñez, Marie Antonette, Ravago-Gotanco, Rachel, Fauvelot, Cecile, and Bernardi, Giacomo (2014) The application of genetics to marine management and conservation: examples from the Indo-Pacific. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90 (1). pp. 123-158.
Amor, Michael D., Norman, Mark D., Cameron, Hayley E., and Strugnell, Jan M. (2014) Allopatric speciation within a cryptic species complex of Australasian octopuses. PLoS ONE, 9 (6). e98982. pp. 1-13.
Pujolar, J.M., Jacobsen, M.W., Als, T.D., Frydenberg, J., Magnussen, E., Jónsson, B., Jiang, X., Cheng, L., Bekkevold, D., Maes, G.E., Bernatchez, L., and Hansen, M.M. (2014) Assessing patterns of hybridization between North Atlantic eels using diagnostic single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Heredity, 112. pp. 627-637.
Ramos, Jorge E., Pecl, Gretta T., Moltschaniwskyj, Natalie A., Strugnell, Jan M., Leon, Rafael I., and Semmens, Jayson M. (2014) Body size, growth and life span: implications for the polewards range shift of Octopus tetricus in South-Eastern Australia. PLoS ONE, 9 (8). e10348. pp. 1-9.
Farrington, Lachlan W., Lintermans, Mark, and Ebner, Brendan C. (2014) Characterising genetic diversity and effective population size in one reservoir and two riverine populations of the threatened Macquarie perch. Conservation Genetics, 15 (3). pp. 707-716.
Heslewood, Margaret M., Lowe, Andrew J., Crayn, Darren M., and Rossetto, Maurizio (2014) Contrasting levels of connectivity and localised persistence characterise the latitudinal distribution of a wind-dispersed rainforest canopy tree. Genetica, 142. pp. 251-264.
Silva, Catarina N.S., and Gardner, Jonathan P.A. (2014) Development and characterisation of 12 microsatellite markers for the New Zealand endemic scallop Pecten novaezelandiae. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6 (2). pp. 327-328.
Ferrira, Ines M., Kasuya, Toshio, Marsh, Helene, and Best, Peter B. (2014) False killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) from Japan and South Africa: differences in growth and reproduction. Marine Mammal Science, 30 (1). pp. 64-84.
Todd, Erica V., Blair, David, and Jerry, Dean R. (2014) Influence of drainage divides versus arid corridors on genetic structure and demography of a widespread freshwater turtle, Emydura macquarii krefftii, from Australia. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (5). pp. 606-622.
Van Der Meer, Sascha, Van Houdt, Jeroen K.J., Maes, Gregory E., Hellemans, Bart, and Jacquemyn, Hans (2014) Microsatellite primers for the Gynodioecious grassland perennial Saxifraga granulata(Saxifragaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 2 (9). 1400040. pp. 1-3.
Todd, Erica V., Blair, David, Farley, Sharon, Farrington, Lachlan, FitzSimmons, Nancy N., Georges, Arthur, Limpus, Colin J., and Jerry, Dean R. (2013) Contemporary genetic structure reflects historical drainage isolation in an Australian snapping turtle, Elseya albagula. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 169 (1). pp. 200-214.
Hodge, Jennifer R., Read, Charmaine I., Bellwood, David R., and van Herwerden, Lynne (2013) Evolution of sympatric species: a case study of the coral reef fish genus Pomacanthus (Pomacanthidae). Journal of Biogeography, 40 (9). pp. 1676-1687.
Montanari, Stefano R., Gardner, Michael G., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., Pratchett, Morgan S., Bay, Line K., and van Herwerden, Lynne (2013) Isolation and characterization of twenty microsatellite markers for the study of hybridization in butterflyfish of the genus Chaetodon. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5 (3). pp. 783-786.
Horne, John B., Momigliano, Paolo, van Herwerden, Lynne, and Newman, Stephen J. (2013) Murky waters: searching for structure in genetically depauperate blue threadfin populations of Western Australia. Fisheries Research, 146. pp. 1-6.
Newton, James R., Zenger, Kyall R., and Jerry, Dean R. (2013) Next-generation transcriptome profiling reveals insights into genetic factors contributing to growth differences and temperature adaptation in Australian populations of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Marine Genomics, 11. pp. 45-52.
Hardy, Olivier J., Born, Céline, Budde, Katarina, Daïnou, Kasso, Dauby, Gilles, Duminil, Jérôme, Ewédjé, Eben-Ezer B.K., Gomez, Céline, Heuertz, Myriam, Koffi, Guillaume K., Lowe, Andrew J., Micheneau, Claire, Ndiade-Bourobou, Dyana, Piñeiro, Rosalía, and Poncet, Valérie (2013) Comparative phylogeography of African rain forest trees: a review of genetic signatures of vegetation history in the Guineo-Congolian region. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 345 (7-8). pp. 284-296.
Pujolar, J.M., Jacobsen, M.W., Frydenberg, J., Als, T.D., Larsen, P.F., Maes, G.E., Zane, L., Jian, J.B., Cheng, L., and Hansen, M.M. (2013) A resource of genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms generated by RAD tag sequencing in the critically endangered European eel. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13 (4). pp. 706-714.
van der Meer, Martin H., Gardner, Michael G., Berumen, Michael L., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., and Van Herwerden, Lynne (2013) Identification of seventeen microsatellite loci for conservation genetic studies of the endemic wrasse Coris bulbifrons. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5 (2). pp. 363-366.
van der Meer, Martin H., Horne, John B., Gardner, Michael G., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., Pratchett, Morgan, and van Herwerden, Lynne (2013) Limited contemporary gene flow and high self-replenishment drives peripheral isolation in an endemic coral reef fish. Ecology and Evolution, 3 (6). pp. 1653-1666.
Winkelmann, Inger, Campos, Paula F., Strugnell, Jan, Cherel, Yves, Smith, Peter J., Kubodera, Tsunemi, Allcock, Louise, Kampmann, Marie-Louise, Schroeder, Hannes, Guerra, Angel, Norman, Mark, Finn, Julian, Ingrao, Debra, Clarke, Malcolm, and Gilbert, M. Thomas P. (2013) Mitochondrial genome diversity and population structure of the giant squid Architeuthis: genetics sheds new light on one of the most enigmatic marine species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: biological sciences, 280 (1759). 20130273. pp. 1-9.
Pujolar, J.M., Milan, M., Marino, I.A.M., Capoccioni, F., Ciccotti, E., Belpaire, C., Covaci, A., Malarvannan, G., Patarnello, T., Bargelloni, L., Zane, L., and Maes, G.E. (2013) Detecting genome-wide gene transcription profiles associated with high pollution burden in the critically endangered European eel. Aquatic Toxicology, 132-133. pp. 157-164.
Granados-Cifuentes, Camila, Bellantuono, Anthony J., Ridgway, Tyrone, Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, and Rodriguez-Lanetty, Mauricio (2013) High natural gene expression variation in the reef-building coral Acropora millepora: potential for acclimative and adaptive plasticity. BMC Genomics, 14. 228. pp. 1-12.
Mac Aoidh, Eoin, Martinsohn, Jann Th., Maes, Gregory E., Cariani, Alessia, and Nielsen, Einar E. (2013) Exploring geovisualization symbology for landscape genetics. Transactions in GIS, 17 (2). pp. 267-281.
Diopere, Eveline, Hellemans, Bart, Volckaert, Filip A.M., and Maes, Gregory E. (2013) Identification and validation of single nucleotide polymorphisms in growth- and maturation-related candidate genes in sole (Solea solea L.). Marine Genomics, 9. pp. 33-38.
Xiao, Ning, Remais, Justin V., Brindley, Paul J., Qiu, Dong-Chuan, Carlton, Elizabeth J., Li, Rong-Zhi, Lei, Yang, and Blair, David (2013) Approaches to genotyping individual miracidia of Schistosoma japonicum. Parasitology Research, 112 (12). pp. 3991-3999.
