Publications by: Carolyn Timms

Also publishes as (Carolyn May Timms, C. Timms)

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Number of items: 37.

Chan, Xi Wen, Brough, Paula, Timms, Carolyn, and Aw, Sherry S.Y. (2023) The quest for work-life balance. In: Ng, Eddy S., Ramsay, Jonathan E., Thirumaran, K., and Wood, Jacob, (eds.) Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific: An Organizational Psychology Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 200-217.

Chan, Xi Wen, Kalliath, Thomas, Brough, Paula, Siu, Oi-ling, and Timms, Carolyn (2022) Examining the mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between perceived organizational support and work–family enrichment. International Journal of Stress Management, 29 (3). pp. 281-291.

Stanford, Sarah, and Timms, Carolyn (2021) Australian chaplains and their professional quality of life. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 75 (4). pp. 284-294.

Brough, Paula, Timms, Carolyn, and Chan, Xi Wen (2020) Employees' psychological health and the impact of flexible working arrangements. In: Norgate, Sarah H., and Cooper, Cary L., (eds.) Flexible work: designing our healthier future lives. Current issues in Work and Organizational Psychology (8). Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 35-47.

Brough, Paula, Timms, Carolyn, Chan, Xi Wen, Hawkes, Amy, and Rasmussen, Laura (2020) Work-life balance: definitions, causes, and consequences. In: Theorell, Töres, (ed.) Socioeconomic Determinents of Occupational Health: from a macro-level to micro-level evidence. Handbook Series of Occupational Health Sciences . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 2-15.

Esop, Michael, and Timms, Carolyn (2019) Relevance of organisational support on academics affective commitment and turnover intentions. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 11 (1). pp. 118-128.

Timms, Carolyn, Fishman, Tracey, Godineau, Alexander, Granger, Jamie, and Sibanda, Tariro (2018) Psychological engagement of university students: learning communities and family relationships. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 10 (3). pp. 243-255.

Chan, Xi Wen, Brough, Paula, O'Driscoll, Michael, Siu, Oi-Ling, and Timms, Carolyn (2017) Self-efficacy and work engagement: test of a chain model. International Journal of Manpower, 38 (6). pp. 819-834.

Drummond, Suzie, O'Driscoll, Michael P., Brough, Paula, Kalliath, Thomas, Siu, Oi-Ling, Timms, Carolyn, Riley, Derek, Sit, Cindy, and Lo, Danny (2017) The relationship of social support with well-being outcomes via work-family conflict: moderating effects of gender, dependants and nationality. Human Relations, 70 (5). pp. 544-565.

Chan, Xi Wen, Kalliath, Thomas, Brough, Paula, Siu, Oi-Ling, O'Driscoll, Michael P., and Timms, Carolyn (2016) Work-family enrichment and satisfaction: the mediating role of self-efficacy and work-life balance. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27 (15). pp. 1755-1776.

Timms, Carolyn, Brough, Paula, O'Driscoll, Michael, Kalliath, Thomas, Siu, Oi-ling, Sit, Cindy, and Lo, Danny (2015) Positive pathways to engaging workers: work-family enrichment as a predictor of work engagement. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53 (4). pp. 490-510.

Siu, Oi ling, Bakker, Arnold B., Brough, Paula, Lu, Chang-qin, Wang, Haijang, Kalliath, Thomas, O'Driscoll, Michael, Lu, Jiafang, and Timms, Carolyn (2015) A three-wave study of antecedents of work-family enrichment: the roles of social resources and affect. Stress and Health, 31 (4). pp. 306-314.

Timms, Carolyn, Brough, Paula, O'Driscoll, Michael, Kalliath, Thomas, Siu, Oi Ling, Sit, Cindy, and Lo, Danny (2015) Flexible work arrangements, work engagement, turnover intentions and psychological health. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53 (1). pp. 83-103.

Timms, Carolyn, Brough, Paula, Siu, Oi-Ling, O'Driscoll, Michael, and Kalliath, Thomas (2015) Cross-cultural impact of work-life balance on health and work outcomes. In: Lu , Luo, and Cooper , Cary L., (eds.) Handbook of Research on Work-Life Balance in Asia. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 295-314.

Anderson, Neil, Timms, Carolyn, and Hajhashemi, Karim (2014) Improving online learning through the use of design thinking. Distance Education in China (Zhongguo Yuancheng Jiaoyu), 9. pp. 5-12.

Brough, Paula, Timms, Carolyn, O'Driscoll, Michael P., Kalliath, Thomas, Siu, Oi-Ling, Sit, Cindy, and Lo, Danny (2014) Work–life balance: a longitudinal evaluation of a new measure across Australia and New Zealand workers. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25 (19). pp. 2724-2744.

Brough, Paula, Timms, Carolyn, Siu, Oi-ling, Kalliath, Thomas, O'Driscoll, Michael P., Sit, Cindy H.P., Lo, Danny, and Lu, Chang-qin (2013) Validation of the Job Demands-Resources model in cross-national samples: cross-sectional and longitudinal predictions of psychological strain and work engagement. Human Relations, 66 (10). pp. 1311-1335.

