Publications by:
Sven Uthicke
Also publishes as (S Uthicke)
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Pratchett, Morgan S., Chandler, Josie F., Choukroun, Severine M., Doll, Peter C., Lang, Bethan J., Kwong, Sarah, Chen, Carla C.M., Emslie, Mike J., Caballes, Ciemon F., Uthicke, Sven, and Matthews, Sam A. (2024) Biophysical Processes Involved in the Initiation and Spread of Population Irruptions of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish on the Great Barrier Reef. In: Wolanski, Eric, and Kingsford, Michael J., (eds.) Oceanographic Processes of Coral Reefs: Physical and Biological Links in the Great Barrier Reef. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 290-305.
Patel, Frances, Zeng, Chaoshu, Logan, Murray, and Uthicke, Sven (2024) Feeding rates and carbon and nitrogen partitioning in crown-of-thorns sea star larvae (Acanthaster cf. solaris) during development. Marine Biology, 171 (2). 61.
Uthicke, Sven, Doyle, Jason R., Gomez Cabrera, Maria, Patel, Frances, McLatchie, Madi J., Doll, Peter C., Chandler, Josie F., and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2024) eDNA monitoring detects new outbreak wave of corallivorous seastar (Acanthaster cf. solaris) at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 43. pp. 857-866.
Lang, Bethan J., Donelson, Jennifer M., Bairos-Novak, Kevin R., Wheeler, Carolyn R., Caballes, Ciemon F., Uthicke, Sven, and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2023) Impacts of ocean warming on echinoderms: A meta‐analysis. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (8). e10307.
Lang, Bethan J., Caballes, Ciemon F., Uthicke, Sven, Doll, Peter C., Donelson, Jennifer M., and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2023) Impacts of ocean warming on the settlement success and post‐settlement survival of Pacific crown‐of‐thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris). Coral Reefs, 42. pp. 143-155.
Doll, Peter C., Uthicke, Sven, Caballes, Ciemon F., Patel, Frances, Gomez Cabrera, Maria del C., Lang, Bethan J., and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2023) Induction of larval settlement in crown-of-thorns starfish is not mediated by conspecific cues. Scientific Reports, 13. 17119.
Marangon, Emma, Uthicke, Sven, Patel, Frances, Marzinelli, Ezequiel M., Bourne, David G., Webster, Nicole S., and Laffy, Patrick W. (2023) Life-stage specificity and cross-generational climate effects on the microbiome of a tropical sea urchin (Echinodermata: Echinoidea). Molecular Ecology, 32 (20). pp. 5645-5660.
Doll, Peter C., Uthicke, Sven, Caballes, Ciemon F., Diaz-Pulido, Guillermo, Abdul Wahab, Muhammad A., Jeong, So Young, Lang, Bethan J., and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2023) Settlement cue selectivity by larvae of the destructive crown-of-thorns starfish. Biology Letters, 19 (1). 20220399.
Kwong, Sarah Lok Ting, Villacorta Rath, Cecilia, Pratchett, Morgan, and Uthicke, Sven (2023) Telomere dynamics in the Pacific crown-of-thorns seastar (Acanthaster cf. solaris): effect of age, diet, and tissue type. Coral Reefs, 42. pp. 977-985.
Uthicke, Sven, Robson, Barbara, Doyle, Jason R., Logan, Murray, Pratchett, Morgan S., and Lamare, Miles (2022) Developing an effective marine eDNA monitoring: eDNA detection at pre-outbreak densities of corallivorous seastar (Acanthaster cf. solaris). Science of the Total Environment, 851 (Part 1). 158143.
Brunner, Christopher A., Ricardo, Gerard F., Uthicke, Sven, Negri, Andrew P., and Hoogenboom, Mia O. (2022) Effects of climate change and light limitation on coral recruits. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 690. pp. 65-82.
Lang, Bethan J., Donelson, Jennifer M., Caballes, Ciemon F., Uthicke, Sven, Doll, Peter C., and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2022) Effects of elevated temperature on the performance and survival of pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris). Marine Biology, 169. 43.
Neil, Rachel C., Cabrera, Maria Gomez, and Uthicke, Sven (2022) Juvenile age and available coral species modulate transition probability from herbivory to corallivory in Acanthaster cf. solaris (Crown-of-Thorns Seastar). Coral Reefs, 41. pp. 843-848.
Doll, Peter C., Caballes, Ciemon F., Hoey, Andrew S., Uthicke, Sven, Ling, Scott D., and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2022) Larval settlement in echinoderms: a review of processes and patterns. Oceanography and Marine Biology, 60. pp. 433-494.
Pratchett, Morgan S., Caballes, Ciemon F., Burn, Deborah, Doll, Peter C., Chandler, Josie F., Doyle, Jason R., and Uthicke, Sven (2022) Scooter-assisted large area diver-based (SALAD) visual surveys to test for renewed outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) in the northern Great Barrier Reef. Report. Australian Government.
