Items where Subject is "04 EARTH SCIENCES > 0403 Geology > 040310 Sedimentology"
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- Fields of Research (57778)
- 04 EARTH SCIENCES (1989)
- 0403 Geology (1023)
- 040310 Sedimentology (148)
- 0403 Geology (1023)
- 04 EARTH SCIENCES (1989)
Adkins, Rhonda Michelle (2003) Mid-Permian cyclothem development in the onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Adkins, R.M. (2003) Regressive systems tract cyclicity in shore-zone deposits: sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Lower Permian Tuckfield Member (Poole Sandstone), onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50 (3). pp. 365-376.
Browne, Nicola (2011) A carbonate and terrigenous sediment budget for inshore turbid reefs on the Great Barrier Reef. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Browne, N.K., Smithers, S.G., and Perry, C.T. (2010) Geomorphology and community structure of Middle Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia: an inner-shelf turbid zone reef subject to episodic mortality events. Coral Reefs, 29 (3). pp. 683-689.
Berkeley, Andrew, Perry, Chris, T., and Smithers, Scott G. (2009) Taphonomic signatures and patterns of test degradation on tropical, intertidal benthic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology , 73 (3). pp. 148-163.
Berkeley, A., Perry, C.T., Smithers, S.G., Horton, B.P., and Cundy, , A.B. (2009) Foraminiferal biofacies across mangrove-mudflat environments at Cocoa Creek, north Queensland, Australia. Marine Geology, 263 (1). pp. 64-86.
Berkeley, A. , Perry, C.T. , Smithers, S.G., and Horton, B.P. (2008) The spatial and vertical distribution of living (stained) benthic foraminifera from a tropical, intertidal environment, north Queensland, Australia. Marine Micropaleontology , 69 (2). pp. 240-261.
Beaman, Robin J., Webster, Jody M., and Wust, Raphael A.J. (2008) New evidence for drowned shelf edge reefs in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Geology, 247 (1-2). pp. 17-34.
Berkeley, A., Perry, C.T., Smithers, S.G., Horton, B.P., and Taylor, K.G. (2007) A review of the ecological and taphonomic controls on foraminiferal assemblage development in intertidal environments. Earth-Science Reviews, 83 (3-4). pp. 205-230.
Bowden, Christopher David (2007) Epithermal systems of the Seongsan district, South Korea an investigation on the geological setting and spatial and temporal relationships between high and low sulfidation systems. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Beaman, Robin J., and Harris, Peter J. (2007) Geophysical variables as predictors of megabenthos assemblages from the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. In: Todd, B.J., and Greene, H.G., (eds.) Mapping the seafloor for habitat characterization. Geological Association of Canada special paper ; 47 . Geological Association of Canada, St. Johns, Canada, pp. 247-264.
Beaman, Robin J, and Harris, Peter T (2005) Bioregionalisation of the George V Shelf, East Antarctica. Continental Shelf Research, 25 (14). pp. 1657-1691.
Baker, Timothy, van Achterberg, Esme, Ryan, Chris G., and Lang, James R. (2004) Composition and evolution of ore fluids in a magmatic-hydrothermal skarn deposit. Geology, 32 (2). pp. 117-120.
Beaman, Robin J, and Harris, Peter T (2003) Seafloor morphology and acoustic facies of the George V Land shelf. Deep-sea Research. Part II: topical studies in oceanography, 50 (8-9). pp. 1343-1355.
Bell, T.H., and Chen, A. (2002) The development of spiral-shaped inclusion trails during multiple metamorphism and folding. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20 (4). pp. 397-412.
Beaman, Robin J, Larcombe, Piers, and Carter, Robert M (1994) New evidence for the Holocene sea-level high from the inner shelf, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 64 (4a). pp. 881-885.
Corkeron, Maree (2017) Stromatolite framework builders of a Cryogenian reef. In: [Abstracts from the 33rd International Meeting of Sedimentology]. p. 202. From: 33rd International Meeting of Sedimentology, 10-12 October 2017, Toulouse, France.
Case, George, Weislogel, Amy, and Coffindaffer, Keith (2014) Petrologic evidence for the diagenesis of the Donovan Sand, Citronelle Field, Alabama, and implications for CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery. Environmental Geosciences, 21 (4). pp. 141-159.
