Publications by:
Stéphane Le Queux
Also publishes as (Stephane Le Queux)
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Boccalatte, Kaylee, and Le Queux, Stephane (2024) Regional employment matters: current and future challenges of labour procurement in North and far North Queensland, in conversation. Labour and Industry. (In Press)
Le Queux, Stephane (2024) Contrasted labour regimes in the Asia-Pacific: Australia, Singapore and Vietnam industrial relations in comparison and its meaning for Europe. In: [Presented at the European Trade Union Institute Research Seminar 2024]. From: European Trade Union Institute Research Seminar, 19 September 2024, Brussels, Belgium.
Le Queux, Stephane (2024) Labour and Climate Action in Australia: Stepping Away from the Hegemony? In: [Presented at the AIRAANZ 2024 Annual Conference]. From: AIRAANZ 2024 Annual Conference: Reimagining Industrial Relations: work, care, climate & safety, 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2024, Perth, WA, Australia.
Gavin, Mihajla, Le Queux, Stephane, Donnelly, Noelle, and May, Robyn (2024) Labour and value: new challenges for work and industrial relations in a post-pandemic era. Labour and Industry, 34 (1).
Le Queux, Stephane, Cox, Anne Ngoc, and Sainsaulieu, Ivan (2024) Researching trade union movements through the lens of social movements and shades of activism: fault lines, industrial guerrilla and spontaneous disruption from below. In: Parker, Jane, Donnelly, Noelle, Ressia, Sue, and Gavin, Mihajla, (eds.) Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 175-190.
Le Queux, Stephane (2023) Australie. Rattrapage et transition en demi-teinte / Australia. Lacklustre adjustments and transition. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 184 (4). pp. 123-136.
Le Queux, Stephane, Wong, Caroline, Waring, Peter, and Kuah, Adrian (2023) Is reliance on migrant workers sustainable in Singapore? In: [Presented at New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference]. From: New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference, 14-15 December 2023, George Town, Malaysia.
Boccalatte, Kaylee, and Le Queux, Stephane (2023) Regional employment matters: current and future challenges of labour procurement in North Queensland. In: [Presented at the CBLG Research Seminar 2023]. From: CBLG Research Seminar 2023, 22 November 2023, Online.
Cox, Anne, and Le Queux, Stephane (2023) Towards an independent workers’ voice in Vietnam? Labour and Industry, 33 (3). pp. 385-399.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Cox, Anne (2023) Why independent unionism does not arise under the 2019 Labour Law in Vietnam? In: [Presented at New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference]. From: New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference, 14-15 December 2023, George Town, Malaysia.
Le Queux, Stéphane, Peetz, David, Burgess, John, and Waring, Peter (2022) Adieu au Fair Go ? Néolibéralisme et reconfiguration des relations professionnelles en Australie / Farewell to the Fair Go? Neoliberalism and Industrial Relations in Australia. La Nouvelle Revue du Travail, 21. pp. 117-134.
Cox, Anne Ngoc, and Le Queux, Stephane (2022) Vietnam - Le nouveau Code du travail : vers une représentation collective indépendante ? Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 177. pp. 18-26.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Peetz, David (2021) Australian Industrial Relations through Covid19/Les relations industrielles au travers de la COVID-19 en Australie. In: [Presented at the Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference/Congrès annuel de L'Association canadienne des relations industrielles]. From: ACRI 2021: Canadian Industrial Relations Association 58th Annual Conference/58e Congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne des relations industrielles, 26-28 May 2021, Quebec, Canada and Online.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Kuah, Adrian (2021) Junzi leadership in Singapore: governance and human capital development. Journal of Management Development, 40 (5). pp. 389-403.
Kuah, Adrian T. H., Kim, Chang H., and Le Queux, Stéphane (2021) Multiculturalism in Singapore and Malaysia: approaches and outcomes. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 40 (3). pp. 290-308.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Peetz, David (2020) Australie - La question du contrat social en collatéral de la crise sanitaire : all in this together? Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 172. pp. 71-81.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Murray, Georgina (2020) Browsing mega-trends: IR 4.0. In: [Presented at the AIRAANZ Conference 2020]. 77. From: AIRAANZ Annual Conference 2020: Doing things differently? IR practice and research beyond 2020, 11-14 February 2020, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Le Queux, Stephane, Cooke, Fang Lee, and Cox, Anne (2018) Industrial relations in South-East Asia: a cross-examination. In: [Presented at the AIRAANZ 32nd Annual Conference]. From: AIRAANZ 32nd Annual Conference, 7-9 February 2018, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Le Queux, Stéphane (2018) Labour and the Kanak people's struggle for sovereignty. International Union Rights, 25 (4). pp. 10-12.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Cox, Anne (2018) Labour politics in East and Southeast Asia. In: Abstracts from the 22nd Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. p. 87. From: 22nd Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia: area studies and bBeyond, 3-5 July 2018, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Le Queux, Stephane, Cooke, Fang Lee, and Cox, Anne (2018) Labour regimes and the labour problem in Asia. In: Abstracts from the 36th International Labour Process Conference. pp. 96-97. From: 36th International Labour Process Conference: class and the labour process, 21-23 March 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Le Queux, Stephane, Kuah, Adrian, and Leggett, Chris (2018) Manpower under Tripartism in Singapore. In: [Presented at the 36th International Labour Process Conference]. From: ILPC 2018: 36th International Labour Process Conference, 21-23 March 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Kuah, Adrian, and Le Queux, Stephane (2018) Workforce renewal in Singapore: placing human capital at the forefront of competitiveness. In: [Presented at the International Conference on Human Capital]. From: International Conference on Human Capital, 28-29 November 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Le Queux, Stéphane (2018) Condition ouvrière et syndicalisme en Asie du Sud-Est [Labour condition and trade unionism in South-East Asia]. In: Séminaire plénier. From: Séminaire plénier du Département des Relations Industrielles de l’Université Laval, April 2018, Quebec. (Unpublished)
Le Queux, Stephane, Cooke, Fang Lee, and Cox, Ngoc Anne (2017) Introduction [Regards croisés sur les relations professionnelles en Asie du Sud-Est]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 156. pp. 5-12.