Bentley, B.P, Harvey, E.S., Newman, S.J., Welch, D.J, Smith, A.K., and Kennington, W.J. (2013) Characterization of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the dogtooth tuna Gymnosarda unicolor. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5 (3). pp. 693-695.
Hobbs, Jean-Paul, van Herwerden, Lynne, Jerry, Dean R., Jones, Geoffrey P., and Munday, Philip L. (2013) High genetic diversity in geographically remote populations of endemic and widespread coral reef angelfishes (genus: Centropyge). Diversity, 5 (1). pp. 39-50.
Morgan, Erin M.J., Green, Bridget S., Murphy, Nicholas P., and Strugnell, Jan M. (2013) Investigation of genetic structure between deep and shallow populations of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii in Tasmania, Australia. PLoS One, 8 (10). e77978. pp. 1-10.
Smith, Timothy M., York, Paul, Stanley, Annalise M., Macreadie, Peter, Keough, Michael J., Ross, D. Jeff, and Sherman, Craig D.H. (2013) Microsatellite primer development for the seagrass Zostera nigricaulis (Zosteraceae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5 (3). pp. 607-610.
Sotowa, Masahiro, Ootsuka, Kenta, Kobayashi, Yuu, Hao, Yin, Tanaka, Katsunori, Ichitani, Katsuyuki, Flowers, Jonathan M., Purugganan, Michael D., Nakamura, Ikuo, Sato, Yo-Ichiro, Sato, Tadashi, Crayn, Darren, Simon, Bryan, Waters, Daniel L. E., Henry, Robert J., and Ishikawa, Ryuji (2013) Molecular relationships between Australian annual wild rice, Oryza meridionalis, and two related perennial forms. Rice, 6. 26. pp. 1-18.
Sanpool, Oranuch, Intapan, Pewpan M., Thanchomnang, Tongjit, Janwan, Penchom, Nawa, Yukifumi, Blair, David, and Maleewong, Wanchai (2013) Molecular variation in the Paragonimus heterotremus complex in Thailand and Myanmar. Korean Journal of Parasitology, 51 (6). pp. 677-681.
Horne, John B., van Herwerden, Lynne, Abellana, Sheena, and Mcilwain, Jennifer L. (2013) Observations of migrant exchange and mixing in a coral reef fish metapopulation link scales of marine population connectivity. Journal of Heredity, 104 (4). pp. 532-546.
Anderson, Kylie L., and Congdon, Bradley C. (2013) Population genetics suggest that multiple invasion processes need to be addressed in the management plan of a plant disease vector. Evolutionary Applications, 6 (4). pp. 660-672.
Kolomyjec, Stephen H., Grant, Tom R., Johnson, Christopher N., and Blair, David (2013) Regional population structuring and conservation units in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). Australian Journal of Zoology, 61 (5). pp. 378-385.
Faria, Vicente V., Mcdavitt, Matthew T., Charvet, Patricia, Wiley, Tonya R., Simpfendorfer, Colin A., and Naylor, Gavin J.P. (2013) Species delineation and global population structure of Critically Endangered sawfishes (Pristidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 167 (1). pp. 136-164.
Yan, Hong-Bin, Wang, Xing-Ye, Lou, Zhong-Zi, Li, Li, Blair, David, Yin, Hong, Cai, Jin-Zhong, Dai, Xue-Ling, Lei, Meng-Tong, Zhu, Xing-Quan, Cai, Xue-Peng, and Jia, Wan-Zhong (2013) The mitochondrial genome of Paramphistomum cervi (Digenea), the first representative for the family Paramphistomidae. PLoS ONE, 8 (8). e71300. pp. 1-8.
Torda, Gergely, Schmidt-Roach, Sebastian, Peplow, Lesa M., Lundgren, Petra, and van Oppen, Madeleine J.H. (2013) A rapid genetic assay for the identification of the most common Pocillopora damicornis genetic lineages on the Great Barrier Reef. PLoS One, 8 (3). e58447. pp. 1-5.
Van de Putte, Anton P., Janko, Karel, Kasparova, Eva, Maes, Gregory E., Rock, Jennifer, Koubbi, Philippe, Volckaert, Filip A.M., Choleva, Lukas, Fraser, Keiron P.P., Smykla, Jerzy, Van Houdt, Jeroen K.J., and Marshall, Craig (2012) Comparative phylogeography of three trematomid fishes reveals contrasting genetic structure patterns in benthic and pelagic species. Marine Genomics, 8. pp. 23-34.
Helyar, Sarah J., Limborg, Morten T., Bekkevold, Dorte, Babbucci, Massimiliano, van Houdt, Jeroen, Maes, Gregory E., Bargelloni, Luca, Nielsen, Rasmus O., Taylor, Martin I., Ogden, Rob, Cariani, Alessia, Carvalho, Gary R., Consortium, FishPopTrace, and Panitz, Frank (2012) SNP discovery using next generation transcriptomic sequencing in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). PLoS ONE, 7 (8). e42089. pp. 1-11.
Harrison, Hugo B., Williamson, David H., Evans, Richard D., Almany, Glenn R., Thorrold, Simon R., Russ, Garry R., Feldheim, Kevin A., van Herwerden, Lynne, Planes, Serge, Srinivasan, Maya, Berumen, Michael L., and Jones, Geoffrey P. (2012) Larval export from marine reserves and the recruitment benefit for fish and fisheries. Current Biology, 22 (11). pp. 1023-1028.
Lukoschek, Vimoksalehi, and Shine, Richard (2012) Sea snakes rarely venture far from home. Ecology and Evolution, 2 (6). pp. 1113-1121.
Nielsen, Einar E., Cariani, Alessia, Aoidh, Eion Mac, Maes, Gregory E., Milano, Ilaria, Ogden, Rob, Taylor, Martin, Hemmer-Hansen, Jakob, Babbucci, Massimiliano, Bargelloni, Luca, Bekkevold, Dorte, Diopere, Eveline, Grenfell, Leonie, Helyar, Sarah, Limborg, Morten T., Martinsohn, Jann T., McEwing, Ross, Panitz, Frank, Patarnello, Tomaso, Tinti, Fausto, Van Houdt, Jeroen K.J., Volckaert, Filip A.M., Waples, Robin S., FishPop Trace Consortium, and Carvalho, Gary R. (2012) Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification. Nature Communications, 3 (5). 851. pp. 1-6.
Buston, Peter M., Jones, Geoffrey P., Planes, Serge, and Thorrold, Simon R. (2012) Probability of successful larval dispersal declines fivefold over 1 km in a coral reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 279 (1735). pp. 1883-1888.
Hoskin, Conrad J. (2012) Two new frog species (Microhylidae: Cophixalus) from the Australian Wet Tropics region, and redescription of Cophixalus ornatus. Zootaxa, 3271. pp. 1-16.
Horne, John B., Momigliano, Paolo, Welch, David J., Newman, Stephen J., and Van Herwerden, Lynne (2012) Searching for common threads in threadfins: phylogeography of Australian polynemids in space and time. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 449. pp. 263-276.
Lukoschek, Vimoksalehi, and Avise, John C. (2012) Development of eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci for the sea snake Emydocephalus annulatus (Elapidae: Hydrophiinae) and cross-species amplification for seven species in the sister genus Aipysurus. Conservation Genetics Resources, 4 (1). pp. 11-14.
Reynolds, Laura K., Waycott, Michelle, McGlathery, Karen J., Orth, Robert J., and Zieman, Joseph C. (2012) Eelgrass restoration by seed maintains genetic diversity: case study from a coastal bay system. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 448. pp. 223-233.
Cuveliers, E.L., Larmuseau, M.H.D., Hellemans, B., Verherstraeten, S.L.N.A., Volckaert, F.A.M., and Maes, G.E. (2012) Multi-marker estimate of genetic connectivity of sole (Solea solea) in the North-East Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology, 159 (6). pp. 1239-1253.