Chang, Zhaoshan, Goldfarb, Richard, Blenkinsop, Thomas, Placzek, Christa, Cooke, David, Camuti, Kaylene, and Carranza, John (2013) Abstract Volume, FUTORES Conference: future understanding of tectonics, ores, resources, environment and sustainability. Abstracts from the FUTORES conference: future understanding of tectonics, ores, resources, environment and sustainability, 68 . James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Corral, I., Corbella, M., Canals, À., Griera, A., Gómez-Gras, D., Navarro-Ciurana, D., and Cardellach, E. (2013) Geologic evolution of the Cerro Quema Au-Cu deposit, Azuero Peninsula (Panama). Mineralogical Magazine, 77 (5). p. 918.
Corral, Isaac, Gómez-Gras, David, Griera, Albert, Corbella, Mercè, and Cardellach, Esteve (2013) Sedimentation and volcanism in the Panamanian Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc and fore-arc: new insights from the Azuero peninsula (SW Panama). Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 184 (1-2). pp. 35-45.
Carter, R.M., Larcombe, P., Dye, J.E., Gagan, M.K., and Johnson, D.P. (2009) Long-shelf sediment transport and storm-bed formation by Cyclone Winifred, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Geology, 267 (3). pp. 101-113.
Corkeron, Maree (2008) Deposition and palaeogeography of a glacigenic Neoproterozoic succession in the east Kimberley, Australia. Sedimentary Geology, 204 (3-4). pp. 61-82.
Corkeron, Maree (2007) 'Cap carbonates' and Neoproterozoic glacigenic successions from the Kimberley region, north-west Australia. Sedimentology Online, 54 (4). pp. 871-903.
Carter, R.M. (2005) The status of local “stages” in the New Zealand Pliocene-Pleistocene. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 48 (4). pp. 623-639.
Carter, R.M., Fulthorpe, C.S., and Lu, H. (2004) Canterbury drifts at ocean drilling program site 1119, New Zealand: climatic modulation of southwest Pacific intermediate water flows since 3.9 Ma. Geology, 32 (11). pp. 1005-1008.
Carter, L., Carter, R.M., and McCave, I.N. (2004) Evolution of the sedimentary system beneath the deep Pacific inflow off eastern New Zealand. Marine Geology, 205 (1). pp. 9-27.
Carter, R.M., Gammon, P.R., and Millwood, L. (2004) Glacial-interglacial (MIS 1-10) migrations of the Subtropical Front across ODP Site 1119, Canterbury Bight, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Marine Geology, 205 (1). pp. 29-58.
Carter, R.M., McCave, I.N., and Carter, L. (2004) Leg 181 synthesis: fronts, flows, drifts, volcanoes, and the evolution of the southwestern gateway to the Pacific Ocean, Eastern New Zealand. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: scientific results, 181. pp. 1-111.
Carter, R.M., Abbott, S.T., Graham, I.J., Naish, T.R., and Gammon, P.R. (2002) The middle Pleistocene Merced-2 and -3 sequences from Ocean Beach, San Francisco. Sedimentary Geology, 153 (1-2). pp. 23-41.
Crosdale, Peter J., Sorokin, Anatoly P., Woolfe, Ken J., and MacDonald, David I.M. (2002) Inertinite-rich tertiary coals from the Zeya-Bureya Basin, Far Eastern Russia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 51 (4). pp. 215-235.
Costen, Andrew Richard (1996) The sedimentary, hydrodynamic and turbidity regimes at inner shelf coral reefs, Halifax Bay, Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Honours thesis, James Cook University.
Dirks, Paul H.G.M., Berger, Lee R., Roberts, Eric M., Kramers, Jane D., Hawks, John, Quinney-Randolph, Patrick S., Elliott, Marina, Musiba, Charles M., Churchill, Steven E., de Ruiter, Darryl J., Schmid, Peter, Backwell, Lucinda R., Belyanin, Georgy A., Boshoff, Pedro, Hunter, K. Lindsay, Feuerriegel, Elen M., Gurtov, Alia, Harrison, James du G., Hunter, Rick, Kruger, Ashley, Morris, Hannah, Makhubela, Tebogo V., Peixotto, Becca, and Tucker, Steven (2015) Geological and taphonomic context for the new hominin species Homo naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa. eLife, 4. e09561. pp. 1-37.
Daniell, James, Siwabessy, Justy, Nichol, Scott, and Brooke, Brendan (2015) Insights into environmental drivers of acoustic angular response using a self-organising map and hierarchical clustering. Geo-Marine Letters, 35 (5). pp. 387-403.