Kuah, Adrian T.H., Le Queux, Stéphane, and Hassan, Suhaimy (2017) L'ultra-corporatisme au service du (Singaporean Core) [The ultra-corporatism in the service of "Singaporean Core"]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 156. 5. pp. 60-74.
Delahaie, Noelie, and Le Queux, Stephane (2017) Regards croisés sur les relations professionnelles en Asie du Sud-Est / Prospectives on industrial relations in South-East Asia. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 156 . Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, Paris, France.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Burgess, John (2016) Australie: La vie après le boom minier, politique d’austérité [Australia: life after the mining boom: austerity policy]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 154. pp. 61-71.
Le Queux, Stephane (2016) Austérité du politique versus politique d’austérité [Austerity politics versus the politics of austerity]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 154. pp. 45-48.
Le Queux, Stephane, Rasmussen, Erling, Lamm, Felicty, and Ravenswood, Katherine (2016) Nouvelle-Zélande: l'austérité du politique: "steady as she goes" [New Zealand: the austerity policy: "steady as she goes"]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 154. pp. 49-60.
Ravenswood, Katherine, Le Queux, Stéphane, French, Erica, Strachan, Glenda, and Burgess, John (2016) Managing diversity in the South Pacific. In: Klarsfeld, Alain, Ng, Eddy S., Booysen, Lize A.E., Christiansen, Liza Castro, and Kuvaas, Bård, (eds.) Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management. Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 227-255.
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Graff, Stéphanie (2016) The political economy of capacity building in the French Pacific territories. In: Rola-Rubzen, Maria Fay, and Burgess, John, (eds.) Human Development and Capacity Building: Asia Pacific trends, challenges and prospects for the future. Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 104-116.
Graff, Stéphanie, and Le Queux, Stéphane (2016) Indigeneity, decolonization and the “politics of common destiny” in New Caledonia. In: Conference of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies. From: Tides of Transformation: Pacific Pasts, Pacific Futures. 6th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies, 1-3 April, 2016, Cairns. (Unpublished)
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Graff, Stéphanie (2015) Des relations professionnelles politisées dans le prisme du militantisme kanak [Employment relations and the Kanak people's labour struggle]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 150. pp. 3-16.
Le Queux, Stéphane (2015) Plan de relance: les partenaires sociaux au rendez-vous de l'avenir tahitien. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 149. pp. 36-48.
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Graff, Stéphanie (2015) Employment relations in New Caledonia: overview and focus on Indigenous labour activism. In: Presentations from the 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand. From: AIRAANZ 2015: 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand, 3-5 February 2015, Auckland, New Zealand.
Ravenswood, Katherine, Le Queux, Stéphane, French, Erica, Strachan, Glenda, and Burgess, John (2015) Managing diversity in the South Pacific Region. In: Presentations from the 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand. From: AIRAANZ 2015: 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand, 3-5 February 2015, Auckland, New Zealand.
Le Queux, Stephane (2015) Employment relations in French Polynesia. In: Proceedings of the the 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand. 27. From: AIRAANZ 2015: 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand, 3-5 February 2015, Auckland, New Zealand.
Leggett, Chris, and Le Queux, Stephane (2015) The partial incorporation of Singapore's foreign workers. In: Proceedings of the the 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand. 35. pp. 1-7. From: AIRAANZ 2015: 29th Annual Conference for the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand, 3-5 February 2015, Auckland, New Zealand.
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Graff, Stéphanie (2015) Industrial relations in New Caledonia: context and focus on the Kanak Indigenous people's labour struggle in the background of the politics of reconciliation and decolonisation. Labour and Industry, 25 (3). pp. 185-195.
Le Queux, Stéphane (2014) Altermondialisme, alter-syndicalisme? Revue et regard sur l'Australie. Interface, 6 (2). pp. 59-75.