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Borsboom, Adrian C., Couper, Patrick J., Amey, Andrew, and Hoskin, Conrad J. (2010) Distribution and population genetic structure of the critically endangered skink Nangura spinosa, and the implications for management. Australian Journal of Zoology, 58 (6). pp. 369-375.
Collins, Martin A., Laptikhovsky, Vladimir, and Strugnell, Jan M. (2010) Expanded description of Opisthoteuthis hardyi based on new specimens from the Patagonian slope. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90 (3). pp. 605-611.
Farnsworth, Claire A, Bellwood, David, and Van Herwerden, Lynne (2010) Genetic structure across the GBR: evidence from short-lived gobies. Marine Biology, 157 (5). pp. 945-953.
Neaves, L.E., Zenger, K.R., Cooper, D.W., and Eldridge, M.D.B. (2010) Molecular detection of hybridization between sympatric kangaroo species in south-eastern Australia. Heredity, 104. pp. 502-512.
Edmunds, Richard C., Van Herwerden, Lynne, and Fulton, Christopher J. (2010) Population-specific locomotor phenotypes are displayed by barramundi, Lates calcarifer, in response to thermal stress. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 67 (7). pp. 1068-1074.
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Zhou, Tian-Hua, Zhao, Gui-Fang, Li, Shan, and Qian, Zeng-Qiang (2009) Characterization of EST-derived microsatellite loci in Saruma henryi Oliv., an endangered Chinese endemic herb. Conservation Genetics, 1 (1). pp. 67-70.
Dong, Shan-Shan, Huang, Xuan, Qian, Zeng-Qiang, Zhou, Tian-Hua, Li, Shan, and Zhao, Gui-Fang (2009) Isolation and characterization of 14 dinucleotide microsatellite loci in the endangered herb Saruma henryi Oliv. (Aristolochiaceae). Conservation Genetics, 1 (1). pp. 221-224.
Bay, Line, Howells, Emily J., and van Oppen, Madeleine J.H. (2009) Isolation, characterisation and cross amplification of thirteen microsatellite loci for coral endo-symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium clade C). Conservation Genetics Resources, 1 (1). pp. 199-203.
Miller, David J., and Ball, Eldon E. (2009) The gene complement of the ancestral bilaterian: was Urbilateria a monster? Journal of Biology, 8. 89. pp. 1-4.
Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, Almany, Glenn R., De Arruda, Maurício P., Arthofer, Wolfgang, Atallah, Z.K., Beissinger, Steven R., Berumen, Michael L., Bogdanowicz, S.M., Brown, S.D., Bruford, Michael W., Burdine, C., Busch, Jeremiah W., Campbell, Nathan R., Carey, D., Carstens, Bryan C., Chu, K.H., Cubeta, Marc A., Cuda, J.P., Cui, Zhaoxia, Datnoff, L.E., Dávila, J.A., Davis, Emily S., Davis, R.M., Diekmann, Onno E., Eizirik, Eduardo, Fargallo, J.A., Fernandes, Fabiano, Fukuda, Hideo, Gale, L.R., Gallagher, Elizabeth, Gao, Yongqiang, Girard, Philippe, Godhe, Anna, Gonçalves, Evonnildo C., Gouveia, Licinia, Grajczyk, Amber M., Grose, M.J., Gu, Zhifeng, Halldén, Christer, Härnström, Karolina, Hemmingsen, Amanda H., Holmes, Gerald, Huang, C.H., Huang, Chuan-chin, Hudman, S.P., Jones, Geoffrey P., Kanetis, Loukas, Karunasagar, Iddya, Karunasagar, Indrani, Keyghobadi, Nusha, Klosterman, S.J., Klug, Page E., Koch, J., Koopman, Margaret M., Köppler, Kirsten, Koshimizu, Eriko, Krumböck, Susanne, Kubisiak, T., Landis, J.B., Lasta, Mario L., Lee, Chow-Yang, Li, Qianqian, Li, Shou-Hsien, Lin, Rong-Chien, Liu, M., Liu, Na, Liu, W.C., Liu, Yuan, Loiseau, A., Luan, Weisha, Maruthachalam, K.K., McCormick, Helen M., Mellick, Rohan, Monnahan, P.J., Morielle-Versute, Eliana, Murray, Tomás E., Narum, Shawn R., Neufeld, Katie, De Nova, P.J.G., Ojiambo, Peter S., Okamoto, Nobuaki, Othman, Ahmad Sofiman, Overholt, W.A., Pardini, Renata, Paterson, Ian G., Patty, Olivia A., Paxton, Robert J., Planes, Serge, Porter, Carolyn, Pratchett, Morgan S., Püttker, Thomas, Rasic, Gordana, Rasool, Bilal, Rey, O., Riegler, Markus, Riehl, C., Roberts, John M.K., Roberts, P.D., Rochel, Elisabeth, Roe, Kevin J., Rossetto, Maurizio, Ruzzante, Daniel E., Sakamoto, Takashi, Saravanan, V., Sarturi, Cladinara Roberts, Schmidt, Anke, Schneider, Maria Paula Cruz, Schuler, Hannes, Serb, Jeanne M., Serrão, Ester T.A., Shi, Yaohua, Silva, Artur, Sin, Y.W., Sommer, Simone, Stauffer, Christian, Strüssmann, Carlos Augusto, Subbarao, K.V., Syms, Craig, Tan, Feng, Tejedor, Eugenio Daniel, Thorrold, Simon R., Trigiano, Robert N., Trucco, María I., Tsuchiya-Jerep, Mirian Tienko Nunes, Vergara, P., van de Vliet, Mirjam S., Wadl, Phillip A., Wang, Aimin, Wang, Hongxia, Wang, R.X., Wang, Xinwang, Wang, Yan, Weeks, Andrew R., Wei, Fuwen, Werner, William J., Wiley, E.O., Williams, D.A., Wilkins, Richard J., Wisely, Samantha M., With, Kimberly A., Wu, Danhua, Yao, Cheng-Te, Yau, Cynthia, Yeap, Beng-Keok, Zhai, Bao-Ping, Zhan, Xiangjiang, Zhang, Guo-Yan, Zhang, S.Y., Zhao, Ru, and Zhu, Lifeng (2009) Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 May 2009–31 July 2009. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9 (6). pp. 1460-1466.
van Herwerden, Lynne, Aspden, William J., Newman, Stephen J., Pegg, Graham G., Briskey, Leica, and Sinclair, William (2009) A comparison of the population genetics of Lethrinus miniatus and Lutjanus sebae from the east and west coasts of Australia: evidence for panmixia and isolation. Fisheries Research, 100 (2). pp. 148-155.
Cowman, Peter F., Bellwood, David R., and van Herwerden, Lynne (2009) Dating the evolutionary origins of wrasse lineages (Labridae) and the rise of trophic novelty on coral reefs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52 (3). pp. 621-631.
Kool, Johnathan T. (2009) An object-oriented, individual-based approach for simulating the dynamics of genes in subdivided populations. Ecological Informatics, 4 (3). pp. 136-146.
Neaves, Linda E., Zenger, Kyall R., Prince, Robert I.T., Eldridge, Mark D.B., and Cooper, Desmond W. (2009) Landscape discontinuities influence gene flow and genetic structure in a large, vagile Australian mammal, Macropus fuliginosus. Molecular Ecology, 18 (16). pp. 3363-3378.
van Herwerden, Lynne, Choat, J. Howard, Newman, Stephen J., Leray, Mattieu, and Hillersoy, Grethe (2009) Complex patterns of population structure and recruitment of Plectropomus leopardus (Pisces: Epinephelidae) in the Indo-West Pacific: implications for fisheries management. Marine Biology, 156 (8). pp. 1595-1607.
