Publications by: Helen McDonald

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Number of items: 7.

Smithson, John, Buchan, Janet, Birks, Melanie, Wicking, Kristin, McDonald, Helen, and Riddle, Matthew (2014) Coal face: preparing academics to teach in multi-campus and multi-mode courses to build communities of active learners who are flexible adaptive connected & engaged. In: Abstracts from the 37th HERDSA Annual Conference. From: HERSDA 2014: 37th Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference, 7-10 July 2014, Hong Kong.

McGinty, Sue, Campbell, Claire, Carter, Margaret, and McDonald, Helen (2014) Education futures in northern Australia. Report Section. Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia: a joint submission to the Northern Australia Taskforce by The Regional Australia Institute, James Cook University, Central Queensland University, The University of Notre Dame and Ninti One.

Hill, Angela, and McDonald, Helen (2008) Unsettling, setting and aligning professional expectations in a teacher education program: a trial of a 'review of candidature' process. In: Proceedings of the 2008 Australian Teacher Education Association National Conference. pp. 101-113. From: Teacher Educators at Work: What works and where is the evidence?, 8-11 July 2008, Mudjimba, QLD, Australia.

McDonald, Helen (2005) Supporting Indigenous students as "smart, not good" knowers and learners: the practices of two teachers. In: Papers from AARE International Education Research 2004 Conference. From: AARE International Education Research 2004 Conference, 29 November - 4 December 2004, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

McDonald, Helen (2004) Planning for practice. In: Gilbert, Rob, (ed.) Studying society and environment: A guide for teachers. Macmillan, Southbank, Vic, pp. 37-55.

McDonald, Helen (2003) Exploring possibilities through critical face theory: exemplary pedagogical practices for Indigenous students. In: Proceedings of the Joint AARE/NZARE Conference (2003) MCD03504. From: 2003 Joint AARE/NZARE Conference, 29 November - 3 December 2003, Auckland, NZL.

McDonald, Helen (2003) Education for cultural diversity in yet-to-be-imagined times: Local contexts, global concepts. In: UNSPECIFIED. From: International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly, 30 Nov - 03 Dec 2003, Melbourne. (Unpublished)

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