Brunner, Christopher, Uthicke, Sven, Ricardo, Gerard F., Hoogenboom, Mia O., and Negri, Andrew P. (2021) Climate change doubles sedimentation-induced coral recruit mortality. Science of the Total Environment, 768. 143897.
Uthicke, Sven, Patel, Francis, Petrik, Chelsea, Watson, Sue-Ann, Karelitz, Sam E., and Lamare, Miles D. (2021) Cross-generational response of a tropical sea urchin to global change and a selection event in a 43-month mesocosm study. Global Change Biology, 27 (15). pp. 3448-3462.
Balu, Varsha, Messmer, Vanessa, Logan, Murray, Hayashida-Boyles, Alana L., and Uthicke, Sven (2021) Is predation of juvenile crown-of-thorns seastars (Acanthaster cf. solaris) by peppermint shrimp (Lysmata vittata) dependent on age, size, or diet? Coral Reefs, 40. pp. 641-649.
Pratchett, Morgan S., Caballes, Ciemon F., Cvitanovic, Christopher, Raymundo, Maia L., Babcock, Russell, Bonin, Mary C., Bozec, Yves-Marie, Burn, Deborah, Byrne, Maria, Castro-Sanguino, Carolina, Chen, Carla C.M., Condie, Scott A., Cowan, Zara-Louise, Deaker, Dione J., Desbiens, Amelia, Devantier, Lyndon M., Doherty, Peter J., Doll, Peter C., Doyle, Jason R., Dworjanyn, Symon A., Fabricius, Katharina E., Haywood, Michael D.E., Hock, Karlo, Hoggett, Anne K., Hoj, Lone, Keesing, John K., Kenchington, Richard A., Lang, Bethan J., Ling, Scott D., Matthews, Samuel A., McCallum, Hamish I., Mellin, Camille, Mos, Benjamin, Motti, Cherie A., Mumby, Peter J., Stump, Richard J.W., Uthicke, Sven, Vail, Lyle, Wolfe, Kennedy, and Wilson, Shaun K. (2021) Knowledge Gaps in the Biology, Ecology, and Management of the Pacific Crown-of-Thorns Sea Star, Acanthaster sp., on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Biological Bulletin, 241 (3).
Uthicke, Sven, Pratchett, Morgan S., Messmer, Vanessa, and Harrison, Hugo (2021) Limited genetic signal from potential cloning and selfing within wild populations of coral-eating crown-of-thorns seastars (Acanthaster cf. solaris). Coral Reefs, 40. pp. 131-138.
Castro-Sanguino, Carolina, Ortiz, Juan Carlos, Thompson, Angus, Wolff, Nicholas H., Ferrari, Renata, Robson, Barbara, Magno-Canto, Marites M., Puotinen, Marji, Fabricius, Katharina E., and Uthicke, Sven (2021) Reef state and performance as indicators of cumulative impacts on coral reefs. Ecological Indicators, 123. 107335.
Uthicke, Sven, Fisher, Eric E., Patel, Frances, Diaz-Guijarro, Beatriz, Doyle, Jason R., Messmer, Vanessa, and Pratchett, Morgan S. (2019) Spawning time of Acanthaster cf. solaris on the Great Barrier Reef inferred using qPCR quantification of embryos and larvae: do they know it’s Christmas? Marine Biology, 166 (10). 133.
Collier, Catherine, Langlois, Lucas, Ow, Yan, Johansson, Charlotte, Giammusso, Manuela, Adams, Matthew, O'brien, Katherine, and Uthicke, Sven (2018) Losing a winner: thermal stress and local pressures outweigh the positive effects of ocean acidification for tropical seagrasses. New Phytologist, 219 (3). pp. 1005-1017.
Hoj, Lone, Levy, Natalie, Baillie, Brett K., Clode, Peta L., Strohmaier, Raphael C., Siboni, Nachshon, Webster, Nicole S., Uthicke, Sven, and Bourne, David G. (2018) Crown-of-thorns sea star Acanthaster cf. solaris has tissue-characteristic microbiomes with potential roles in health and reproduction. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84 (13).
Pratchett, Morgan S., Caballes, Ciemon F., Wilmes, Jennifer C., Matthews, Samuel, Mellin, Camille, Sweatman, Hugh P.A., Nadler, Lauren E., Brodie, Jon, Thompson, Cassandra A., Hoey, Jessica, Bos, Arthur R., Byrne, Maria, Messmer, Vanessa, V. Fortunato, Sofia A., Chen, Carla C.M., Buck, Alexander C.E., Babcock, Russell C., and Uthicke, Sven (2017) Thirty years of research on crown-of-thorns starfish (1986-2016): scientific advances and emerging opportunities. Diversity, 9 (4).
