Publications by: Hilary Whitehouse

Also publishes as (Hillary Whitehouse, H. Whitehouse, H.L. Whitehouse)

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Number of items: 76.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2022) The Extinction Crisis. In: Sims, Kearrin, Banks, Nicola, Engel, Susan, Hodge, Paul, Makuwira, Jonathan, Nakamura, Naohiro, Rigg, Jonathan, Salamanca, Albert, and Yeophantong, Pichamon, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 221-232.

Whitehouse, Hilary, and Stevenson, Robert B. (2022) From the Guest Editors' desk Adult learning education on climate justice. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 62 (3). pp. 291-297.

Whitehouse, Hilary, and Gough, Annette (2022) Gesturing not acting: Searching for policy guidance for Australian climate educators. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 62 (3). pp. 376-394.

Arenas, Alberto, Birdsall, Sally E., Covitt, Beth A., Whitehouse, Hilary, Evans, Neus, Rodrigues, Cae, Page, Ess, and Smith, Kelly J. (2022) JEE stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Journal of Environmental Education, 53 (1). pp. 1-3.

Gough, Annette, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2020) Challenging amnesias: re-collecting feminist new materialism/ecofeminism/climate/education. Environmental Education Research, 26 (9-10). pp. 1420-1434.

Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, Amy, Malone, Karen, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2020) Childhoodnature and the anthropocene: an epoch of “cenes”. In: Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, Amy, Malone, Karen, and Whitehouse, Hilary, (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: Assemblages of childhood and nature research. Springer International Handbooks of Education . SpringerLink, Cham, Switzerland.

Arenas, Alberto, Covitt, Beth A., Birdsall, Sally E., and Whitehouse, Hilary (2020) JEE honors activists who gave their life to protect nature. Journal of Environmental Education, 51 (5). pp. 1-2.

Gough, Annette, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2019) Centering gender on the agenda for environmental education research. Journal of Environmental Education, 50 (4-6). pp. 332-347.

Larri, Larraine, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2019) Nannagogy: social movement learning for older women's activism in the gas fields of Australia. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 59 (1). pp. 27-52.

Adam, Raoul, Whitehouse, Hilary, Stevenson, Robert B., and Chigeza, Philemon (2019) The socioecological (un)learner: unlearning binary oppositions and the wicked problems of the Anthropocene. In: Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, Amy, Lasczik, Alexandra, Wilks, Judith, Logan, Marianne, Turner, Angela, and Boyd, Wendy, (eds.) Touchstones for Deterritorializing Socioecological Learning: the Anthropocene, posthumanism and common worlds as creative milieux. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 49-74.

Njaramba, Jane, Whitehouse, Hilary, and Lee-Ross, Darren (2018) Approach towards female African migrant entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues, 5 (4). pp. 1043-1053.

Thorne, Marcia, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) Environmental stewardship education in the Anthropocene (part two): a learning for environmental stewardship conceptual framework. The Social Educator, 36 (1). pp. 17-28.

Njaramba, Jane, Chigeza, Philemon, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) Barriers and challenges experienced by migrant African women entrepreneurs in North Queensland, Australia. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 5 (4). pp. 1054-1068.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) Book review of "Envisioning Futures for Environmental and Sustainability Education" by B. Corcoran et al. Netherlands, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. ISBN: 9789086868469. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34 (3). pp. 290-292.

Whitehouse, Hilary, Evans, Neus, Jackson, Clifford, and Thorne, Marcia (2018) Children caring for the Australian wet tropics as a response to the anthropocene. In: Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Malone, Karen, and Barratt Hacking, Elisabeth, (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research. Springer International Handbooks of Education . Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Russell, Constance, Gough, Annette, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) Gender and environmental education in the time of #MeToo. Journal of Environmental Education, 49 (4). pp. 273-275.

Gough, Annette, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) New vintages and new bottles: the "nature" of environmental education from new material feminist and ecofeminist viewpoints. Journal of Environmental Education, 49 (4). pp. 336-349.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2018) Questions of ecopedagogy in tropical oceanScapes in the age of coral ecocide: an autoethnographic description. Journal of Environmental Education, 49 (2). pp. 142-151.