McPherson, Hannah, Porter, Carolyn, Rymer, Paul D., Crayn, Darren M., and Rossetto, Maurizio (2009) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from Tetratheca ericifolia (Elaeocarpaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 8 (4). pp. 867-869.
Jiang, Ling-Yan, Qian, Zeng-Qiang, Guo, Zhi-Gang, Wang, Chong, and Zhao, Gui-Fang (2009) Polyploid origins in Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Cucurbitaceae) inferred from multiple gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52 (1). pp. 183-191.
Boyle, M.C., FitzSimmons, N.N., Limpus, C.J., Kelez, S., Velez-Zuazo, X., and Waycott, M. (2009) Evidence for transoceanic migrations by loggerhead sea turtles in the southern Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 276 (1664). pp. 1993-1999.
Li, Miao-Miao, Cai, Yu-Liang, Qian, Zeng-Qiang, and Zhao, Gui-Fang (2009) Genetic diversity and differentiation in Chinese sour cherry Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl., and its implications for conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 56 (4). pp. 455-464.
Maes, G.E., van Vo, B., Crivelli, A.J., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2009) Morphological and genetic seasonal dynamics of European eel Anguilla anguilla recruitment in southern France. Journal of Fish Biology, 74 (9). pp. 2047-2068.
Cuveliers, E.L., Bolle, L.J., Volckaert, F.A.M., and Maes, G.E. (2009) Influence of DNA isolation from historical otoliths on nuclear–mitochondrial marker amplification and age determination in an overexploited fish, the common sole (Solea solea L.). Molecular Ecology Resources, 9 (3). pp. 725-732.
James, Timothy Y., Litvintseva, Anastasia P., Vilgalys, Rytas, Morgan, Jess A.T., Taylor, John W., Fisher, Matthew C., Berger, Lee, Weldon, Ché, du Preez, Louis, and Longcore, Joyce E. (2009) Rapid global expansion of the fungal disease chytridiomycosis into declining and healthy amphibian populations. PLoS Pathogens, 5 (5). - .
Saenz-Agudelo, P., Jones, G.P., Thorrold, S.R., and Planes, S. (2009) Estimating connectivity in marine populations: an empirical evaluation of assignment tests and parentage analysis under different gene flow scenarios. Molecular Ecology, 18 (8). pp. 1765-1776.
Theissinger, Kathrin, FitzSimmons, N.N., Limpus, C.J., Parmenter, C.J., and Phillott, A.D. (2009) Mating system, multiple paternity and effective population size in the endemic flatback turtle (Natator depressus) in Australia. Conservation Genetics, 10 (2). pp. 329-346.
Holsbeek, G., Maes, G.E., De Meester, L., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2009) Conservation of the introgressed European water frog complex using molecular tools. Molecular Ecology, 18 (6). pp. 1071-1087.
Nkouawa, Agathe, Okamoto, Munehiro, Mabou, Alida Kouojip, Edinga, Eulodie, Yamasaki, Hiroshi, Sako, Yasuhito, Nakao, Minoru, Nakaya, Kazuhiro, Blair, David, Agatsuma, Takeshi, Enyong, Peter, Shibahara, Toshiyuki, Moyou-Somo, Roger, and Ito, Akira (2009) Paragonimiasis in Cameroon: molecular identification, serodiagnosis and clinical manifestations. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 103 (3). pp. 255-261.
Nakajima, Yuichi, Nishikawa, Akira, Iguchi, Akira, and Sakai, Kazuhiko (2009) Novel and cross-species amplifiable microsatellite markers in two Acroporaspecies. Plankton & Benthos Research, 4 (1). pp. 38-41.
Pujolar, J.M., Maes, G.E., Van Houdt, J.K.J., and Zane, L. (2009) Isolation and characterization of expressed sequence tag-linked microsatellite loci for the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Molecular Ecology Resources, 9 (1). pp. 233-235.
Puill-Stephan, Eneour, Willis, Bette L., van Herwerden, Lynne, and van Oppen, Madeleine JH (2009) Chimerism in wild adult populations of the broadcast spawning coral Acropora millepora on the Great Barrier Reef. PLoS ONE, 4 (1). p. 7751.
Edmunds, Richard C., van Herwerden, Lynne, Smith-Keune, Carolyn, and Jerry, Dean R. (2009) Comparative characterization of a temperature responsive gene (lactate dehydrogenase-B, ldh-b) in two congeneric tropical fish, Lates calcarifer and Lates niloticus. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 5 (6). pp. 558-569.
Horne, John B., McIlwain, Jennifer L., and Van Herwerden, Lynne (2009) Isolation of 15 new polymorphic microsatellite markers from the blue-spine unicornfish Naso unicornis. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2. pp. 1-4.
Strugnell, Jan M., Allcock, A. Louise, and Watts, Phillip C. (2009) Microsatellite loci from the endemic Southern Ocean octopus Adelieledone polymorpha (Robson, 1930). Molecular Ecology Resources, 9 (3). pp. 1068-1070.
Kolomyjec, Stephen H., Chong, Josephine Y.T., Blair, David, Gongora, Jaime, Grant, Tom R., Johnson, Christopher N., and Moran, Chris (2009) Population genetics of the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): a fine-scale look at adjacent river systems. Australian Journal of Zoology, 57 (3 & 4). pp. 225-234.
Rossetto, M., Crayn, D., Ford, A., Mellick, R., and Sommerville, K. (2009) The influence of environment and life-history traits on the distribution of genes and individuals: a comparative study of 11 rainforest trees. Molecular Ecology, 18. pp. 1422-1438.
Strugnell, Jan M., Allcock, A. Louise, and Watts, Phillip C. (2009) A panel of microsatellite loci from two species of octopus, Pareledone turqueti (Joubin, 1905) and Pareledone charcoti (Joubin, 1905). Molecular Ecology Resources, 9 (4). pp. 1239-1242.
Huyse, Tine, Maes, Gregory E., Geldof, Sarah, Vereecken, Kim, Djibril, Djibril, Rollinson, David, Webster, Bonnie L., and Polman, Katja (2008) High genetic diversity in Schistosoma mansoni in the Senegal River Basin: a population genetic analysis 20 years after the epidemic outbreak. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 79 (6 Suppl). pp. 86-87.
Yin, Mingbo, Hu, Wei, Mo, Xiaojin, Wang, Shengyue, Brindley, Paul J., McManus, Donald P., Davis, George M., Feng, Zheng, and Blair, David (2008) Multiple near-identical genotypes of Schistosoma japonicum can occur in snails and have implications for population-genetic analyses. International Journal for Parasitology, 38 (14). pp. 1681-1691.
Horne, John B., van Herwerden, Lynne, Choat, J. Howard, and Robertson, D.R. (2008) High population connectivity across the Indo-Pacific: congruent lack of phylogeographic structure in three reef fish congeners. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49 (2). pp. 629-638.
Bay, Line K., Caley, M. Julian, and Crozier, Ross H. (2008) Meta-population structure in a coral reef fish demonstrated by genetic data on patterns of migration, extinction and re-colonisation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8. .
Wang, Chong, Zhang, Hao, Qian, Zeng-Qiang, and Zhao, Gui-Fang (2008) Genetic differentiation in endangered Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino based on ISSR polymorphism and its implications for conservation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36 (9). pp. 699-705.
Shoo, L.P., Rose, R., Doughty, P., Austin, J.J., and Melville, J. (2008) Diversification patterns of pebble-mimic dragons are consistent with historical disruption of important habitat corridors in arid Australia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 48 (2). pp. 528-542.
Qian, Zengqiang, Xu, Li, Wang, Yi-Ling, Yang, Juan, and Zhao, Gui-fang (2008) Ecological genetics of Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. population in the oasis–desert ecotone in Fukang, Xinjiang, and its implications for molecular evolution. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36 (8). pp. 593-601.