Adams, Matthew P., Collier, Catherine J., Uthicke, Sven, Ow, Yan X., Langlois, Lucas, and O'brien, Katherine R. (2017) Model fit versus biological relevance: evaluating photosynthesis-temperature models for three tropical seagrass species. Scientific Reports, 7. 39930. pp. 1-12.
Schaffelke, Britta, Collier, Catherine, Kroon, Frederieke, Lough, Janice, McKenzie, Len, Ronan, Mike, Uthicke, Sven, and Brodie, Jon (2017) 2017 Scientific Consensus Statement: land use impacts on the Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem condition, Chapter 1: the condition of coastal and marine ecosystems of the Great Barrioer Reef and their responses to water quality and disturbances. Report Section. State of Queensland.
Collier, Catherine J., Xiang, Yan Ow, Langlois, Lucas, Uthicke, Sven, Johansson, Charlotte, Hrebien, Victoria, O'Brien, Kate, and Adams, Matthew P. (2017) Optimum temperatures for net primary productivity of three tropical seagrass species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8. 1446. pp. 1-32.
Prazeres, Marina, Uthicke, Sven, and Pandolfi, John (2016) Changing light levels induce photo-oxidative stress and alterations in shell density of Amphistegina lobifera (Foraminifera). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 549. pp. 69-78.
Ow, Y.X., Vogel, N., Collier, C.J., Holtum, J.A.M., Flores, F., and Uthicke, S. (2016) Nitrate fertilisation does not enhance CO₂ responses in two tropical seagrass species. Scientific Reports, 6. 23093. pp. 1-10.
Ow, Yan X., Uthicke, Sven, and Collier, Catherine J. (2016) Light levels affect carbon utilisation in tropical seagrass under ocean acidification. PLoS ONE, 11 (3). e0150352. pp. 1-18.
Ow, Y.X., Collier, C.J., and Uthicke, S. (2015) Responses of three tropical seagrass species to CO2 enrichment. Marine Biology, 162 (5). pp. 1005-1017.
Devlin, Michelle, Fabricius, Katharina, Negri, Andrew, Brodie, Jon, Waterhouse, Jane, Uthicke, Sven, Collier, Catherine, Pressey, Bob, Augé, Amélie, Reid, Ben, Woodberry, Owen, Zhao, Jian-xin, Clarke, Tara, Pandolfi, John, and Bennett, John (2015) Water quality synthesis of NERP tropical ecosystems hub GBR water quality research outputs 2011-2014. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Australia.
Morrow, Kathleen M., Bourne, David G., Humphrey, Craig, Botté, Emmanuelle S., Laffy, Patrick, Zaneveld, Jesse, Uthicke, Sven, Fabricius, Katharina E., and Webster, Nicole S. (2014) Natural volcanic CO2 seeps reveal future trajectories for host-microbial associations in corals and sponges. ISME Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology, 9 (4). pp. 894-908.
Bourne, David G., Dennis, Paul G., Uthicke, Sven, Soo, Rochelle M., Tyson, Gene W., and Webster, Nicole (2013) Coral reef invertebrate microbiomes correlate with the presence of photosymbionts. ISME Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology, 7. pp. 1452-1458.
Collier, Catherine J., Uthicke, Sven, and Waycott, Michelle (2011) Thermal tolerance of two seagrass species at contrasting light levels: Implications for future distribution in the Great Barrier Reef. Limnology and Oceanography, 56 (6). pp. 2200-2210.
Nobes, Kristie, Uthicke, Sven, and Henderson, Robert (2008) Is light the limiting factor for the distribution of benthic symbiont bearing foraminifera on the Great Barrier Reef? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 363 (1-2). pp. 48-57.
Bourne, David, Iida, Yuki, Uthicke, Sven, and Smith-Keune, Carolyn (2008) Changes in coral-associated microbial communities during a bleaching event. ISME Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology, 2. pp. 350-363.
Cooper, Timothy F., Uthicke, Sven, Humphrey, Craig, and Fabricius, Katharina E. (2007) Gradients in water column nutrients, sediment parameters, irradiance and coral reef development in the Whitsunday Region, central Great Barrier Reef. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 74 (3). pp. 458-470.
Gottschalk, S, Uthicke, S, and Heimann, Kirsten (2007) Benthic diatom community composition in three regions of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs, 26 (2). pp. 345-357.
Uthicke, S., Welch, D., and Benzie, J.A.H. (2004) Slow growth and lack of recovery in overfished holothurians on the Great Barrier Reef: evidence from DNA fingerprints and repeated large-scale surveys. Conservation Biology, 18 (5). pp. 1395-1404.
Bastidas, C., Benzie, J.A.H., Uthicke, S., and Fabricius, K. (2001) Genetic differentiation among populations of a broadcast spawning soft coral, Sinularia flexibilis, on the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Biology, 138 (3). pp. 517-525.