Thorne, Marcia, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2017) Environmental stewardship education in the Anthropocene: what have we learned from recent research in North Queensland schools adjacent to the Wet Tropics? The Social Educator, 35 (1). pp. 17-27.

Walsh, Chris, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2017) Disrupting the megatrend of the climate emergency through the Australian curriculum: technologies. Curriculum Perspectives, 37. pp. 91-98.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2017) Point and counterpoint: climate change education. Curriculum Perspectives, 37 (1). pp. 63-65.

Dawes, Les, Loughlin, Wendy, Whitehouse, Hilary, Adams, Peter, Diezmann, Carmel, Nugent, Melissa, Whiteford, Chrystal, and Mascadri, Julia (2017) Transforming the nature and delivery of mathematics and science secondary teacher education in Queensland. Final report. Report. Australian Government Department of Education and Training, Canberra, ACT.

Gough, Annette, Russell, Constance, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2017) Moving gender from margin to centre in environmental education. Journal of Environmental Education, 48 (1). 1. pp. 5-9.

Stevenson, Robert B., Nicholls, Jennifer, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2017) What is climate change education? Curriculum Perspectives, 37 (1). pp. 67-71.

Whitehouse, Hilary, Taylor, Marie (Snowy), Evans, Neus, Doyle, Tanya, Sellwood, Juanita, and Zee, Ruth (2017) A sea country learning partnership in times of anthropocenic risk: offshore coral reef education and our story of practice. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 33 (3). pp. 160-170.

Carter, Margaret Anne, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2016) Changing landscapes for sustainability education in Higher Education. In: Proceedings of the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education Conference. 9. pp. 69-76. From: NZAEE 2016: Conference of the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education, 9-12 February 2016, Auckland, New Zealand.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2016) The new realism: a rationale for supporting children's climate activism. In: Winograd, Ken, (ed.) Education in Times of Environmental Crises: teaching children to be agents of change. Routledge, New York, NY, USA, pp. 161-170.

Njaramba, Jane, Chigeza, Philemon, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2015) Financial literacy: the case of migrant African-Australian women entrepreneurs in the Cairns region. Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues, 3 (2). pp. 198-208.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2015) Young people responding to the Anthropocene: re-considering active citizenship in a new epoch. The Social Educator, 33 (2). pp. 18-25.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2015) Cross-sectorial relationships for education for sustainability: exploring innovative partnerships between formal education and tourism: frameworks, curriculum and action. In: Moscardo, Gianna, and Benckendorff, Pierre, (eds.) Education for Sustainability in Tourism: a handbook of processes, resources and strategies. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance . Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 117-132.

Martinsen, Bryn, Jackson, Clifford, and Whitehouse, Hillary (2015) Student perceptions of using blended learning in secondary science. In: Official Conference Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2015. 14347. pp. 97-110. From: ECTC2015: European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2015, 1-5 July 2015, Brighton, UK.

Lasen, Michelle, Tomas, Louisa, Whitehouse, Hilary, Sorin, Reesa, Evans, Neus, and Stevenson, Bob (2015) A case study of an Australian university embedding EfS in a pre-service teaching program. In: Stratton, Susan K., Hagevik, Rita, Feldman, Allan, and Bloom, Mark, (eds.) Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability. ASTE Series in Science Education . Springer Internationl Publishing Switzerland, Switzerland, pp. 323-346.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2014) Challenges and opportunities for teaching sustainability within the context of the Australian Curriculum. Primary and Middle Years Educator, 12 (2). 4. pp. 25-30.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2014) Gender and other forms of difference/diversity. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 30 (1). pp. 149-150.

Chigeza, Philemon, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2014) Incorporating Indigenous students' cultural knowledge more productively in mathematics and science classrooms: one focus for pre-service teacher education research and practice. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 13 (1). pp. 45-53.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2014) 'Not greenies at school': investigating the discourses of environmental activism in regional Australia. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 30 (1). pp. 106-111.

Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Gough, Annette, Gough, Noel, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2014) Opening to the Australian Journal of Environmental Education Special 30-Year Anniversary Issue. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 30 (1). v-vi.