Raeymaekers, Joost A.M., Maes, Gregory E., Geldof, Sarah, Hontis, Ingrid, Nackaerts, Kris, and Volckaert, Filip A.M. (2008) Modeling genetic connectivity in sticklebacks as a guideline for river restoration. Evolutionary Applications, 1 (3). pp. 475-488.
Steiner, Florian M., Arthofer, Wolfgang, Schlick-Steiner, Birgit C., Crozier, Rossiter H., and Stauffer, Christian (2008) Twenty four new microsatellite markers in two invasive pavement ants, Tetramorium sp.E and T. tsushimae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Conservation Genetics, 9 (3). pp. 757-759.
Jerry, Dean R. (2008) Phylogeography of the freshwater catfish Tandanus tandanus (Plotosidae): a model species to understand evolution of the eastern Australian freshwater fish fauna. Marine and Freshwater Research, 59 (4). pp. 351-360.
Litow, Bruce, and Konovalov, Dmitry (2008) Phenotype space and kinship assignment for the Simpson index. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 42 (2). pp. 323-333.
de la Torre , Amanda, López, Cesar, Yglesias, Eliana, and Cornelius, Jonathan P. (2008) Genetic (AFLP) diversity of nine Cedrela odorata populations in Madre de Dios, southern Peruvian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management, 255 (2). pp. 334-339.
Richards, Zoe T., Beger, Maria, Pinca, Silvia, and Wallace, Carden C. (2008) Bikini Atoll coral biodiversity resilience five decades after nuclear testing. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56 (3). pp. 503-515.
Peck, Darren R., Bancroft, Wesley J. , and Congdon, Bradley C. (2008) Morphological and molecular variation within an ocean basin in wedge-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus). Marine Biology, 153 (6). pp. 1113-1125.
Crozier, Ross H. (2008) Advanced eusociality, kin selection and male haploidy. Australian Journal of Entomology, 47 (1). pp. 2-8.
Evans, R.D. (2008) Assessment of an underwater biopsy probe for collecting teleost fish tissue samples. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 368. pp. 305-308.
Allcock, A. Louise, Strugnell, Jan M., and Johnson, Mark P. (2008) How useful are the recommended counts and indices in the systematics of the Octopodidae (Mollusca : Cephalopoda). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 95 (1). pp. 205-218.
Strugnell, J.M., Collins, M.A., and Allcock, A.L. (2008) Molecular evolutionary relationships of the octopodid genus Thaumeledone (Cephalopoda : Octopodidae) from the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science, 20 (3). pp. 245-251.
Melville, Jane, Shoo, Luke P., and Doughty, Paul (2008) Phylogenetic relationships of the heath dragons (Rankinia adelaidensis and R. parviceps) from the south-western Australian biodiversity hotspot. Australian Journal of Zoology, 56 (3). pp. 159-171.
George, Anna L., Caldieraro, John B., Chartrand, Kathryn M., and Mayden, Richard L. (2008) Population genetics of the blue shiner, Cyprinella caerulea. Southeastern Naturalist, 7 (4). pp. 637-650.
Anseeuw, Dieter, Maes, Gregory E., Busselen, Paul, Knapen, Dries, Snoeks, Jos, and Verheyen, Erik (2008) Subtle population structure and male-biased dispersal in two Copadichromis species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, East Africa. Hydrobiologia, 615 (1). pp. 69-79.
Kolomyjec, Stephen H., Grant, Tom R., and Blair, David (2008) Ten polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8 (5). pp. 1133-1135.
Peterson, Eric L., Beger, Maria, and Richards, Zoe T. (2008) Thinking outside the reef. Science, 319 (5871). p. 1759.
Lukoschek, Vimoksalehi, and Chilvers, B. Louise (2008) A robust baseline for bottlenose dolphin abundance in coastal Moreton Bay: a large carnivore living in a region of escalating anthropogenic impacts. Wildlife Research, 35 (7). pp. 593-605.
Steiner, Florian M., Schlick-Steiner, Birgit C., Moder, Karl, Stauffer, Christian, Arthofer, Wolfgang, Buschinger, Alfred, Espadaler, Xavier, Christian, Erhard, Einfinger, Katrin, Lorbeer, Eberhard, Schafellner, Christa, Ayasse, Manfred, and Crozier, Ross H. (2007) Abandoning aggression but maintaining self-nonself discrimination as a first stage in ant supercolony formation. Current Biology, 17 (21). pp. 1903-1907.
Koetz, Anna H., Westcott, David A., and Congdon, Bradley C. (2007) Geographical variation in song frequency and structure: the effects of vicariant isolation, habitat type and body size. Animal Behaviour, 74 (5). pp. 1573-1583.
Bay, Line K., Crozier, Y. Ching, and Crozier, Ross H. (2007) Isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite loci in the mangrove mud-nesting ant, Polyrhachis sokolova. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7 (6). pp. 1239-1241.
Hoskin, Conrad J., and McCallum, Hamish (2007) Phylogeography of the parasitic fly Batrachomyia in the Wet Tropics of north-east Australia, and susceptibility of host frog lineages in a mosaic contact zone. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 92 (3). pp. 593-603.
Kassahn, Karin S., Crozier, Ross H., Ward, Alister C., Stone, Glenn, and Caley, M. Julian (2007) From transcriptome to biological function: environmental stress in an ectothermic vertebrate, the coral reef fish Pomacentrus moluccensis. BMC Genomics, 8 (358). pp. 1-16.
Thompson, Graham J., Lenz, Michael, Crozier, Ross H., and Crespi, Bernard J. (2007) Molecular-genetic analyses of dispersal and breeding behaviour in the Australian termite Coptotermes lacteus: evidence for non-random mating in a swarm-dispersal mating system. Australian Journal of Zoology, 55 (4). pp. 219-227.
Arthofer, Wolfgang, Schlick-Steiner, Birgit C., Steiner, Florian M., Avtzis, Dimitrios N., Crozier, Ross H., and Stauffer, Christian (2007) Lessons from a beetle and an ant: coping with taxon-dependent differences in microsatellite development success. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 65 (3). pp. 304-307.
Munkres, Katherine P., Bay, Line K., Jerry, Dean R., McCormick, Mark I., and van Herwerden, Lynne (2007) Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for parentage analyses of the coral reef damselfish (Pomacentrus amboinensis: Pomacentridae). Conservation Genetics, 8 (4). pp. 987-990.
Fox, Samantha, Waycott, Michelle, and Dunshea, Glenn (2007) Isolation and characterisation of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the vulnerable spectacled flying fox, Pteropus conspicillatus. Conservation Genetics, 8 (4). pp. 1013-1016.
Lukoschek, V., Waycott, M., and Marsh, H. (2007) Phylogeography of the olive sea snake, Aipysurus laevis (Hydrophiinae) indicates Pleistocene range expansion around northern Australia but low contemporary gene flow. Molecular Ecology, 16 (16). pp. 3406-3422.
Bergman, Martin, Gotthard, Karl, Berger, David, Olofsson, Martin, Kemp, Darrell J., and Wiklund, Christer (2007) Mating success of resident versus non-resident males in a territorial butterfly. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 274 (1618). pp. 1659-1665.
Rossetto, Maurizio, Crayn, Darren, Ford, Andrew, Ridgeway, Peter, and Rymer, Paul (2007) The comparative study of range-wide genetic structure across related, co-distributed rainforest trees reveals contrasting evolutionary histories. Australian Journal of Botany, 55 (4). pp. 416-424.
Endo, Tetsuya, Yong-Un, Ma, Baker, C. Scott, Funahashi, Naoko, Lavery, Shane, Dalebout, Merel L., Lukoschek, Vimoksalehi, and Haraguchi, Koichi (2007) Contamination level of mercury in red meat products from cetaceans available from South Korea markets. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54 (6). pp. 669-677.
Lukoschek, V., Heatwole, H., Grech, A., Burns, G., and Marsh, H. (2007) Distribution of two species of sea snakes, Aipysurus laevis and Emydocephalus annulatus, in the southern Great Barrier Reef: metapopulation dynamics, marine protected areas and conservation. Coral Reefs, 26 (2). pp. 291-307.
