Publications by:
Ed Errington
Also publishes as (Edward Errington, Eddie Errington, E.P. Errington, Edward Peter Errington, Edward P. Errington)
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Caltabiano, Marie, Errington, Ed, Ireland, Lynette, Sorin, Reesa, and Nickson, Amanda (2018) The potential of role play in undergraduate psychology training. Asian Journal of University Education, 14 (1). pp. 1-14.
Mackay, Lynette, Nickson, Amanda, Sorin, Reesa, Caltabiano, Marie, and Errington, Ed (2013) Cross-disciplinary use of scenario-based learning to embed graduate attributes. In: International Conference on Learning. From: 20th International Conference on Learning, 11-13 July 2013, Rhodes, Greece. (Unpublished)
Ireland, L., Nickson, A., Sorin, R., Caltabiano, M., and Errington, E.P. (2013) A funny thing happened on the way to learning: SBL fosters student engagement in higher education. Journal of Teaching and Education, 2 (2). 249 - 256.
Sorin, Reesa, Errington, Edward, Ireland, Lynette, Nickson, Amanda, and Caltabiano, Marie (2012) Embedding graduate attributes through scenario-based learning. Journal of the National University of Singapore Teaching Academy, 2 (4). pp. 192-205.
Errington, E.P., Ireland, L., Nickson, A., Sorin, R., and Caltabiano, M.L. (2011) Embedding graduate attributes into four discipline areas using scenario-based learning. CDTL Brief, 14 (2). pp. 15-19.
Sorin, Reesa, and Errington, Ed (2011) Child protection, partnerships, ethics, bullying. Teaching and Learning Development, James Cook University.
Nickson, Amanda, and Errington, Ed (2011) Engaging young people through community partnerships. Teaching and Learning Development, James Cook University.
Mackay-Ireland, Lynette, and Errington, Ed (2011) Realising cultural diversity. Teaching and Learning Development, James Cook University.
Mackay-Ireland, Lynette, and Errington, Ed (2011) Taking the interview. Teaching and Learning Development, James Cook University.
Caltabiano, Marie, and Errington, Ed (2011) Talking scenarios. Teaching and Learning Development, James Cook University.
Errington, Edward (2011) The edge of reality: challenges facing educators using simulation to supplement students' lived experience. In: Jackson, Norman, (ed.) Learning to Be Professional Through a Higher Education. Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education, Surrey, UK, pp. 1-14.
Errington, Edward (2011) As close as it gets: developing professional identity through the potential of scenario-based learning. In: Jackson, Norman, (ed.) Learning to Be Professional Through a Higher Education. Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education, Surrey, UK, pp. 1-15.
Errington, Edward Peter (2011) Mission possible: using near-world scenarios to prepare graduates for the professions. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23 (1). pp. 84-91.
Errington, Edward Peter (2010) Getting there: choosing scenarios to meet specific professional needs. In: Errington, Edward P., (ed.) Preparing Graduates for the Professions Using Scenario-Based Learning. Post Pressed, Mt Gravatt, QLD, Australia, pp. 51-63.
Errington, Ed (2010) Preparing graduates for the professions using scenario-based learning. Post Pressed, Mt Gravatt, QLD, Australia.
Errington, Edward Peter (2010) Preparing graduates for the professions: achieving employability through the exploration of near-world scenarios. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5 (5). 1- 10.
Errington, Edward Peter (2009) Being there: closing the gap between learners sand contextual knowledge using near-world scenarios. International Journal of Learning, 16 (8). pp. 585-594.
Errington, Ed (2008) Exploring real-world scenarios as vehicles for authentic learning. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 1-6.
Errington, Ed (2005) Night Flight: a play for radio. [Creative Work]
Errington, Ed (2005) Creating Learning Scenarios: a planning guide for adult educators. Cool Books New Zealand, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Errington, Edward (2004) The impact of teacher beliefs on flexible learning innovation: some practices and possibilities for academic developers. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 41 (1). pp. 39-47.
Errington, Edward Peter (2003) Developing Scenario-based Learning: practical insights for tertiary educators. Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Errington, Edward Peter (2003) Developing student-constructed scenarios to explore gender issues. In: Errington, Edward Peter, (ed.) Developing Scenario-based Learning: practical insights for tertiary educators. Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, New Zealand, pp. 133-141.