Hart, Paul, Shultis, John, Stevenson, Robert B., and Whitehouse, Hilary (2014) Publishing models and article dates explained. Journal of Environmental Education, 45 (3). pp. 139-142.

Whitehouse, Hilary, Watkin Lui, Felecia, Sellwood, Juanita, Barrett, M.J., and Chigeza, Philemon (2014) Sea Country: navigating Indigenous and colonial ontologies in Australian environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 20 (1). pp. 56-69.

Nicholls, Jennifer, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2013) Climate change education in the primary and middle years of schooling. Primary and Middle Years Educator, 11 (2). pp. 10-15.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2013) Teaching climate change to the young. The Conversation, 4 July 2013.

Chigeza, Philemon, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2013) Affirming learning capacity of Indigenous students in classrooms: one focus for pre-service teacher mathematics and science education research and practice. In: Presentations from the 2nd International Conference on Leadership in Pedagogies and Learning. From: 2nd International Conference on Leadership in Pedagogies and Learning: the power of personal pedagogy, 4-5 August 2012, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)

Whitehouse, Hilary (2012) The Anthropocene, young women and education for sustainability. Redress, 21 (3). pp. 6-9.

Evans, Neus (Snowy), Whitehouse, Hilary, and Gooch, Margaret (2012) Barriers, successes and enabling practices of education for sustainability in Far North Queensland schools: a case study. Journal of Environmental Education, 43 (2). pp. 121-138.

Stevenson, Robert B., Nicholls, Jennifer, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2012) Challenges for educators in building people's capacity for mitigating and adapting to climate change. In: Wals, Arjen E.J., and Corcoran, Peter Blaze, (eds.) Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 365-379.

Evans, Neus (Snowy), Whitehouse, Hilary, and Hickey, Ruth (2012) Pre-service teachers' conceptions of education for sustainability. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37 (7). 1. pp. 1-12.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2011) Book review of "The Biggest Estate on Earth: how Aborigines made Australia" by Bill Gammage. Sydney, NSW, Australia, Allen and Unwin, 2011. ISBN: 978-7-4237-748-3. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 27 (2). pp. 251-253.

Dale, A., Vella, K., Cottrell, A., Pert, P., Stephenson, B., Boon, H., King, D., Whitehouse, H., Hill, R., Babacan, H., Thomas, M., and Gooch, M. (2011) Conceptualising, evaluating and reporting social resilience in vulnerable regional and remote communities facing climate change in tropical Queensland. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Chigeza, Philemon, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2011) "Double Whammy": where is space for Indigenous cultural resources in science classrooms? In: Williams, Greg, (ed.) Talking Back, Talking Forward: journey in transforming Indigenous educational practice. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 107-116.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2011) Talking up country: language, natureculture and interculture in Australian environmental education research. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 27 (1). pp. 56-67.

Vella, Karen, Dale, Allan, Cottrell, Alison, Pert, Petina, Stevenson, Bob, Boon, Helen, King, David, Whitehouse, Hilary, Hill, Ro, Babacan, Hurriyet, Thomas, Melanie, and Gooch, Margaret (2011) Towards more effective adaptive planning: measuring and reporting social resilience in vulnerable coastal communities facing climate change in tropical Queensland. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Planning Schools Congress. pp. 1-23. From: WPSC 2011 3rd World Planning Schools Congress, 4-8 July 2011, Perth, WA, Australia.

Evans, Neus (Snowy), Gooch, Margaret, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2010) Sustainability Initiatives in Queensland Schools: Is Socio-Ecological Resilience the Way Forward? Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Chigeza, Philemon, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2010) Australian Torres Strait Islander students negotiate learning secondary school science in Standard Australian English: a tentative case for also teaching and assessing in Creole. In: Tippins, Deborah J., Mueller, Michael P., van Eijck , Michiel, and Adams , Jennifer D., (eds.) Cultural Studies and Environmentalism: The Confluence of EcoJustice, Place-based (Science) Education, and Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 3 . Springer, London, UK, pp. 415-437.

Hickey, Ruth L., and Whitehouse, Hilary (2010) Building capacity in education for sustainability: a model of practice. In: Proceedings of Australian Teacher Education Association Conference. pp. 1-8. From: ATEA 2010 Australian Teacher Education Association Conference, 4-7 July 2010, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Whitehouse, Hilary, and Evans, Neus (2010) "I am not a greenie, but": negotiating a cultural discourse. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 26. pp. 19-31.