Steiner, F.M., Arthofer, W., Schlick-Steiner, B.C., Crozier, R.H., and Stauffer, C. (2007) Eleven microsatellite loci in the sociobiologically enigmatic ant Lasius austriacus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7 (3). pp. 498-500.
Patterson, Heather M., and Swearer, Stephen E. (2007) Long-distance dispersal and local retention of larvae as mechanisms of recruitment in an island population of a coral reef fish. Austral Ecology, 32 (2). pp. 122-130.
Webley, Lee S., Zenger, Kyall R., Hall, Graham P., and Cooper, Desmond W. (2007) Genetic structure of introduced European fallow deer (Dama dama dama) in Tasmania, Australia. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 53 (1). pp. 40-46.
Atkinson, Lynn, Adams, Eldridge S., and Crozier, Ross H. (2007) Microsatellite markers for the polygamous termite Nasutitermes corniger (Isoptera: Termitidae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7 (2). pp. 299-301.
Klanten, Selma, Choat, J. Howard, and van Herwerden, Lynne (2007) Extreme genetic diversity and temporal rather than spatial partitioning in a widely distributed coral reef fish. Marine Biology, 150 (4). pp. 659-670.
Crozier, Y. Ching, Jia, Xiao Cheng, Yao, Jin Yan, Field, Ashley R., Cook, James M., and Crozier, Ross H. (2007) Microsatellite primers for Ficus racemosa and Ficus rubiginosa. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7 (1). pp. 57-59.
Van Dijk, Jent Kornelis, Waycott, Michelle, van Tussenbroek, Brigitta I., and Ouborg, Joop (2007) Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Caribbean seagrass Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7 (1). pp. 89-91.
Maes, Gregory E., and Volckaert, Filip A.M. (2007) Challenges for genetic research in European eel management. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64 (7). pp. 1463-1471.
Pujolar, J.M., Maes, G.E., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2007) Genetic and morphometric heterogeneity among recruits of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Bulletin of Marine Science, 81 (2). pp. 297-308.
Allcock, A.L., Strugnell, J.M., Prodöhl, P., Piatkowski, U., and Vecchione, M. (2007) A new species of Pareledone (Cephalopoda : Octopodidae) from Antarctic Peninsula Waters. Polar Biology, 30 (7). pp. 883-893.
Smith-Keune, C., Jerry, D.R., Evans, B.S., McCormick, M.I., Munday, P.L., and Jones, G.P. (2006) Development and characterization of eight new microsatellite markers for the haremic sandperch, Parapercis cylindrica (family Pinguipedidae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 6 (4). pp. 1036-1038.
Macdonald, Anna J., Sankovic, Natasha, Sarr, Stephen D., Fitzsimmons, Nancy N., Wakefield, Matthew J., Marshall Graves, Jennifer A., and Zenger, Kyall R. (2006) Y chromosome microsatellite markers identified from the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) and their amplification in three other macropod species. Molecular Ecology, 6 (4). pp. 1202-1204.
van Herwerden, L., Choat, J.H., Dudgeon, C.L., Carlos, G., Newman, S.J., Frisch, A., and van Oppen, M. (2006) Contrasting patterns of genetic structure in two species of the coral trout Plectropomus (Serranidae) from east and west Australia: introgressive hybridisation or ancestral polymorphisms. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 41 (2). pp. 420-435.
Gray, Melissa M., Hoskin, Conrad J., and Bardeleben, Carolyne (2006) Isolation of polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the green-eyed tree frog (Litoria genimaculata). Molecular Ecology Notes, 6 (3). pp. 859-861.
Bardeleben, Carolyne, Gray, Melissa M., and Hoskin, Conrad J. (2006) Isolation of polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the ornate nursery frog Cophixalus ornatus. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6 (3). pp. 888-890.
Smith-Keune, Carolyn, and van Oppen, Madeleine (2006) Genetic structure of a reef-building coral from thermally distinct environments on the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 25 (3). pp. 495-502.
Blair, D., Waycott, M., Byrne, L., Dunshea, G., Smith-Keune, C., and Neil, K.M. (2006) Molecular discrimination of Perna (Mollusca: Bivalvia) species using the polymerase chain reaction and species-specific mitochondrial primers. Marine Biotechnology, 8 (4). pp. 380-385.
Bay, L.K., Crozier, R.H., and Caley, M.J. (2006) The relationship between population genetic structure and pelagic larval duration in coral reef fishes on the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Biology, 149 (5). pp. 1247-1256.
van Herwerden, Lynne, McIlwain, Jenny, Al-Oufi, Hamed, Al-Amry, Wahida, and Reyes, Alejandro (2006) Development and application of microsatellite markers for Scomberomorus commerson (Perciformes; Teleostei) to a population genetic study of Arabian Peninsula stocks. Fisheries Research, 79 (3). pp. 258-266.
Maes, Gregory E., Pujolar, J.M., Hellemans, B., and Volckaert, Filip A.M. (2006) Evidence for isolation by time in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). Molecular Ecology, 15 (8). pp. 2095-2107.
Schlüns, E.A., Neumann, P., Schluns, H., Hepburn, H.R., and Moritz, R.F.A. (2006) Nestmate recognition and genetic variability among individuals from nests of the queenless ponerine ant, Streblognathus aethiopicus Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). African Entomology, 14 (1). pp. 95-102.
van Herwerden, L., and Doherty, P.J. (2006) Contrasting genetic structures across two hybrid zones of a tropical reef fish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus (Bleeker 1855). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19 (1). pp. 239-252.
Pujolar, J.M., Maes, G.E., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2006) Genetic patchiness among recruits in the European eel Anguilla anguilla. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 307. pp. 209-217.
So, N., Maes, G.E., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2006) High genetic diversity in cryptic populations of the migratory sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus in the Mekong River. Heredity, 96. pp. 166-174.
So, Nam, Maes, Gregory E., and Volckaert, Filip A.M. (2006) Intra-annual genetic variation in the downstream larval drift of sutchi catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) in the Mekong river. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 89 (4). pp. 719-728.
Stow, Adam, Zenger, Kyall, Briscoe, David, Gillings, Michael, Peddemors, Victor, Otway, Nicholas, and Harcourt, Robert (2006) Isolation and genetic diversity of endangered grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) populations. Biology Letters, 2 (2). pp. 308-311.
Hoolihan, John P., Anandh, Prem, and van Herwerden, Lynne (2006) Mitochondrial DNA analyses of narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) suggest a single genetic stock in the ROPME sea area (Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and Arabian Sea). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63 (6). pp. 1066-1074.
Allcock, A.L., Strugnell, J.M., Ruggiero, H., and Collins, M.A. (2006) Redescription of the deep-sea octopod Benthoctopus normani (Massy 1907) and a description of a new species from the Northeast Atlantic. Marine Biology Research, 2 (6). pp. 372-387.
Zenger, Kyall R., Stow, Adam J., Peddemors, Victor, Briscoe, David A., and Harcourt, Robert G. (2006) Widespread utility of highly informative AFLP molecular markers across divergent shark species. Journal of Heredity, 97 (6). pp. 607-611.
Lukoschek, Vimoksalehi, Waycott, Michelle, and Dunshea, Glenn (2005) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the Australasian sea snake, Aipysurus laevis. Molecular Ecology Resources, 5 (4). pp. 879-881.
van Ginneken, Vincent J.T., and Maes, Gregory (2005) The European eel (Anguilla anguilla, Linnaeus), its lifecycle, evolution and reproduction: a literature review. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 15 (4). pp. 367-398.
Hoskin, Conrad J., Higgie, Megan, McDonald, Keith R., and Moritz, Craig (2005) Reinforcement drives rapid allopatric speciation. Nature, 437. pp. 1353-1356.