Dawson, John L., and Smithers, Scott G. (2014) Carbonate sediment production, transport, and supply to a coral cay at Raine Reef, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia: a facies approach. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84 (11). pp. 1120-1138.
Dawson, John L., Hua, Quan, and Smithers, Scott G. (2012) Benthic foraminifera: their importance to future reef island resilience. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium. 1A_1. pp. 1-7. From: 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 9-13 July 2012, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Dawson, John L., and Smithers, Scott G. (2010) Shoreline and beach volume change between 1967 and 2007 at Raine Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Global and Planetary Change, 72 (3). pp. 141-154.
Dirks, Paul H.G.M., Kibii, Job M., Kuhn, Brian F., Steininger, Christine, Churchill, Steven E., Kramers, Jan D., Pickering, Robyn, Farber, Daniel L., Mériaux, Anne-Sophie, Herries, Andy I.R., King, Geoffrey C.P., and Berger, Lee R. (2010) Geological setting and age of Australopithecus sediba from Southern Africa. Science, 328 (5975). pp. 205-208.
Dalla Pozza, Ramona (2005) A Holocene sand budget for the Seasonally Wet Tropics region of North Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Dunbar, Gavin B., and Dickens, Gerald R. (2003) Late Quaternary shedding of shallow-marine carbonate along a tropical mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf: Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Sedimentology, 50 (6). pp. 1061-1077.
Dunbar, G.B., Dickens, G.R., and Carter, R.M. (2000) Sediment flux across the Great Barrier Reef Shelf to the Queensland Trough over the last 300 ky. Sedimentary Geology, 133 (1-2). pp. 49-92.
Foreman, Brady Z., Roberts, Eric M., Tapanila, Leif, Ratigan, Deirdre, and Sullivan, Patrick (2015) Stable isotope insights into paleoclimatic conditions and alluvial depositional processes in the Kaiparowits Formation (Campanian, south-central Utah, U.S.A.). Cretaceous Research, 56. pp. 180-192.
Forsyth, Anthony John (2013) Beach ridge records of late-Holocene tropical cyclone behaviour. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Faichney, Iain D.E., Webster, Jody M., Clague, David A., Braga, Juan C., Renema, Willem, and Potts, Donald C. (2011) The impact of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition on the composition of submerged reefs of the Maui Nui Complex, Hawaii. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 299 (3-4). pp. 493-506.
Fuentes, M.M.P.B., Dawson, J.L., Smithers, Scott, Hamann, M., and Limpus, C.J. (2010) Sedimentological characteristics of key sea turtle rookeries: potential implications under projected climate change. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61 (4). pp. 464-473.
Francis, Jason M, Dunbar, Gavin B., Dickens, Gerald R., Sutherland, Ian A., and Droxler, André W. (2007) Siliciclastic sediment across the North Queensland margin (Australia): a Holocene perspective on reciprocal versus coeval deposition in tropical mixed siliciclastic-carbonate systems. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 77 (7). pp. 572-586.
Faithful, John, and Finlayson, Wendy (2005) Water quality assessment for sustainable agriculture in the Wet Tropics: a community-assisted approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51 (1-4). pp. 99-112.
Fielding, C.R., Trueman, J.W.H., Dickens, G.R., and Page, M. (2003) Anatomy of the buried Burdekin River channel across the Great Barrier Reef shelf: how does a major river operate on a tropical mixed siliciclastic/carbonate margin during sea level lowstand? Sedimentary Geology, 157 (3-4). pp. 291-301.
Ganesalingam, Dhanya (2013) Consolidation properties of recent dredged mud sediment and insights into the consolidation analysis. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Grant, Katharine Mary (2005) Late Neogene biogenic sedimentation and carbon isotope shifts in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Hilbert-Wolf, Hannah Louise (2016) Integrating paleoseismic studies with geochronology and thermochronology to understand the timing of rifting, volcanism and uplift in the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Hill, Robert V., Roberts, Eric M., Tapanila, Leif, Bouaré, M.L., Sissoko, Famory, and O'Leary, Maureen A. (2015) Multispecies shark feeding in the Trans-Saharan Seaway: evidence from Late Cretaceous dyrosaurid (Crocodyliformes) fossils from northeastern Mali. Palaios, 30 (7). pp. 589-596.
Hilbert-Wolf, Hannah Louise, and Roberts, Eric M. (2015) Giant seismites and megablock uplift in the East African Rift: evidence for Late Pleistocene large magnitude earthquakes. PLoS ONE, 10 (6). e0129051. pp. 1-18.