Hickey, Ruth, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2010) Multiple literacies and environmental science education: information communication technologies in formal and informal learning environments. In: Rodrigues, Susan, (ed.) Multiple Literacy and Science Education: ICTs in formal and informal learning environments. Premier Reference Source . Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 123-141.

Hickey, Ruth, Whitehouse, Hilary, and Evans, Snowy (2010) Preservice teachers' perceptions of sustainability as 'professional practice'. In: AAEE 2010 Conference Journal. pp. 58-67. From: 16th Biennial Australian Association for Environmental Education Conference – Leading Change: Living for One Planet, 26 - 30 September 2010, Canberra ACT, Australia.

Whitehouse, H.L. (2008) Book review of "Beyond the Great Divide. Single Sex or Coeducation?" by Judith Gill, University New South Wales Press, Sydney, Australia. Australian Educational Researcher, 35 (2). pp. 148-151.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2008) "EE in cyberspace, why not?" teaching, learning and researching tertiary pre-service and in-service teacher environmental education online. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 24. pp. 11-21.

Evans, Neus (Snowy), and Whitehouse, Hilary (2008) Water quality issues as locally relevant school curriculum in Far North Queensland. In: Proceedings of the International Education Research Conference (2008) pp. 1-9. From: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) 2008 International Education Research Conference, 30 November - 4 December 2008, Brisbane, QLD.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2007) Science on the Oval: a guide for doing primary science in school grounds. James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Evans, Neus, Gooch, Margaret, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2006) Beyond sustainability: is social-ecological resilience the new concept for surviving the 21st century? Primary and Middle Years Educator, 6 (1). 1. pp. 4-10.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2006) Book review of "Sustainability strategy" by Paul Martin and Miriam Verbeek. Sydney, NSW, Australia, The Federation Press. 2006. ISBN: 978-1-86287-555-5. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 22 (1). pp. 128-129.

Stepath, Carl, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2006) Ripple effects - a study of the learning outcomes of taking university students to a local coral reef. In: Filho, Walter Leal, and Carpenter, David, (eds.) Sustainability in the Australasian University Context. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 129-139.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2004) Gendered storylines in science: finding new teaching and learning spaces. Primary and Middle Years Educator, 2 (1). pp. 26-29.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2004) The challenge of valuing ecological sustainability in schools. Primary and Middle Years Educator, 2 (2). 3. pp. 14-19.

Gilbert, Rob, Balatti, Josephine, Turner, Phil, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2004) The doctoral curriculum: needs and directions in research training. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Gilbert, Rob, Balatti, Jo, Turner, Phil, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2004) The generic skills debate in research higher degrees. Higher Education Research & Development, 23 (3). pp. 375-388.

Gough, Annette, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2003) The nature of environmental education research from a feminist poststructuralist viewpoint. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 8 (1). pp. 31-43.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2002) Landshaping: a concept for exploring the construction of environmental meaning within tropical Australia. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 18. pp. 57-62.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2001) 'Not greenies' at school: investigating the discourses of environmental activism in regional Australia. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 17 (2001). pp. 71-76.

Whitehouse, H.L., and Balatti, J.M. (2001) Novice at forty: transformation or re-invention? In: Mercer, G., and Bartlett, A., (eds.) Postgraduate Research Supervision - Transforming (R)Elations. Peter Lang Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 43-53.

Davies, Bronwyn, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2000) Australian men talk about becoming environmentalists. In: Davies, Bronwyn, (ed.) (In)scribing Body/Landscape Relations. Rowman & LIttlefield, Oxford, UK, pp. 63-86.

Davies, Bronwyn, and Whitehouse, Hilary (1997) Men on the boundaries: landscapes and seascapes. Journal of Gender Studies, 6 (3). pp. 237-254.

Whitehouse, Hilary, and Taylor, Sandra G. (1996) A gender inclusive curriculum model for environmental studies. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 12. pp. 77-83.

Whitehouse, Hilary (1993) Gender in assessment. Redress, 2 (2). pp. 4-7.

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