Environmental education in a cultural context

Zeyer, Albert, and Kelsey, Elin (2013) Environmental education in a cultural context. In: Stevenson, Robert B., Brody, Michael, Dillon, Justin, and Wals, Arjen E.J., (eds.) International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education. Routledge, New York, USA, pp. 206-212.

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In this chapter, we contend that emotions are of primary practical importance in environmental education. They affect students' and teachers' interest, engagement, and achievement, as well as their personality development, health and well-being. By implication, they can profoundly influence the productivity and quality of life in educational institutions and in society at large. Further, we adopt a social constructivist stance, suggesting that emotions are embedded in and part of a student's introduction to the beliefs, norms, values, and expectations of his or her culture (Harre, Armon-Jones, Lutz, & Averill, 1986). In fact, the concept of cultural border crossing is well known in science education (Andree, 2005). Within this concept, problems of science learning are interpreted in terms of a clash between the culture of Western science (as represented by school science) and the way students experience science in their everyday lives; what Costa (1995) has coined "life-world culture." A worrisome result of the lack of alignment between these cultures is student alienation from Western science. As Aikenhead (1996) puts it: "For the vast majority of students of any culture, their cultural identities are at odds with the culture of science" (p. 1).

Item ID: 26011
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-0-415-89239-1
Date Deposited: 15 May 2013 01:21
FoR Codes: 13 EDUCATION > 1303 Specialist Studies in Education > 130399 Specialist Studies in Education not elsewhere classified @ 100%
SEO Codes: 93 EDUCATION AND TRAINING > 9301 Learner and Learning > 930199 Learner and Learning not elsewhere classified @ 50%
93 EDUCATION AND TRAINING > 9399 Other Education and Training > 939999 Education and Training not elsewhere classified @ 50%
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