Friesen, V.L., Birt, T.P., Piatt, J.F., Golightly, R., Newman, S.H., Hebert, P.N., Congdon, B.C., and Gissing, G. (2005) Population genetic structure and conservation of marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus). Conservation Genetics, 6 (4). pp. 607-614.
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Keeney, D.B., Heupel, M.R., Hueter, R.E., and Heist, E.J. (2005) Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses of the genetic structure of blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) nurseries in the northwestern Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Molecular Ecology, 14 (7). pp. 1911-1923.
Dannewitz, Johan, Maes, Gregory E., Johansson, Leif, Wickström, Håkan, Volckaert, Filip A.M., and Järvi, Torbjörn (2005) Panmixia in the European eel: a matter of time... Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 272 (1568). pp. 1129-1137.
Maes, G.E., Raeymaekers, J.A.M., Pampoulie, C., Seynaeve, A., Goemans, G., Belpaire, C., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2005) The catadromous European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) as a model for freshwater evolutionary ecotoxicology: relationship between heavy metal bioaccumulation, condition and genetic variability. Aquatic Toxicology, 73 (1). pp. 99-114.
Raeymaekers, J.A.M., Maes, G.E., Audenaert, E., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2005) Detecting Holocene divergence in the anadromous-freshwater three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) system. Molecular Ecology, 14 (4). pp. 1001-1014.
Zenger, Kyall R., Eldridge, Mark D.B., and Johnston, Peter G. (2005) Phylogenetics, population structure and genetic diversity of the endangered southern brown bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus) in south-eastern Australia. Conservation Genetics, 6 (2). pp. 193-204.
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Henshaw, Michael T., Kunzmann, Nicole, Vanderwoude, Cas, Sanetra, Matthias, and Crozier, Ross H. (2005) Population genetics and history of the introduced fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology, 44 (1). pp. 37-44.
Pye, Matthew G., and Gadek, Paul A. (2004) Genetic diversity, differentiation and conservation in Araucaria bidwillii (Araucariaceae), Australia's Bunya pine. Conservation Genetics, 5 (5). pp. 619-629.
Webley, L. S., Zenger, K. R., English, A. W., and Cooper, D. W. (2004) Low levels of genetic variation within introduced Javan rusa deer (Cervus timorensis russa) in Australia. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 50 (3). pp. 137-140.
Eldridge, M.D.B., Kinnear, J.E., Zenger, K.R., McKenzie, L.M., and Spencer, P.B.S. (2004) Genetic diversity in remnant mainland and "pristine"’ island populations of three endemic Australian macropodids (Marsupialia): Macropus eugenii, Lagorchestes hirsutus and Petrogale lateralis. Conservation Genetics, 5 (3). pp. 325-338.
Pérez-Barbería, F.J., Elston, D.A., Gordon, I.J., and Illius, A.W. (2004) The evolution of phylogenetic differences in the efficiency of digestion in ruminants. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 271 (1543). pp. 1081-1090.
van Oppen, MJ.H., Koolmees, E.M., and Veron, J.E.N. (2004) Patterns of evolution in the scleractinian coral genus Montipora (Acroporidae). Marine Biology, 144 (1). pp. 9-18.
Coronel, J.S., Maes, G.E., Claus, S., Van Damme, P.A., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2004) Differential population history in the migratory catfishes Brachyplatystoma flavicans and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum(Pimelodidae) from the Bolivian Amazon assessed with nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers. Journal of Fish Biology, 65 (3). pp. 859-868.
Pampoulie, C., Gysels, E.S., Maes, G.E., Hellemans, B., Leentjes, V., Jones, A.G., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2004) Evidence for fine-scale genetic structure and estuarine colonisation in a potential high gene flow marine goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). Heredity, 92. pp. 434-445.
Eldridge, Mark D.B., Rummery, Catherine, Bray, Cherylin, Zenger, Kyall R., Browning, Teena L., and Close, Robert L. (2004) Genetic analysis of a population crash in brush-tailed rock-wallabies (Petrogale penicillata) from Jenolan Caves, south-eastern Australia. Wildlife Research, 31 (3). pp. 229-240.
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Ulstrup, K.E., and Van Oppen, M.J.H. (2003) Geographic and habitat partitioning of genetically distinct zooxanthellea (Symbiodinium) in Acropora corals on the Great Barrier Reef. Molecular Ecology, 12 (12). pp. 3477-3484.
Benzie, John A.H., Smith, Carolyn, and Sugama, Ketut (2003) Mitochondrial DNA reveals genetic differentiation between Australian and Indonesian pearl oyster Pinctada maxima (Jameson 1901) populations. Journal of Shellfish Research, 22 (3). pp. 781-787.
Zenger, Kyall R., Eldridge, Mark D.B., and Johnston, Peter G. (2003) A rapid PCR-RFLP diagnostic test for distinguishing sympatric bandicoot species (Marsupialia: Peramelidae) in southeastern Australia. Conservation Genetics, 4 (5). pp. 655-657.
Zenger, K.R., Eldridge, M.D.B., and Cooper, D.W. (2003) Intraspecific variation, sex-biased dispersal and phylogeography of the eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus). Heredity, 91 (2). pp. 153-162.
Maes, G.E., Van Houdt, J.K.J., De Charleroy, D., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2003) Indications for a recent Holarctic expansion of pike based on a preliminary study of mtDNA variation. Journal of Fish Biology, 63 (1). pp. 254-259.
Goodisman, Michael A.D., and Crozier, Rossiter H. (2003) Association between caste and genotype in the termite Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt (Isoptera: Mastotermitidae). Australian Journal of Entomology, 42 (1). pp. 1-5.
Zenger, K.R., Richardson, B.J., and Vachot-Griffin, A-M. (2003) A rapid population expansion retains genetic diversity within European rabbits in Australia. Molecular Ecology, 12 (3). pp. 789-794.
Zenger, K.R., Eldridge, M.D.B., Pope, L.C., and Cooper, D.W. (2003) Characterisation and cross-species utility of microsatellite markers within kangaroos, wallabies and rat kangaroos (Macropodoidea: Marsupialia). Australian Journal of Zoology, 51 (6). pp. 587-596.
Miller, David J., and van Oppen, Madeleine J.H. (2003) A 'fair go' for coral hybridization. Molecular Ecology, 12 (4). pp. 805-807.
Pérez-Barbería, F.J., Gordon, I.J., and Pagel, M. (2002) The origins of sexual dimorphism in body size in ungulates. Evolution, 56 (6). pp. 1276-1285.
Phillips, S., Zenger, K.R., and Richardson, B.J. (2002) Are Sydney rabbits different? Australian Zoologist, 32 (1). pp. 49-55.
Duke, Norman C., Lo, Eugenia Yuk Ying, and Sun, Mei (2002) Global distribution and genetic discontinuities of mangroves: emerging patterns in the evolution of Rhizophora. Trees, 16 (2). pp. 65-79.
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Maes, G.E., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2002) Clinal genetic variation and isolation by distance in the European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 77 (4). pp. 509-521.
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Van Herwerden, Lynne, Benzie, John, Peplow, Lesa, and Davies, Campbell (2001) Microsatellite markers for coral trout (Plectropomus laevis) and red throat emperor (Lethrinus miniatus) and their utility in other species of reef fish. Molecular Ecology, 9 (11). pp. 1929-1931.
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Zenger, K.R., and Cooper, D.W. (2001) Characterization of 14 macropod microsatellite genetic markers. Animal Genetics, 32 (3). pp. 166-167.
Goodisman, Michael D., Matthews, Robert W., and Crozier, Ross H. (2001) Hierarchical genetic structure of the introduced wasp Vespula germanica in Australia. Molecular Ecology, 10 (6). pp. 1423-1432.
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Crozier, Ross H., and Fjerdingstad, Else J. (2001) Polyandry in social Hymenoptera — disunity in diversity? Annales Zoologici Fennici, 38 (3-4). pp. 267-285.