Henderson, R.A., and Nind, M.A.P. (2014) Pliocene aridity and Neogene landscape evolution recorded by a fluvial sediment system (Campaspe Formation) in northeast Queensland. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 61 (8). pp. 1041-1059.
Holm, R.J., and Bell, D.H. (2013) Sedimentology and structure of the Malvern Hills Coal Mine, Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 56 (1). pp. 39-52.
Hammer, Øyvind, Nakrem, Hans A., Little, Crispin T.S., Hryniewicz, Krzysztof, Sandy, Michael, Hurum, Jørn H., Druckenmiller, Patrick, Knutsen, Espen, and Høyberget, Magne (2011) Hydrocarbon seeps from close to the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, Svalbard. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 306 (1-2). pp. 15-26.
Hancock, Haidi J.L., Dickens, Gerald R., Thomas, Ellen, and Blake, Kevin L. (2007) Reappraisal of early Paleogene CCD curves: foraminiferal assemblages and stable carbon isotopes across the carbonate facies of Perth Abyssal Plain. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96 (5). pp. 925-946.
Hopley, David, Smithers, Scott G., and Parnell, Kevin E. (2007) The Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef: development, diversity and change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Hearty, Paul J., Karner, Daniel B., Renne, Paul R., Olson, Storrs L., and Fletcher, Siobhan (2005) 40Ar/39Ar age of a young rejuvenation basalt flow: implications for the duration of volcanism and the timing of carbonate platform development during the Quaternary on Kaua'i, Hawaiian Islands. New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 48. pp. 199-211.
Hancock, Haidi Jean Louise (2005) Early Palaeogene planktic foraminiferal assemblages in Australasian sequences: links to past changes in climate and carbon cycling. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Henderson, Robert A. (2004) A mid-Cretaceous association of shell beds and organic-rich shale: bivalve exploitation of a nutrient-rich, anoxic sea-floor environment. Palaios, 19 (2). pp. 156-169.
Harris, Peter T, and Beaman, Robin J (2003) Processes controlling the formation of the Mertz Drift, George Vth continental shelf, East Antarctica: evidence from 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiling and sediment cores. Deep-sea Research. Part II: topical studies in oceanography, 50 (8-9). pp. 1463-1480.
Heap, A.D., Dickens, G.R., Stewart, L.K., and Woolfe, K.J. (2002) Holocene storage of siliciclastic sediment around islands on the middle shelf of the Great Barrier Reef Platform, north-east Australia. Sedimentology, 49 (3). pp. 603-621.
Hearty, Paul J., Tormey, Blair R., and Neumann, A.Conrad (2002) Discussion of "Palaeoclimatic significance of co-occurring wind and water-induced sedimentary structures in the last-interglacial coastal deposits from Bermuda and the Bahamas" (Kindler and Strasser, 2000, Sedimentary Geology, 131, 1–7). Sedimentary Geology, 147 (3-4). pp. 429-435.
Heap, A.D., Dickens, G.R., and Stewart, L.K. (2001) Late Holocene sediment in Nara Inlet, central Great Barrier Reef platform, Australia: sediment accumulation on the middle shelf of a tropical mixed clastic/carbonate system. Marine Geology, 176 (1-4). pp. 39-54.
Harris, Peter T, Brancolini, Giuliano, Armand, Leanne, Brusetti, Martina, Beaman, Robin J, Giorgetti, Giovanna, Presti, Massimo, and Trincardi, Fabio (2001) Continental shelf drift deposit indicates non-steady state Antarctic bottom water production in the Holocene. Marine Geology, 179 (1-2). pp. 1-8.
Hopley, David (1970) Coastal geomorphology in the Townsville region : a study of the geomorphological evolution of the North Queensland coast between Cape Upstart and Hinchinbrook Island. PhD thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland.
Jadoon, Quaid Khan (2016) Unconventional shale gas reservoir characterization and modelling of the Permian Roseneath and Murteree shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Jinnah, Zubair A., and Roberts, Eric M. (2011) Facies associations, paleoenvironment, and base-level changes in the upper cretaceous Wahweap Formation, Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 81 (4). pp. 266-283.
Kramers, Jan D., and Dirks, Paul H.G.M. (2017) The age of fossil StW573 (‘Little Foot’): reply to comments by Stratford et al. (2017). South African Journal of Science, 113 (7/8).
Kosnik, Matthew A., Kaufman, Darrell S., and Hua, Quan (2008) Identifying outliers and assessing the accuracy of amino acid racemization measurements for geochronology: I. Age calibration curves. Quaternary Geochronology, 3 (4). pp. 308-327.