Errington, Edward (2002) Creating a scenario to explore problem-based learning. CDTLink, 6 (3). p. 7.
Errington, Edward Peter (2001) The influence of teacher beliefs on flexible learning innovation in traditional university settings. In: Lockwood, Fred, and Gooley, Anne, (eds.) Innovation in Open & Distance Learning: Successful development of online and web-based learning. Open and Distance Learning Series . Kogan Page, London, UK, pp. 27-37.
Errington, Edward (2000) Telling tales: critical reflections on drama teaching and research. Contemporary Theatre Review, 10 (2). pp. 33-43.
Errington, Edward P., and Robertson, Linda J. (1998) Promoting staff development in occupational therapy: a reflective group approach. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61 (11). pp. 497-503.
Errington, Ed (1997) Role-Play. Manual. HERDSA, Melbourne, Australia.
Errington, Ed, and Robottom, Ian (1996) Community-based environmental education. In: Fien, John, (ed.) Teaching for a Sustainable World. Griffith University Centre for Innovations and Research and Australian Association of Environmental Education, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 14.1-14.16.
Errington, Edward P. (1996) Exploring gender perceptions of student teachers using role-play. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Teacher Education: stability, evolution and revolution. 10. pp. 137-146. From: Second International Conference of Teacher Education: stability, evolution and revolution, 30 June - 4 July 1996, Israel.
Errington, Edward Peter (1996) Some reflections on researching drama classrooms. Research in Drama Education, 1 (1). pp. 23-32.
Errington, Ed (1995) Lecturing as performance? beyond the traditional theatre. In: Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Conference of the Higher Education and Research Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) (18) pp. 290-295. From: HERDSA 95 Annual Conference of the Higher Education and Research Development Society of Australasia: Higher Education: Blending tradition and technology , 4-8 July 1995, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia.
Errington, Edward Peter (1993) Arts Education: Beliefs, Practices and Possibilities. Deakin University Press, Geelong, Victoria, Australia..
Errington, Edward (1993) Reclaiming the driver's seat. Education Links, 46 (Spring). pp. 25-27.
Errington, Edward Peter (1993) Teachers as researchers: pursuing qualitative enquiry in drama classrooms. Youth Theatre Journal, 7 (4). pp. 31-36.
Errington, Edward (1992) Towards a critical perspective of drama research in the nineties. In: 1992 AARE Conference Papers. pp. 1-12. From: AARE/NZARE Joint Conference: educational research: discipline & diversity, 22-26 November 1992, Geelong, VIC, Australia.
Errington, Edward (1992) Australian Theatre-for-Schools: Negotiating problems of distance. Stake-Mitteilungen, 1 (11). pp. 1-8.
Errington, Edward (1992) Practice and possibility of gender equity through a socially critical drama. NADIE Journal, 17 (1). pp. 51-56.
Errington, Ed (1992) Towards a socially critical drama education. Manual. Deakin University Press, Geelong, Victoria..
Errington, Ed (1991) Role-Play and environmental issues. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 7 (August 1991). pp. 1-15.
Errington, Edward (1991) Looking back: past drama experiences of intending primary teachers at the Western Australian C.A.E. NADIE Journal, 15 (3). pp. 26-31.
Colquhoun, Derek, and Errington, Edward (1990) Critical health education and the possibilities of role-play: part 3. The ACHPER National Journal, 128 (Winter). 9-10 +15.
Colquhoun, Derek, and Errington, Edward (1990) Critical health education and the possibilities of role-play: part 2. ACHPER National Journal, 127 (Autumn). pp. 19-21.
Errington, Edward (1990) Seeking a consensus of meaning in drama: a critical perspective. NADIE Journal, 15 (1). 4. pp. 18-21.
Colquhoun, Derek, and Errington, Edward (1989) Critical health education and the possibilities of role-play: developing the model. ACHPER National Journal, 126 (Summer). 9-11+17.
Errington, Edward Peter (1985) Teacher belief systems, attitudes towards drama and educational outcomes. PhD thesis, University of Wollongong.
Errington, Eddie (1978) A Time and a Place: developing improvised drama in the primary school. Primary Education, VIC, Australia.