Medrano-González, L., Baker, C.S., Robles-Saavedra, M.R., Murrell, J., Vázquez-Cuevas, M.J., Congdon, B.C, Straley, J.M., Calambokidis, J., Urbán-Ramírez, J., Flórez-González, L., Olavarria-Barrera, C., Aguayo-Lobo, A., Nolasco-Soto, J., Juárez-Salas, R.A., and Villavicencio-Llamosas, K. (2001) Trans-oceanic population genetic structure of humpback whales in the north and south pacific. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 47 (2). pp. 465-479.
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Thompson, G.J., Lenz, M., and Crozier, R.H. (2000) Microsatellites in the subterranean, mound-building termite Coptotermes lacteus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 9 (11). pp. 1932-1934.
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Book Chapter
Fox, Samantha, Waycott, Michelle, Blair, David, and Luly, Jon (2012) Regional genetic differentiation in the spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus Gould). In: Haberle, Simon G/, and David, Bruno, (eds.) Peopled Landscapes: archaeological and biogeographic approaches to landscapes. Terra Australia, 34 . ANU E Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 459-472.
Martinshohn, J.T., Geffen, A.J., Maes, G.E., Nielsen, E.E., Ogden, R., Waples, R.S., and Carvalho, G.R. (2011) Tracing fish and fish products from ocean to fork using advanced molecular technologies. In: Hoorfar, J., Jordan, K., Butler, F., and Prugger, R., (eds.) Food Chain Integrity: a holistic approach to food traceability, safety, quality and authenticity. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food, Science, Technology and Nutrition . Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK, pp. 259-282.
Luly, J.G., Blair, David, Parsons, Jennifer G., Fox, Samantha, and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2010) Last Glacial Maximum habitat change and its effects on the grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus Temminck 1825). In: Haberle, Simon G., Stevenson, Janelle, and Prebble, Matthew, (eds.) Altered Ecologies: fire, climate and human influence on terrestrial landscapes. Terra Australis, 32 . ANU E Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 83-100.
Maes, Gregory E., Pujolar, Marti, and Volckaert, Filip (2009) Evolutionary consequences of eel migration. In: van den Thillart, Guido, Dufour, Sylvie, and Rankin, J. Cliff, (eds.) Spawning Migration of the European Eel: reproduction index, a useful tool for conservation management. Fish and Fisheries Series, 30 . Springer, pp. 401-432.
Conference Item
Tang, Lei (2011) Conservation and landscape genetics of the Black-throated Finch (Peophila cincta). In: Abstracts from Earth and Environmental Sciences in the Tropics: SEES research student conference. 1- 1. From: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Research Student Conference, 29 November- 2 December 2011, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
van Oppen, M.J.H., Wörheide, G., and Takabayashi, M. (2000) Nuclear markers in evolutionary and population genetic studies of scleractinian corals and sponges. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium (1) pp. 131-138. From: 9th International Coral Reef Symposium: World Coral Reefs in the New Millenium, 23-27 October 2000, Bali, Indonesia.
McKnight, Donald T. (2019) Life finds a way: the recovery of frog populations from a chytridiomycosis outbreak. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Montanari, Stefano R. (2018) Causes and consequences of natural hybridisation among coral reef butterflyfishes (Chaetodon: Chaetodontidae). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Pazmiño Jaramillo, Diana Alexandra (2017) Population genomics informs conservation and management of the Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis) at local, regional and oceanic scales. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Tang, Lei Stanley (2016) Conservation genetics of granivorous birds in a heterogeneous landscape: the case of the black-throated finch (Poephila cincta). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Quigley, Kate M. (2016) Genetic and environmental basis for Symbiodinium specificity in the coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Lal, Monal M. (2016) Genetic structure, population connectivity and taxonomic identity of the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), across its Indo-Pacific distribution. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Gainsford, Ashton (2016) A multi-disciplinary evaluation of the hybrid anemonefish Amphiprion leucokranos: behaviour shaping evolutionary outcomes of hybridization. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Jin, Young Koo (2015) Nature or nurture? Testing the correlation between stress tolerance and genotype in the coral Acropora millepora on the Great Barrier Reef. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
van der Meer, Martin H. (2013) Coming, going, gone?: Population connectivity and extinction risk in restricted range coral reef fishes on isolated islands. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Beck, Emadch (2013) Comparative phylogeography of four Indo-Pacific scarine labrids: an insight into the evolutionary patterns of reef fish. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Baba, Yumiko (2013) Evolution, systematics and taxonomy of Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) in Australasia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Warner, Patricia A. (2013) Evolutionary and ecological connectivity at hierarchical scales from sperm to species in the reef-building coral genus Seriatopora. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Todd, Erica V. (2013) Evolutionary biogeography of Australian riverine turtles: Elseya spp. and Emydura macquarii krefftii. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Newton, James Raymond (2013) Investigating the genetics of thermal tolerance and adaptation to temperature amongst populations of Australian barramundi (Lates calcarifer). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Geurts, Katrien An-Sofie (2013) Patching up the divide: population dynamics and genetics of small mammals in a fragmented rainforest landscape. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Puente Lelièvre, Caroline (2013) Systematics and biogeography of the Styphelieae (Epacridoideae, Ericaceae). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Qian, Zengqiang (2012) Evolution of social structure in the ant genus Myrmecia fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Torda, Gergely (2012) Genetic assessment of population structure and the origin of recruits in brooding corals: understanding population connectivity on the Great Barrier Reef on various timescales. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Ferraro, Paul Anthony (2012) A phylogeographic and taxonomic assessment of the squirrel - mahogany glider complex. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Saenz-Agudelo, Pablo (2011) Estimating connectivity in coral reef fish populations: a tool for understanding stability and resilience of marine ecosystems. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Horne, John Barton (2011) Evolutionary and ecological genetic patterns of widespread unicornfishes: investigations of the non-geographic clades phenomenon. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Puill-Stephan, Eneour (2010) Chimerism and allorecognition in the broadcast spawning coral Acropora millepora on the Great Barrier Reef. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Messmer, Vanessa (2010) From genes to ecosystems: patterns, processes and consequences of declining biodiversity in coral reef fish communities. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Kolomyjec, Stephen H. (2010) The history and relationships of northern platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) populations: a molecular approach. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Edmunds, Richard C. (2009) Evidence for thermal adaptation among geographically, genetically and thermally distinct populations of the Australian barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch 1790): a multi-level approach. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Lind, Curtis E. (2009) Population genetics, phylogeography and the effects of aquaculture on genetic diversity of the silver-lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima (Jameson). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Richards, Zoe Trisha (2009) Rarity in the coral genus Acropora: implications for biodiversity conservation. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
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Esparza Salas, Rodrigo (2008) Molecular ecology of the endangered Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
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Williams, Yvette Marlene (2007) Ecological differences between rare and common species of microhylid frogs of the Wet Tropics biogeographic region. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Curley, Belinda G. (2007) Estimating dispersal and population connectivity for temperate reef fishes at multiple spatial scales. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Koetz, Anna Helene (2007) The causes and evolutionary consequences of behavioural, morphological and molecular genetic variation in the Chowchilla, Orthonyx spaldingii. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
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Fox, Samantha (2006) Population structure in the spectacled flying fox, Pteropus conspicillatus: a study of genetic and demographic factors. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
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Lashko, Anna (2004) Population genetic relationships in the roseate tern: globally, regionally and locally. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Ford, Frederick David (2003) Conilurine Rodent Evolution: The role of ecology in modifying evolutionary consequences of environmental change. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
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Márquez, Luis Miguel (2002) Interspecific hybridization in Acropora (Cnidaria: Scleractinia): mechanisms and evolutionary consequences. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
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Oliver, James Kelaway (1987) Aspects of skeletal growth in the Indo-Pacific staghorn coral Acropora formosa. PhD thesis, James Cook University.