Timms, C., Brough, P., Kalliath, T., O'Driscoll, M., Siu, O.L., Sit, C., and Lo, D. (2013) Flexible work arrangements, organisational culture and employee well-being. In: Abstracts from the 10th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference. From: 10th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, 3-6 July 2013, Perth, WA, Australia. (Unpublished)

Timms, C., and Graham, D. (2013) "Debuzzing the buzz" for the day: work engagement and its diminishment. In: Inaugral Australian Psychological Society College Health Psychology Conference (1) p. 16. From: 2013 Inaugral Australian Psychological Society College Health Psychology Conference, 5-6 April 2013, Cairns, QLD.

Bohanna, India, Stephens, Anne, Wargent, Rachael, Catherall, Juliette, Timms, Carolyn, Graham, Deborah, and Clough, Alan (2013) Assessment of acquired brain injury in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: guidance for DisabilityCare Australia. Report. James Cook University, Cairns, QLD.

Timms, Carolyn, and Brough, Paula (2013) "I like being a teacher": career satisfaction, the work environment and work engagement. Journal of Educational Administration, 51 (6). pp. 768-789.

Timms, Carolyn, Brough, Paula, and Graham, Deborah (2012) Burnt-out but engaged: the co-existence of psychological burnout and engagement. Journal of Educational Administration, 50 (3). pp. 327-345.

Brough, Paula, Johnson, Greer, Drummond, Suzie, Pennisi, Shannon, and Timms, Carolyn (2011) Comparisons of cognitive ability and job attitudes of older and younger workers. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 30 (2). pp. 105-126.

Courtney, Lyn, Lankshear, Colin, Anderson, Neil, and Timms, Carolyn (2009) Insider Perspectives vs. Public Perceptions of ICT: toward policy for enhancing female student participation in academic pathways to professional careers in ICT. Policy Futures in Education, 7 (1). pp. 44-64.

Anderson, Neil, Lankshear, Colin, Timms, Carolyn, and Courtney, Lyn (2008) 'Because it's boring, irrelevant and I don't like computers': why high school girls avoid professionally-orientated ICT subjects. Computers & Education, 50 (4). pp. 1304-1318.

Anderson, Neil , Timms, Carolyn , Courtney, Lyn, and Lankshear, Colin (2008) Girls and information communication technology (ICT). In: Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg A., and Dakich, Eva, (eds.) Rethinking Education with ICT. Sense Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 181-201.

Timms, Carolyn, Lankshear, Colin, Anderson, Neil, and Courtney, Linda (2008) Riding a hydra: women ICT professionals' perceptions of working in the Australian ICT industry. Information Technology and People, 21 (2). pp. 155-177.

Anderson, Neil, Timms, Carolyn, and Courtney, Lyn (2007) And twelve months later, we are still waiting…: Insights into teaching and use of ICT in rural and remote Australian Schools. , 3 (3). pp. 1-11.

Timms, Carolyn, Graham, Deborah, and Cottrell, David (2007) "I just want to teach": Queensland independent school teachers and their workload. Journal of Educational Administration, 45 (5). pp. 569-586.

Timms, Carolyn, Graham, Deborah, and Cottrell, David (2007) I'm just a cog in the wheel: worker engagement and burnout in relation to workplace justice, management trustworthiness and areas of worklife. In: Proceedings of the 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference. From: 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, 28 June -1 July 2007, Adelaide.

Timms, Carolyn, Graham, Deborah, and Caltabiano, Marie (2007) Perceptions of school administration trustworthiness, teacher burnout/job stress and trust: the contribution of morale and participative decision-making. In: Glendon, A. Ian, Thompson, Briony M., and Myors, Brett, (eds.) Advances in Organisational Psychology. Australian Academic Press, Bowen Hills, QLD, Australia, pp. 135-151.

Timms, Carolyn May (2007) A contextual account for worker engagement and burnout. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Timms, Carolyn, Courtney, Lyn, and Anderson, Neil (2006) Secondary girls perceptions of advanced ICT subjects: are they boring and irrelevant? Australian Educational Computing, 21 (2). pp. 3-8.

Timms, Carolyn, Courtney, Lyn, and Anderson, Neil (2006) Dimensions of 'boring': secondary girls' perceptions of advanced ICT subjects. In: Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2006. From: ACEC 2006 Australian Computers in Education Conference 2006, 2-4 October 2006, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Timms, Carolyn, Graham, Deborah, and Caltabiano, Marie (2006) Gender Implications of Perceptions of Trustworthiness of School Administration and Teacher Burnout/Job Stress. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 41 (3). pp. 343-358.

Courtney, Lyn, Timms, Carolyn, and Anderson, Neil (2006) "I would rather spend time with a person than a machine": qualitative findings from the girls and ICT survey. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative Research. pp. 51-57. From: 3rd International Conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative Research, 27-29 November 2006, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Anderson, Neil, Timms, Carolyn, and Courtney, Lyn (2006) "If you want to advance in the ICT industry, you have to work harder than your male peers." Women in ICT Industry Survey: preliminary findings. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Australian Women in IT Conference. From: AusWIT 2006 10th Australian Women in IT Conference: partICipaTion one year on, 4-5 December 2006, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

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