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Graff, Stéphanie (2014) 'After all, it's all a matter of dignity': contextualising labour agency in advancing indigenous people voice, living standards and citizenship in the French Pacific territories. In: Proceedings of the 2014 CRIMT International Conference: new frontiers for citizenship at work. pp. 1-12. From: 2014 CRIMT International Conference: new frontiers for citizenship at work, 12-14 May 2014, Montreal, Canada.
Leggett, Chris, and Le Queux, Stéphane (2014) L'institution syndicale comme agent frontière de l'exclusion sociale à Singapour. In: Proceedings of the 2014 CRIMT International Conference: new frontiers for citizenship at work. pp. 1-9. From: 2014 CRIMT International Conference: new frontiers for citizenship at work, 12-14 May 2014, Montreal, Canada.
McGrath, Paul, and Le Queux, Stephane (2014) At the other end of the chalk divide: a survey of sessional academics in a Regional Australian University. In: Presentation from the 28th AIRAANZ Conference. From: 28th AIRAANZ Conference, 5-7 February 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. (Unpublished)
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Graff, Stéphanie (2013) Independence, dependencies and inter-dependencies: contextualizing labour voice in the French Pacific territories. In: UNSPECIFIED. From: Capacity Building in the Asia Pacific, 19 November 2013, Perth, WA, Australia. (Unpublished)
Leggett, Chris, and Le Queux, Stéphane (2013) Singapour: grève sauvage des travailleurs chinois: signe précurseur des limites de l'exclusion sociale? Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 142. 4. pp. 36-45.
Le Queux, Stephane (2013) Les relations professionnelles à Singapour: le cas des travailleurs migrants: le droit de grève à l'examen. In: Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales Séminaire International. pp. 1-15. From: Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales Séminaire International, June 2013, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Le Queux, Stephane (2013) Industrial relations and the politics of colonial subordination in French Pacific Territories: a research agenda. In: Proceedings of the 27th Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand Conference: work, employment and employment relations in an uneven patchwork world. From: 27th AIRAANZ Conference 2013: work, employment and employment relations in an uneven patchwork world, 6-8 February 2013, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia.
Jerrard, Marjorie, and Le Queux, Stéphane (2013) Australian trade unions and international labour movements. In: Teicher, Julian, Holland, Peter, and Gough, Richard, (eds.) Australian Workplace Relations. Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 46-62.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Peetz, David (2013) Between "too big to fail" and "too small to matter": the borderless financial crisis and unions. International Journal of Manpower, 34 (3). pp. 198-213.
Le Queux, Stephane (2012) A cross-examination of Indigenous trade unions voices in the French Pacific Territories. In: N/A. pp. 1-3. From: TransOceanik Colloquium, Between Creolization and Indigeneity: Ambiguous memories and creative responses in the Tropical worlds, 3-5 September 2012, La Reunion. (Unpublished)
Le Queux, Stéphane (2012) Qantas. Un lock out emblématique des faiblesses de la nouvelle législation du travail. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 137. pp. 37-46.
Le Queux, Stephane (2012) Au pays du mateship, la depolitisation est institutionnelle. In: Sainsaulieu, Ivan, and Surdez, Muriel, (eds.) Sens politiques du travail. Armand Colin/Recherches, Paris, pp. 185-200.
Lamm, Felicity, Le Queux, Stéphane, Rasmussen, Erling, and Tipples, Rupert (2011) The rollercoaster ride: recent employment relations changes in New Zealand. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 132. pp. 29-41.
Le Queux, Stéphane (2011) Australian trade union politics in international perspective: which way forward? Labour and Industry, 21 (3). pp. 555-571.
Le Queux, Stéphane (2011) Industrial democracy, partnership and decent work in response to the Global Financial Crisis. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 17 (1). pp. 127-129.
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Peetz, David (2011) We won't pay for their crisis! a critical assessment of trade union responses to the Global Financial Crisis. In: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the Association Of Industrial Relations Academics Of Australia And New Zealand. pp. 1-10. From: AIRAANZ 2011 25th Conference of the Association Of Industrial Relations Academics Of Australia And New Zealand, 2 - 4 February 2011, Auckland, New Zealand.
Peetz, David, Le Queux, Stephane, and Frost, Ann (2011) The global financial crisis and employment relations. In: Wilkinson, Adrian, and Townsend, Keith, (eds.) The future of employment relations. Palgrave MacMillan, Great Britain, pp. 192-214.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Waring, Peter (2010) Australia/Singapore: two examples of resilience to the crisis. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 127. pp. 222-230.
Le Queux, Stephane (2010) From consensus to crisis: a review of labour’s journey through globalisation. In: Proceedings of 7th Asian Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association. pp. 1-3. From: IIRA 2010 7th Asian Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association, 20-23 September, Bali, Indonesia.
Le Queux, Stéphane, and Sainsaulleu, Ivan (2010) Social movement and unionism in France: a case for revitalization? Labor Studies Journal, 35 (4). pp. 503-519.