Kosnik, Matthew A., and Kaufman, Darrell S. (2008) Identifying outliers and assessing the accuracy of amino acid racemization measurements for geochronology: II. Data screening. Quaternary Geochronology, 3 (4). pp. 328-341.
Kench, P.S., Nichol, S.L., Smithers, S.G., Mclean, R.F., and Brander, R.W. (2008) Tsunami as agents of geomorphic change in mid-ocean reef islands. Geomorphology, 95 (3-4). pp. 361-383.
Kosnik, Matthew A., Hua, Quan, Jacobsen, Geraldine E., Kaufman, Darrell S., and Wust, Raphael A. (2007) Sediment mixing and stratigraphic disorder revealed by the age-structure of Tellina shells in Great Barrier Reef sediment. Geology, 35 (9). pp. 811-814.
Kench, Paul S., Nichol, Scott L., McLean, Roger F., Smithers, Scott G., and Brander, Robert W. (2007) Impact of the Sumatran tsunami on the geomorphology and sediments of reef islands: South Maalhosmadulu Atoll, Maldives. Atoll Research Bulletin, 544. pp. 105-134.
Kench, Paul S., McLean, Roger F., Brander, Robert W., Nichol, Scott L., Smithers, Scott G., Ford, Murray R., Parnell, Kevin E., and Aslam, Mohamed (2006) Geological effects of tsunami on mid-ocean atoll islands: the Maldives before and after the Sumatran tsunami. Geology, 34 (3). pp. 177-180.
Kindler, Pascal, and Hearty, Paul J. (2000) Elevated marine terraces from Eleuthera (Bahamas) and Bermuda: sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological evidence for important deglaciation events during the middle Pleistocene. Global and Planetary Change, 24 (1). pp. 41-58.
Land, Marissa (2010) Clay composition and particle size of the Canterbury Drifts - climatic, oceanic, and tectonic change in the SW Pacific. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Lewis, S.E., Sherman, B.S., Bainbridge, Z.T., Brodie, J.E., and Cooper, M. (2009) Modelling and monitoring the sediment trapping efficiency and sediment dynamics of the Burdekin Falls Dam, Queensland, Australia. In: Proceedings of 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. pp. 4022-4028. From: 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 13–17 July 2009, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Lewis, Stephen E., Wust, Raphael A.J., Webster, Jody M., and Shields, Graham A. (2008) Mid-late Holocene sea-level variability in eastern Australia. Terra Nova, 20 (1). pp. 74-81.
Lewis, Stephen Edward (2005) Environmental trends in the GBR lagoon and Burdekin River catchment during the mid-Holocene and since European settlement using Porites coral records, Magnetic Island, QLD. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Lever, Helen (2004) Climate changes and cyclic sedimentation in the mid-late Permian: Kennedy Group, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Gondwana Research, 7 (1). pp. 135-142.
Larcombe, P., and Carter, R.M. (2004) Cyclone pumping, sediment partitioning and the development of the Great Barrier Reef shelf system: a review. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (1-2). pp. 107-135.
Leitch, E.C., Fergusson, C.L., and Henderson, R.A. (2003) Arc to craton provenance switching in a late Palaeozoic subduction complex, Wandilla and Shoalwater terranes, New England Fold Belt, eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50 (6). pp. 919-929.
Larcombe, P. (2001) Holocene Great Barrier Reef: sedimentary controls and implications for environmental management. Geological Society Special Publication, 21. pp. 281-294.
Larcombe, Piers, Fletcher, Chip, Anderson, John, Crook, Keith W,, and Kaminsky, George (2000) Coastal sedimentary research examines critical issues of national and global priority. EOS, 81 (17). pp. 181-183.
Lambeck, A., and Woolfe, K.J. (2000) Composition and textural variability along the 10 m isobath, Great Barrier Reef: Evidence for pervasive northward sediment transport. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47 (2). pp. 327-335.
Makhubela, Tebogo V., Kramers, J.D., Scherler, D., Wittmann, H., Dirks, P.H.G.M., and Winkler, S.R. (2017) Cosmogenic 10BE and 26AL studies of the rising star site, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa: mystery of the true denudation rates. In: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with programs (49) From: 129th Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 22-25 October 2017, Seattle, WA, USA.
Mtelela, Cassy (2016) Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the late Cenozoic lake beds succession, Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Muller, Joanne, Wüst, Raphael A.J., and Hearty, Paul J. (2006) Sediment transport along an artificial shoreline: "The Strand", Townsville, NE-Queensland, Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 66 (1-2). pp. 204-210.
Muller, Joanne (2006) Reconstructing climate change of the last 55 kyr: the Lynch's Crater peat mire record, NE-QLD, Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
McKergow, Lucy A., Prosser, Ian P., Hughes, Andrew O., and Brodie, Jon (2005) Sources of sediment to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51 (1). pp. 200-211.
Michaelsen, Per (2002) Mass extinction of peat-forming plants and the effect on fluvial styles across the Permian-Triassic boundary, northern Bowen Basin, Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 179 (3-4). pp. 173-188.
Michaelsen, P., and Henderson, R.A. (2000) Sandstone petrofacies expressions of multiphase basinal tectonics and arc magmatism: Permian–Triassic north Bowen Basin, Australia. Sedimentary Geology, 136 (1-2). pp. 113-136.
Michaelsen, Per, and Henderson, Robert A. (2000) Facies relationships and cyclicity of high-latitude, Late Permian coal measures, Bowen Basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 44 (1). pp. 19-48.
Michaelsen, Per, Henderson, Robert A., Crosdale, Peter J., and Mikkelsen, Steen O. (2000) Facies architecture and depositional dynamics of the Upper Permian Rangal Coal Measures, Bowen Basin, Australia. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 70 (4). pp. 879-895.
Nott, Jonathan, Smithers, Scott, Walsh, Kevin, and Rhodes, Ed (2009) Sand beach ridges record 6000 year history of extreme tropical cyclone activity in northeastern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (15). pp. 1511-1520.
Owusu Agyemang, Prince C. (2018) Mesozoic detrital zircon provenance of Central Africa: implications for Jurassic-Cretaceous tectonics, paleogeography and landscape evolution. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
O'Leary, M.J., Hearty, P.J., and McCulloch, M.T. (2008) Geomorphic evidence of major sea-level fluctuations during marine isotope substage-5e, Cape Cuvier, Western Australia. Geomorphology, 102 (3-4). pp. 595-602.
Orpin, Alan R., Brunskill, G.J., Zagorskis, I., and Woolfe, K.J. (2004) Patterns of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sedimentation adjacent to a large dry-tropics river on the central Great Barrier Reef shelf, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51 (5). pp. 665-683.
Patail, Nuzhat (2014) Mineralogy and geochemistry of sediments on the far northern Great Barrier Reef shelf. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Palmer, S. E., Perry, Chris, Smithers, S.G., and Gulliver, P. (2010) Internal structure and accretionary history of a nearshore, turbid-zone coral reef: Paluma Shoals, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Geology, 276 (1-4). pp. 14-29.
Perry, C.T., and Smithers, S.G. (2010) Evidence for the episodic “turn on” and “turn off” of turbid-zone coral reefs during the late Holocene sea-level highstand. Geology, 38 (2). pp. 119-122.
Placzek, Christa, Quade, Jay, Rech, Jason A., Patchett, P.J., and Pérez de Arce, Carlos (2009) Geochemistry, chronology and stratigraphy of Neogene tuffs of the Central Andean region. Quaternary Geochronology, 4 (1). pp. 22-36.
Perry, Chris T, and Smithers, Scott (2009) Stabilisation of intertidal cobbles and gravels by Goniastrea aspera: an analogue for substrate colonisation during marine transgressions? Coral Reefs, 28. pp. 805-806.
Perry, Chris T., Berkeley, Andrew, and Smithers, Scott G. (2008) Microfacies characteristics of a tropical, mangrove-fringed shoreline, Cleveland Bay, Queensland, Australia: sedimentary and taphonomic controls on mangrove facies development. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 78 (2). pp. 77-97.
Page, Michael C. (2006) Late Pleistocene-Holocene deposition of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments on slopes east of the Great Barrier Reef, northeast Australian margin. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Page, Michael C. , and Dickens, Gerald R. (2005) Sediment fluxes to Marion Plateau (southern Great Barrier Reef province) over the last 130 ky: new constraints on 'transgressive-shedding' off northeastern Australia. Marine Geology, 219 (1). pp. 27-45.
Page, Michael C., Dickens, Gerald R., and Dunbar, Gavin B. (2003) Tropical view of Quaternary sequence stratigraphy: siliciclastic accumulation on slopes east of the Great Barrier Reef since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geology, 31 (11). pp. 1013-1016.
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